Model Writing

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Topic 1: What are the benefits of getting a job in foreign countries?

Nowadays, many people have chosen to work abroad. Although working abroad is
challenging, it undeniably gives us enormous advantages. First and foremost, finding jobs in
foreign countries provide an environment demanding for adaptability and flexibility.
Cognitive skills and communication skills are inevitably prone to improve day by day as we
have to learn how to accustom ourselves to new living conditions. Secondly, working in
foreign countries is likely to offer higher salaries. Some countries in the world are still short-
staffed; therefore, employers are willing to pay better wages for anyone who is qualified
enough. Last but not least, working abroad has inward impacts. Experiencing new culture
will help a person understand himself more, especially about his wants and needs. Numerous
difficulties people encounter can also allow them to equip themselves with precious
metacognition that will make you a better individual as well as a better professional. Overall,
to train ourselves, working overseas is worth considering.
Topic 2: Should teachers be allowed to give students physical punishment at school
Model 1:
It has consistently become a never-ending controversy whether corporal punishment is
allowed at school. From my perspective, I believe physical punishmentwhich has appropriate
treatments are permissible. Firstly, these punishments are more practical than verbal
warnings. Anyone can make mistake and others are likely to remind them, but students are
still immature and inexperienced so they are prone to misdeed likewise. When they start to
disobey too much, those admonitions tend to be useless. Hence, a heavier chastisement
should be necessary. Secondly, corporal punishments prevent students from making the same
mistakes. That a student is physically punished can be a deterrent for himself and others, so
they will stop constantly misbehave. Finally, corporal punishment put every student under
control, even the most stubborn. No matter how recalcitrant a child is, he fears to be
disciplined as he is still a child; eventually these students have to submit to authorities. In
conclusion, physical discplines are generally essential in terms of education. In the absence
of punishment, education will not succeed.
Model 2:
Nowadays, corporal discipline has become one of the controversial issue among the
public. From my perspective, the government should not give permission to the teachers to
punish students due to its impracticality. Firstly, hitting as a disciplinary sanction should not
be allowed by teachers because it does not teach children anything. Corporal punishment
fails to/ is impossible to teach any lesson because the child will only suffer pain and sorrow
instead of understanding their misbehaviors,. Secondly, teachers can also easily go to far
when they punish children physically, and even if schools set regulations on how long or
what reason a child should be hit, there is no way we can monitor the teachers. Last but not
least, now discipline is necessary in school because children are becoming ever more
troublesome , but I do not think physical punishment is an appropriate measure. Obviously, it
teaches these kids that problems can only be solved with force. In essence, although physical
punishment may be effective in the past time, it is crucial that schools come up with a new
modern disciplinary sanction that has the right amount of severity to be able to combat the
raising number of naughty children in certain schools.
Topic 3: Disadvantages of Facebook
Facebook has become the most popular and the strongest social network since it was
created. However, it is indefensible that it has a lot of drawbacks. To begin with, using
Facebook causes addiction which leads to loss of productivity. Many people spend hours and
hours using this app and then being absorbed in this virtual world; gradually they find it
uncomfortable to prevent themselves from using Facebook for a few hours. The more you
use Facebook, the higher your productivity is threatened. Secondly, that personal information
is leaked is a big concern. Unsurprisingly, Facebook is vulnerable to attacks, and hackers
easily steal and alter people's profile information because of weak data security. Last but not
least, the overuse of Facebook can lead to antisocial behavior among people, especially
teenagers. Negative criticism can affect anyone, children and teenagers might become the
victims of cyber bullying and other users are likely to engage in profitless arguments even
with strangers. In conclusion, Facebook is not as advantageous as it is considered, it is more
harmful and dangerous than being expected, especially when being overused.
Topic 4: The Internet brings more harm than good
Model 1:
Internet is regarded as a crucial part in modern life; however, some people hold the belief
that it still has some demerits. In my opinion, I strongly assert that it provides a lot of merit
for users for some certain reasons. Firstly, an endless supply of information and knowledge
is provided on the Internet as there are numerous research tools such as Google or Trello.
Therefore, with a click of the mouse, we can get accessed to valuable information and
knowledge available online instead of traditionally spending hours in the library. Moreover,
latest news is incessantly updated and renewed; thus people from all corners of the globe
with a computer connected with the internet can keep informed with information. Secondly,
the Internet is a suitable place for people to access to global workforce. People can look for
employers and jobs around the world, others can work in virtual offices through the Internet.
Furthermore, companies can effectively make the most of the Internet by advertising their
inclusive products or organizations can encourage people in raising funds, call for donations
or volunteers. Last but not least, Internet provides a toll-free social network. Social media
helps people conveniently contact siblings, acquaintances counterparts. In conclusion,
although the Internet still consists of some drawbacks, its utilities are indisputable.
Model 2:
Internet is one of the greatest creations and provides people with instant access to an
endless supply of knowledge and entertainment. While some people hold the opinion that it
still consists of some disadvantages, I personally believe that it provides numerous utilities
for users. First and foremost, thanks to the Internet, nowadays it is more convenient to
communicate than ever before. With the Internet, you can send an e-mail to everyone and
often have it delivered in less than a minute. Secondly, Internet is a limitless information
source, therefore it enables users to keep informed with any topics that they are concerned.
Thanks to the internet, news is always updated, so people can obtain the latest news all over
the world. Last but not least, The Internet gives everyone access to an endless supply of
entertainment, with access to watch videos, watch movies, listen to music, and even play
games online. Besides, the most visited websites are undoubtedly social media like Facebook
or Instagram. These are network where people share their own experiences or feeling and
create new relationships; therefore, it is considered as a method of enjoying life. In
conclusion, although there are some unfortunately drawbacks, the great impacts of the
Internet on humankind are undeniable.

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