Analyzing Website Rankings and Recommendations To Improve Its Position

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Analyzing Website Rankings and Recommendations to Improve Its Position

Part 1
Website: Goodnews music
Identify long-tail keyword opportunities
 The best of good news music.
 The best artist of good news music.

Identify 3-5 keywords that are question based and match a “how, what, where, or why”
search query.

 Goodnews music
 Best music
 Instrumentals

Identify what type of search query it is – whether it is navigational, transactional, or


 They usually face informational query

Explain why you chose the keywords you did:

 Since the website is music based, I think the keywords I have chosen should be one of
their focus in order to improve traffic to their page.
 People don’t really like to type a lot when they are searching, they would rather use

Research this businesses’ target audience, based on your best guesses by reviewing the
site. Describe the website’s audience in 150 – 250 words.

This is a music streaming website focusing mostly on Christian music. I believe that the people
that will visit this website are the younger generation because the genre of gospel they produce
fit mostly the younger generation.

The majority of the people that visit this website are the church members. If they want to reach
more audience they should remind their congregants during their service and also publish on
their other social media platforms.

Most of the people are visiting from their mobile phones so we can focus on creating mobile first
content. So in order to continue in reaching the audience we can promoted pop up notifications.

From my research I also realized that their main audience is their congregants so they need to
expand out there and targeting other people because their music is very good, the only thing is
that it doesn’t have publicity. They can also target to link it to their YouTube channel and other
sites famous for music streaming.

Create a buyer persona based on your audience analysis and keyword research you
performed. Your buyer persona should have a name, job (student or job role), problem
they are trying to solve, and other traits that may make it easier to market to this

Name: Deonne Kashiri

Job: certified Instrument technician and spiritually certified prophetess

Problem: She can’t type much, she prefers to type keywords. Uses only her phone when

Part 2

Choose four key pages of this site.

 Home page
 Artist
 Request a booking
 Stream music

 The Page (Example, home page, product listing, article, etc.)

About Us

The GoodNews of God's Grace through music

It is a vision of our Dear Man of God Prophet Uebert Angel to spread the GoodNews of
God’s Grace to every creature by all means possible. Music being one of those mediums,
the GoodNews Music consists of a variety of mixed genres to bring out the colours,
diversity and beauty of the Word of God through Music.

 The Page URL : GoodNews Music – Official Site

 The Title Tag of the Page. GoodNews Music: Stream music
 The Meta Description of the Page
 The H1 of the Page (if applicable, if no H1 leave a note stating there was no H1)

There is no H1

 The H2 of the Page (if applicable, if no H2 leave a note stating there was no H2)

There is no H2

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