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A.Y. 2021-2022

Narrative Report

Participant’s Name: Mary Joanne A. Salvilla

Webinar Title: Honing One’s Knowledge and Skills to be Future-Ready
Date: February 22, 2022
Venue: Joji Ilagan International School/ Gen. Santos City
Host: Ms. Sheena Mae. Brillantes
Webinar Classification: National Webinar Zoom

I. Summary: Write a summary of the seminar by discussing the webinar (title,
organizer, theme, summary of the topic discussed, etc.) and lessons learned
from the said event.

Second page:
Font: Arial
Font size: 12
Spacing: Double Spacing
Margins: 1in TM, LM, RM, .03BM
Number of words: 150-200 words

II. Attachments: Screenshot of the following documents on the third page.

1. Certificate of Attendance
2. Attendance (using video conference platform via Zoom or Google Meet)
3. Registration (Log-in)
4. Email (notification of the event)
I. Summary

The Webinar entitled “Honing One’s Knowledge and Skills to be Future-Ready “organized

by Joji Ilagan International School of Hotel and Tourism Management. The first speaker,

Ms. Rona S. Buca discuss about the importance of Communication: Boost your

Confidence and Skills. While Ms. Tessa W. Mercado discuss about the job application

and interview: how to make a killer Resume and Ace the Asked Question. First,

Communication is equals to conversation. If you are good in communication, you will have

a good conversation with someone you talk with. A great conversation requires a balance

between talking and listening. So don’t be half of it and half out of it. Having a good

conversation is don’t multitask instead have a balance between listening and talking. Use

open-ended questions. Go with the flow because thoughts will come into our mind and

let then out in our minds. And so on and so forth. While for the job application and

interview, there are tips to improve interview performance. First, Practice good nonverbal

communication. So, this is all about exuding confidence by standing tall, making eye

contact, and shaking hands firmly. The first nonverbal impression you make can be a

perfect way to start or finish your interview. Second, always listen and understand. One

of the most important interview tips is to pay attention. Third, use of proper language. Of

course, it is given that we should use professional language during interview. Be aware

of any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics, or sexual

orientation. These topics could send you out the door very quickly. And lastly, ask

questions. Part of knowing how to interview is being ready to ask questions that

demonstrate an interest in what goes on in the company. Asking questions give you

opportunity to find out if this is the right place for you. The best questions come from

listening to what you’ve asked during the interview and asking for additional information.
II. Attachments

1. Certificate of Attendance
2. Attendance (using video conference platform via Zoom or Google Meet)
3. Registration (Log-in)
4. Email (notification of the event)

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