College1 WB2542 9november2021

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College 1

WB2542 Warmteoverdracht
Mark Tummers/Gerrit Elsinga/Mathieu Pourquie

afdeling P&E, sectie Stromingsleer, 3mE

9 November 2021 1

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Course Calendar
Rooster WB2542-T2 Warmteoverdracht 2021/2022
Week Dag Datum No. Vorm Onderwerp
2.1 di 9 nov 1 HC Introductie; warmteoverdrachtmechanismen: 1) geleiding.
do 11 nov 2 HC Vervolg warmteoverdrachtmechanismen: 2) straling en 3) convectie.
Gecombineerde mechanismen voor warmteoverdracht.
vr 12 nov 3 IC
2.2 di 16 nov 4 HC Tijdsafhankelijk warmtetransport, LTC, Biot getal, contactweerstand.
do 18 nov 5 HC Geleiding door wand holle cilinder/bol, kritische straal, 1D koelvinnen.
vr 19 nov 6 HC/IC Vervolg 1D koelvinnen, daarna instructie
2.3 di 23 nov 7 IC
do 25 nov 8 HC Warmteflux in 3D, diffusievergelijking, scheiden van variabelen.
vr 26 nov --- --- ---
2.4 di 30 nov 9 HC Stationaire geleiding in 3D, vormfactoren. Instationaire geleiding,
Fourier getal, half-oneindig medium.
do 2 dec 10 IC
vr 3 dec --- --- ---
2.5 di 7 dec 11 HC Convectief gekoelde vlakke wand, cilinder bol. Tabellen en grafische
oplossingen in appendix C.
do 9 dec 12 IC
vr 10 dec 13 HC/IC Produktregel (therorie) en instructie
2.6 di 14 dec 14 HC Voorbeelden van convectie, dimensieloze getallen.
do 16 dec 15 HC Correlaties, filmtemperatuur, Moody diagram.
vr 17 dec 16 IC
2.7 di 21 dec 17 HC Inleiding straling; black body, zichtfactoren.
do 23 dec 18 HC Straling: grijs lichaam, radiosity, netwerken.
vr 24 dec --- --- ---
2.8 di 11 jan 19 IC
do 13 jan --- --- ---
vr 14 jan --- --- ---
2.10 woe 26 jan Tentamen
3.9 ma 4 april Hertentamen
HC = hoorcollege; IC = instructiecollege, --- = geen onderwijsactiviteit

• Also on Brightspace: lecture slides, old exams + solutions!

• Open book exam

9 November 2021 2

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
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9 November 2021 3

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Wat mag ik gebruiken bij het
Warmteoverdracht tentamen?

Tijdens het tentamen Warmteoverdracht kun je gebruik maken van

(alle versies van) het boek van Mills met de titel “Basic Heat and
Mass Transfer” of “Heat Transfer”. Het boek mag voorzien zijn
markeringen en van stickers (eventueel met een trefwoord), maar
niet van eigen aantekeningen. Daarnaast mag je gebruik maken van
afdrukken van de collegeslides zoals die op Brightspace staan, dus
zonder eigen aantekeningen. Afdrukken van Collegerama opnamen
(incl. voorgaande jaren) zijn niet toegestaan. Uiteraard kun je
gebruik maken van een standaard rekenmachine, maar niet van een
programmeerbare rekenmachine.

9 November 2021 4

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
The Book Basic Heat & Mass Transfer
by A.F. Mills, 2nd edition
Basic Heat & Mass Transfer can still be used.
by A.F. Mills and C.F.M. Coimbra, 3rd edition,
Temporal Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9963053-0-3
Heat Transfer by A.F. Mills
Verkrijgbaar bij o.a. Studystore
2nd edition, Prentice Hall,
ISBN 0-13-947624-5
can still be used.

Excellent alternative:
Basic Heat & Mass Transfer,
A.F. Mills, 2nd edition Pearson
New International edition
5 ISBN 0-13-947624-5
Verkrijgbaar bij o.a. Studystore

9 November 2021

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
En verder:

Check regelmatig de announcements op onze

Brightspace pagina voor aanvullende informatie

9 November 2021 6

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
What is heat transfer?
Heat transfer is thermal energy in transit
due to a spatial temperature difference

Three types/modes of heat transfer:

1. Conduction
2. Convection (or convective heat transfer)
3. Radiation

9 November 2021 7

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Examples of heat transfer 1/4
Space Shuttle rocket engine nozzle

Launch Discovery 3 x RS-25 engine

Combustion temperature 3315 ºC (3588 K)

Liquid hydrogen at -253 ºC (20 K)

9 November 2021 8

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Examples of heat transfer 2/4
Space Shuttle heat shield during re-entry

Shock waves Thermal camera image Heat shield Silica fibers tile

• Hot gas (»1600 ºC) between shock wave and heat shield
• Tiles from silica fibers reduce heat transfer to Aluminum airframe

9 November 2021 9

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Examples of heat transfer 3/4
Industrial baking ovens & Impinging jets
Flow visualisation

Products on conveyer belt Hot jets impinging on products

Impinging jets
produce very high
heat transfer rates! Impingement plate temperature
distribution visualized with TLC

9 November 2021 10

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Examples of heat transfer 4/4
Electronics cooling
• Miniaturisation of electronic circuitry;
• Increase in specific power dissipation;
• Exploitation of thermal management

9 November 2021 11

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Heat transfer Û thermodynamics
First law of thermodynamics – closed system

Heat generated per unit time

Heat transferred per unit time
Rate of change in internal energy

Closed system

9 November 2021 12

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
First law of thermodynamics-closed system
Example: heating of copper wire by electrical current

Question: determine the temperature of the wire after 10 seconds

Assume: Closed system
• Perfectly insulated wire
• Electrical resistance
per unit length: 0.0209 Ω/m
• Initial temperature T0=300 K

9 November 2021 13

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Heat transfer Û thermodynamics
First law of thermodynamics – open system

Steady-flow energy equation

( )
D h + 12 V 2 + gz º h2 + 12 V22 + g z2
- (h1 + 12 V12 + g z1 )
Open system

9 November 2021 14

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
First law of thermodynamics-open system
Example: heating of water flowing through pipe
Question: determine the temperature difference between
entrance and exit of horizontal pipe
Open system
• Uniform heat flux q =2000 W/m2
• Mass flow m = 0.2 kg/s
• Pipe has constant cross section

Appendix A.8 :
cwater = 4.18 ´103 J/(kg.K)

9 November 2021 15

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Fourier’s law for heat conduction
Steady conduction through
plane wall with thickness L

x=0 x=L
Heat flow (warmtestroom)

Heat flux (warmte flux)

Fourier’s law k = thermal conductivity

dT dT (warmte geleidingscoëfficiënt)
qµ- Þ q = -k Unit of k is W/(mK)
dx dx
9 November 2021 16

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Heat Conduction
Thermal conductivity k of various materials
Material K [W/(mK)] Observations:
Copper 386
Aluminum 204 • Metals: k » 10 - 400 W/(mK)
Brass (70% Cu, 30% Zn)
Mild steel
• Gases: k » 0.01 W/(mK)
Stainless steel 15
Mercury 8.4
Microscopic view of heat conduction
Concrete 1.4
• Molecular collisions
Pyrex glass 1.09
Water 0.611 • Lattice vibrations/free electron collisions
Neoprene rubber 0.19
Engine oil, SAE 50 0.145
White pine 0.10
PVC 0.092
Freon 12 0.071
Cork 0.043 Free electron collisions
Fiber glass 0.038
Polystyrene 0.028
Air 0.027

9 November 2021 17

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Heat Conduction
Steady conduction through plane wall
Energy balance of segment
with thickness Δx:

Q! [W]

In steady situation:

Combining with Fourier’s law gives

dT T -T T -T
-k = q0 = constant. Þ T = T1 - 1 2 x and q0 = k 1 2
dx L L

9 November 2021 18

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Example 1
Steady conduction through tube wall with square cross section
Given: Wall thickness D, cross section 10D x 10D.
Outer wall temperature 60 ºC; inner wall 20 ºC.
End effects
Question: Estimate heat flow Q for a
tube section with length L.

60 ºC 20 ºC
q 10D

9 November 2021 19

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Example 2
Steady conduction through wall of picnic icebox
Given: A picnic icebox with dimensions 40x20x20cm3 is
insulated with 2 cm thick polystyrene. The outer
surface of the box is kept at 30 ºC while the
inside is kept at 0 ºC by using melting ice.
The enthalpy of melting ice is 335 kJ/kg.
Question: Determine the amount of ice that will melt in 8 hours.

9 November 2021 20

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Heat Conduction & Electrical analogy
Steady conduction through uniform wall
Heat flux:
T1 - T2
q0 = k
L Q! [W]
Heat flow:
! T1 - T2 T1 - T2
Q = q0 A = kA =
L L thermal resistance
kA with unit K/W
Electrical analogy I
V1 - V2
𝑉" 𝑉#
I= (Ohm’s law) R
9 November 2021 21

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
Heat Conduction & Electrical analogy
Steady conduction through composite walls
Electrical analogy gives

V1 - V3
electrical current I =
RA = and RB =
kA A kB A
T1 - T3 T1 - T3
heat flow : Q! = heat flux : q =
+ +
k A A kB A k A kB
9 November 2021 22

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics
staal koper

9 November 2021 23

Department Process & Energy

Section Fluid Mechanics

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