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Energy Storage in Paraffin: A PDE

Backstepping Experiment
Shumon Koga , Member, IEEE, Mitsutoshi Makihata, Member, IEEE, Renkun Chen,
Miroslav Krstic , Fellow, IEEE, and Albert P. Pisano

Abstract— This article proposes a novel control algorithm of a processes are described by a temperature profile along with a
thermal phase-change process and shows its experimental verifi- liquid–solid material, where the dynamics of the liquid–solid
cation using paraffin as a phase-change material (PCM). The core interface is influenced by the heat flux induced by melting
problem is to design a boundary feedback control for the “Stefan
system” that describes the time evolution of the temperature or solidification. A mathematical model of such a physical
profile in the liquid phase, which is associated with the time process is called the Stefan problem [16], which is formulated
evolution of a position of liquid–solid phase interface, for the sake by a diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) defined on
of stabilizing the interface position at a chosen set point. First, a time-varying spatial domain. The domain’s length dynamics
we design the continuous-time full-state feedback control law by is described by an ordinary differential equation (ODE) that
means of the PDE backstepping method, which, in the absence
of a demand for accelerated convergence, can also be arrived at is dependent on the Neumann boundary value of the PDE
by the energy-shaping method, and rigorously prove the stability state. Apart from the thermodynamical model, the Stefan
of the closed-loop system under sufficiently small heat loss. Next, problem has been employed to model several chemical, elec-
the control law is refined via observer-based output feedback trical, social, and financial dynamics, such as tumor growth
under sampled-data measurements of the surface temperature process [15], domain walls in ferroelectric thin films [34],
and the phase interface position so that the control algorithm
is practically implementable. Then, we conducted an experiment spreading of invasive species in ecology [6], and information
under a constant input to calibrate unknown parameters involved diffusion on social networks [48].
with the heat loss. Finally, the proposed model-based boundary The fidelity of the Stefan model has been validated in sev-
feedback control algorithm is implemented in the experiment of eral experimental studies. Among the various materials in the
melting paraffin. The experiment was successful: the convergence aforementioned applications, phase-change materials (PCMs)
of the phase interface to the set point was achieved.
in latent heat thermal energy storage systems for numer-
Index Terms— Backstepping, distributed parameter systems, ous applications (e.g., heat pumps, solar engineering, and
moving boundary, phase-change material (PCM), Stefan spacecraft thermal controls) have been intensively used to
investigate the correspondence of the experimental data with
the numerical model of the Stefan problem (see [8] for a
I. I NTRODUCTION detailed review on simulations of PCMs). While there are
A. Background several materials of PCMs, paraffin has been utilized due to
the attractive features on safe temperature range for melting,
P HASE changes are fundamental phenomena that appear in
numerous engineering processes. The typical applications
include sea-ice melting and freezing [27], continuous casting
low cost, noncorrosive, and predictable thermal and chemical
behavior [42].
of steel [39], [40], cancer treatment by cryosurgeries [41], Boundary control designs for the Stefan system have been
additive manufacturing for materials of both polymer [30] and developed in the literature. For instance, a motion planning
metal [3], [29], crystal growth [36], lithium-ion batteries [24], boundary control has been adopted in [7] and [38], which
and thermal energy storage systems [52]. Physically, these ensures asymptotic stability of the one-phase nonlinear Stefan
system by deriving the manipulated input from the solu-
Manuscript received October 15, 2019; revised May 4, 2020; accepted tions of the inverse problem. Recently, boundary feedback
June 22, 2020. Manuscript received in final form August 2, 2020. This work
was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF Award Number: controllers for the Stefan system have been designed via a
1562366). Recommended by Associate Editor C. Prieur. (Corresponding “backstepping transformation” that has been used for many
author: Shumon Koga.) other classes of infinite-dimensional systems (see [31]–[33]
Shumon Koga, Renkun Chen, Miroslav Krstic, and Albert P. Pisano are with
the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), University and [44]). Primal results can be seen in [25], which designed
of California at San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA 92093-0411 USA (e-mail: a state feedback control law, an observer design, and the;;; output feedback law for the one-phase Stefan system by intro-
Mitsutoshi Makihata was with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering (MAE), University of California at San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, ducing a nonlinear backstepping transformation for moving
CA 92093-0411 USA. He is now with the Honda Research Institute, Inc., boundary PDEs and proved the exponential stability of the
San Jose, CA 95134 USA (e-mail: closed-loop system without imposing any a priori assumption
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at with guaranteeing parametric robustness. As further exten-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2020.3014295 sions and some applications, Koga et al. [30] designed an
1063-6536 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Downloaded on August 30,2020 at 03:55:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


observer-based output feedback control for the Stefan problem

under the material’s convection with applications to polymer
3-D-printing, Koga et al. [23] developed a control design
with time delay in the actuator and proved delay robustness,
and Koga and Krstic [28] developed a control design for the
two-phase Stefan problem.
There are a few results on the experimental application of
the backstepping design for boundary control and observer
of PDEs. In [37], the tracking control for flexible articulated
wings on a robotic aircraft is designed by combining PDE
backstepping for feedback stabilization and feedforward trajec-
tory planning, and the performance of the designed boundary
controller is demonstrated by experiments of bending a long
thin beam. Similarly, in [14], a boundary control of a parabolic
PDE modeling a multiagent formation of mobile robots has Fig. 1. Schematic of phase-change model.
been demonstrated in experiments. The validation of the
backstepping boundary observer design using experimental
data has been studied in [22] for microfluidic systems, in [17] performance of the observer, first, we conducted an experiment
for oil drilling, in [5] for thermoacoustic instability in the under a constant input and calibrated some unknown parame-
Rijke tube, and in [50] for congested freeway traffic following ters to fit the estimated measured values with the acquired
their design in [49] and [51]. However, there has not been any data. Using the identified parameters, the experiment under
experimental results on the boundary control and observer for the proposed control algorithm is performed, which showed
the Stefan system that is governed by a parabolic PDE with the convergence of the moving interface to the desired set
point position.
state-dependent moving boundaries “(a nonlinear system).”

C. Organization of This Article

B. Contributions and Results of This Article This article is organized as follows. In Section II, the math-
The contributions of this article are as follows. ematical model of melting paraffin by means of the Stefan
1) We design the full-state feedback boundary control for problem is presented. The control objective and the nominal
the one-phase Stefan problem with heat losses at the feedback design are addressed in Section III, and Section IV
controlled boundary and the moving interface to drive proposes an implementable feedback control algorithm by
the interface position to a given set point and prove the designing state observer and the output feedback under the
exponential stability of the closed-loop system. sampled-data measurements. Section V explains the experi-
2) An implementable control algorithm is proposed by mental setup by showing the observed data under an open-loop
further designing the observer-based output feedback input to identify the unknown parameters. In Section VI,
under the sampled-data measurements. the experimental validation of the proposed control algorithm
3) The performance of the control algorithm is validated in is investigated. This article ends with our concluding remarks
the experiments of melting paraffin as a PCM. in Section VII.
The abovementioned three contributions have not been
treated in any literature including [23]–[30]. First, cylindri- II. M ATHEMATICAL M ODEL OF M ELTING PARAFFIN
cal paraffin that is aligned vertically is introduced, and the We consider cylindrical paraffin with the diameter R and
dynamics of the temperature profile in the liquid paraffin and the total length L, which is enclosed with an acrylic container
the interface position between the liquid and solid phases are serving as thermal insulation. Hence, the geometry of the
described by 1-D Stefan problem in the vertical coordinate, model is represented by a cylindrical coordinate (r, θ, x)
which is a reasonable model once the heat input at the upper that denotes the radial distance from the center, the angular
base is actuated uniformly and the process starts from the degree from a base, and displacement from the upper side
completely solidified paraffin (wax). Next, we state our control of the container, respectively (see Fig. 1). In the PCM,
objective of driving the moving interface position to a desired the liquid–solid phase boundary exists as a domain inside
set point position, solve the associated steady-state profile of the coordinate. We establish the physical model under the
the temperature analytically, design the continuous-time full- following assumptions.
state feedback control law by PDE backstepping [32], which, Assumption 1: The temperature profile of the paraffin is
in the absence of a demand for accelerated convergence, can uniformly distributed along the circle-shaped cross section of
also be achieved at by energy-shaping method, and prove the cylinder. Mathematically, we can describe the property as
the stability of the closed-loop system by Lyapunov analysis,
similar to the procedure in [25]. Then, by introducing the state T (r, θ, x, t) ≡ T (x, t) ∀r ∈ [0, R] ∀θ ∈ [0, 2π). (1)
observer and the output feedback control and by incorporating Moreover, the domain of the phase boundary is uniform along
a redesigning method under the sampled-data measurements, the cross section of the cylinder, which enables us to describe
an implementable control algorithm is proposed. To test the the location as x = s(t).

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Downloaded on August 30,2020 at 03:55:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Assumption 2: There is no convection in the liquid phase. Then, at the steady state, the heat flux input must have a
Due to the cylindrical geometry and the thermal insulation balance with the heat loss at the surface and the interface,
along the side, if Assumption 1 holds at the initial time which is described as
t = t0 , then it holds for all time t > t0 . By Assumption 1,
qc∗ = (1 + k −1 hsr )qlos + h(Tm − Ta ). (9)
the geometry of the physical model can be described by 1-D
coordinate in x. In addition, by Assumption 2, the governing
equation is only given by the energy conservation without B. Continuous-Time Full-State Feedback Control Design
imposing a mass and momentum balance. Combining the local While the governing equations (2)–(5) are given by the
energy conservation law inside the liquid phase domain x ∈ local energy balance law, in order to prescribe the growth
(0, s(t)) and the Fourier’s thermal conduction law, the time of the internal energy through the heat input and heat loss,
evolution of the temperature profile is given by the following the macroscopic energy conservation should be considered.
parabolic PDE: The internal energy of the system is given by
∂T ∂2T 
(x, t) = α 2 (x, t), 0 < x < s(t) (2) k s(t ) k
∂t ∂x E(t) = (T (x, t) − Tm )dx + s(t) (10)
α 0 β
where α := (k/(ρCp )) with a density ρ, heat capacity Cp ,
where β := (k/(ρH ∗ )). Taking the time derivative of (10),
and the thermal conductivity k for liquid phase, respectively.
we obtain the macroscopic energy conservation law as
At the surface x = 0, there is a heat loss due to the convective
heat transfer through the surrounding air, which yields the Ė(t) = qc (t) − h(T (0, t) − Ta ) − qlos . (11)
following energy balance:
The set point energy is given by substituting the steady-state
∂T solution (Tr (x), sr ) into (10), which yields
−k (0, t) = qc (t) − h(T (0, t) − Ta ) (3)
where qc (t) is a manipulated heat flux per unit area, h denotes k sr k qlossr2 k
Er = (Tr (x) − Tm )dx + sr = + sr . (12)
the heat transfer coefficient, and Ta denotes the ambient α 0 β 2α β
temperature (room temperature). As a fundamental physical To achieve the control objective driving the system states
condition, the temperature at the liquid–solid phase boundary (T, s) to the reference set point (Tr , sr ), it is necessary that
x = s(t) maintains the constant melting temperature Tm , the internal energy E(t) grows to the set point internal
which renders the boundary condition as energy Er . The idea of our control design originates from
parabolic PDE-ODE backstepping in [32], but, in this section,
T (s(t), t) = Tm . (4)
we provide a simplified exposition based on energy shaping.
Moreover, the local energy balance at the position of the Namely, we define the reference error of the internal energy
liquid–solid phase boundary x = s(t) leads to the Stefan as
condition defined as the following nonlinear ODE:
Ẽ(t) = E(t) − Er (13)
ρH ∗ṡ(t) = −k (s(t), t) − qlos (5) and design the control law as follows:
where H ∗ and qlos denote the latent heat of fusion and heat qc (t) = −c Ẽ(t) + h(T (0, t) − Ta ) + qlos (14)
loss at the interface, respectively.   
k s(t ) k
Remark 1: As the moving interface s(t) depends on the = −c (T (x, t) − Tm )dx + (s(t) − sr )
temperature, the problem defined in (2)–(5) is nonlinear. α 0 β
Remark 2: To maintain the model (2)–(5) to be physically cqlossr2
validated, the following conditions must hold: + + h(T (0, t) − Ta ) + qlos. (15)

T (x, t) ≥ Tm ∀x ∈ (0, s(t)) ∀t > 0 (6) Here, we impose the following restriction on the set point
0 < s(t) < L ∀t > 0. (7) position sr .
Assumption 3: The set point sr is chosen to satisfy
The conditions (6) and (7) are proven to hold after the 
β s0 βqlos 2
design of the heat input qc (t). s0 + (T0 (x) − Tm )dx < sr + s < L. (16)
α 0 2kα r
III. N OMINAL F EEDBACK C ONTROL D ESIGN Then, the control (15) ensures the conditions (6) and (7),
A. Control Objective and Steady-State Solution and we state the following theorem.
Theorem 1: Consider the closed-loop system consisting of
The objective is to drive the phase boundary location s(t)
the plant (2)–(5) with the control law (15). Then, the con-
to a desired set point sr by controlling the heat flux qc (t).
ditions (6) and (7) hold, and there exists a positive constant
As a desired state, the steady-state solution of the temperature ∗ > 0 such that for all q ∗
qlos los ∈ (0, qlos ), the closed-loop
profile Tr (x) at s(t) = sr needs to be considered. By setting
system is exponentially stable in the norm T (·, t) − Tr 2 +
the time derivative of the physical model to be zero, the steady
(s(t) − sr )2 .
state of the temperature is obtained by
Proof of Theorem 1 is given in Appendix A. For accel-
Tr (x) = k −1 qlos (sr − x) + Tm . (8) erated convergence, one approach can be derived from the

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


A. PDE Observer and Output Feedback Design

Suppose that we have the following two measurements:
y (1)(t) = s(t) (17)
y (2)(t) = T (0, t) (18)
for all t ≥ 0. The state observer for the PDE system (2)–(4)
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the output feedback control. is designed by
∂ T̂ ∂ 2 T̂
(x, t) = α 2 (x, t), 0 < x < y (1)(t) (19)
∂t ∂x
backstepping PDE-ODE control design in [32, Th. 2], and
∂ T̂
for prescribed-time convergence, it can be derived from the −k (0, t) = qc (t) − h(y (2)(t) − Ta )
time-varying backstepping control in [46]. Another approach ∂x
can be the combination of the feedback design (15) with + κ1 (y (2)(t) − T̂ (0, t)) (20)
a feedforward control derived from a motion planning [7], T̂ (y (1)(t), t) = Tm (21)
as proposed in [9] and [35] for the tracking problem. However,
in a test simulation under the pure feedback control (15), for all t ≥ 0, where κ1 > 0 is the observer gain tuned by the
we observed that the process takes around 5 h with satisfying user. To study the performance of the observer, we introduce
the input constraint required due to device limitations, which the estimation error variable T̃ (x, t) defined by
is long but doable. Hence, we do not pursue these designs in T̃ (x, t) := T (x, t) − T̂ (x, t). (22)
this article but will consider as future work.
The reliability of Assumptions 1 and 2 is demonstrated in Subtracting the observer system (19)–(21) from the
the experiments later, by showing the uniformity of the phase plant (2)–(5) leads to the estimation error system as
interface geometry and the good agreement of the experimental follows:
data with the model-based observer through calibrating the ∂ T̃ ∂ 2 T̃
parameters of heat loss, similar to [13]. Assumption 3 is also (x, t) = α 2 (x, t), 0 < x < s(t) (23)
∂t ∂x
not strict since s0 , sr , and L are free parameters to choose, and ∂ T̃
an upper bound of T0 (x) can be estimated, which is shown to (0, t) = k −1 κ1 T̃ (0, t) (24)
satisfy in the experiments later.
T̃ (s(t), t) = 0. (25)
In addition to the PDE observer given in (19)–(21) to
IV. I MPLEMENTABLE C ONTROL A LGORITHM estimate the temperature profile, we introduce the following
U SING S ENSORS AND S OFTWARE observer reconstructing the interface position as a copy of (5)
plus the measurement injection of the interface position:
This section presents the feedback control algorithm that we
actually implement in the experiment. Note that the full-state ˙ = −β ∂ T̂ (s(t), t) − β qlos + κ2 (s(t) − ŝ(t)) (26)
feedback control design developed in Section III requires the ∂x k
following three assumptions. where κ2 > 0 is an observer gain. The observer (26) is not
1) The spatial profile of the temperature is available. essential to estimate the interface position since we suppose
2) The spatial integration of the temperature profile is that we can accurately measure the interface position in
computed. continuous time. However, in the next section, we propose
3) The measurements are obtained, and the controller is the redesign of the observer under the sampled-data mea-
manipulated continuously in time. surements, and the observer (26) is required to reconstruct
The first assumption is relaxed by introducing a state observer the unmeasured interface position during the sampling time
governed by a PDE to estimate the entire temperature profile period. By defining s̃(t) := s(t) − ŝ(t), the dynamics of s̃(t)
under measured temperature only at the surface and the is given by
measured position of the phase interface and redesigning
the controller by associated output feedback control law, ˙ = −β ∂ T̃ (s(t), t) − κ2 s̃(t).
s̃(t) (27)
following the results in [25]. The block diagram is depicted
in Fig. 2. Next, the PDE observer is approximated by an ODE The stability of (T̃ , s̃)-system in (23)–(25), (27) is addressed
observer through the truncation of the observer state, and then, in the following lemma.
the spatial integration in the output feedback control law is Lemma 1: Assume that there exists s̄ > 0 such that 0 <
approximated by the trapezoidal rule, which removes the sec- s(t) < s̄ for all t ≥ 0, and 0 ≤ qlos < (α/(2β s̄))
ond assumption. Finally, the third assumption is relaxed by holds. The estimation error system [see (23)–(25) and (27)]
further improving the observer and the output feedback control is exponentially stable in the norm
(t)˜ := T̃ 2 + ((∂ T̃ )/
by sampled-data design implemented under the measurements (∂ x))2 + s̃(t)2 .
obtained at each discrete sampling time by following the idea The proof of Lemma 1 can be done by analyzing the
of the sampled-data observer [20]. time derivative of
(t) ˜ and applying Lyapunov’s method,

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


of which the detail is omitted in this article. The associated g(s(t)) = − [ 01,N−3 1 −4 ] (39)
output-feedback control is given by replacing the true temper- 2 s(t)x
ature profile in the full-state feedback control law (15) with where 0i, j ∈ Ri× j denotes a matrix in which all the elements
the estimated temperature T̂ (x, t), resulting in the following are zero, and R(s(t)) ∈ R N−1×N−1 has its elements ri, j at the
form: i th row and the j th column given by
k s(t ) k ri,i = −

∀i = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1 (40)
qc (t) = −c (T̂ (x, t) − Tm )dx + (s(t) − sr ) (s(t)x)2
α 0 β
cqlossr2 ri+1,i = ri,i+1 = ∀i = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1 (41)
+ + h(T (0, t) − Ta ) + qlos. (28) (s(t)x)2
2α and all other elements are zero. The function f (φ(t), s(t)) is a
Then, due to the separation principle, it is shown that nonlinear function of the dynamics derived from the last term
the output feedback control law stabilizes the plant states in (31), which has its i th element
(T (x, t), s(t)) at the desired reference (Tr (x), sr ).   (i+1)
β φ − φ (i−1)
Theorem 2: Assume that T̂ (x, 0) ≥ T (x, 0) for all x ∈ f i = i x g(s(t))φ(t) − qlos . (42)
[0, s0 ]. Consider the closed-loop system consisting of the k 2xs(t)
plant (2)–(5), the observer (19)–(21), and the output feedback Hence, by defining the state vector ψ ∈ R N+1
control (28). Then, (6), (7), and T̃ (x, t) ≤ 0 hold for all x ∈
∗ >0 ψ = [ φ (0) φ s ]T (43)
(0, s(t)) and for all t ≥ 0, and there exists a constant qlos

such that for all qlos ∈ (0, qlos ), the closed-loop system is the coupled dynamics [see (32)–(34)] can be described by the
exponentially stable in the norm T −Tr 2 +(s(t)−sr )2 +T̃ 2 . following ODE on the state ψ:
Since the procedure of Proof of Theorem 2 is analogous to ψ̇ = A(s)ψ + B(s)q̄c + F(ψ) + θ (44)
Proof of Theorem 1, we omit it in this article.
⎡ ⎤
B. ODE Observer Derived From Discretized PDE a(s) p(s) 0
A(s) = ⎣ q(s) R(s) 0⎦ (45)
To implement the designed observer via numerical compu-
0 g(s) 0
tation, we derive the spatially discretized model of (2)–(5). Let
N ∈ N be the number of grids for the spatial discretization, B(s) = [ b(s) 01,N−1 0 ]T (46)
x := (1/N), pi (t) := i xs(t), and φ (i) (t) be defined by F(ψ) = [ 0 f (φ, s) 0 ]T (47)
φ (t) = T ( pi (t), t) − Tm , i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N (29) β
θ = 0 01,N−1 − qlos . (48)
(1) (2) (3) (N)
φ(t) = [φ (t), φ (t), φ (t), . . . , φ (t)] . (30) T k

Note that taking the total time derivative of (29) yields Let y ∈ R2 be the vector associated with the measurements
  (17) and (18) defined by
∂T ∂ T 
φ̇ (i) (t) = + i x ṡ(t) . (31) y = [ y (1) y (2) ]T . (49)
∂t ∂ x x= pi (t )
The measurement vector is described by
We employ the finite difference method via central difference
for the spatial discretization that has a second-order accuracy y = Cψ + d (50)
with respect to the discretization width x, namely, the com- where
putational error lies in only higher order terms than x 2 ,
0 01,N−1 1
denoted as O(x 2 ). Then, the spatially discretized model of C = (51)
1 01,N−1 0
(2)–(5) is governed by the following coupled nonlinear ODEs
of the states φ(t) and s(t): d = [0 Tm ]T . (52)

φ̇ (0) (t) = a(s(t))φ (0) (t) + p(s(t))φ(t) + b(s(t))q̄c (t) (32) Following the same procedure, the continuous-time PDE
observer designed in (17)–(21) and (26) is implemented by
φ̇(t) = q(s(t))φ (0) (t) + R(s(t))φ(t) + f (φ(t), s(t)) (33) the following ODE observer:
ṡ(t) = g(s(t))φ(t) − qlos (34) ψ̂˙ = A(y (1))ψ̂ + B(y (1) )q̄ + F(ψ̂) + θ + K (y − ŷ) (53)
k c

where q̄c (t) := qc (t) − h(φ (0) (t) + Tm − Ta ), and where ŷ = C ψ̂ + d, and K ∈ R N+2,2 is defined by
⎡ ⎤
2α 0 b(s)κ1
a(s(t)) = − (35)
(s(t)x)2 K = ⎣ 0 N−1,1 0 N−1,1 ⎦. (54)
4α κ2 0
b(s(t)) = (36)
ks(t)x The time complexity to calculate the resulting ODE observer
2α is in the order of N, denoted as O(N), since the finite differ-
p(s(t)) = [1 01,N−1 ] (37)
(s(t)x)2 ence is applied to the 1-D PDE system. Thus, the discretization
α method employed in this article does not cause any curse of
q(s(t)) = [1 01,N−1 ] (38)
(s(t)x)2 dimensionality.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Algorithm 1 ISP-Based Sampled-Data Observer at Sampling I = (τ/t). Using the sampled-data observer states, the asso-
Time t j for j ∈ {0, 1, . . .} ciated output feedback control law given in (28) under the
availability of the continuous-time PDE observer is redesigned
ky (1)(t j ) 1 (2) N
qc (t j ) = −c (y (t j ) − Tm ) + φ̂ (t j )
αN 2
qlossr2 k  (1) 
+c −c y (t j ) − sr
2α β
+ h y (t j ) − Ta + qlos (62)

where we use trapezoidal rule for approximating the spatial

Remark 3: While we design the sampled-data ODE
observer for discretized PDE system, recently, sampled-data
PDE observer designs without the model reduction has been
developed by Karafyllis et al. [1], [19] for parabolic PDE sys-
C. Sampled-Data Design of ODE Observer and tems with the constant domain. The extension of the method
Output Feedback to the Stefan system is not trivial since the PDE’s domain
The measured data are obtained not continuously in time, is also a measured state that should be estimated during
but, at each sampling time, {t j : j = 0, 1, 2, . . .}. Here, the sampling interval using ISP. Furthermore, guaranteeing
we consider the sampling scheduling as periodic sampling with the closed-loop stability of the resulting sampled-data output
period τ , which leads to the sequence of the sampling time as feedback control has not been resolved yet. The theoretical
study of such a sampled-data PDE observer for the Stefan
t j = t0 + j τ, j = 1, 2, . . . (55) system and output feedback control remains an open problem
Hence, the sampled-data measurements are obtained by and will be considered in our future work.
Remark 4: Extending the proposed sampled-data design to
y (1) (t j ) = s(t j ) (56) the event-triggered control or self-triggered control is a very
y (2) (t j ) = T (0, t j ). (57) effective method for reducing efforts of sensing and actuation,
as proposed in [18] and [47] for linear and nonlinear ODE
We employ the methods proposed in [20], namely, we intro- systems. Event- and self-triggered control systems consist of
duce the so-called “intersample predictor” (ISP) that serves two elements: a feedback control that computes the control
as an estimate of the measured variables during the sampling input and a triggering condition that determines the next
periods given the measurements at each sampling time as an updated time for the control input. One of the concerns is
initial state and compute the continuous-time observer coupled that the sampling time period is generally not uniform and not
with ISP as an estimate of the state variables. known a priori, which might bring a problem in the real-time
Let w(1) (t) and w(2) (t) be the ISP states reconstructing implementation. To be conservative, we currently focus on the
y (t) = s(t) and y (2) (t) = T (0, t), respectively. At every
sampled-data control with a uniform sampling time period,
sampling time t = t j , we set while it might put more effort into the actuation than needed.
w(1) (t j ) = y (1)(t j ), w(2) (t j ) = y (2)(t j ). (58)
For t ∈ [t j , t j +1 ), by referring to (32) and (34), the dynamics U NKNOWN PARAMETERS
of ISP is given by
This section presents the experimental setup and the results
(1) β
ẇ (t) = g(ŝ(t))φ̂(t) − qlos (59) under a constant heat input to validate the sampled-data
k observer in Algorithm 1.
ẇ(2) (t) = a(ŝ(t))φ̂ (0) (t) + p(ŝ(t))φ̂(t) + b(ŝ(t))q̄c (t). (60)
The dynamics of the continuous-time observer state ψ̂ is A. Sample Preparation and Heating Chamber
given by the copy of the observer (53) with replacing the PCM-37 (Microtek Laboratories, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA) is
measurement states by ISP states as follows: chosen as the PCM for our experiment. Its melting temperature
ψ̂˙ = A(w(1) )ψ̂ + B(w(1) )q̄c + F(ψ̂) + θ + K (w − ŷ) (61) is 37 [◦ C]. Thermal properties of PCM-37 are summarized
in Table I. Cylindrical rod is prepared by the casting of
where w = [ w(1) w(2) ]T . Furthermore, the states molten PCM-37 with an acrylic container with 63.5 [mm]
w(1) , w(2) , ψ̂ are discretized in time with the time step t, diameter and a flat bottom. Molten PCM-37 is poured through
and ODEs (59)–(61) are computed numerically by the for- a paper filter to remove particles and casting can be done by
ward Euler method, which leads to Algorithm 1 providing keeping the container in room temperature for 12 h. The rod
ISP-based sampled-data observer at each sampling time, where of PCM-37 is pushed out from the mold once it becomes solid

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Fig. 3. Experimental apparatus and setup. (a) Schematic of the apparatus

for melting paraffin. (b) The setup with sensors and an actuator.

and then inserted into another acrylic chamber for a heating

Fig. 3 shows a structure of the chamber to heat the cast rod
from the top side. Our experiments show this configuration Fig. 4. Estimated values with h = 20 [W/m2 K] and qlos = 400 [W/m2 ],
which have good agreement with the measured data and satisfy (67). (a) The
has the least influence of convection. A removable lid on top interface position. (b) The surface temperature.
of the chamber has a heater and thermocouple sensor, and the
PCM-37 rods are inserted so that it contacts the heater firmly.
The space above the heater is prepared for thermal insulation phase interface reaches 0.5 [cm]. Then, we observed that the
and avoids accumulation of small bubbles on the heater, which phase interface position was evolving uniformly along the ver-
are generated when PCM-37 is melted. Due to the transparency tical coordinate of the cylinder, which validates Assumption 1.
change of PCM-37 upon a phase change, the position of the The image of the experiment is shown in Fig. 3(b).
boundary is measured by using a digital camera with interval
C. Calibration of Unknown Parameters
B. Experiment Under a Constant Input Let t0 be the time that we observe that s(t0 ) = 0.5 [cm]
and fix as t0 = 0. Let t f = 2 [h] be the process time.
The boundary heat actuator qc (t) is controlled by an electric
We measured the phase boundary position and the surface
current i c (t) connected with the film heater under the following
temperature at every 10 [min] as a sampling time period,
 namely, the sampling scheduling is described as t j = t0 + j τ
i c (t) ∼ qc (t)π R 2 Res (63) for j = 1, 2, . . . , m with τ = 10 [min] and m = t f /τ = 12.
We implement Algorithm 1 with the given measured data,
where R is the radius of the cylinder, and Res is the resistance of which the time complexity is O((τ/t)N). We chose
of the film heater at room temperature. In this experiment, N = 40 for the spatial discretization number, and t =
we had R = 3.175 [cm] and Res = 13.9 []. Due to the 0.05 [s] for the time step, which satisfies the condition for the
limitation of the equipment, the electric current is bounded by Nuemann stability (1/2) > ((t N 2 )/(s(t0 )2 ))α. To enable
the constant i max , i.e., implementing Algorithm 1 in real-time closed-loop control
0 ≤ i c (t) ≤ i max . (64) experiment later, we at least require the computational time
for Algorithm 1 to be less than the sampling time period τ ,
We conducted an open-loop melting test by keeping the current preferably an order of magnitude lower. With the chosen
input at the maximum value i max = 0.79 [A] for 2 h after the values, the implementation of Algorithm 1 took at most

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0.14 [s], which is less than three orders of magnitude of Then, at least, we require c < cmax since the input becomes
the sampling time period 10 [min]. Thus, the execution of i c (t0 ) = i max when c = cmax by (62) and (63). Moreover, from
Algorithm 1 is sufficiently feasible for the real-time control the results in [26], for the sampled-data state feedback control
experiment. of the Stefan problem, given a sampling time period τ > 0,
Let e be the normalized estimation error vector defined by the control gain needs to be chosen to satisfy c < (1/τ ) to
 (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2)
 ensure the conditions of model validity. Considering these two
e = e0 , e1 , . . . , em , e0 , e1 , . . . , em (65)
conditions, we take the gain tuning as
y (i) (t j ) − ŷ (i) (t j ) c = δ min{cmax , τ −1 } (69)
= (66)
y (i) (t j ) where δ ∈ (0, 1) is a free parameter. In this experiment,
for i = 1, 2 and for j = 0, 1, . . . , m. Implementing we used δ = 0.8.
Algorithm 1 with the given measured data, the heat transfer
coefficient h and the freezing heat from the solid phase qlos B. Proposed Control Law
are calibrated to minimize the estimation error. However, for
The control algorithm in the experiment is explained as
the sake of sustaining the robustness of the control algorithm,
the estimated temperature profile should be higher than the
true temperature profile, for the condition shown in Theorem 2. 1) The input current i c (t) is injected at the maximum value
Since both the measured surface temperature and the measured i max (0.79 [A]).
interface position are monotonically increasing as the tempera- 2) Once we observe that the liquid–solid interface arrives at
ture profile gets larger, both the estimated surface temperature 0.5 [cm], the surface temperature is measured, and only
and interface position should be higher than the measured the observer is computed by Algorithm 1 with keeping
values. Taking these into account, the unknown parameters the maximum input current.
are calibrated so that 3) After that, at every sampling time 10 [min], both the
surface temperature and the interface position are mea-
min e T e, s.t. e 0 (67) sured, the observer is computed by Algorithm 1, and the
heat controller is obtained by (62).
where denotes an elementwise inequality.
4) Given the value of the controller, the current input is
We varied the parameters in a range 0 ≤ h ≤ 30 and
given by (63). We repeat 3) and 4) for 5 h.
0 ≤ qlos ≤ 500 with the step sizes h = 1 and qlos = 20,
respectively. Then, we observed that the problem (67) is
achieved with the parameters h = 20 [W/m2 K] and qlos = C. Experimental Results
400 [W/m2 ]. Fig. 4 shows the comparison of the measured We conducted the experiment of melting paraffin by imple-
data with the estimated values of the interface position and menting the abovementioned control algorithm. The set point
the surface temperature under the obtained parameters. We can position is chosen as sr = 2 [cm], and the time step size
observe that the estimated values have good agreement with in the observer is t = 0.05 [s]. Then, the central side of
the measured data and satisfy the constraint (67). A reference the inequality (16) is 2.41 [cm], which is much less than the
value of the convective heat transfer coefficient h for plastic total length L. Moreover, if the initial temperature T0 (x) is
is reported in [4] as h = 21 ± 2 [W/m2 K], which also shows less than 300 [◦ C], then the first inequality in (16) holds,
a good agreement with the identified value. which is highly valid as we observe in Fig. 4(b) that the
VI. E XPERIMENT OF C LOSED -L OOP C ONTROL range of T (0, t) is from 60 [◦ C] to 120 [◦ C] under the
maximum current input. Hence, the conditions in Assump-
In this section, we present our main result on the experi- tion 3 are extremely reliable to hold in this experimental
mental validation of the proposed feedback control algorithm. setup. Fig. 5 depicts the results of the experiment by showing
The paraffin was completely solidified at the initial time of measured data of the phase interface position [see Fig. 5(a)],
the experiment. the input current [see Fig. 5(b)], the surface temperature
[see Fig. 5(c)], the estimated temperature profiles of the liquid
A. Gain Tuning
paraffin [see Fig. 5(d)], and the measured temperature profile
The control gain c > 0 is an essential free parameter for of the acrylic chamber obtained by IR camera [see Fig. 5(e)],
the input current i c (t) to satisfy the constraint (64). Here, respectively.
we provide how to tune the gain. First, the current input From the left plot in Fig. 5(a), we can observe that the
is kept as i max , while the paraffin starts to be molten from experiment was success: the phase interface position reached
the top, and the liquid–solid interface position is less than the value s0 = 0.5 [cm] at t0 = 25 [min] and converged to the
s0 := 0.5 [cm] from the top. At the time when the interface chosen set point position sr = 2 [cm] asymptotically and stays
position reaches s0 , we measured the surface temperature at the set point after 4 h. This result can be also visually seen
y (2) (t0 ) and computed from the right images that are the snapshots of the melting
− h(y (2) (t0 ) − Ta ) − qlos paraffin at every hour. A ruler attached to the acrylic chamber
Res imax
π R2
cmax = . (68) shows the distance from the position of the heat actuator,
qlos sr2 ks0 (2)
2α − 2α (y (t0 ) − Tm ) − β (s0 − sr )
which gives the measured value of the phase interface position

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Fig. 5. Experimental result of the closed-loop system under the proposed feedback control algorithm. (a) Experiment was successful: the liquid–solid interface
position converged to the set point position sr = 2 (cm). The plot is depicted left at every 0.1 (cm) increase until the interface reaches 2 (cm) and after
that depicted at every 20 (min). The snapshots of the melting paraffin at every hour are given right, which shows the interface evolution by a ruler attached
to the acrylic chamber. (b) Input current started from the maximum value imax of the input constraint, and the feedback control was implemented from
35 (min). After 4 hours, the current input stayed at the steady-state input calculated by (9). (c) Estimated surface temperature has similar behavior to the
measured surface temperature together with a nominal error around 5–10 (◦ C). (d) Estimated temperature profile of the liquid paraffin at every hour. The
profile gradually converged to the reference profile given by (8) and almost corresponded to the reference after 4 hours. (e) Measured temperature profile of
the acrylic chamber obtained by the IR camera at every hour. The profile is given along the white arrow in the thermography.

depicted in the left plot, and hence, the convergence of the the highest (white color) at the position of the heat controller
interface position is visually observed. Fig. 5(b) shows that the and is monotonically decreasing as the vertical position goes
input current starts from the maximum value i max = 0.79 [A] toward the bottom. The temperature profiles of the acrylic
under the constraint, and the feedback control is implemented in the plot are given by referring to the temperature along
at every sampling time 10 [min] from t = 35 [min], which is the white arrow in the thermography. We observe that the
10 [min] after t0 = 25 [min]. After 4 h, the current input stays profiles are almost linearly distributed in the space at every
at the steady-state input calculated by (9) and (63). From 5(c), hour, of which the property is also observed in the estimated
we can observe that the estimated surface temperature has temperature profiles of the liquid paraffin shown in Fig. 5(d),
similar behavior to the measured surface temperature together though the material of the focus is distinct and the temperature
with a nominal error around 5 [◦ C]–10 [◦ C], of which the value is different. Moreover, the slope of the profiles is
cause is discussed later. Fig. 5(d) illustrates that the estimated dropped from t = 1 h to t = 2 h in Fig. 5(e), which is
temperature profile converges to the reference profile given also similarly observed in Fig. 5(d). Thus, while it is not
by (8) and almost corresponds to the reference after 4 h. The accurate to refer to the thermography of the acrylic chamber
thermography included in Fig. 5(e) is obtained by IR camera as a temperature profile of the paraffin inside, we see some
taken at t = 2 h, which illustrates that the temperature is similar behaviors of the evolution of the temperature profiles.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


implemented in the experiment, which provided a successful

result of the convergence of the phase interface position to
a priori chosen set point position.
This article has provided the first experimental result of the
boundary feedback control for the phase-change process mod-
eled by the Stefan problem. Therefore, there are several poten-
tial future works of the experimental validation of the extended
models, such as the two-phase Stefan problem [28], the Stefan
problem under materials’ convection modeled for the polymer
3-D-printing [30], and the delay-compensated control under
Fig. 6. Simulation of the closed-loop system with setting h = 16 [W/m2 K] the actuator delay [23]. As presented in Remark 4, developing
in the model while h = 20 [W/m2 K] in the observer. The plot is similar event-triggered control is also an interesting problem, which
to Fig. 5(c), by which we conjecture that the estimation error of the surface can be achieved for PDE dynamics referring to [10]–[12] for
temperature in Fig. 5(c) is caused by the parameter error of h.
both hyperbolic and parabolic systems using the backstepping
approach. Another direction is designing an adaptive control to
D. Discussion simultaneously regulating the input and learning the unknown
parameters following [21] and [45].
While we observe that the control objective is successfully
achieved in the experiment, the temperature estimation accom-
panies a nominal error from the measured value, as shown
in Fig. 5(c). Since the estimated surface temperature is lower Hereafter, partial derivatives in t and x are denoted as u t :=
than the measured one, the incorporated heat loss in the (∂u/∂t), u x (x, t) := (∂u/∂ x), and u x x := (∂ 2 u/∂ x 2 ), and we
observer is higher than the true heat loss in paraffin during the define ε := (qlos /k).
closed-loop experiment. This might be caused by overestimat-
ing the calibrated heat transfer coefficient h. To investigate the A. Proof of Theorem 1
validity, the numerical simulation of the closed-loop system
1) Guaranteeing Conditions of Model Validity: First,
of the model (44), the measurement (49), the observer in
we prove the following lemma.
Algorithm 1, and the output feedback control law (62) is
Lemma 2: Under Assumption 3, consider the closed-loop
studied, where the heat transfer coefficient in the observer is
system consisting of the plant (2)–(5) with the control
set as h = 20 [W/m2 K], while the one in the model is set as
law (15). Then, the following properties hold for all t ≥ 0:
h = 16 [W/m2 K]. Fig. 6 depicts the evolution of the measured
surface temperature (green dots) at every sampling time and T (x, t) > Tm ∀x ∈ (0, s(t)) (70)
the estimated surface temperature (blue line), respectively. Tx (s(t), t) < 0 (71)
We observe that the plot shown in Fig. 6 is in good agreement
qc (t) > qlos (72)
with Fig. 5(c), which leads us to conjecture that the cause
of the estimation error lies in the parametric error of the βεsr2
0 < s(t) < s̄ := sr +
. (73)
calibrated heat loss h. Nevertheless, the control’s performance 2α
was robust, as shown in Fig. 5(a). The proof of Lemma 2 is established by analysis of the
energy and the use of maximum principle. Substituting the
VII. C ONCLUSION control law (15) to the conservation law (11) with respect
to Ẽ(t) defined by (13) leads to Ẽ(t) = −c Ẽ(t). Thus,
This article has shown the experimental validation of
a boundary feedback control algorithm developed for the the explicit solution is given by Ẽ(t) = Ẽ(0)e−ct . Since
phase-change process. The physical model is formulated by Assumption 3 leads to Ẽ(0) < 0, we have
the Stefan problem governed by a parabolic PDE with a Ẽ(t) < 0. (74)
state-dependent moving boundary described by an ODE, with
unknown heat losses at both the surface and the phase Then, clearly (14) leads to qc (t) − h(T (0, t) − Ta ) > 0 for
interface. The nominal continuous-time full-state feedback all t ≥ 0. With the help of this inequality, we can apply
control has been presented by means of energy-shaping, the theorem in [43, p. 3] to the governing equations (2)–(5),
and the closed-loop stability is proven by applying the and thereby, for any t¯ ≤ σ where 0 < σ ≤ ∞, there is
backstepping-based state transformation and the Lyapunov a unique solution of the system (2)–(5) with satisfying the
method. Then, an implementable control algorithm is devel- properties (70) and 0 < s(t) < L for all t ∈ (0, t¯); if σ = ∞,
oped by further designing observer-based output feedback then s(σ ) = 0 or s(σ ) = L. However, by (11), (14), and
with finite-dimensional approximation, under the sampled-data (74) with the help of E(0) > 0, we obtain E(t) > 0, which,
measurements of the surface temperature and the interface at least, ensures that s(σ ) = 0. In addition, by (74), we have
 s(t )
position. The experiment was conducted by melting the paraf- (β/α) 0 (T (x, t)−Tm )dx < −s(t)+sr +((βεsr2 )/2α) for all
fin with a cylindrical shape. The unknown parameters of the t ∈ (0, t¯). Applying (70) to the earlier inequality with the help
heat losses are calibrated using the experimental data under of Assumption 3 yields (73) for all t ∈ (0, t¯). Thus, we also
a constant input. Finally, the proposed feedback control was derive s(σ ) = L. Therefore, σ = ∞, and the properties (70),

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


(71), and (73) hold for all t ≥ 0. Finally, applying (74) and ε c 1 s̄c2 M 2 |ṡ(t)| 2
− −ε + X (t)2 + ε X (t)2
(70) to (14) leads to (72), from which we additionally have 2 β s̄ α 2 2α
  c|ṡ(t)| 1 √
|s(t) − sr | ≤ M := max (2α)−1 βεsr2 , sr . (75) + √  f  w + ε|X (t)| .
2 2 2
2α ε
The result of Lemma 2 is not a trivial extension of existing
Noting (71), the dynamics (5) yields |ṡ(t)| ≤ −βTx (s(t), t) +
literature [2], [43] since the model validities are shown under βε. Let z(t) be a variable defined by z(t) = s(t) + 2βεt. The
the designed closed-loop feedback control for the boundary
time derivative is given by ż(t) = −βTx (s(t), t) + βε > 0.
heat flux. The robustness of both the model validity and the Therefore, |ṡ(t)| ≤ ż(t) holds. Applying this inequality to (85),
stability analysis has been shown in [25] under parameters’ and supposing ε < ε1∗ := min{α 2 (8βcs̄ 3 )−1 , cβ −1 (2s̄ −1 +
uncertainty and in [26] under the model uncertainty for a
2s̄c2 M 2 α −2 )−1 }, we√ get V̇ ≤ −bV + a ż(t)V , √ where
simpler Stefan problem, which enhances the prospect for the a = (c/α) max{(2α/ ε)(((ε2 s̄ 3 )/3α 2 ) + (s̄/β 2 )), ((β/ ε) +
robustness of the proposed design and model in this article.
(βε/α))}, and b = min{(α/(8s̄ 2 )), (c/2)}. Consider the func-
2) Backstepping Transformation: Next, we define (u, X) :=
tional W defined by W = V e−az(t ). Then, the time derivative
(T (x, t) − Tr (x), s(t) − sr ). Rewriting the system’s dynamics
is shown to satisfy Ẇ ≤ (V̇ − a ż(t)V ) e−az(t ) ≤ −bW (t),
(2)–(5) by (u, X)-system yields
which leads to W (t) ≤ W (0)e−bt , and hence
u t (x, t) = αu x x (x, t), 0 < x < s(t) (76)
V (t) ≤ ea s̄ V (0)e− 2 t
u x (0, t) = −q̃c (t)/k (77)
under the condition 2 √aβε < (b/2), which is equiva- √
u(s(t), t) = ε X (t) (78)
lent to (8βc/α) max{2α ε(((ε2 s̄ 3 )/3α 2 ) + (s̄/β 2 )), β ε +
Ẋ (t) = −βu x (s(t), t) (79) (βε2 /α)} < min{(α/(4s̄ 2 )), c}. Finally, both the abovemen-
where q̃c (t) := qc (t) − h(T (0, t) − Ta ) − qlos = −c Ẽ(t). tioned condition and ε < ε1∗ introduced in the stability proof
Referring to the procedure in [25], we introduce the following hold for sufficiently small ε > 0, i.e., there exists a positive
backstepping transformation: constant ε∗ > 0 such that for all ε ∈ (0, ε∗ ), the conditions
 hold, and therefore, the decay of the norm (86) is satisfied,
β s(t ) from which we complete Proof of Theorem 1.
w(x, t) = u(x, t) − φ(x − y)u(y, t)d y
α x
− φ(x − s(t))X (t) (80) ACKNOWLEDGMENT
where the gain kernel function φ is given by φ(x) = cβ −1 x. The authors would like to thank I. Karafyllis for helpful
Taking the derivatives of (80) together with (76)–(79) and discussions about the sampled-data designs.
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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[22] R. B. Khosroushahi and H. J. Marquez, “PDE backstepping boundary [47] P. Tabuada, “Event-triggered real-time scheduling of stabilizing control
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[24] S. Koga, L. Camacho-Solorio, and M. Krstic, “State estimation for [49] H. Yu, A. M. Bayen, and M. Krstic, “Boundary observer for congested
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[26] S. Koga, I. Karafyllis, and M. Krstic, “Sampled-data control of [51] H. Yu and M. Krstic, “Traffic congestion control for Aw–Rascle–Zhang
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[28] S. Koga and M. Krstic, “Single-boundary control of the two-phase stefan
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[29] S. Koga, M. Krstic, and J. Beaman, “Laser sintering con-
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IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol., early access, Jun. 17, 2020, Shumon Koga (Member, IEEE) received the B.S.
doi: 10.1109/TCST.2020.2996580. degree in applied physics from Keio University,
[30] S. Koga, D. Straub, M. Diagne, and M. Krstic, “Stabilization of filament Tokyo, Japan, in 2014, and the M.S. and Ph.D.
production rate for screw extrusion-based polymer 3D-printing,” J. Dyn. degrees in mechanical and aerospace engineering
Syst., Meas., Control, vol. 142, no. 3, p. 031005, 2020. from the University of California at San Diego (UC
[31] M. Krstic and A. Smyshlyaev, Boundary Control PDEs: A Course on San Diego), La Jolla, CA, USA, in 2016 and 2020,
Backstepping Designs. Singapore: SIAM, 2008. respectively.
[32] M. Krstic, “Compensating actuator and sensor dynamics governed by He was an Intern with the NASA Jet Propulsion
diffusion PDEs,” Syst. Control Lett., vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 372–377, Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA, in fall 2017, and
May 2009. the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cam-
[33] M. Krstic, Delay Compensation for Nonlinear, Adaptive, and PDE bridge, MA, USA, in summer 2018. He is currently
Systems. Boston, MA, USA: Birkhäuser, 2009. a Post-Doctoral Researcher in electrical and computer engineering with UC
[34] L. J. McGilly, P. Yudin, L. Feigl, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, San Diego. His research interests include distributed parameter systems,
“Controlling domain wall motion in ferroelectric thin films,” Nature optimization by extremum seeking, and their applications to additive manufac-
Nanotechnol., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 145–150, 2015. turing, battery management, thermal management in buildings, transportation
[35] T. Meurer and A. Kugi, “Tracking control for boundary controlled systems, and global climate systems.
parabolic PDEs with varying parameters: Combining backstepping Dr. Koga received the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award from the American
and differential flatness,” Automatica, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1182–1194, Automatic Control Council in 2019 and the Outstanding Graduate Student
May 2009. Award in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from UC San Diego in 2018.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Mitsutoshi Makihata (Member, IEEE) received Dr. Krstic has been an elected fellow of seven scientific societies—IEEE,
the B.E. degree in electronics and informatics from IFAC, ASME, SIAM, AAAS, IET, U.K., and AIAA (Associate Fellow)—
Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2006, the M.E. and as a Foreign Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
degree in electronics and applied physics from the and the Academy of Engineering of Serbia. He received the SIAM Reid
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, in 2008, and Prize, the ASME Oldenburger Medal, the Nyquist Lecture Prize, the Paynter
the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Outstanding Investigator Award, the Ragazzini Education Award, the IFAC
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 2011. Nonlinear Control Systems Award, the Chestnut Textbook Prize, the Control
After serving as a Post-Doctoral Scholar at Tohoku Systems Society Distinguished Member Award, the PECASE Award, the NSF
University and the University of California at Berke- Career Award, the ONR Young Investigator Award, the Schuck (’96 and
ley, Berkeley, CA, USA, and as a Research Scientist ’19) and Axelby Paper Prizes, and the first UCSD Research Award given
at the University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, to an engineer. As a graduate student, he received the UC Santa Barbara Best
CA, USA, he is currently with the Honda Research Institute, Inc., San Jose, Dissertation Award and Student Best Paper Awards at CDC and ACC. He has
CA, USA. His research interests include sensor systems design, wearable also been awarded the Springer Visiting Professorship at the University of
devices, and low-cost manufacturing technology. California at Berkeley, the Distinguished Visiting Fellowship of the Royal
Academy of Engineering, and the Invitation Fellowship of the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science. He has served as the Chair of the IEEE CSS
Fellow Committee. He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Systems
& Control Letters. He has been serving as a Senior Editor for Automatica
two Springer book series. He has served as the Vice-President for Technical
Activities of the IEEE Control Systems Society.

Renkun Chen received the B.S. degree in Albert P. Pisano received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.
thermophysics from Tsinghua University, Beijing, degrees in mechanical engineering from Columbia
China, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical University, New York, NY, USA, in 1976, 1977, and
engineering from the University of California at 1981, respectively.
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, in 2008. From 1997 to 1999, he was the Program Manager
He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Uni- of the MEMS Program, Defense Advanced Research
versity of California at Berkeley prior to joining Projects Agency. He was with the Faculty of the
the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA,
La Jolla, CA, USA, in 2009, where he is currently an USA, for 30 years, where he held the FANUC
Associate Professor with the Department of Mechan- Endowed Chair of Mechanical Systems. He was
ical and Aerospace Engineering. His research group the Senior Co-Director of the Berkeley Sensor and
at UCSD is interested in the fundamentals and applications of thermal energy Actuator Center, the Director of the Electronics Research Laboratory, and
transport and conversion, including nanoscale energy transport phenomena, Faculty Head of the Program Office for Operational Excellence, University
thermoelectric and solar–thermal energy conversion, phase change heat trans- of California at Berkeley, among other leadership positions. He began his
fer, and thermal insulation technologies. service as the Dean of the Jacobs School of Engineering, University of
California at San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA, USA, in 2013, where he is
currently the Walter J. Zable Chair in Engineering and serves on the Faculty
of the Departments of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Since 1983, he has graduated over 70 Ph.D.
and 75 M.S. students. He is a co-founder of ten startup companies in the
areas of transdermal drug delivery, transvascular drug delivery, sensorized
catheters, MEMS manufacturing equipment, MEMS RF devices, and MEMS
Miroslav Krstic (Fellow, IEEE) is currently a Dis- motion sensors. He is a co-inventor listed on more than 36 patents in
tinguished Professor of mechanical and aerospace MEMS and has coauthored more than 400 archival publications. His research
engineering and the Founding Director of the Cymer interests include microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) wireless sensors
Center for Control Systems and Dynamics and holds for harsh environments (600 °C), such as gas turbines and geothermal wells;
the Alspach Endowed Chair at the University of and additive, MEMS manufacturing techniques, such as low-temperature,
California at San Diego (UC San Diego), La Jolla, low-pressure nanoprinting of nanoparticle inks, and polymer solutions. His
CA, USA. He also serves as the Senior Associate other research interests and activities include MEMS for a wide variety
Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of of applications, including RF components, power generation, drug delivery,
California at San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA, strain sensors, biosensors, microinertial instruments, disk-drive actuators, and
USA. He has coauthored 13 books on adaptive, nanowire sensors.
nonlinear, and stochastic control, extremum seeking, Mr. Pisano is also an elected member of the National Academy of Engi-
control of PDE systems, including turbulent flows, and control of delay neering for contributions to the design, fabrication, commercialization, and
systems. educational aspects of MEMS. He is also a fellow of the ASME.

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