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Archery Script

What all do you know about archery?

Brief History & Where Archery Is Today

Archery was first seen during the Paleolithic Period, going back to around the date of 10,000
BC. Egyptian and Nubian cultures used the bow and arrow for hunting and warfare. Bow
and arrows were also very common with Native American cultures and it was used in many of
their wars. If you believe or at least enjoy Greek Mythology then you know that archery is
shown throughout it (you know like with apollo, the god of archery). Today, archery is a hobby,
a way of hunting, and an olympic sport

Archery in Media
Archery is not only shown in person or in history, It’s also shown in the media. Take The Hunger
games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. In these books and/or movies, the main character
Katniss is really good with a recurve bow, and spoiler..ends up not only wow-ing the crowd with
it but also getting through the games and proving herself with the help of her bow. Other
movies with main characters that are into or do archery could include..but are not limited to:
Hawkeye, Robin Hood and merida from Brave. There are also television showed tournaments
such as The Vegas Shoot · Lancaster Archery Classic and USA Archery Indoor Nationals. And
as mentioned earlier archery is an olympic sport

My experience in archery and my knowledge of it

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I have only recently gotten into archery when my mom got me a bow for Christmas but I’ve been
taking lessons down at Overton’s archery and it’s taught me a lot. I’ve learned the proper
stance and way to hold a compound bow, I’ve learned all the different parts (there’s the upper
limb, limb bolt, bow sight, riser, grip, stabilizer, lower limb, cam, arrow rest, nocking loop, cable
rod, slide and the upper cam) and I’ve learned to expand to pull the release and not just pull it.
There are compound, recurves, longbows and crossbows and I personally think that recurves
are the hardest to use because of how you have to aim . Compounds are more precise
(depending on your stance and sights of course) The longbow is a mixture of the compound and
recurve, its faster, quieter and even more precise than the compound and then crossbows make
arrows shoot further and have a completely different layout.

In conclusion, archery isn’t actually seen a lot but it is a very useful, fun and informational sport.
Like it just has a lot of background and fun facts. It’s a really cool sport and I have a few small
video clips to show.

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