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Republic of the Philippines


Iba, Zambales


Name: ________________________________ Course: _______________________

1. There were (13) students in Grade II-Gumamela reflecting their MPS scores in English and

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mean
Englis 95 92 80 79 89 86 89 95 90 87 85 80 93 87.69
87 98 90 96 97 73 75 89 88 90 78 89 91 85.62
t=0.8606000075 t critical= 1.710882067 (one-tail) t crit=2.06389 (two-tail)

A. Formulate the Null Hypothesis:

B. Make decision based on t-computed value and t-critical value.

2. Listed are the 5 factors affecting customer satisfaction.

Factors Affecting Customer 5 4 3 2 1 WM QI

Satisfaction SA A MA D SD
Pricing 15 28 36 5 16

Crews and Personnel Services 38 15 12 10 25

Ambiance 10 15 13 32 30

Marketing and Promotion 5 56 35 4 0

Quality of the Product 65 25 10 0 0

Overall Weighted Mean

A. Compute the Weighted Mean

B. Provide qualitative interpretation .

C. Which of the factors affects customer satisfaction?

D. Which of the factors the least to affect customer satisfaction?

3. Using Single Analysis of Variance, the researcher is interested to determine significant

differences on the perception towards marital problems when grouped according to civil status.

Df Sum of Mean of F-Value Decision

Sources of Variation Squares Square Compute Tabular
Civil Status BG 2 3.147 ?
Single 98 2.698 ?
Married WG 3.02
Total 100 ?

A. Formulate the hypothesis

B. Supply missing values with question mark notation.

C. Make the decision statement.

4. Example 1. Below are the scores in Math (x) and English (y) grades. The Engineering
students are believed to be good in numbers but not good in communication. Find if there is
relationship on the performance of Engineering students in English and in Math subject.

x 75 70 65 90 85 85 80 70 65 90

y 80 75 65 95 90 85 90 75 70 90

  Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 77.5 81.5
Variance 3 100.2777778
Observations 10 10
Pearson Correlation 1

Decision Rule:
Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient Value (C)
An r from ± 0.00 to ±0.20 denotes negligible correlation
An r from ±0.21 to ±0.40 denotes low or slight correlation
An r from ±0.41 to ±0.70 denotes marked or moderate relationship
An r from ±0.71 to ±0.90 denotes high relationship
An r from ±0.91 to ±0.99 denotes very high relationship
An r from ±1.00 denotes perfect correlation.

A. Formulate hypothesis

B. Solve for Pearson r.

C. Make Decision

5. A group of statistics students who called themselves “The Care Bears” tested if the college
students choice for president is independent on whom they think will win in the 2020 election.
They surveyed 300 randomly picked college students and asked them their choice for president
and whom they believe will win.

Choice of President
A B C D Total Percentage
Candidate A 22 10 31 3 66
Candidate B 13 4 15 1 33
Candidate C 28 13 35 2 78
Candidate D 39 29 47 8 123
Total 102 56 128 14 300

Type Fo fe fo-fe (fo-fe)2 (fo-fe)2

(rt*ct/gt) fe
Candidate A A 22
Candidate A B 13
Candidate A C 28
Candidate A D 39
Candidate B A 10
Candidate B B 4
Candidate B C 13
Candidate B D 29
Candidate C A 31
Candidate C B 15
Candidate C C 35
Candidate C D 47
Candidate D A 3
Candidate D B 1
Candidate D C 2
Candidate D D 8
A. Formulate Hypothesis

B. What proportion / percentage of votes went to each candidate (Column Total)

C. Compute Chi-Square. Make Decision. (df of 9= )

Problem # 6. Below is the presentation table for Pearson r on the relationship between work
satisfaction and level of competence of managers

Table 19
Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation to test Relationship between the Level
of teacher’s work satisfaction and the Level of Managerial Competence of Principal
Work Level of
Sources of Correlations
Satisfaction Competence
Pearson Correlation 1 0.813**
Teacher’s Work Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 230 230
Level of Managerial Pearson Correlation 0.813 **
Competence Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 230 230
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient Value (C)

An r from ± 0.00 to ±0.20 denotes negligible correlation
An r from ±0.21 to ±0.40 denotes low or slight correlation
An r from ±0.41 to ±0.70 denotes marked or moderate relationship
An r from ±0.71 to ±0.90 denotes high relationship
An r from ±0.91 to ±0.99 denotes very high relationship
An r from ±1.00 denotes perfect correlation.

A. Formulate Hypothesis

B. Make Decision.

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