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In this unt, you wi: Getting started Dp yourhomework and sea up on the ompany horas sure yo check te marking materials tut mision ttersen efor the ineriews0 ye ‘an make some rerence to them. Give some enous thought to what questions you can ask about the ‘ompany and thei during the intervie invest n some new clothes fo you make 3 good Impressions hehe. Da your bet fo look “Smart youe lathes are coming apa at the Seams, Soil your hopes of geting theo Fave look ns mieosbeore you make your way into heinterviw oom. All your goo wrk wal “Some to nating they remember you for pose ‘fspinach stuck to your teeth rope for the son of questions mos ikely to ccme ‘peyour strengths what qualifies you for hea, "Eason for leaving vu cent poston If eked stout weakness may haves cme cian about ime when you ted todo too much but dont them how youmade a mess of your ls elatonahp. 2 Ajob interview can be a difficult experience, W recommend to a friend before an interview? Work and money discuss the skills needs for dierent jobs © study and practise matching names «© study and practise matching sentence endings. 11 How do you think the people in the photo are feeling? of these ideas would you 6 Look the imerviesrin the eyes and give hi ober {rong confident handshake You're the king of eran eho gets ets thats the mesene YoR Gant togve 4 Make deliberate tort fin out the name of the Intervewer and weit several oceans during the inerview 4 Mate ear that you are ambitious and are dleteemned to wok ha o get he top a an oye bse one day « letheimterviewer makes ok, laugh loudly to fi tied pa Owek pet ect eed that yur can get ell with people. ‘© Don't make the msn of aren with ust mites topare. Give youre plenty of tne ‘© Hemastabt your lls You dont want to come foro as rosa © Maes paint ot nkrming he nterviower of al our lens You get things done ard you've pote ood business hea 3 Read the advice again and make alist of useful expressions with these verbs. Leome 2do 3 get 4 give 5 make 4 It’s a good idea to keep list of expressions with common verbs. What ‘expressions do you know with these verbs? 1go 2 tind 3 take 4 Work and money 45 Vocabulary builder 1 Jobs and professions “1 Put these jobs and professions into what you consider tobe the correct categories in the table below. Each one may appear in more than one category, cr they may not appear in any. chemicalengineer relighter mental-health nurse shopkeeper Portrait photographer —professionalfeotball player talletdancer politician ‘carpenter social worker history teacher dentist computer programmer natural talent study/training great demand | recognition they | inthe future deserve require alotof | requirealotof | likely tobe in not given the | 12 Which three of the jobs in Exercise 1 would you most like to do? Which three . jobs would you least like to de? Why? 3 Match each sentence beginning (1-12) tothe correct ending (a-D 1 Thavetomuke portant ddsions 2 Indes take ote courage to iste 3 joined becuse hoped and stl hoe | 4 tteame se shokto ny parents | 5 Iplanin deta ecausethere'ss much . | 6 My motivation snot to make a fortune. 7 Helping peopl dea wth problems is stress 8 work long hour, but Laeaystind te tne. 9 Waphyslcly demanding and takes lot rate 10 Tenjoy woking wit people 11. Mytimets taken up with research nto new food products 12 Working on efcient software slats involves experts. ~» that can help feed the planet safely. “but to work wth my hands ante in piles np these day. cin diferent sujet uch as lgrithms an formal loge: and retin something with lasting memories forthe. that Twas ening so much soyoung. yet ncredibly rewarding atthe same tie. tomake big dierence to people's ies so gettothe tp ofthe profesion, ~totak to eustrners a ts part ofthe servc. 2cehat ean go wronginalesson that can be ters of fe and death 4 Which job(s) from Exercise 1 do you associate with each statement in Exercise 3? 46 4 Work and money Fr Spotlight on exam skills 1 Identifying what is required ‘When you ae looking forthe answer toa question, thee Jt of text vo consider and you da not have tine to ete the whole text fr each question. Its wil that you ‘dnty exactly hat you are looking for ~ this will make the ask ofindng the right annwe a lot eae, Check the questions and pay attention to whether you need ro fd 2 fic, e name, number, an opinion or something els, and whether the answer a singular or a plural, a presen ora pst, ee, 11 Underline the key words in these questions which indicate what sort of answer 10 look for. Then suggest what the answer could be - this will help your prediction kil.” * 1 Inauddition to banks, where do people in Switzerland invest thelr money? 2 What happens toBriish bank accounts that are dormant for more than 15 years? 3. What, according o Dr King, was the most important factor which led tothe banking crisis? 4 According othe ext, who are the main instigator ofbanking changes in Uganda? 5 Which are the two most important decisions fecing a couple planning to take out ‘amortgage? {6 How many peaplein Nigeria use their mobile phone to access the bank account? 7 What dificaltes did the team have to overcome before they could start their business? '8 How were smal busineses in Denmark allected by the introduction ofa ew business tax? : 2 Look in your dictionary and find five expressions with work that you think are useful. Looking at words in context é Inthe vext on page 48 about employment in Austra, ther ated number of words and ‘expressions which may no be fila o you Here ate tips to help you gues the meaning of unfeilar Words or expressions. 1 Read the paragraph tat the word or expesion spent in so you know the topic and general foew ofthe text. 2 Focus clorly on the sentence with dhe new wou! or expression, Read the words around the new item(s) and check che grammar. What par of speech isthe new word ‘or expresion? 3 If i's verb, dow it bm to be aver of motion, possesion, emotion, speech, change, ete? “4 fits an ajecve, does i seem ro relate quale, dimension, materi charac, origin et? 5 Ifi’s.a noun, dees it seem tobe concrete o abstract, 2 type of person category of objet, et? 6 Try to guess whether i has 2 generally postive gr negative meaning, 7 Looktat the grammar isthe verb present or pat I it active or passive? 4 Look at how the word is formes. Words with pees suc as de, a, ww ae likely to have andes of regriity or absence, Words with sulixes sich 25a niga likely to relate to sbatract, qalites, processes, Ifthe Word is part of «a Tongerexpresion, does it seem tobe liteal ar idiomatic? {9 Sometimes you an gues the meaning because the word wil relate ro another word ‘or dea in he tert and may be a synonym, an opposite or an example 10 Pay attention to sound, too. Ofen the sound of word ean give an impression of something heavy, unpessant, load, et, ~ oF the opposite. 4 Work and money 47 Employees working longer to keep jobs ‘Australians are being asked towork longer hours 3s bosses ceay hiring new staf Inthe biggestjobssloncown n wo decades, new dai rom te Australian Bureau ‘of Staite reveals. Almost 30,000 workers wore turfed out oftheir obs inthe lead-up to Christmas, ‘with many who kept their jobs asked to shoulder an everineasing burden, the Herald Sun reports, 2s employers have besn sckng staff to work longer hours rather than taking on new workers Wile there i lass Wore availabe, we are also Working harcer, wit the number ‘of hours worked rising by 0.3 per cont in December,’ Commsec chief economist Craig James sal. Mr James tipped unemployment rise tas high a 57 per ‘cent tis year. ‘After hlding out for he pas six mons, Aussi businesseshave finally cided {o bite the bullet. They heveto, and that's why they have started culling statt— albeit madestly “The data came as acting Treasurer Bil Shorten warned thal more jobs could be lost itconations in Europe worsen. "Theres @ tough year ahead of us in Australia, ‘th big challenges inthe global economy, which will inevtablyimpect on our ‘economy,’ he sai. ‘The fallin employment in December surprised many economists who were forecasting an increase of 10,000 jobs. Part-time workers wore hit hard inthe lead-up to Christmas, wth 63,700 stripped of employment. The figures showed fulltime employment was up 24,500 last month. The unemployment gure ‘actualy remained stable on 5.2 per cont nationaly a fewer people looked for ‘work. Mr James said the dour figures would force the Reserve Bark’ hand for ‘2 February rate cul rom the cunt 4.25 per cot sted wo econo '3 Read the passage and then choose the correct options for each of the words inbold. 1. Turfed outs a) aroun / a verband seems) postive / negative means A givenextra money. B given less money, € dismissed. D hhead-hunted. . 2 Burden is noun an adjective and seems) postive! negative. Temeans A money. B load. time D work, 3 Tipped isa verb of peaking emotion Iemeans A gaveadvice B predicted. © worried, D wrote ona keyboard 48 4 Work and money 4 ite che bullet Itmeans: A choose todosomething unpleasant, B takearisk. € fel positive about the future, D dosomethingilegal. 5 Culling isa verb oa) action tinny and seems b) post means: A getting rid of B employing © behaving badly towards. D supporting 6 Dour is an adjective ofa) quality / sizeand seems b positive / negative. means A Impressive B long term. © unexpected. D depressing. =, 5) Hteral domati an seems b) postive / negative, 4 Match each source of information (1-3) with the correct statement below (A-E). ‘There are two statements which do not match any of the sources. 1 Craig james 2 Herald Sun 3 ilShonten A Beonomie changes in other countries will influence the situation in Australia. B There are fewer ob vacances being advertised at present. ( Workers are being pat under pressure to workmore. Fuxther increases in the numberof people without work are likely. E Theproblemof unemployment allects some groups of workers particularly harshly. Dealing with unknown words 5 Try the following to improve your ability to deal with unknown words. ‘© Each day this week: find an article online or from a sultable newspaper or magazine ‘that contains 10-15 words or expressions that you don't know. ‘© Spend ten minutes guessing what the words mean without using a dletionary, hen sechow accurats your guesses were. «© Keepa score of how many words you guess more or less correctly each day. your score improves rom day 1 to day 7, welldone, Werecommend that you continue to practise ike this oncea week, Ifyour score has not improved much, then continue with daly practice for two more weeks. Vocabulary builder 2 "Effective readers have large vocabularies. One ofthe keys sucess in IELTS isto develop a lage vocabulary of synonyms, 11 Match the words on the left (1~19) to those on the right (e-s) that have the san, oF similar meanings. 1 Iucrative a lack 2 employer wrong 3 reason © produce 4 mistaken d belief 5 shortage 6 manufacture 7 normally artifical h 9 result ' 10 basis | factory owner 11 partly ‘kin part 12 opinion 1 various 13 perform, ‘m motive 14 often ‘foundation 15 several start 16 feature man-made 17 essential regularly 18 create vital 19 ascribe generally 2 This paragraph contains many words or expressions that have similar meaning: ‘to-those in Exercise 1. How many can you find? Any economist wil age that entrepreneurs ae crucial othe ‘development of ever branch of indus. Frequently the most succesfal, ‘are those serial entrepreneurs who have setup mln businesses inthe ‘couse oftheir careers. Research tratinally explains the success of these individuals who find themselves bosses of a sting of prosperous businesses in terms of traits such as raking and competitiveness. Hvsever, genetic analysis cared out in America suggests that this view may be erroneous, or at best only treo a certain extent. According 0 ‘some social sient, serial entrepreneurs are actualy distinguished ‘more by their sociability Their findings ae the first atlmpt to “demonstrate that business success could have genetic roo. This represents anew approach to how to understand this category of ‘entrepreneurs and the ding fore behing thei innovations. 3 In-eachof these sentences, decide ifthe word in brackets has the same meaning a5 the word in bo. 1 Thenew visa restrictions coud have frreaching consequences for companies Anvolvedinnternational travel. (serious) 2 Nows ofa terrorist aetvty unsurprisingly w dramatic impact on hotel ‘okings. iluence) 3 The government is reluctant o increase taxes again (planning) 4 There have heen further complications ation) 5 Altera success carer in banking he eventually went onto become pltlan (orcnaelp 6 Industry leaders agree thatthe decline in educational standandsis a growing problem. (se) 7 Price rises would be likely to reduce demand or our products. (00st) 8 In most oun there isa stigma attached to being declared bankrupt (800%) 9 Thesituatin has recently started show signs ofiproveren. hel) 10 A period ofwork experience can enbance your CV inthe eyes of tur employes (imgrore Choosing words from a list ‘Some ofthe execs in the IELTS et equi you to comple sentences of notes wing ‘words fom st There are generilly more weds inthe Ist than terete ge, you Ive to read ceil Ue these tips el you 1 Read she rex and check what type(s) of word ae require oil each gp — nouns, swabs, adjecives, numbers, 2 See how many ofeach spe word thee atin the box, and see which set in he ep. 3 Check ifyou can use a word or phase mote shan once 4 Make sure you spel the wards cortetly when writing the answer, 4 Complete the text below using words and phrases from the box. There are more choices than gaps, so you will not need to use al of them. asanadvantage bankruptcles computer creation deposit account doing well entrepreneurs fallures forachange forthe best heppily ‘international joblosses large managers managing —prolieration rise redundancy cheque struggling sullering Nomatter how dificult the business climatets, there is always some good that can come from tough trading conditions. thou Ym nne te ObvioUSIY @ VEY ‘unwelcome sign that a business isnot 2 == Surprisingly, they an, in the Jong term, sometime Work OU 3 wns I yn COMPARES AE forced tolose people, the result can bea 5 ‘ofsmall companies starting up.astalented 6 ‘tum an ideainto a business, often funded by a Ta . 5 Think of three different ways of summarizing the key ideas of the textin Exercise 4, focusing on: 1 entrepreneurs 2 redundaney cheques 3 tough trading conditions 4 Work and money | 51 & spotiight on exam skills 2 Matching names 1 You have to relate information toa number of people, places, categories o theories, et. | 2 Look atthe is of names, then scan the ext find them, Underline dem in the tet. 3 Remember that names may appear several place inthe text. 4 Check the inaction ose iframes can be matched with just one or more than one pion. 5 There maybe dstracors that donot mach any name, 1 Read this text 1d choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph (A-D). Bye, bye banknote ‘The End of Money by David Wolman, reviewed by Jacob Aron. |A\ Money i al its forms / No money in my pocket Is money el? {Cash dough or moolah ~ whatever you cal you cat ive without it. Or gna? cing ay aan antracon red on computer dive, ow lng wil tbe unl hard currency csappeses ogee In The End ‘Money journalist Dov Wolman sts ut to dscpver tla cases ‘might ook ike an how ee il rive thee. On the way, begets dnote By those on the ings of soy. The book opens with Gena Guest a US pastor who believes credit cards and online banking sess of Stan, Sesigned to bring about the end of the World, An esteraining notion, but hot televant to aryone jon up with carrying chunk oF change 3 Cash and crime Loose chang Curent at copies {iter Wolman vse mand von Nota, crestor f the Liberty Dla ‘irene. Unt 208 vas avalable electronically, efor sn ae ‘ins though von NoeHaus denied thy were cl which he says nh pan can min sacha wang dt eve im ound ul ol countereting Its ot urpriing as te Cierty Dalat closely mimics many fetus ofthe US dla, ing Trstin Gat stead f'n Go we Tron for example. seers df foeus on such character when, as Wolman points out aleraivecurenses suchas Brinton Pound in London sce without alin fol of he lw © The cost ofcash | Socal consequences / Crime pa ‘The book fitter when foci on the eal spenions f moving away from casa particuley gol chper deal the mobbing revolution inthe developing world, ech flowing counties sacha Kent leaptog the need for expensive ATM ond banking iniastracture Interecting too are the arguments fr sboishing cash sh as de fact that tmakingherd currency isa coly busin, as cha per cnt annual ‘Gros BomesticProdct for some countie Cash sed fo prop up rie: Nghe bi prove an aura nyt cand Tk tana ange offices no eng ake 50 notes after an nquy fOund hat teeter re ete a eeamen D Alternative banking systvis / Técimotogieal money {The fature i here So what might place cash? Wolman touches on anergy aga unit of ‘urrency, and whizaes through virtual currencies like Word of Warcraft Bold, Facebook credits and Bicoln, suggesting conversion oftware could It Brople py ing whatever hy have and: Utne, hou ne the feeling that the cashless society i aleady with us at Kast for thone that want it Early inthe book, Woiman mentions his attempt toavold cash for “mentite year but other than afew awkward moments when spitting restaurant bills or passing lemonade stands, he rarely refers tot aga perhaps because parting with your cash is easier than you might expec. ‘selon ew at 52 4 Workand money 2 Decide which category (A-E) each of the statements below (1-8) falls into. ‘You may use any letter more than once. A alact or an opinion expressed by David Wolman B factor an opinion expressed by Jacob Aron factor an opinion expressed by Glenn Guest D factor an opinion expressed Bernard von NotFiaus fact or an opinion not expressed inthe text 1 Not having cash could reduce costs of government. 2 Noindividual has the right to make coins. 3 No society can manage without money. 4 Nota alternatives to offical currencies areillegal. 5. Nobody should use credit cards. 6 Necomputersarp designed to manage our money. 7 Nobody actually needs to use cash now. 8 ‘Nothing ismore dangerous than carrying cash with you. 3 Complete these sentences using no more than TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer. 1 Oneofthe questions the book asks Is how near the time when we wil liven a society that is 2 Von Nottiaus was unsuccessful in defending himself against the charge of 3 Indeveloping countries, people are using technology creatively to avo the Aificuties and expense involved in establish womens 4 As research inthe UK indicates their attraction to those involved in erime, some ‘high-value notes cannot be Ac¢€p1€€ ID orm Word building 4 a Without using your dictionary, look at the text and explain what these q ‘expressions mean. Paragraph A Paragraph © 1 ard curreney 8 toleapirog the need for 2 setsout 9 costly business 3 ontheway 10 toprop up (crime) 4 the fringes of society ie a Paragraph B 11 touches on 5 mint (acoin) 12 whines through 6 semantie wrangling 13 have to hand 7 fling foul of 'b Now check in your dictionary to see if you were right. '5 Discuss with your colleagues the advantages and disadvantages of: 1 cash 2 cheques 3 creditcards 4 money alternatives such as bartering, 4 Work and money 53.

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