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Specific Problem Closest Comparison Distinction

IS COULD BE but IS NOT IS and IS NOT Comparison

Problem Dimension

1) At present Regular dent & Scratch part found inpad printing area. 1)Fix the dent and Scratch check check point before plasma station . 1) Before plasma station add visual ispection stage
2)There is no any check point for dent and scratch at present During pad 2)Provide the Actual Dent and scratch sample as per customer for dent and scratch .
printing operator check only printing related problem he is not know about acceptance lavel and and QSI standard for Operator batter 2)Add Actual sample on every visual station with
dent Crietria . understanding. customer acceptance .
3)At Present before Plasma there is no any check point . 3) Check Point add for Raw Material inspction 3)Start to check all incoming material Rec. in Pad
4)On Cell Visual Station operator not detect Dent and scrtach part because 4)Display QSI and actual Defect sample on every visual inspection printing area .
What: of he is not aware about the QSI crietria and customer acceptance . station. 4)Update QSI Display on all visual station and start
Dent and scratch Rework generate on image training to all Manpower for memory
line enhancement .

1)Defect Generate during pad priting process as well battery assembly 1) add check point on all possible process 1)During Prod. All operator check dent and scratch
process. 2)Related dent and scratch Point of Remember display on every on define process .
process for the purpose of Operator skill Refreshment . 2)Point of Remember Read every hours if any
3)Start Info meeting with all operator Share dent and scratch Report confusion.
Where: Pad printing area and assembly on Daily Basis . 3)Meegine agenda define and start councling
line 4)During shift start check operator nails condition

1)During pad printing Process Operator handling is not ok. 1)Given training to all operator on daily basis about part and product 1)Check Training effectivness on daily basis by
2)Dent generate on printing machine due to fixture condition not ok. handling system and check effictivness . periodical evaluation and observation system,
3)During Printing reework we have found dent in printing rework area . 2)Add SIC system for check the fixture condition during shift 2)Line leader check all fixture condition in every 2
4)During silicon mat pasting we found dent part on process . 3)Implemented model wise fixture in printing rework area hrs .
When: 3)Printing rework done by using Cell and battery
During Pad printing process and Battery fixture.

1) During pad printing approx 21% dent and scrtach part found in pad 1) We found approx 20% rejection in incoming material add check 1) During incoming material inspection if found any
printing area and approx 15% dent % Scratch battery found online. point in pad printing area. defective so return to IQA department.
2) Remove all fixture abnormality from line on daily basis .

How Much:
How much % Generate .
Possible Causes

1)Before Plasma no any check point for

dent and Scratch.
2)Dent and scratch sample panel not
avilable on all station.
3)Incoming material inspection check
point not add
4)Updated QSI Not Display on Process
and operator not aware about
Customer QSI
5)Jugement crietria not sameon

6) During Line Running operator not

take seriously
7)Operator Retentation period is less .
8) Communication Gap With Operator
and line leader

9)Operator Not aware about As per

customer acceptance crietria and QSI
10)Frequancy and Monitoring system
not define for fixture inspection
11)miss Handling during printing
rework in printing area

12) not any system for check the

incoming material
Problem Statement: Dent and Scratch Problem
Before Plasma no any check point for dent and Scratch. Dent and Scratch Check point add before plasma
1 Mfg Nitin kr
Dent and scratch sample panel not avilable on all station. Provide the Update sample Panel and actual defect Duumy part on
all Station Mfg/QA Nitin/Sumit
Incoming material inspection check point not add
3 Mfg Nitin
Start incoming cell Inspection before plasma Station and IQA
Updated QSI Not Display on Process and operator not aware about
4 Customer QSI Implemented the Update QSI on every Inspction Station Mfg/QA Nitin/Sumit
Jugement crietria not same on allprocess Given training and Awarness to all operator on regular basis
5 and fix Manpower on Visual Station Mfg Nitin
During Line Running operator not take seriously
6 Start Councling with HR Department Mfg/HR Nitin/Satish
Operator Retentation period is less . Implemented the Image Training concept In Pad Printing area as
7 well as assembly area Mfg Nitin

8 Communication Gap With Operator and line leader Start info meeting in every shift with Define agenda Mfg Nitin
Operator Not aware about As per customer acceptance crietria and QSI
Given training to all Operator about Customer QSI standard Mfg Nitin
Implemented the Line Monitoring check sheet with define
10 Frequancy and Monitoring system not define for fixture inspection frequancy Mfg Nitin

11 Miss Handling during printing rework in printing area Implemented the model wise Fixture in Printing rework area Mfg Nitin
Completion %

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