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1. Discuss how the life and ministry of Christ demonstrates his being a prophet, priest
and king. (20 pts)

Jesus Christ fulfilled his roles in his threefold office of being a prophet,
priest, and king during his life and ministry. As a prophet, he spoke and
communicated God’s words to the people, and he also foretold the future. He
teaches us the truth and reveals the way of salvation. As a priest, Jesus offered
prayers, sacrifices and praises to God on behalf of us. He became the mediator
between us all and above all, he sacrificed and offered himself for us. Lastly,
as a King, he guards His Church to ensure that there will be no harm against
us and he will fight with us through our battles by not abandoning us to
Satan’s scheme and tricks.

INTEGRATION (Put this on a separate one full page short bond paper)

1. Do you think you are already members of the Church and brothers and sisters in
Christ when you received baptism? How? (20 pts)

Yes, I do believe that by receiving baptism, we become members of

the church and brothers and sisters in Christ. Through baptism, Christ’s
priesthood and his prophetic ministry and mission are shared by us. I was once
a member or the Christian Brotherhood Organization of our school and we
enjoy the company of each other and we share our talents and gifts to our
fellow members. We also willingly respond to the teachings of the church, its
regulations and accept the obligations that comes with it. With all our Church's
activities, we were able to build a strong link and get to know each other
better. Participating in Church activities aided my personal development as
well as broadened my horizons in life and fueled my passions. Being a part of
a Church does not need you to devote all your time and money; rather, it is
how we all compromise with each other's flaws and limitations. In conclusion,
we all have the opportunity to live and act under the guidance of God.

2. Do you believe that Christ really died for you or he was just killed by the Romans?
(20 pts)

For the atonement of our sins, our Almighty God sacrificed His own
Son, Jesus Christ. We, humans, are weak and we quickly succumb to
temptations without understanding God's salvation. We may have all died as a
result of our sins if it hadn't been for Jesus’ sacrifice. Jesus Christ have died to
save us on our sins and because he suffered an unjust death, we must work for
our repentance and reconciliation with God in return. I do believe that we
could have suffered far more if Jesus hadn't died for us. We would die
physically and spiritually, which is more painful. Jesus' death provided us with
a new spiritual life. He died so that we could all live and renew our lives so we
should all do our best to move away from our old habits and become a
productive and honourable follower of His ministry.

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