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The New York Times admitted the contents of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop are

indeed authentic, in a report about his business dealings published this week
The Macbook Pro was recovered in October 2020 after the president's son left it at
a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware in April 2019 and never returned for it 
When files from the device were first published ahead of the 2020 election, the NYT
cast doubt on its provenance and linked it to Russian disinformation 
On Wednesday, the paper changed its tune in an article referencing the files, which
they confirmed 'were authenticated by people familiar with them'
Last March, authenticated the laptop and was the first – and only –
news organization to publicly verify its contents using expert analysis can also reveal that the Washington Post has had a copy of the laptop
hard drive for over six months, but has failed to admit it or report on it
'They haven't done anything. They're not just late to the party, they didn't even
show up,' said Jack Maxey, a political activist who gave the laptop
The New York Times has finally admitted Hunter Biden's laptop is real – more than a
year after authenticated its contents with top experts.

When files from the laptop were published before the 2020 presidential election,
the newspaper cast doubt on its provenance, linked it to Russian disinformation,
and made no public attempt to obtain and verify it.


But buried 1,200 words into a story this week about a federal probe into the
president's son, the Gray Lady admitted to an astonishing U-turn.

Reporters referenced emails 'obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files
that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair
shop', adding that they 'were authenticated by people familiar with them and with
the investigation.' authenticated the laptop a full year earlier, and was the first – and
only – news organization to publicly verify its contents using expert analysis.

Last March, we hired top cyber forensics experts at Maryman & Associates to examine
the hard drive to determine its authenticity. published dozens of a stories based on the scandalous contents of

Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop - including a cache of 103,000 text messages,
154,000 emails, more than 2,000 photos (pictured)- that were verified by top
forensics experts
Experts concluded there were no indications 'found that would suggest the data was
manufactured.' Pictured above: A selfie of Joe and Hunter
The firm's founder, Brad Maryman, was a 29-year veteran of the FBI, served as a
Chief Information Security Officer and founded the bureau's cyber forensics unit.
His partner, Dr. Joseph Greenfield, is an associate professor at the University of
Southern California and helped write their degree program in intelligence and cyber

After an extensive analysis of the hard drive, Greenfield and Maryman produced a
report for detailing their findings.

'The operating system timestamps appear to be authentic, and no evidence was found
to suggest that the timestamps or data were altered or manufactured,' the report

'No indications were found that would suggest the data was manufactured.'
Since then, has revealed a series of troubling stories based on the
scandalous material from the laptop that go to the heart of the FBI's probe into
Hunter's alleged dodged taxes, foreign lobbying and suspected money laundering.


Over the past year we have published stories including: 

Joe Biden entertained Hunter's Mexican billionaire business associates in the vice
president's office in 2014 and even flew with his son to Mexico City on Air Force 2
so Hunter could attend meetings over a 'flippin gigantic' deal
Emails contradicting White House denials show that Joe Biden met with Hunter's
foreign business partners while he was VP during a dinner organized by his son to
introduce potential clients to his powerful father
Hunter Biden was hired by a Romanian real estate tycoon to overturn his bribery
conviction through a massive propaganda campaign with help from VP Joe's government
connections and former FBI director Louis Freeh
Freeh gave $100,000 to a private trust for Joe's grandchildren and spoke with the
then vice president in 2016 'to explore lucrative future work options' with Hunter
as the middle man
Hunter's close relationship with Blue Star consulting firm under federal
investigation for its involvement with controversial Ukrainian gas company Burisma
Hunter was deeply involved with a firm at the center of a scheme to defraud Native
Americans from millions of dollars, despite later distancing himself
How Hunter and his father paid each other's bills and even shared bank accounts,
raising the prospect of the president being embroiled in the FBI probe
How Hunter repeatedly dodged police action against him, despite constantly dealing
with drug pushers and prostitutes and having multiple run-ins with law enforcement
Five members of the Biden family have been to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse 
But the stories were given few column inches by America's most venerable news
organizations including the New York Times – until now.


The Times has previously repeatedly referred to information from the laptop as
'purported', 'in question', and even called it 'unsubstantiated' in a September
2021 news story, then later quietly removed the word.

Jack Maxey, a political activist and former Steve Bannon podcast co-host, who gave the laptop, said he also provided the Washington Post with a copy
last summer
The newspaper also prominently reported White House denials of Joe Biden's meetings
with Hunter's business partners at a DC cafe, evidenced by the laptop emails, until
this week's report when the Times performed an about-face.

A new lawsuit reveals that although the newspaper failed to publish stories based
on the laptop for over a year, Times reporters appear to have been paying close
attention to some of's stories.

On June 7 last year, we revealed how Hunter and Freeh were hired by Romanian tycoon
Gabriel Popoviciu – later convicted of bribery – and represented him in meetings
with top US officials.

Hunter's work for the corrupt foreign magnate came dangerously close to the line of
illegal lobbying, and is now likely to be one avenue of investigation by the
federal probe into the president's son over suspected violations of the Foreign
Agents Registration Act.

Photos provided by Maxey show him at the newspaper's offices, and a copy of the
laptop hard drive lying on the Post's boardroom table
Boardroom obtained the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Times
reporter Kenneth Vogel to the State Department, asking for staff's communications
relating to Hunter
The day the story was published, Times reporter Kenneth Vogel fired off a Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) request to the State Department, asking for staff's
communications relating to Hunter, Popoviciu and other individuals named in our

Vogel's FOIA request was made public this month when the Times sued the Department
for failing to hand over its files promptly.

While the Times fights it out with the State Department, readers
already learned months ago that one very senior State staffer – the then-US
ambassador to Romania Hans Klemm – communicated with Hunter's team and met Hunter
to discuss Popoviciu's case in 2016. can also reveal that the Washington Post has had a copy of the laptop
hard drive for over six months, but has failed to admit it, publish any stories
based on its contents, and even managed to accidentally delete their first copy.

Jack Maxey, a political activist and former Steve Bannon podcast co-host who gave the laptop, said he also provided the Post with a copy last summer.

'I'm not going to disclose the details of our conversations, but I gave them a copy
of it in June. I personally delivered it to their offices and met with senior
editors,' he said

'They haven't done anything. They're not just late to the party, they didn't even
show up.

'I had to go a second time in October because they broke the first copy.'

Photos provided by Maxey show him at the newspaper's offices, and a copy of the
laptop hard drive lying on the Post's boardroom table.

Among the stories to emerge from the files in the laptop, was how Hunter and former
FBI director Louis Freeh (pictured) were hired by Romanian tycoon Gabriel Popoviciu
(right) – later convicted of bribery – and represented him in meetings with top US
Romanian tycoon Gabriel Popoviciu
Emails showed Hunter brought in political heavyweight and family friend Louis
Freeh, the former director of the FBI, to use his US law enforcement contacts for
Popoviciu's advantage, and was offered a referral fee as a result obtained a copy of Hunter's laptop hard drive from Maxey in spring

John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of the computer store where Hunter abandoned his
laptop, gave a copy of its hard drive to Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani in
September 2020.

Giuliani reportedly leaked documents and photos from the drive to the New York
Post, and also gave a whole copy of the drive to Trump's former advisor Bannon and
his podcast co-host Maxey.

The Post published excerpts of emails and photos from the laptop ahead of the 2020
election, but without authentication they were widely dismissed as fake or 'Russian
In April 2021 published the contents of a report by Maryman &
Associates showing the laptop was real, and continued to reveal its sordid and
potentially incriminating contents over the following year.

Using the same forensic tools as federal and state law enforcement in criminal
investigations, Maryman & Associates found a total of 103,000 text messages,
154,000 emails and more than 2,000 photos on the hard drive.

The now-infamous photo of Hunter lying in bed with a crackpipe in his mouth was
among the files found on his device
The New York Post had published excerpts of emails and photos from the laptop ahead
of the 2020 election, but without authentication they were widely dismissed as fake
or 'Russian disinformation'
Hunter Biden
A shocking photo obtained from Hunter's laptop shows his badly damaged and worn
down teeth - also known as 'meth mouth' -  as he sits in a dentist chair
The sheer volume, interconnectedness and consistency of the data was a major factor
in the cyber forensics experts coming to their conclusion over its authenticity.

They found emails for multiple accounts on the laptop dating back to 2009, and
other data which 'appears to be related to Mr. Biden' between 2016 and 2019.

Hunter's iCloud email address was added to the laptop's system on October 21 2018,
as well as his work email at his firm Rosemont Seneca on February 2, 2019.

Emails addressed to Hunter's various email addresses dating from December 2009 to
December 2020 were found on the system.

An iPad with the name 'Hunter's iPad' and three email addresses associated with the
Biden family was backed up on the laptop and on iCloud in January 2019 and again a
month later.

Greenfield found 818 call logs in this iPad backup with timestamps from June 2016
to February 2019.

Hunter's laptop is brimming with evidence of apparent criminal activity by him and
his associates including drug trafficking and prostitution. This photo of him
grabbing a woman's hair was recovered from his laptop
The computer also revealed Hunter, who began dating his late brother's widow Hallie
(pictured) after his death, also had a fling with her sister
Hunter Biden describes falling in love with his grieving sister-in-law Hallie Biden
(pictured) after his brother Beau's death, in his new memoir
Robert de Niro's ex-assistant claimed he sued her for $6M in attempt to 'humiliate'
and 'ruin' her: Actor claimed worker used his frequent flyer miles worth $300,000,
and put Pilates, dog-sitting and private hotel rooms costs on company credit card
Blundering Biden says 'I may be Irish but I am not stupid' before calling Putin a
'murderous dictator and pure thug' in St Patrick's Day speech
There were 8,942 entries in the iPad's contacts book, created between April 2016
and January 2019.

In February 2019 an iPhone XS was also synced with the laptop. Its serial number
was consistent with the timestamps of the data on the phone.

The findings were consistent with other information from Mac Isaac, Maxey, and
recipients of emails and texts from Hunter. 

AUTHENTICATING HUNTER'S LAPTOP commissioned cyber forensics experts at Maryman & Associates to

examine the hard drive to determine its authenticity.

The firm's founder, Brad Maryman, was a 29-year veteran of the FBI, served as a
Chief Information Security Officer and founded the bureau's cyber forensics unit.
His partner, Dr. Joseph Greenfield, is an associate professor at the University of
Southern California and helped write their degree program in intelligence and cyber

After an extensive analysis of the hard drive, Greenfield and Maryman produced a
report for detailing their findings.

Using the same forensic tools as federal and state law enforcement in criminal
investigations, they found a total of 103,000 text messages, 154,000 emails and
more than 2,000 photos.

- They found emails for multiple accounts on the laptop dating back to 2009, and
other data which 'appears to be related to Mr. Biden' between 2016 and 2019.

 - The report's findings were consistent with the known timeline for the hard
drive. A Wilmington, Delaware computer store work order with Hunter's signature
shows he left his 2017 MacBook Pro laptop there on April 12, 2019.

- The Maryman & Associates report said the original 'Macintosh HD' drive was
created on March 28, 2018

- Hunter's iCloud email address was added to the laptop's system on October 21
2018, as well as his work email at his firm Rosemont Seneca on February 2 2019. 

- The same day, a Gmail address he used to log onto sex cam sites, and another
personal Gmail address belonging to Hunter, were also added. 

- Beau Biden's old Gmail account was added on February 7 2019.

- Emails addressed to Hunter's various email addresses dating from December 2009 to
December 2020 were found on the system.

- An iPad with the name 'Hunter's iPad' and three email addresses associated with
the Biden family was backed up on the laptop and on iCloud in January 2019 and
again a month later.

- Greenfield found 818 call logs in this iPad backup with timestamps from June 2016
to February 2019. 

- There were 8,942 entries in the iPad's contacts book, created between April 2016
and January 2019.

- In February 2019 an iPhone XS was also synced with the laptop. Its serial number
was consistent with the timestamps of the data on the phone. 

In conclusion, 'The operating system timestamps appear to be authentic, and no

evidence was found to suggest that the timestamps or data were altered or
manufactured,' the report said. 'No indications were found that would suggest the
data was manufactured.'
Share or comment on this article: NYT finally admits Hunter Biden's laptop is real
a year after confirmed authenticity
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