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Portrait Photography

Close-up shots

I chose this picture out of the others because it is different and not something you
would see on a daily bases. For my picture I chose the lighting to be natural using the
light from out side instead of using filters for the photo. Without the filters you can see the
natural colour of the object and more. I chose to take the photo side ways but also quite
close to the object to make it clear that it is a close up shot. It is positions more to the side
to see the face of the dog as we can see it looks like it is curled up sleeping but we can
also get an idea that it is a place to sit down as the top is shapes how a couch may look
like. In the photo theres not much colours seen and the colours you can mainly see are
brown and grey. These types of colours aren't very interesting so maybe using filters
would make it more vibrant.

obviously in the photo the main focus would be the dog shaped seat and it is positioned
slightly on one side. I did this to get the main features in on the photo. The colours in the
image are quite dull and not very vibrant, maybe if it was sunnier the colours would have
been brighter however, the colours used are not very vibrant either way such as
the brown and grey that we can mostly see. Maybe as an improvement for next time I
could try out using filters to see if it looks better and more brighter than before. And to
make it more of a close up I could take a picture of a section of it for an extreme close
up to make it more interesting and have people questioning what it is.

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