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General Instructions

1. The test is of 3 hours duration and the maximum marks is 300.

2. The question paper consists of 3 Parts (Part I: Physics, Part II: Chemistry, Part III: Mathematics). Each Part has
two sections (Section 1 & Section 2).
3. Section 1 contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
4. Section 2 contains 10 Numerical Value Type Questions Out of which ONLY 5 (any) questions have to be
You will NOT be allowed to attempt the sixth question. If you wish to attempt any other question apart
from the five already attempted, then you will have to delete any one response from the five previously
answered and then proceed to answer the new one.
The answer to each question should be rounded off to the nearest integer.
5. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, mobile
phone, any electronic device, etc. inside the examination room/hall.

6. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty in the
Room/Hall. However, the candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them.

Marking Scheme
1. Section – 1: +4 for correct answer, –1 (negative marking) for incorrect answer, 0 for all other cases.

2. Section – 2: +4 for correct answer, 0 for all other cases. There is no negative marking.

Name of the Candidate (In CAPITALS) :

Roll Number :

OMR Bar Code Number :

Candidate's Signature : Invigilator's Signature
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success


This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. A person is jogging with a constant speed of 6m / s . A fruit falls from a tree from a height of 8m when
the jogger is just below the tree. Find the distance behind the jogger where the fruit will land?
(take g  10m / s 2 )
(A) 6.9m (B) 7.0m (C) 7.3m (D) 7.6m

2. A cubical block made of two materials of specific gravity 0.5 and 2.5 is floating in water with entire
volume of the combination just submerged. Find the ratio of volume of material of specific gravity 0.5 to
volume of material of specific gravity 2.5.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

3. A chain of mass 1kg is placed on the hemisphere of radius 3m as shown in the figure. Find the potential
energy of the chain with reference to the horizontal diameter of the hemisphere. (Take g  10m / s 2 )

(A) 17.3J (B) 19.1J (C) 21.6J (D) 23.2J

4. A system of gates is given in the figure. Find the truth table corresponding to this system.

1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) 1 0 1 (B) 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0
(C) 1 0 0 (D) 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0

        
5.  
Let a and b be two vectors such that a  a and b  b. If a  b is perpendicular to b and a  4b is

perpendicular to a , then find the relation between a and b.
(A) a  2b (B) a  2b (C) 2a  b (D) 2a  b

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6. An object is placed before a spherical mirror at some distance from the mirror. Its image is erect and
magnified six times. Find the distance between the pole and the image (in cm) if the focal length of the
lens is 10cm.
(A) 50 (B) 60 (C) 70 (D) 80

7. A particle of mass 4kg is projected with a speed of 10m / s from the ground at some angle with the
horizontal. The particle has a speed of half this initial value when it is at the top most point. Find the
magnitude of work done by gravity till the particle reaches half the maximum height. (Take g  10m / s 2 )
(A) 150J (B) 100J (C) 75J (D) 450J

8. Consider three cylinders each of mass 3kg placed in the position as shown in the figure. Find the minimum
force that must be applied (F) to hold the cylinders in place. (Assume all surfaces to be smooth).
(Take g  10/s 2 )

(A) 5 3N (B) 5N (C) 10N (D) 15N

9. Consider a transistor in the common base mode. The collector current is 5.88mA and emitter current is
6mA. Find the base current amplification factor.
(A) 48 (B) 49 (C) 50 (D) 51

10. A particle of mass 3kg is projected from ground with a speed of 8m / s at an angle of 45º with the
horizontal. At the highest point of its trajectory, the particle breaks into two particles of mass 1kg and
2kg. The 1kg block drops vertically downwards. Find the horizontal displacement of 2kg block from the
top most point.
(A) 2.4m (B) 3m (C) 3.6m (D) 4.8m

11.  
A proton moving with a velocity v  4iˆ  3 ˆj  106 m / s enters a region of uniform magnetic field. It
ˆ . When the velocity of the proton is along z -axis it experiences a
experiences a force of 1.28  1013 kN
force along x-axis, find the magnetic field in the region in Tesla.
(A) 0.2 j (B) 0.2 j (C) 0.13iˆ (D) 0.13iˆ

12. A moving coil galvanometer of resistance 100 is used as an ammeter using a shunt. The maximum safe
current through the galvanometer is 1mA. Find the resistance of the shunt for which the ammeter will
work for a maximum safe current of 2 A.
(A) 0.05 (B) 0.025 (C) 0.25 (D) 0.5

13. A particle of mass 2kg hits the ground with a speed of 25m / s making an angle of 37º with vertical.
All surfaces are smooth. The coefficient of restitution between the particle and the floor is 0.75. Find the
angle which the particle makes with the vertical after rebound.
(A) 30º (B) 37º (C) 45º (D) 53º

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14. Find the moment of inertia of the structure consisting of 4 rods of mass m and length l about axis passing
through the hinge perpendicular to the plane of the frame as shown in the figure.

10 2 8 2 7 2 5 2
(A) mL (B) mL (C) mL (D) mL
3 3 6 3
15. A point source produces sound of level 60dB at a distance of 100m from the source. What would be the
loudness at a distance of 200 meter from the source?
(A) 54dB (B) 50dB (C) 48dB (D) 45dB

16. A gas mixture contains 4 moles of oxygen and 2 moles of Argon at temperature T. Neglecting all
vibrational modes, find the total internal energy of the system.
(A) 7RT (B) 9RT (C) 11RT (D) 13RT


The rod is in equilibrium in the horizontal position as shown in the figure. Find the time period of
oscillation if the rod is given a small displacement.
m m m m
(A) 2 (B)  (C) 2 (D) 2
K K 2K 3K

18. A pendulum clock made of brass has a period of 1sec at 30ºC. If the clock is used in a climate where
average temperature is 35ºC, approximately, how much fast or slow will the clock run in 106 sec?
(  brass  2  10 6 / C )
(A) 5sec slow (B) 5sec fast (C) 10sec slow (D) 10sec fast

19. A particle of mass 2kg initially at rest starts moving in a circle of radius 1m with a constant tangential
acceleration of 2m / s 2 . Find the time after which the total acceleration of the particle makes an angle of
45º with the velocity vector.
(A) s (B) 1s (C) 2s (D) 2s

20. The angle subtended by the moon’s diameter at a point on the earth is about 0.5º. Considering the
average distance between the earth and the moon to be 384000km, find the approx. radius of the moon.
(A) 533km (B) 837km (C) 1675km (D) 3350km

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Section 2 contains 10 Numerical Value Type Questions Out of which ONLY 5 (any) questions have to be attempted.
The answer to each question should be rounded off to the nearest integer.

21. 30gm of ice at 0C is mixed with 50gm of water at 40C in a container. Find the final grams of water
in the container. Consider the heat capacity of the container to be negligible. ( L f  80cal / gm )

22. A point charge 12C is placed at a distance of 6m from the center of an uncharged conducting shell
having radius 2m. If the outer surface of the shell is earthed, find the magnitude of the final charge on the
shell (in C ).

23. Each plate of area A is placed as shown in the figure. Find the equivalent capacitance of the setup (in F )
0 A
between x and y if it is given that  12F .

24. Time constant of an LR circuit is 2  103 sec. When a resistance of 80 is added in series, the time
constant becomes 4  104 sec. Find the original resistance in the circuit (in ohm).

25. In an AC circuit, a resistor  R  60  is connected to an inductor  X L  20  and capacitor

( X C  100) in series. The power factor of the circuit is p. Find 10 p .

26. Two beams A and B of equal intensity have plane polarized light with mutually perpendicular plane of
polarization. Initially the polaroid is placed such that the beam A shows maximum intensity while beam
B is not able to pass through. If the polaroid is now rotated by an angle of 30 , find the ratio of intensity
of the beam obtained on the other side of the polaroid .
27. A radioactive isotope A with a half-life of 2 108 years decays to B which is stable. A sample of rock
was found to contain both A and B in the ratio 1 : 7. The age of the rock is x 108 years. Assuming
initially there was only A, find x.

28. In Young’s double slit experiment, two coherent sources are placed 0.9mm apart. The screen is placed
1m from the slits. If the second dark fringe is at a distance of 1mm from the central maxima, find the
wavelength of the light used (in nm).

29. Two wire of same material having cross section radius r and r are used to make two rings each of
radius R. If the ratio of moment of inertia of the rings about an axis passing through the center and
perpendicular to the plane of the ring is 1 : 36, find .

30. A 567W bulb operates at 1000 K . Assuming that it loses energy only by radiation, find the total surface
area of the filament (in cm 2 ) close to the nearest integer.

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This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. In which of the following case hybrid state of the central atom is sp3d?
(A) SF4 (B) SiF4 (C) BF3 (D) BeCl 2

2. The process that is not exothermic in nature is:

(A) H g   e  Hg  (B) Na g   Clg   NaCl s 

(C) Cl g   e  Clg  (D) Na (g)  Na g   e 

3.  Y  2Z is K1 and that of Y  2Z 

If the equilibrium constant for X   2P is K 2 , the
 2P is:
equilibrium constant for X 

(A) K1K 2 (B) K 2  K1 (C) K1  K 2 (D) K1 / K 2

4. Which of the following phenomenon is NOT related to the adsorption on the surface of a substance?
(A) Occlusion (B) Heterogeneous catalysis
(C) Peptization (D) Brownian movement

5. Amongst the following ions, which one has highest paramagnetism?

3 2 2 2
(A) Cr  H 2 O 6  (B)  Fe  H 2 O 6  (C)  Zn  H 2O 6  (D) Cu  H 2 O 6 

6. Which of the following compounds will form the precipitate with aq. AgNO 3 solution most readily?

(A) (B) CH 2  CH  CH 2  Cl

(C) (D) CH 3  CH 2  Cl

7. Two moles of an ideal gas at 1atm and 298K is expanded into the vacuum to thrice the volume.
The work done by the gas is:
(A) C V  T1  T2  (B)  RT  V2  V1  (C)  RT ln  V2 / V1  (D) zero

8. 500ml of a waste solution obtained from a factory contains 0.5M CuSO 4 and 0.5M Zn  NO3 2 .
The solution was electrolyzed at 6V by passing a current of 10A for 60 minutes. The metal/metals
electrodeposited will be:

E 0
Cu 2  /Cu
 0.34V, E 0
Zn 2  /Zn
 0.76V 
(A) Only Cu (B) only Zn
(C) Zn and Cu in equal mass proportion (D) Zn and Cu in proportion to their atomic mass

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9. The catalytic convertor used in the vehicles to reduce air pollution does not have which of following
metal as catalyst?
(A) Pt (B) Rh (C) Pd (D) Os

10. The shortest wavelength of He 

(g) in Balmer series is 1. The longest wavelength in the Lyman series of

Li(g) is:
271 271 41
(A) 361 /5 (B) (C) (D)
4 5 27

11. The major product  P  in the following reaction is:

 
  A    B   P
dry ether CH  CH O CH Cl HBr hot and conc.
CH 3Cl  Mg  3 2 2

(A) CH 3  CH 2  O  CH 2  Br (B) CH 2  CH 2
(C) CH 3  CH 2  Br (D) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  Br

12. The major product [C] of the following reaction sequence will be:
 I  alcoholic KOH/ 
 I  LiAlH4  II  H2O/H
 A    B 
3 4
 C
Conc. H PO , 

(A) (B)

(C) (D) CH3  CH 2  CH  CH 2

13. The Crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) of Co  NH3 6  Cl3 is:

(A) 0.8 0  3P (B) 0.4 0  3P (C) 2.4 0  3P (D) 1.2 0  3P

14. Among the following compounds, which one has the shortest C  Br bond?
(A) CH3  CH 2  Br (B) CH 2  CH  CH 2  Br

(C) (D)

15. The major product  R  in the following sequence of reaction is:

Re d hot  I Conc H SO  HNO
NaNO 2  HCl CuBr  HBr
H  C  C  H 
Fe tute
(A)  2 4
 II Sn /HCl
(B) 
 05 C 
(C) 

(A) (B) (C) (D)

16. Which of the following is an inner orbital complex?

(A) [Fe(H 2 O) 6 ]3 (B) [Co(H 2 O) 6 ]2 (C) [Co(H 2 O)6 ]3 (D) [Fe(NH3 ) 6 ]2

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17. Identify the final product (P)
1. NaNO2  HCl
HNO Br Sn  0 5  C 
 3
H SO ,50C
 A 
 B 
HCl  heat
 C 
2. CuBr  HBr
 Final product (P)
2 4

(A) (B) (C) (D)

18. Which one of the following statement is false?

(A) During calcination only moisture is removed from the ore
(B) Roasting of ore is carried out in presence of air
(C) Calcination and roasting may be carried out in the same reverberatory furnace
(D) The removal of impurities from the ores is known as dressing of ore

19. The incorrect statement(s) among (I) – (III) is (are):

(I) Fe 2 is more paramagnetic than Fe3 .
(II) Actinoids contraction is greater from element to element than Lanthanoids contraction
(III) Lanthanoid ions are generally coloured
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only (C) I only (D) all are correct

20. A group II metal ' M ' dissolves in alkaline water with evolution of hydrogen gas. Its carbide on
hydrolysis evolves methane, metal M is:
(A) Be (B) Mg (C) Ca (D) Sr

Section 2 contains 10 Numerical Value Type Questions Out of which ONLY 5 (any) questions have to be attempted.
The answer to each question should be rounded off to the nearest integer.
21. One mole glucose, 1 mole NaCl and mole BaCl 2 dissolved in 100kg water. Osmotic pressure of this
solution is x  102 atm. x is _________? [Take RT  24.25 atm  L / mole  K ]

22. At 27ºC a catalyst lower the activation energy for a certain reaction from 100kJ to 25kJ/mole. If the rate
constant without catalyst is K1 and with catalyst is K 2 then value of ln(K 2 / K1 ) is:

[Take R = 25/3 J mol–1 K –1]

23. Mixture of 0.2M K 2C2 O4 .3H 2C2 O4 .4H 2 O and 0.2M NaHC2O4 can be oxidized by acidified
100ml,0.1M KMnO 4 solution. Determine the volume of mixture (in ml) if after the reaction there will be
no Mn atom in (+) 7 state within the solution.

24. Consider the following equations

x1CrO 42   y1I  
 A  I2  H 2O
x 2 Ag  y 2 NO3 
 B  NO  H 2O
The sum of x1  y1  x 2 in the balanced chemical reaction is _______
Where ( x1 , y1 , x 2 , y 2 are simplest Integer value)

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25. The number of chiral centres present in D  glucose.

26. 10.5g of an organic compound was analysed by Kjeldahl’s method. The ammonia produced was
absorbed in a mixture of 80ml, 0.1M H 2SO4 and 20ml,0.1N H 2SO 4 . The excess H 2SO4 required
30ml, 0.1M NaOH. Calculate % of Nitrogen in original compound.

27. The difference of number of geometrical isomers and the number of optically active isomers for

 Pt  NH 3   H 2 O  Py  NO 2 

28. Calculate pressure of an ideal gas P2 in atm

29. Not considering the electronic spin, the degeneracy of the first excited state  n  2  of H-atom is 4,

while the degeneracy of the second excited state of Li  is _________.

30. How many options are correct about an ideal binary liquid solution?
I. Hmix  0 II. G mix  0
III Vmix  0 IV Smix  0
V C6 H5  Cl and C6 H5  Br make ideal solution
VI G mix  0 and H mix  0 VII G mix   ve, Smix   ve

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This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
 A  B    B  C    C  A
1. Let U be the universal set & A  B  C  U ; then is equal to:
(A) A B C (B) AB C (C) A B C (C) AB C
2. Consider the equation x 2  x  n  0, where n  N and n  5,100. Then total number of different
values of n, so that the given equation has integral roots is:
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 4 (C) 10

3. If z1 and z2 both satisfy the equation Re  z   z  2 and arg  z1  z2   then Im  z1  z2  is:
1 2 4
(A) (B) (C) 3 (D)
3 3 3
4. If the system of equations
3x  4 y  5 z  a
4x  5 y  6z  b
5x  6 y  7 z  c
are consistent then value of is:
1 1 1
(A) 1 (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4
  
3 2
5. If , ,  are the roots of px  qx  r  0 then the value of the determinant    is:
  
(A) pq (B) qr (C) 0 (D) pr

 
6. Coefficient of x 2009 in 1  x  x 2  x3  x 4 1  x 1002 is:
(A) 1 (B) –1 (C) 0 (D) 2
a b c
b c  a
7. If p th , q th and r th terms of both an A.P. and a G.P. be respectively a, b and c , then      
c a b
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) abc (D) pqr
 1 x t 2 1 1 
x 0  x 
lim  5 e dt  4  2
x 3x
 is:

 0 
3 1 1
(A) 1 (B) (C) (D)
5 2 10
9. Let f  x   x sin x  x 2  2 cos x, then the number of points where y  f  x  is not differentiable is/are
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

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10. Let f : R  R
2x 2x
f  x   7esin  ecos  2. Then the value of 7 f min  f max is :
(A) 36 (B) 49 (C) 64 (D) 81
a a

  tan 
x  dx  cot 1 x  dx
11. The value of the constant a  0 such that
0 0

Where  x  is the greatest integer  x, is:

3  cos 4 3  cos 4 2  3  cos 4  2  3  cos 4 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1  cos 4 1  cos 4 1  cos 4 1  cos 4
12. The area of region, where any point P  x, y  satisfies y  sin x &max  x , y   1 is:
(A) 4cos1 (B) 8  4cos1 (C) 4  4cos1 (D) None of these
13. Let y  y  x  satisfied the differential equation  xy 2  x  y 2 sin x  sin x, y  0   0, then y  x  is:
 x2   x2 
(A) 2 y  tan   cos x  1 (B) y  tan   cos x  1
 2   2 
 x2   x2 
(C) y  tan   cos x  1 (D) 2 y  tan   cos x  1
 2   2 
14. If (0, 1), (1, 1) and (1, 0) are the midpoints of the sides of a triangle then the co-ordinates of its incentre
(A)  2  2, 2  2  (B) 2  
2,  2  2 
(C)  2  2  ,  2  2  (D) 2  2,   2  2  

15. AB is a chord of the circle x 2  y 2  . P is a point such that PA  4 and PB  3 . If AB  5, then the
distance of P from origin can be:
9 3 5 7 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) or
2 2 2 2 2

16. The ellipse x 2  4 y 2  4 is inscribed in a rectangle aligned with the co-ordinate axes, which is in turn is
inscribed in another ellipse (coordinate axes as major and minor axis) that passes through the point (4, 0),
then the eccentricity of the ellipse is:
11 11 3 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 2 3 2 4
17. A plane 2 x  3 y  5 z  1 has point P which is at minimum distance from the line joining A 1, 0, 3 and
B 1, 5,7  then distance AP is:
(A) 3 5 (B) 2 5 (C) 4 5 (D) None of these

18. Three dice are rolled and the sum of upper face on the three dice is 10, then the probability that one die
shows “6” is:
2 33 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
7 216 3

Code A | Page 11 Mock JEE Main - 8 | JEE 2021

Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
19. A ladder rests against a wall at an acute angle  to the horizontal. Its foot is pulled away from the wall
through a distance 2 m, so that it slides a distance 3m down the wall making an acute angle  with the
horizontal, then the value of tan   is:
 2 
3 2 4 9
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 9 4
20. Negation of the statement:
For every real number, either x  5 or x  5 is:
(A) There exist a real number x such that neither x  5 nor x  5
(B) For every real number, either x  5 or x  5
(C) There exist a real number x such that neither x  5 nor x  5
(D) None of these

Section 2 contains 10 Numerical Value Type Questions Out of which ONLY 5 (any) questions have to be attempted.
The answer to each question should be rounded off to the nearest integer.

21. The mean and variance of 5 observations of an experiment are 4 and 5.2 respectively. If these
observations are 1, 2, 6, x1 and x2 , then value of x1 x2 equals
22. There are three distinct boxes and six different balls. Any box can receive any number of balls. The
number of ways in which these balls be put into boxes so that no box remains empty is_________.
If a, b, c, d are in G.P. , then the value of  a  c    b  c    b  d    a  d  is _________.
2 2 2 2
1 1
24. If two circles x 2  y 2  2n1 x  2 y   0 and x 2  y 2  n2 x  n2 y  n1  , intersect each other
2 2
orthogonally where n1 , n2  I , then number of possible ordered pairs  n1 , n2  is______.
        
25. Let p, q , r are non-zero vectors such that r   p  q   p   p  q  .
     
If p  q  3 and  pqr   12 then value of r  p is_________.
26. If the line x  2 y  k is normal to the parabola x 2  4 x  8 y  12  0 then the value of is _________.
27. If the value of
  
sin 1 cos sin 1 x  cos 1 sin cos 1 x    is a  b then 2a  b is _________.
 
28. If sin 2 x cos y  a 2  1  1 and cos 2 x sin y  a  1, where x, y   0,   and a  R, then number of

ordered pairs  x, y  is __________.

5 x8  7 x 6
29. If f  x    dx and f  0   0, then the value of 4 f 1 is __________.
x 2
 1  2x 
7 2

30. A positive integer n is of the form n  2 3 where ,   1 . If n has 12 positive divisors and 2n has 15
positive divisors then number of positive divisors of 6n is __________.

   End of Mock JEE Main - 8 | JEE 2021   

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