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1.Which of the following best describe the the 11. Review of an employee’s performance
psychological orientation of an individual making accomplishments in an MBO system is done by:
“maximax” choice? a. the employee’s supervisor b. the employee
a.optimist b.pessimist c.defeatist and supervisor c. the
2. James has calculated the possible profit from employee
three different scenarios for the extension of his 12. “No smoking” rule and a sexual harassment
recreation park, each for a different amount of policy are examples of ________ plan used by
advertising and promotion. He has chosen to organization
implement the scenario that offer the greatest a.long-range b.single-use c.standing-
profit. James has decide to: use
a. maximax b.maximin c.minimax 13. a good performance objectives is written in such
3. In late 1970s, Apple launched the Apple a way that it ________
computer for individual use, it was a radian concept, a. has no precise timeable almost
there was no precedent for this type of product. impossible to accomplish c. can be easily
Base on the circumstance, Apple faced a situation of measured
: 14. Leadership is best defined as:
a.risk b.certainty c.uncertainty a. ability to influence group in goal achievement
4. Lower-level manager typically deal with: b. implementing the vision and strategy provided by
a. unstructured problem b. programmed the managers
decision c. nonprogrammed decision c. coordinating and staffing the organization and
5. A manager of an clothing store estimates how handling day-to-day problems
much to order for the current spring season based 15.Which theory differentiate leaders from non-
on the last spring sales’s figure. The store manager leaders by focusing on personal qualities and
is operating under which of the following decision- characteristics?
making decision: a. Fiedler’s perspective b. contingency theory
a.uncertainty b.risk c.structure c.Trait theory
6. “We espect to maintain highest standards of 16. A leader who involved employees in decision
quality in our workmanship”. This is an example of : making, delegated authority, and used feedback as
a. procedure b.rule c.policy an opportunity for coaching employees is:
7. When problems are ________, managers must a. autocratic style b. laissez-faire style
rely on ________ in order to develop unique c.democratic style
solutions. 17. Base on the contingency theory, if leadership
a. structured; nonprogrammed decision making style does not match the situation, you should:
b.structured; pure intuition a. retrain the leader in a more appropriate style
c. unstructured; nonprogrammed decision making b.change the situation to fit the leader
8.planning is the process of ________ and ________ c. accept this circumstance is unchangeable
a. setting objectives, deciding how to accomplish 18. Fiedler labels the degree of confidence , trust,
them b.measuring the past performance, and respect that subordinates have in their leader
targeting the future performance as:
c. developing premises about the future, evaluating a.relationship orientatiom b.leader-member
them relation c. position power
9. The benefit of planning include________ 19. “Do as you want and don’t bother me” would be
a. improve efficiency b. solve unexpteced described as having ________ leadership style:
problem c. guaranteed profits a. democratic b. autocratic c. Laissez-faire
10. In order to help implement its strategy, a 20. According to Fiedler’s approach, your employee
business firm would likely develop a(n) should assume which of the following about the
________plan for the marketing function leadership style determined using the survey:
a.IT b.operational c.long-range a. each person ‘s style is essentially fixed
b. each person’s style will change accordance in a.concurrent by walking
accordance with the situation at hand around c. inventory control
c. each person can use the information to change 28. Lesley Torres is a project manager for the
his/her style into a more productive style campaign “Action against Deforestation in
21 Which of the following needs in Maslow’s Indonesia.” She recently faced a glitch when the
hierarchy refers to the drive to become what one is campaign could not be launched publicly according
capable of becoming? to schedule. Torres monitored the schedule to find b.self-actualization the cause of the delay before speeding up the
c.esteem implementation process by allocating more
22 According to Douglas Mcgregor’s theory Y, a members for the implementation phase. By doing
manager assume that employee this, which of the following functions is she
a.Attempt to avoid work b. learn to accept performing?
responsibility c. prefer to be controlled a. planning b.Organizing
23 According to Herzberg two-factor theory: c. controlling
a. Achievement, power and affiliation are three 29. Which is the most importance stage in
important needs that help explain controlling process:
motivation a. Measuring actual performance
b. The aspect that lead to job satisfaction are b. compare actual performance and standards
separated and distinct from those that lead c. taking corrective action
to job dissatisfaction 30.One of the benefits of controlling is:
c. There exists a hierarchy of needs within a.provide specific direction to employees and
every human being, and as each need is managers
satisfied, the next one become dominant b.better time management
24 According to two-factor theory developed by c.provide information and feedback on employee
Herzberg, which of the following is considered as performance and minimize the chance of potential
hygiene factor? problems
a. Quality of supervisor b. promotional
25 Roseline want to become an HR
Manager .Although her current role comes with
high salary and put her in charge of several
subordinates, she is mainly pursuit this position
because she believe she can do job better than
anyone else and wants people to know this.
According to Mc Clelland’s theory of need, it is :
a.The need for Power b. the need for
Achievement c. The need for
26. when an automobile manufacturer is careful to
purchase only the highest-quality raw materials to
be used in production, this is an example of
________ control
a.concurrent b. feedforward by walking around
27. Nicholas Fox is director of business product
management at Google. He and his team keep an
watchful eye to watch “the number of searches and
clicks, the rate at each user clicks on ads..everything
is tracked by hour and hour”. This is an example of :
a.identifying decision criteria
1. A decision for repetitive or routine problems b.developing alternatives
for which the responses have been already c.analyzing alternatives
been decided and been known to the person d.selecting an alternatives
who will make the decision is called: 9. 9. Comprehensive, long range planning, focusing on
a. programmed. b. non programmed. broad enduring issues is called:
c. strategic. d. professional. a.operational planning. b. strategic planning.
2. Non programmed decisions are most likely to c. niche planning. d. none of the above.
be made by:
a. middle management 10. The strategy of setting low prices to rapidly create
b. lower management. a mass market is called:
c. top management. a.strategic planning. b. price penetration strategy.
d. supervisory management. c. prestige strategy. d. skimming strategy.
3. A decision based primarily on an almost 11. Strategic objectives are set by:
unconscious reliance on the decision maker's a.middle management. b. top management.
experience without a conscious rational c. line management. d. all of the above.
analysis having been made is called: 12. Which of the following objectives would be
a. systematic. b. programmed. most difficult to measure?
c. non programmed. d. intuitive. responsibility. b. profitability objectives.
4. The first step in decision making is to: c. financial objectives. d. quality objectives.
a. establish priorities. 13. An individual who is able to exert leadership and to
b. establish specific goals and manage an operation is called a:
objectives. a.leader. b. leader-manager.
c. identify and define the problem. c. manager. d. first line supervisor.
d. determine courses of the problem.
5. Problems are usually of the following type(s): 14. Michael is a type of manager who is concerned
a. crisis problems. primarily with accomplishing goals and
b. routine problems. objectives and concentrates on the task itself.
c. problems of failing to take His behavioral style is called:
advantage of opportunities. a.authoritarian. b. democratic.
d. all of the above. c. task oriented. d. people oriented.
6. The concept that a manager's freedom to
make totally rational decisions is restricted by 15. An approach to leadership in which the leader's
internal and external environmental factors behavior is first categorized on a scale from
and by the manager's own characteristics and task orientation to people orientation, and
decision-making ability is called: efforts are made to find a work situation to
a. bounded rationality. b. values. which that particular style is best suited is
c. objective rationality. d. A & B. called:
7. An employee in a company is working out a a.Hersey-Blanchard theory.
schedule to ensure that all the sales staff b. Vroom-Jago model.
arrive at the company conference on time. c. Fielder's LPC theory.
This is a: d. path goal theory
a.non programmed decision. 16. The common link between planning and
b. programmed decision. control is:
c. problem decision. a.procedures. b. rules.
d. crisis decision. c. standards. d. policies.
17. Which of the following is not an aspect of
8. In which step the decision maker need to be control?
creative? evaluate actual performance.
b. to compare actual performance with goals. 25. Which of the following is not a motivator in
c. to define objectives. Herzberg's factors?
d. to take corrective action. a. supervision. b. recognition.
c. salary. d. A & C.
18. Monitoring ongoing operations to ensure that 26. Each of the following statements is true about
standards are met and objectives are pursued McClelland's motivation theories except
is called: a. Employees high in need for achievement value
a.preliminary control. money as an end in itself
b. feedback control. b. High need for power people can strongly affect
c. statistical process control. others
d. concurrent controls. c. High need for achievement employees want to feel
responsible for their performance in challenging jobs
19. When customer service Department obtained d. Employees low in need for achievement value
complaints from customer about poor service, money as an end in itself
the manager will study the cause and deliver 27. Leadership is __________________.
new service, it is: a.the process of influencing a group toward the
a.preliminary control. b. feedback control. achievement of goals
c. concurrent control. d. none of the above. b.a group that achieves goals
20. Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes all EXCEPT c.the function of influencing a group towards the
which of the following? achievement of goals
a. cognition b. physiological d.directing a group towards the achievement of goals
c. safety d. belongingness 28. Early leadership trait research sought
21. McClelland’s achievement motivation theory states _______________.
that people with a high achievement need clarify the need for leadership traits
have a preference for: b. found the traits status of leaders
a. attaining success through their own c.identification of traits that leaders could use
efforts rather than through teamwork d.characteristics that might differentiate leaders from
b. clear and unambiguous feedback nonleaders
c. moderate task difficulty 29. Which leadership style doesn’t exploit employee’s
d. all of the above innovative ideas?
22. Which of the following is an assumption of Theory a. democratic b. autocratic c. Laissez-faire style
X management? 30. Which statement is true about Fiedler contingency
a. the average person dislikes work. theory?
b. The average worker prefers to be directed. a. Leadership style is one situational variale
c. The average person likes work. b. people get high LPC questionanire score are task-
d. A & B. oriented while people get low LPC score are
23. Which of the following is not an assumption of relationship-oriented.
Theory Y? c. you can change the situation to fit
a. most people like work. the leader
b. under most circumstances, most people seek d. task-oriented leaders performed better in moderate
additional responsibility. situations
c. primary motivators are fear and money.
d. people are intelligent.
24. Which of the following hygiene factors are in
Herzberg's theories?
a. work itself.
b. responsibility.
c. company policy and administration.
d. recognition and interpersonal relations.

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