Arpit Sahay A36106421096 Csit204 Assignment

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Introduction to MIS and MIS Tools

-by Arpit
Enrollment no.-

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Amity University Jharkhand

Introduction to MIS
A management information system (MIS) is a computer system
consisting of hardware and software that serves as the backbone of an
organization’s operations. An MIS gathers data from multiple online
systems, analyses the information, and reports data to aid in
management decision-making.

MIS is also the study of how such systems work.

It is the study of people, technology, organizations, and the

relationships among them. MIS professionals help firms realize
maximum benefit from investment in personnel, equipment, and
business processes. MIS is a people-oriented field with an emphasis
on service through technology. If you have an interest in technology
and have the desire to use technology to improve people’s lives, a
degree in MIS may be for you.

 Improved decision making:

The purpose of an MIS is improved decision-making, by providing
up-to-date, accurate data on a variety of organizational assets like
Financials, Inventory, Personnel, Project Timelines, Manufacturing,
Real Estate, Marketing, Raw Materials and R&D. The MIS collects
the data, stores it, and makes it accessible to managers who want to
analyse the data by running reports. It provides regular information to
managers to allow them to make decisions based on data rather than

 Central Information System

The goal of an MIS is to be able to correlate multiple data points in
order to strategize ways to improve operations. For example, being
able to compare sales this month to sales a year ago by looking at
staffing levels may point to ways to boost revenue. Or being able to
compare marketing expenditures by geographic location and link
them to sales can also improve decision-making. But the only way
this level of analysis is possible is due to data that is compiled through
an MIS.

Running reports that pull together disparate data points is an MIS’ key
contribution. That feature, however, comes with a significant cost.
MIS implementation is an expensive investment that includes the
hardware and software purchases, as well as the integration with
existing systems and training of all employees.

 Improves Employee Productivity

Employees are more productive because they don't have to spend time
gathering the data that management wants. A well-designed MIS will
gather all the data without any more input from employees. Every
employee can take use of MIS to see and compare their performance
with peer employees which creates a sense of competence between
each other’s performance ultimately benefits the organisation’s sales
and work efficiency

Objectives of MIS
The goals of an MIS are to implement the organizational structure and
dynamics of the enterprise for the purpose of managing the
organization in a better way and capturing the potential of the
information system for competitive advantage.

Following are the basic objectives of an MIS −

 Capturing Data : Capturing contextual data, or

operational information that will contribute in decision making from
various internal and external sources of organization.

 Processing Data : The captured data is processed into

information needed for planning, organizing, coordinating, directing
and controlling functionalities at strategic, tactical and operational
level. Processing data means making calculations with the data,
sorting data, classifying data and summarizing data.

 Information Storage : Information or processed data

need to be stored for future use.
 Information Retrieval : The system should be able to
retrieve this information from the storage as and when required by
various users.

 Information Propagation : Information or the

finished product of the MIS should be circulated to its users
periodically using the organizational network.

Tools of MIS
There are various MIS tools which may be crafted on the basis of
needs and wants of the organisation and does not follow a set of hard
rules. However, there are some standard MIS tools that can be
categorised as:

System System

Tools Inventory
Sales and

 Process Control: This system monitors the physical or industrial

processes of business like an automobile assembly, petroleum
processes, or metal fabrication. The process control system gathers
data continuously and then makes a report on the performance of the
system. It is one of the most important types of Management
information system in any manufacturing company.

 Management Reporting System: This system is designed to

produce reports about the operations and finances of all levels of
management in a company. Management report system helps the
manager of the company to compare the performance of the company
with the past year’s performance and with the expected performance.
Inventory Control and management

 Inventory Control: Inventory of a company includes spoilage,

sales, theft, and inventory on hand. Inventory control system tracks all
these things and updates management about them.

 Sales And Marketing: This system helps the management to

execute and track the efficiency of a company’s marketing functions
and sales. It takes care of Projected sales, Improving the quality of
products, Handling distribution networks, Assembling and tracking
the advertising different stores.

 Human Resource: This information management system allows

management to control the flow of information all around the
organization. Electronic devices used by managers to communicate
with managers of other departments, their employees, or even by
 Accounting And Finance: Accounting and finance system track
the investments and assets of a company. The data collected from
these reports are assembled for financial reporting demanded by law
to deal with functions like federal, payroll, local taxes, state, and
pension funds. This system generates reports required for regular
financial audits and also generate annual reports for upper

 Decision Support System: This support system is designed in

such a way that it helps the manager to make a decision when a
situation arises. It gathers data from both external as well as internal
sources. Population trends, interest rates, and cost of new house
construction are the few examples

 Expert System: The expert system is designed in such a way that

it takes and store the knowledge of a human expert on a particular
subject and use that knowledge to assist people with lower expertise
to make decisions. Artificial intelligence is an important part of an
expert system. Expert system senses your actions on the basis of the
actions you have taken in past in similar situations and take decision
on the basis of those logical assumptions.
Importance Of MIS

 Making an effective decision management information system makes

it possible for all decision-makers.
 MIS systems can be used inside and outside the organization and
employees inside the organization are able to easily access the
required information in their everyday operations.
 SMS and Email in the organization make it possible to communicate
with customers from the MIS systems.
 Record Management, all the business transactions of an organization
are recorded by management information systems and provides a
reference point for all transactions.
 By receiving performance reports in real-time, the organisation can
become more dynamic in its operations. Its employees may be able to
discover and respond to opportunities more quickly. They may also be
able to detect potential threats and find appropriate solutions to avoid
or minimise them. Additionally, when everyone is better-informed
about the business operations and long-term results, their work
productivity may improve.
 With an MIS information system, the organisation's management can
make better decisions concerning the allocation of staff and resources.
They can review the performance reports of individual employees and
departments and identify the best performers
 An MIS facilitates performance reviews and accurate comparisons
with the projections. That can enable the management to make better
business decisions.

Clearly, management information system must be implemented to
provide proper information to those charged with decision-making.
The facts would aid and improve the entire decision-making process
to come up with accurate and on time strategic decisions.
Management Information System increase accessibility and sharing of
correct and high-quality information to the final users. For the
Management Information System to be effective, carefully thought,
planned, and implemented database should subsist to interconnect the
modified decisions. The organization’s management information
system must conform to the firm’s administrative and tactical
objectives. The company’s top management should engage in
improving the Information System and make an effective contribution
to its design. Thus, it is important to understand the functions of an
information system just like any other functional area in business. A
well-maintained management information system supports the
organization at different levels.

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