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The Influence of Brand Image and Product Features on Consumer Loyalty of Iphone

and Samsung Smartphones

Ulfa, Nadya Amalia1 and Barusman, Andala Rama Putra2

Email:, 2Email:
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bandar Lampung
Jl. ZA Pagar Alam No. 26 Labuhan Ratu, Kedaton, 35142, Bandar Lampung Indonesia


This study aims to find out the product features of the brand image there is the loyalty of
Iphone and Samsung Smartphone buyers at the University of Bandar Lampung. The
population of this research is students who use Iphone and Samsung Smartphones, it is
known that the sample in the study is 50 people. The method of analysis using Multiple
Linear Regression analysis. Research shows that brand image and product features
simultaneously have an impact on iPhone and Samsung Smartphone Loyalty , proven and
acceptable. It is hoped that with this research, Iphone and Samsung Smartphones can
maintain a stable brand image and good product features for customers so that they can
increase Consumer Loyalty for Iphone and Samsung Smartphones at Bandar Lampung
University students.

Keywords: Brand image, Product features and Customer Loyalty .

Technology make era so modern, fast science and technology growth lah tight . So from that ,
need socialization somebody really urgent . This increasingly sophisticated technological
advance makes it easier for humans to communicate, interact with each other and obtain
information quickly. One proof of technological progress is the existence of the internet, the
internet is a network that can connect people in the world. One of the communication tools
that can be connected to the internet is a smartphone.

Android has become a subscription from children to adults in meeting their needs such as
communicating, doing business, or studying, because smartphones are considered as an
effective and efficient communication tool. The need for smartphones triggers competition
among telecommunications manufacturers due to the large number of requests from
consumers. Companies are required to find out the needs and desires of customers, because
competitors have appeared everywhere as a result there are many choices that will come to
customers (Rahmawati, 2016). Telecommunication manufacturers compete with each other to
offer smartphone products with more sophisticated and best innovations that become their
superior products so that customers want to buy it . This innovation arises because consumer
needs are very diverse so that telecommunications manufacturers are required to create
products that are different and superior to others (, 2021).

CNBC Indonesia (2021) - in Indonesia there is a smartphone market consisting of several

smartphone brands, namely Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei and others. There
are also several smartphone brands that are disappearing in the market because currently
iPhone and Android are increasingly dominating the market for some of these brands, namely
Nokia Blackberry, Motorola and others. In Indonesia, there is a smartphone market consisting
of several smartphone brands, namely Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei and
others. There are also several smartphone brands that are disappearing in the market because
currently iPhone and Android are increasingly dominating the market for some of these
brands, namely Nokia Blackberry, Motorola and others. During this pandemic, the
smartphone market experienced a decline in sales. Firm reset gartner said global smartphone
sales were down 20.4 percent compared to last year. The total number of smartphones sold
was 295 million units in Q2 2020. However, this decline was larger than the Q1 2020 period.
In Q1 2020 smartphone sales also experienced a percentage decline of 20.2 percent. Gartner
noted that almost all of the top five smartphone vendors experienced a decline in sales,
namely Samsung, Huawei, Apple, Apple, Xiaomi, Oppo, and others (Tekno Kompas, 2021).

Smartphone products circulating in the community are very diverse so that there are many
choices for consumers who want to buy smartphones. One of the smartphone brands
circulating in the community and having many users is the Apple brand. Apple becomes
emerging product hardware and software companies _ in 2007 that is iPhone .

Iphones that are officially sold by companies in Indonesia, such as those sold on ibox,
erafone, digimap and others, and also circulating second ex International iPhones which are
cheaper than iPhones sold on ibox, erafone. Iphones sold at ibox are usually only the latest
iPhones because older iPhones such as iPhone 6,6s,7,7+,8 to iPhone X are no longer
produced by ibox. Old iPhones as mentioned above are usually marketed by mobile phone
shops that sell second ex International iPhones at lower prices.

Every company that markets a product to consumers must understand consumer behavior.
Consumer behavior is important to understand because consumer behavior is related to
consumer attitudes in making a decision. Companies must memorize will the causes in
consumer decision making that will become consumer loyalty. There are many variables that
can be used as a factor of consumer loyalty to the iPhone smartphone. The iPhone
smartphone has several advantages when compared to other smartphones. Loyalty by
consumers involves many things such as perceptions of brand image, brand image is
important for a company, because brand image is something embedded in thought the buyer
's brand image is also used as a basis. by some consumers to perform customer loyalty
(Nugrahaningrum, 2018). There are three components to brand image, namely company
image, user image, and product image. D nature interesting customer naturally must using the
3 image system This is because if a company's brand image creates a positive impression,
consumers will become like on company . Apple has a good brand image in society, so that
people do customer loyalty by considering the brand image owned by Apple. The iPhone
market segmentation is aimed at the upper middle class, from teenagers to adults.

The purpose of branding a product is to differentiate a product from competitors' products,

even though they are similar. Products with a trusted brand image can affect consumer
loyalty and foster consumer repurchase interest. The Apple company has a distinctive feature
that is different from other companies, namely the most powerful feature is the apple
company symbol, namely the bitten apple design. These characteristics make Apple known to
many people so that consumers make purchases without considering the relatively expensive

In addition to brand image or brand image, another factor that affects consumer loyalty is
product features. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008) features are : part second from
existing value _ in something product . Consumers will balance the need on available features
_ in product . The iPhone has features that other smartphones don't have, making iPhone
users feel different from other smartphone users. Some of the advantages of iPhone features
are clarity on part camera very differentiate with other cellphones in general . Another
advantage is that the iPhone uses an iOS-based operating system where this operating system
has better performance, besides that the iPhone's TouchId feature also has good advantages.

To clarify the facts found from the iPhone, the researcher conducted a preliminary study by
comparing the iPhone with Samsung to 20 students at the University of Bandar Lampung.
The following are the results of the researcher's pre-research questionnaire.

Table 1. Pre-research Respondents

No Faculty Amount Iphone Android Percenta
Users users ge %
1 Economy 9 5 4 45%
2 Social science 4 2
and political 2 20%
3 Law 5 3 2 25%
4 Technique 1 - 1 5%
5 Computer Science 1 - 1 5%
Total Respondents 20 10 10 100 %
Source: Processed data (2021)

Ekonomi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Hukum
Teknik Ilmu Komputer
25% 45%


Figure 2. Pre-Research Respondents

Based on Figure 2. Most respondents are in the Faculty of Economics, which is 45%, Law is
25%, Social and Political Sciences is 20%, Engineering and Computer Science is 5%.

Figure 1. Pre-research on Iphone-Samsung Brand Image

Do you agree that the Iphone/Samsung brand is very superior?

35% Setuju
Tidak Setuju


Do you agree that Iphone/Samsung has a good reputation

35% Setuju
Tidak Setuju


Source: Processed data (2021)

From the results of observations made by researchers, the brand image of Iphone and
Samsung in the eyes of Bandar Lampung University students tends to be good, students think
that iPhone and Samsung cellphones are superior because of brands but do not have a good

Figure 2. Pre-research on Iphone-Samsung Product Features

Do you agree that the iPhone and Samsung camera features are
superior and clearer than other smartphones ?

41% Tidak Setuju

Do you agree that the features on the iPhone and Samsung really
help me to do assignments or work ?

38% Tidak Setuju


Source: Processed data (2021)

From Figure 1.2, it can be seen that the results of the answers from Bandar Lampung
University students, students did not agree with the product features on the iPhone and
Samsung. Based on the answers from the consumer interview survey, they argue that the
camera product features do not help in doing the assignments from the lecturers.

Figure 3. Pre-research on Iphone-Samsung Customer Loyalty

Do you re-purchase Iphone/Samsung

40% Tidak Loyal

Do you often make purchases of Iphone / Samsung?

43% Tidak

Source: Processed data (2021)

From Figure 1.3 it can be seen that the results of the answers of Bandar Lampung University
students, students are not loyal in purchasing iPhones and Samsungs. Based on the answers
from consumer interview surveys, they think that because Iphone and Samsung products are
Research Objectives
There are several objectives in this research, including:
1. Look for know impact image brand on Customer Loyalty Smartphone Iphone and
2. Look for know impact feature something goods on Customer Loyalty Smartphone
Iphone and Samsung.
3. To find out whether brand image and product features simultaneously affect the
Consumer Loyalty of Iphone and Samsung Smartphones.

Literature review
Kotler and Keller (2012) argue about marketing management by implementing, analyzing
and monitoring several programs that aim to exchange object and purpose organization .
According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008) features are : part second from existing value _ in
something product
According to Kotler (1997) a brand is : a sign identifier from something product with value as
differentiator with competitors as well something hidden promise _ from company . Kotler
(1997), Barusman & Riorini (2012) , trust businessman in give value product _ on buyer
prove consistency from entrepreneur .
According to Wu (2011) in Barusman and Riorini (2012), customer loyalty that has been
created between customers and companies, can be caused by satisfaction. Customer loyalty is
the ticket to the success of all businesses. According to Zeithmal and Bitner in Barusman &
Virgawenda (2019), to form the strength of customer loyalty, it can be built through
relationship development strategies, namely transition barriers, core service provisions, and
relationship bonds.
Research design
This study applies a descriptive research design. Descriptive research method itself is a way
or concept of solving a problem by drawing and painting a situation, phenomenon, event or
thing that is happening according to reality (as it is). This study aims to describe the casual
relationship with variables through hypothesis testing.

Population and Sample

Sugiono (2009: 223) explains that the population is an abstraction area that has parts of
objects and subjects that have specific qualities and characters with the determination of the
reviewer to be understood and then concluded. The population of this study are Iphone and
Samsung Smartphone consumers, it is known that the research sample is 50 respondents.

Qualitative Data Analysis

Analyzing data with qualitative concepts, namely analysis that conceptualizes in detail by
interpreting the data obtained from a theoretical approach. The data is simplified to be easier
to understand by describing the histogram form, median, frequency distribution, mode,
product features, average and standard deviation (standard deviation).

Quantitative Data Analysis

Analyzing data with quantitative concepts, namely analyzing data using numbers that can be
measured and calculated. While the purpose of this analysis itself is to determine the level of
influence in variables with other variables quantitatively. In analyzing the calculation of this
study data, applying statistical methods that are simplified using the SPSS 23 software
application to analyze research data.

Data analysis
Multiple Linear Regression


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.923 2.044 1.430 .159

Citra Merek .416 .178 .391 2.345 .023

Fitur Prodok .413 .169 .407 2.443 .018

a. Dependent Variable: Costumer Loyalty

Based on
the multiple linear regression equation as above, the interpretation is described as follows:
a. The above results can be expressed by the equation Y= 2,923 + 0.416X 1 + 0.413X 2
which can be interpreted as follows, indicating that the product feature variable
coefficient (0.413) has a value not smaller than the brand image variable coefficient
value (0.416).
b. The coefficient value of the brand image variable (X1 ) as much as 0.416 means that
there is a positive impact between the brand image variable (X1 ) and the Customer
Loyalty variable (Y), therefore if (X1 ) is increased by 1 %, the product features
remain (no change) then good customer satisfaction becomes 2.40%
c. The coefficient value of the product feature variable (X 2 ) is 0.413 which means that
there is a positive impact between the product feature variable (X 2 ) and the
customer satisfaction variable (Y), therefore if (X 2 ) is increased by 1%, the image
brand remains (no change) then customer satisfaction can increase to 5%.
d. From these two variables, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is either
greater or more prominent influenced by product features than brand image.

Coefficient of Determination
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .763a .582 .564 1.475
a. Predictors: (Constant), Fitur Prodok, Citra Merek

The results of the regression calculation show that the coefficient of determination (R Square)
obtained is 0.582. Thus, it shows that 52.8% shows a sense of student loyalty to iPhone and
Samsung smartphones due to the brand image and product features, and the difference is
41.8% because there are variables that are not stated.

Hypothesis testing
Partial Hypothesis Testing or t Test


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.923 2.044 1.430 .159

Citra Merek .416 .178 .391 2.345 .023

Fitur Prodok .413 .169 .407 2.443 .018

a. Dependent Variable: Costumer Loyalty

1. Brand Image Variable (X 1 ) with Customer Loyalty (Y)

In the confidence variable, the t - count value is 2,345 , which is greater than the t - table value of

2.011 or in other words, t- count >t- table , meanwhile, the significant result obtained is
0.023, which is smaller than which is set at 0.05, therefore it can be called significant .
Thus, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, in other words: The first hypothesis: Brand
image has a positive and significant influence on consumer satisfaction on Iphone and
Samsung Smartphones , this has been proven and has also been accepted as true.
2. Product Feature Variable (X 2 ) with Customer Loyalty (Y)
The product feature variable is obtained from the t - count value of 2,443 more than the t - table
value of 2.011 or in other words, t- count > t - table , meanwhile the significant result obtained is
0.018, smaller than which has been set at 0.05 therefore can be called significant . Thus,
Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, in other words: The second hypothesis: Product
features have a positive and significant influence on consumer satisfaction on Iphone and
Samsung Smartphones , which have been proven and can be accepted.

ANOVA Hypothesis Test or F . Test

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 142.184 2 71.092 32.657 .000a
Residual 102.316 47 2.177

Total 244.500 49
a. Predictors: (Constant), Fitur Prodok, Citra Merek
b. Dependent Variable: Costumer Loyalty

Tests carried out simultaneously obtained the value of Fcount (32.657) with a significance
value (sig.) 0.000 < 0.05, therefore Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which means that side
by side Brand image (X1) and product features (X2) have positive and significant influence
on customer satisfaction (Y) in Smartphone Iphone and Samsung. The third hypothesis:
Brand image and product features simultaneously have a positive and significant influence on
the satisfaction felt by customers on Iphone and Samsung Smartphones, proven and


From the description of the discussion that has been described by the author above, the
conclusions drawn by the author are described below:
1. There is impact something image brand on consumer satisfaction on Iphone and
Samsung Smartphones , and this has been proven as well as the truth has been
2. Product features have impact on Customer Loyalty on Iphone and Samsung
Smartphones , proven and acceptable.
3. by together image brand and feature something product have impact on Customer
Loyalty on Iphone and Samsung Smartphones , and this has been proven and the truth
has been accepted.
From the results of the author's data analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively, there are
things that the author feels should be recommended on Iphone and Samsung Smartphones
with the aim of increasing Customer Loyalty to be even better than the current conditions that
already exist, among these recommendations are:

1. Based on the research results, according to students, the brand image of iPhone and
Samsung is sufficient in category fine , will but there is students who don't know
iPhone and Samsung, the cause because no use iPhone and Samsung. . very urgent if
party iphone and Samsung can give demo service in display feature what only he has .
2. In maintaining the stability of Product Features, it is hoped that Samsung iPhones and
Smart Phones can continue to press advanced Product Features for students that can
attract students' interest in increasing Customer Loyalty on Samsung Iphones and
Smart Phones.

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