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Curriculum vitae

Personal Details
Address: School of Journalism, Mass Communication & New Media,
Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India
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E-mail: ........................................................................
Citizenship India

Professional Qualifications


Employment History

Personal Distinctions
Royal Society of Victoria Medal for Scientific Excellence in the Biological Sciences, 2013.
Paper on ‘Tips for policy makers’ (Sutherland et al.) in the journal Nature accorded the highest ranked social
impact (Altmetric) factor for any publication by a staff member at the University of Melbourne in 2013.
Appointed Editor-in-Chief of the journal Conservation Biology in 2012.

Invited Seminars and Invited Conference Presentations (last 5 years)

Society for Risk Analysis (ANZ) Conference, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, November 21, 2017. Expert
elicitation, reasoning and risk governance. (plenary)
Society for Risk Analysis (Scandinavia) Conference, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, November 3rd, 2017.
Reasoning in security intelligence. (plenary)
Professional Contributions (last 5 years)
 Science Council, The Nature Conservancy. 2018 – present
 Editor-in-Chief, Conservation Biology, 2013 - present

Environmental Risk Assessment
Thinking and Reasoning with Data
Decision Making

Doctoral Thesis Supervision

In Progress (38 students completed since 1990)
Rose, Lucy, PhD. Managing Melbourne water for biodiversity.
Jones, Stuart. PhD. Numerical methods for biosecurity risk analysis.

University Administration
 Head, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London. 2017-
 Head, School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne. 2016.
Research Projects and Income

Year Source of funds Project title Amount

1991 ARC (small) Population models for Banksia species $3,000
1992 Department of Mortality in ash forests $20,000
Conservation and (with I. Ferguson, UM)
Natural Resources

Authored Books
1. Burgman, M. A. 2015. Trusting judgements: how to get the best out of experts. Cambridge
University Press. 203 p. ISBN 9781107112087.
2. Burgman, M. A. 2005. Risks and decisions for conservation and environmental management.
Cambridge University Press. 314 p. ISBN 0521835348.
Edited Books
3. Robinson, A., Walshe, T., Burgman, M. and Nunn, M. (eds) 2017. Invasive species: Risk assessment
and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN-10: 052176596X
4. Akçakaya, H. R., Burgman, M., Kindvall, O., Wood, C. C., Sjogren-Gulve, P., Hatfield, J. and
McCarthy, M. (eds) 2004. Species conservation and management: case studies. 577 p. Oxford
University Press, New York. ISBN 0195166469.
5. Ferson, S. and Burgman M. A. (eds) 2000. Quantitative methods for conservation biology.
Springer-Verlag, New York. 322 p. ISBN 0-387-94322-6 (Reprinted 2002)

Journal Special Issue

6. Burgman, M.A. and Yemshanov, D. (eds) 2013. Risks, decisions and biological conservation.
Diversity and Distributions Volume 19, Numbers 5 & 6. May and June 2013.

Refereed Journal Articles

7. Hemming V., Burgman M.A., Hanea A.M., McBride M.F. and Wintle B.C. 2018. Structured expert
elicitation using the IDEA protocol. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9:169-180.
8. Teel T.L., Anderson C.B., Burgman M.A., Cinner J., Clark D., Estévez R.A., Jones J.P., McClanahan
T.R., Reed M.S., Sandbrook C., John F.A. 2018. Publishing social science research in Conservation
Biology to move beyond biology. Conservation Biology 32, 6-8.
9. Holling, T., Burgman, M., bvan Andel, M., Gilbert, M., Robinson, T. and Robinson, A. 2018. How do
you find the Green Sheep? A critical review of the use of remotely sensed imagery to detect and
count animals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 00
Book Chapters
10. Hanea, A., Burgman, M. and Hemming, V. 2018. IDEA for Uncertainty Quantification, in: Dias L.C.,
Morton A., Quigley J. (eds), Elicitation: The science and art of structuring judgement.  Chapter 5, pp.
95-118. Springer, New York.
11. Mittinty, M., Whittle, P., Burgman, M. and Mengersen, K. 2015. The role of surveillance in evaluating
and comparing international quarantine systems. Pp. 137-150. In, Jarrad, F., Low-Choy, S. and
Mengersen, K. (eds) Biosecurity surveillance: Quantitative approaches. CAB International,
Wallingford, UK.
Other Refereed Contributions: letters, reviews, editorials, notes and commentaries
12. Parker, T.H., Main, E., Nakagawa, S., Gurevitch, J., Jarrad, F. and Burgman, M. 2016. Promoting
transparency in conservation science. Conservation Biology 30, 1-2. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12760
Reference Works
13. Fox, D.R. and Burgman, M.A. 2008. Ecological Risk Assessment. In Melnick, E. and Everitt, B.
(eds). , Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment and Analysis. pp 1600-1603. John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK.

Refereed Conference Publications

14. Burgman, M., Regan, H. and Ben-Haim, Y. 2004. Population viability analysis and robust decisions
for management: combining population models with decision theory, In, Sustainable use and
conservation of biological diversity – a challenge for society. Proceedings of the International
Symposium, Berlin, 1-4 December 2003. Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Bonn,
Germany. Pp. 64-65.
Proceedings, Extracts and Other Articles
15. Burgman, M.A. 2016. The Centre for Biosecurity (CEBRA) and animal disease risk. Proceedings of
the Australian Veterinary Association Conference. Adelaide, 2016. Pp 129-132. ISBN 978-0-
16. Burgman, M.A. 2011. Remedies for a scientific disease. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society
42, 34-37.
Contract and Technical Reports
17. Burgman, M. and Robinson, A. 2012. Review of Tasmanian Forest Estate Wood Supply Scenarios.
Final Report to the Independent Verification Group, Intergovernmental Agreement, Version 9.9,
March 7, 2012, 93pp.
Computer System Software
18. Boek, C., Todd, C. and Burgman, M. 1997. SPARC. Setting Priorities and Assessing Risks for
Conservation. In C++ for IBM compatible PCs. Genlx Pty Ltd and the University of Melbourne.
19. Jacquez, G., Millstein, J., Oden, N. and Burgman, M. 1994. CAST: cluster analysis in space and
time. In Borland-Pascal for IBM-PCs. Applied Biomathematics, New York.
20. Burgman, M. A., Arditi, R. and Bryde, O. 1991. User Manual for REEL. Eutrophication risks in
Lake Geneva. Université de Lausanne, Lausanne. 13 p.
21. Burgman, M. A., Gerard, V. and Ginzburg, L. 1987. RAMAS-K. A stochastic simulation model for
Macrocystis pyrifera. In Turbo-Pascal for IBM-PCs. Applied Biomathematics, New York.

Multimedia products
22. Burgman, M. A., Chisholm, R., Campbell, H. and J. Carey. 2005. Australian Standard Risk
Assessment. In Director for PCs. University of Melbourne.
23. McCarthy, M., Burgman, M.A., Campbell, H. and Gleadow, R. 1995. HELMETS. An interactive
teaching program simulating the management and conservation of helmeted honeyeaters.
In Hypercard and Hypertalk for Macintosh computers. McGraw-Hill, New York.
24. Burgman, M. A. and Campbell, H. 1995. COMPETITION. An interactive teaching program
simulating niche overlap and competition between bell miners and helmeted honeyeaters. In
Hypercard and Hypertalk for Macintosh computers. University of Melbourne.
25. Campbell, H. and Burgman, M. A. 1994. SAMPLING DESIGN. An interactive teaching program
simulating vegetation sampling. In Hypercard and Hypertalk. Macintosh. University of

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