Chemistry 28-03-2022 Topic: Solutions, Solid State, Surface Chemistry & Chemical Equlibrium

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Chemistry 28-03-2022

Topic : Solutions, solid state , Surface chemistry & Chemical equlibrium

1. The relative lowering of vapour pressure of a dilute aquous solution containing non-voltaile
solute is 0.0125. The molarity of solution is about.
1) 0.60 2) 0.70 3)0.90 4)0.80
2. Gold numbers of A,B,C, D are 0.04 , 0.2 , 10, 25. Respectively . The protective power are in the
following order.
1) A>B>C>D 2) B>A>C>D 3)D>C>B>C 4)C>A>B>D
3. In an experiment 200ml of 0.5M oxalic acid is taken with 10g activated cholcal and filtered .
The concentration of the fitable is reduced to 0.4M. The amount of absorption (X/M) is
1) 0.9 2) 1.8 3) 0.18 4) 0.09
4. Calculate normality , molarity and morality of the solution containg 22% (W/W) salt Al 2(So4)3
(d= 1.25g/m) by weight is
1) 4.83N , 8.25 M ,8.25M 3) 4.83N , 4.83 M, 4.83M
2) 48.3N , 0.825 N ,0.825M 4) 4.83N , 0.805 M ,0.825M
5. The unit cell with Crystallographic climensions a= b ≠ c ,∝=β =δ=90 0 , is
1) Cubic 2) Tetragonal 3) Monoclinic 4) Hexagonal
6. X-rays of wavelength equal to 0.134 nm give a first order diffraction from the surface of a
crystal when the value of θ is 10.50 , then the distance between the adjecent place in the
crystal is ( sin 10.50 = 0.1822)
1)367 2) 3.67nm 3) 0.367 nm 4) 0.0367nm

7. Ar crystlises in a F.C.C lattice with one atom at each lattice point Sf the edge length is 5.311A 0
at 0K, the distance between nearest nighbouring atoms in Ar Ok is

1)3.755 2) 7.355 A0 3) 5.735 A0 4)1.877 A0
8. MX2 dissociates in M2+ and X- ions in an oquous solution, with a 1 degree of dissociation (∝¿
of 0.5 The ratio of the obseved depression of freezing point in the absence of ionic disscioation
1) 4 2) 2 3) 6 4)5
9. Which of the following are examples negative colloides a. Fe(OH) 3 sol b. As2s3 Sol c.Blood
4. Soap lether
1) a,b,c 2) a,b,d 3) b,c,d 4)a,c,d
10. Among the electrolytes Na2so4 , cacl2 , Al2 (SO4)3 and NH4cl , the most efffective
Coagulating agent for Sb2S3 sol is
1) Na2so4 2) cacl2 3) Al2 (SO4)3 4) NH4cl
11. Which statement is called about chemisorptions?
1) It is Invesiable in nature
2) 2) It involves formation multi layers of adsobent on asdorbate
3) Decreases with increases of temperature
4) It involves the attractive forcer between adsorbent and adsorate.
12. which

13. The No.of moles of lead nitrate needed to cogulate 2 mole of collodial [AgI] I - is

1) 2 2) 2 3)1/2 4) 2/3

14. CsBr has B.C.C Structure with edge length 4.3 A0 .The shotrest intter ionic distance in
between cs-1 and Br-1 is
1) 4.3 A0 2) 9.44 A0 3) 1.86 A0 4) 5.72 A0

15. A

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