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Word Search
1 .. L
Logic is understood to be closely associated with the
coherence of rationalizations and the credibility of disclosures, or
for certain if given hypotheses support the consequences. The
word "logic" originated from the Greek term "logos," which may
be rendered as "reason," "discourse," or "language." This could
perhaps be recognized in the manner of preconceptions or
propositions: reasoning can be postulated of as the practice of
formulating ideas and then articulating them in assertions. An
assertion or supposition is made up of a set of justifications and a
summation. As a practical matter, logic is widely employed to
signify the comprehension of cognitive constraints or empirical
reasoning. (Lau and Chan, 2004)

Logic requires you to think in theoretical terms and

justifications. Hence, Logic is often used by scientists since it
exhibits the inter-relatedness of an idea and the optimum
concept. As little more than a nutshell, one could see a
connectivity among a few trees and the vast forest if you employ
logic. The scientific process is known to be logical, rational
cognitive approach for identifying verifiable facts which means, all
of the responses must be credible. (Biology 4 Kids, n.d.)

To cite an example, we can talk about computers. For

computer science students, logic is a must-have skill. The Turing
Machine, the first general-purpose computer, was conceived
throughout logical investigation. Special symbolic languages, such
as Fortran, C++, Lisp, and Prolog, are used to write computer
software. Logic symbolism is included in these systems, and Lisp
and Prolog are derived from formal logic languages.
Word Search
2 .. B
Biology is concerned with the study of life and living
creatures, and is derived from the Greek words bios (meaning life)
and logos (meaning study). An organism is a biological substance
conjured up of single cell, such as bacteria, or multiple cells, such
as animals, plants, and fungi. Biological science embraces a wide
spectrum of subjects, from either the identification of genetic
processes in cells to the categorization and behavioral patterns of
creatures, as well as the evolution of biodiversity and ecosystem
dynamics. Other than that, Biology is frequently associated with
other disciplines. Biochemistry and toxicology, for example, are
related to biology, chemistry, and medicine; biophysics is related
to biology and physics; stratigraphy is related to biology and
geography; and astrobiology is related to biology and astronomy.

Moreover, Biology in the context of Science, plays numerous

critical roles. One of which is in terms of large-scale world
problems. Understanding the relevance of biology could indeed
actually fix almost all of the planet's difficulties. This will bring
approaches to massive matters which potentially harm people
from all around the globe. It could even offer additional fixes to
ecological problems without imposing any concessions or losses.
Whenever a community has a food scarcity, for example,
biological philosophies could be used to devise effective and
protracted mechanisms for increasing food production to
maintain inhabitants alive.

In the other extreme, among the most important features of

biology is that it paves the path for people to undertake scientific
inquiries using the scientific principles, which is immensely
important in exploring different ideas.
Word Search
2 .. B
Experimental tests were carried out by biologists in order to
reveal important and fascinating universal truths. They also
conduct excavations, such as excursions and field studies into
unexplored territory in order to learn further concerning

These are just a couple of several explanations why biology

has become so essential. It contributes essential data on
biological species on the planet and intends to do so. It constantly
pursues insights to the various issues and problems which still
Word Search
3 .. P
The term "physics" is derived from the Greek word "physik." It
can be interpreted as "knowledge of nature." Thus, physics is the
study of nature beyond the most fundamental basis - matter,
motion, energy kinds, time and space, and their patterns of
interplay. Just before to the Renaissance, it was inextricably linked
to chemistry, biology, and even materialist philosophy, however it
have since evolved into a formidable presence with its own right
in the scientific millennium. It is the branch of research devoted to
uncovering out how our planet and the cosmos work and also
why they behave the way they operate. Whenever a new physics
breakthrough is revealed, it appears to raise more queries than
solutions and open up fresh avenues of studies.

To expound on this, let us comprehensively take an outlook

to the role of Physics in the context of Science. The relevance of
physics is evidenced in humanity's dependence on technologies.
Several components of current civilization would never have been
conceivable if major scientific breakthroughs never had happened
previously. These findings helped lay the groundwork for the
advancement of modern technology. Contemporary amenities
such as television, computers, phones, and other business and
household technology were largely facilitated by discoveries such
as magnetism, electricity, conductors, and others. Modern modes
of transportation, such as planes and telephones, have brought
people from all over the world closer together, all based on
physics fundamentals.

As a conclusion, every area of our life is influenced by physics.

It is associated with the investigation of matter, energy, and their
interplay. As a result, it is a scientific discipline that touches on all
the other fields.
Word Search
3 .. P
The principles and procedures created by physics are used
among sciences. Chemical, agricultural, environmental, and
biological sciences, like what is said, apply physics rules to better
comprehend the foundation of their very own analysis. Hence,
Physics is a branch of science that studies the overall constitution
of the natural environment, usually employing quantitative
Word Search
4 .. M
Metaphysics is a discipline of philosophy of life which
addresses the underlying constitution of existence, such as the
interconnections among cognition and material, identity and
quality, and inherent value and realism. The term "metaphysics" is
derived from two Greek term that imply "after, behind, or amid
the natural." This one has been hypothesized that perhaps the
phrase was originated by a first-century CE editor who assembled
several short excerpts of Aristotle's writings into the book now
known as Metaphysics, or 'ta meta ta phusika,' 'after the Physics,'
as among Aristotle's works. (University of Georgia, n.d.)

In accordingly, Metaphysics is the concerned with the

substance of realities, or even what varieties of entities are
genuine, as well as the quest for important conditions or initial
concepts for discerning which forms of objects are authentic. This
could cover a number of disciplines, encompassing spatial and
temporal, predestination and free will, Divinity, consciousness and
nature, individuality and transformation, and several others. "Why
do I exist?", "What is the meaning of life?", and "Does the world
exist outside of the mind?" are some examples of the queries
which are answered under metaphysics. (Research Guides
Library, n.d)

Metaphysics is used in the framework of science as a

fundamental approach. Both science and metaphysics aspire to
define things that unfolds in the cosmos. Science is experiential,
whereas metaphysics is subjective. Metaphysics is "a priory," while
science is "a posteriori." According to several prominent
viewpoints, metaphysics is primordial to rigorous scientific
understanding, and metaphysics somehow doesn't characterize
what unfolds, and therefore what is feasible.
Word Search
4 .. M
Science has the job of evaluating which of those possibilities is the
greatest. Unless science matches metaphysics, science cannot
actually identify whatever is genuinely imaginable without such
assistance of metaphysics. Science and metaphysics are
inextricably linked. While science is concerned with particular
situations, metaphysics is obsessed with overarching notions
such as humankind's essence. If scientists talk about "laws of the
universe," metaphysics experts investigate into what makes a
claim a principle.
(Aboites, 2013)
Word Search
5 .. P
Politics is a continuum of processes associated with
democratic judgement or other kinds of control kinetics between
people, along with a monetary apportionment or stature, and is
derived from the Greek term "politiká," which means "urban
matters." Politics seems to be the branch of social science that
studies judicial systems. This could be used constructively in the
context of a communal and peaceful "political settlement," or
verbosely as "governmental applied science," but it does have an
unpleasant implication.

In addition, science seems to have a political persuasion

towards it. The circumstances of 2019 - 20 had also certainly
concentrated on the relationship between scientific knowledge
and social system. Humankind is facing a pestilence and an
environmental cataclysm, either of which could be mitigated if
scientific progress was centralized. The repercussions of our
administration's lack of compassion for scientists can be fatal.
COVID-19, for instance, has claimed the lives of almost 200,000
people in the United States. Aside from it as well, researchers
were told to think about the practical consequences of their
findings as specialists. They've gotten programmed to look
strategically, appraise massive amounts of data, and suggest
responses to dilemmas they confront. They perform this by
stressing on the socioeconomic dimension of politics.

A further case is the relevance of politics in biology.

Biopolitics is an entire sub that embodies this. Fundamental
biology and politics are integrated in the topic of biopolitics. The
realm of biopolitics is the administration of life and the people of
a place.
Word Search
5 .. P
It is, certainly, a political centre which encompasses differing
perspectives on the socioeconomic impacts of the
biotechnological paradigm. It's also known as political movements
in endorsement of or resistance to biotechnological advances. In
reference from particular biotechnologies, it involves usage of
national policy. As a result, it is indeed a philosophical standpoint
concerned with the quality of life of all living creatures and their
Word Search
6 .. E
The term "ethics" is deeply intertwined to concerns of
acceptable behavior and practices. "Ethics" is derived from the
Greek word "ethos," which implies "character," and denotes a
regard for moral characters, reputable persona, and appropriate
behavior. Ethics deals with how we ought to behave up in a
particular context or as practitioners in a particular practice or
occupation. Ethics isn't confined to a particular individual's
behaviour. Ethics is also focused with the proficient comportment
of government agencies, companies, professionals, and a variety
of other organizations. Its key issues are by far the most
fundamental underpinnings including the standards through
which people ’s actions might be judged acceptable or erroneous.
(Center for Journalism Ethics, n.d.)

Additionally, ethics is a significant influencer in science.

Scientific undertakings should be being driven by whatever is
ethical as to what is morally unacceptable. That's precisely ethical
practices come into the equation. For an instance, this help
guarantee science's safety and reliability as well as the veracity of
scientific data. Legitimate scientific study information is vital. It is
improper and deceptive to falsify or change significant
discoveries. Scientists must make an effort to investigate objects
in their native condition. People must oppose being tempted by
the expected or desired consequences. Scientists must tread
cautiously. They should be doing everything reasonable to avoid
conflicts. Health dangers linked with an investigation should
indeed be communicated to colleagues and constituents.
Word Search
6 .. E
Besides that, investigators should only ever conduct
experiments with the permission of such institutions. Scientists
should treat lifeforms with respect. They should be able to meet
all needs while also avoiding causing harm to animals. Scientists
dealing with humans should advise them that they have the
option to disengage from the study at any time. Human
participants should also be fully informed about their
participation in the study, as well as any risks involved. These
situations are inextricably linked to ethics.
Philosophical School
of Thought
It is good to have a great or normal lifestyle, having a break,
eating much food, doing recreational activities, being sad, lazy,
anxious, etc. If you believe in something you must believe with,
nothing will lead you down. When you are bored you will do such
things that you know will help you to overcome your boredom. If
you are afraid of something, you will focus on the aspect that will
help you to survive and defeat your fear. With simple words,
nothing can lead to depressions or something bad that is not
appropriate with someone who has a great belief in our creator.

We all know that being here in this world is the best gift we
will ever have within our whole life. Being born is more than
having a bunch of wealth because being alive has a very deep
purpose or meaning, God wants us to be alive to give our mission
or to fulfill his goal for us. I'll say that until now, I still can't define
or see my actual journey but I know he will guide me to decide
what I will choose, he will lead the way for us to have what we
would be in our future.

There's a lot of atheist in this world and almost half of them I

think are scientists, I don't know why but would they imagine the
thing that they always ignore? Why don't they look for a fact that
God gave life, and he gave us breath? The fact is that no book and
studies can explain or prove where life came from except the
bible. I extremely believe in God in whatever life I have and will
have in my future.
Philosophical School
of Thought
Furthermore, do you know that learning the words of God
will lead you into a different person? Like I have said at the
beginning of this answer, believing in God and putting God in the
center of your life, letting his words and himself be your King will
never bring you to any danger, because the church of God is in
our body and heart. God will never dwell in any establishment but
our hearts (Ephesians 3:17).

In conclusion, we live on his creations while we are also his

masterpiece, we must do what God wanted us to do and this is
the real meaning of life. We live to fulfill our mission. This is why I
extremely chose Theism because this is the most important
aspect for a better life for my philosophy.
RElationship Between
Science and Good Life
Having a promising life is one of the most precious things that
a lot of people wanted to have. I know all of us wanted to have a
good life, but how? Do you know how to find it? Do you know how
to have it? Well, we have various or different wants and needs,
some want to have a phone while some need it. Some want
delicious food every day while some are wishing to have just a
simple food to fill their empty stomach. What am I pointing is we
don't have the same stages, degrees, statuses, or anything related
to that, In some other words, we have different spotlights. Like
me, I am happy with any small things I earned, It feels like I have
an honor when somebody gives me any simple gift. I am
extremely grateful for that.

Moreover, since we already talked about how different our

status and wishes are, let us just focus on something that relates
to everything, it is one of my favorite subjects in school actually,
and it is Science. Everything can be explained through science
and we all know that there is nothing impossible with this body of
knowledge. We experiment, we can find any answer we wanted to
be asked, and my most favorite application of this is that we can
see and define out of this world knowledge with the use or with
the help of science. I honestly love out of this world topics
because it's just a kind of magic for me like it is so mind-blowing.

Now, can science make our lives better? Of course, science

can do this, I said it already earlier that nothing is impossible
through this. Even happiness, science is a kind of magic. Let us
just focus on the status of a bunch of people in the world. We all
have cellphones, a lot own laptops, computers, that's why social
media is so popular with us.
RElationship Between
Science and Good Life
Does technology make our life good? Of course, it's a yes, not
only for me but I know all of us, employ these technologies to
have a more productive day. We can talk with someone who is so
far away from us, globalization is much easier than before, the
transaction of things, cultures, identity, etc. We have schooling
right now even we are dealing with this pandemic, we can actively
cooperate and collaborate with our classmates. The school
remains strong and indestructible despite this pandemic and this
won't happen but with the help of technology.

Other more things are like what we have said earlier that
science give us answer to any questions. Through that, we also
gained a better life because the more we learned the more good
our life is.

Furthermore, it is undeniable that science technology has a

lot of contributions to make our lives convenient and undeniably
good. But we must see the thing that it is also bad for us and the
environment all the good things that science gives to us. Because
of the intention to conduct or create more developed and
advanced technologies, machines, factories, vehicles, studies, etc.,
the contentment is now fading. The pollution will never get away
from us, thus our green environment are now dying.

As a conclusion, it is undeniable that science makes our life

good and better and nothing else can do more than that. But it is
important to have contentment because it is better if you have a
good life but also with a healthy and careful environment. It is
important to have a balance between science and good life. We
need to have an equilibrium between the two for us to achieve
the true happiness that we seek. Hence, let us keep in mind
excess is always bad.

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