Eapp-Task2 7

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Subject Teacher MARICEL SALANIO Date of Distribution March 11,2022
Contact Number 09361649647 Date of Submission March 25,2022
Email/Gmail account mrclsalanio@gmail.com Grade &Section Grade 11 ( All


Topic Report Survey/Field Report/Laboratory/
Scientific Technical Report
Content Standard The learner understands the principles and uses of surveys, experiments
Scientific observations
Performance Standard The learner produces a well written report for various disciplines
Most Essential Learning Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports
Competencies CS_EN11/12A-EAPPIIe-j-6
Designs, tests and revises survey questionnaires* CS_EN11/12A-
EAPPIIe- j-7
Conducts surveys, experiments or observations* CS_EN11/12A-
EAPPIIe- j-8
Gathers information from surveys, experiments, or observations*
Summarizes findings and executes the report through narrative and
visual/graphic forms CS_EN11/12A-EAPPIIe- j-11
Writes various reports CS_EN11/12A-EAPPIIa-d-5


In this module you will be provided with some exciting and interesting opportunities in
learning. In lesson one, you will learn how to make a survey questionnaire and in lesson
two, you will explore a community survey which will be very useful in your endeavour
after senior high school so that you will become knowledgeable individuals. Lesson
three will teach you how to gather information from surveys and how to disseminate the
written forms of information from survey will be elaborated in lesson four. Challenging
tasks await you in lessons five and six as you will summarize findings and execute the
report survey and write a
survey report respectively.


The Reports, Survey Questionnaire and Methods of

Administering It

The Various Kinds of Reports

Reports are more likely needed for business, scientific and technical subjects, and in the workplace.
They are of different types and they differ in their aims and structures.

1. Survey Report It is written after getting data from a survey. To collect people’s
responses or answers about a particular issue or topic.

2. Laboratory or Scientific Technical Report It is commonly called lab report. It is written in a

formal and organized manner. To present results or findings from experiments.

3. Field Report It is sometimes called trip report. To describe and analyze a systematic observation.

Among these types of reports, survey is the most popularly and widely used as it is the easiest way to
gather information about any topic or issue from a big number of people or groups.

Survey Questionnaire
It is a data gathering tool having set of questions used in a survey and is utilized in various fields such
as politics, research, marketing, media and so on. It is intended to gather data, views, opinions and
others from individuals or a particular group of people.

It is an important method used in order to collect the necessary information that

will benefit the people and the community.

Methods of Administering a Survey

Administering a survey calls for a more systematic way in order to achieve the aims of a certain survey
conducted. The following methods are introduced by Sarah Mae Sincero.

1. Personal Approach
This involves the person himself/ herself conducting the survey.
a. Face-to-face Structured Interview
The interview is set personally and the people
involved face each other in order to gather the
necessary information. Questions on the survey
are asked directly to the respondent by the

b. Telephone Survey
The survey is done using telephone or cellular
phones. The calls are made to ask individuals
on particular questions. This method can be
used for asking consequential questions.

2. Self- administered Approach

In this type, the survey is administered by the researcher himself/herself.

a. Paper- and - pencil Survey

This is a traditional method wherein the respondents
who are usually not computer literate must be present
in the administration of the survey.

b. Online Survey
This is a useful technique that will cater to
a big sample size coming from different

c. Mail Survey
This popular tool requires an easy administering
of the survey where survey
questionnaires are mailed to individuals
who are given enough time to read and
ponder on the information asked.

Should and Not Should of a Survey Questionnaire
Concise and easy to understand questions lead to a successful survey. Thus, a well -
designed survey questionnaire will ensure an effective data and information gathering.

A survey questionnaire should be well – constructed so that the respondents could read
carefully and understand thoroughly and be motivated to complete it.

Therefore, a questionnaire…
1. Should use words that have clear meaning.
The questions should not be vague and difficult to comprehend so that the questionnaire
will not be left unanswered.

2. Should cover all possible options.

The respondents should just be given at most five ranking options and should cover all
so that they will not be tired of choosing a lot of options which do not give the choices
they look for. If this will not be observed, this will lead to an abandoned questionnaire.

3. Should not ask two or more questions in one sentence.

The question should focus on one topic or item at a time so that the respondents will not
be confused which to answer and what to choose.

4. Should provide an out- option.

The survey should give the respondents the option to choose “Does not apply “ or
“None” for questions they do not feel answering.

5. Should consider appropriate time reference.

Respondents could not easily recall past long experiences and be doubtful as to the exact
measurement or time they spent.

6. Should have a clear question structure.

Survey questionnaire should follow the three parts: the question stem, additional
instructions and response options so that the respondents will not be confused what to
answer or choose. This will result to unreliable gathered data.

7. Should have open specific response options.

The respondents should be guided on what to choose. So the survey should provide
specific options to choose from so that respondents will not be confused in answering.

8. Should not have any bias or prejudice.

Questions should be objective and lead to an honest answer. The respondents should not
be lead to a biased option that they may fail to give their truthful response.

9. Should not include too personal or too embarrassing questions.

Questions should be gender and culture sensitive so that the respondents may not feel
awkward or embarrassed in giving their responses.

10. Should avoid double negative questions.

Double negatives may occur when respondents are asked of their agreement on a certain
issue. This should be avoided so that the respondents ‘response will be clear and precise.

11. Should outline instructions or directions clearly and understandably.

Clear instructions will lead to positive, appropriate and clear answers. If respondents are
clearly asked and told what to do, they will also foster positive attitude towards
answering the questionnaire.


TASK 1: For Lesson 1

Let’s Complete It”
Directions: As you analyze the information above, complete the
given table with what you think of the advantages and disadvantages
of each method.
Method Advantage Disadvantage

1. Face-to-face Structured Interview

2. Telephone Survey

3. Paper-and pencil Survey


Suppose you are chosen as the youth representative of your town and you are asked to
introduce an advocacy on youth empowerment or development. Decide what advocacy
you will uphold and be able to find out the possible response of your town people about
it. In order to determine the people’s attitude toward it, conduct a survey by framing a
survey questionnaire. Consider the guidelines in constructing effective questions in your
five question survey to administer in your respective town.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:
School PrincipaL

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