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Service-Learning Project Part A

Your Name: _xxx
Name of Your Community: ___Los Angeles


1. Identify at least two issues in your community. Select the one that interests you

Based on my community research in the Los Angeles community, I found the following issues
that mainly affect the community; land pollution, early pregnancy among adolescents, littering of
dirt, mismanagement of resources, and drug abuse. Among these issues, I chose to discuss
littering of dirt as my topic of interest.
2. Now use this chart to take notes as you research. Seek help from the library, Internet,
family, friends, and trusted community members. Your city or county government
website may be helpful. Be sure to note where you find information in your chart.

Community Issue: Distracted Driving Research Notes

Who? This is a community issue that affects

everyone in the community. If one is
Whom does the issue or problem affect? driving while distracted, 75% of them
are involved in an accident w, which
How does it affect them? may result in the loss of many people's
Who has information that can help you? The National Highway Traffic Safety

What factors contribute to the problem? Talking to the passengers while driving,
eating and drinking, emotions,
daydreaming, chatting, and loud music.
What type of service might be most helpful Proper guidance and counseling on what
to people affected by the issue? drivers are expected to do while driving

Where does the issue have the greatest Distracted driving affects both people in
impact? and out of the vehicle since accidents can
Where can you find people working on it? kill both of them.

When did the issue or problem begin? Distracted driving in Los Angeles began

in the mid-1950s when audio systems

were installed into the vehicles.
When is help needed? Help is needed as soon as possible since
this is an issue that is still happening and
many lives of people are now at a higher

Why do people think this issue is Other people think that this issue is
important? important because they value the life and
safety of the community members.
It is important to me since I also care
Why do you think it is important? about other people's safety and well-

Resources Braitman, K. A., & Braitman, A. L.

Record the titles and locations of any books, (2017). Patterns of distracted driving
websites, or people that helped you. behaviors among young adult drivers:
Exploring relationships with personality
variables. Transportation research part F:
traffic psychology and behavior, 46, 169-

Chand, A., & Bhasi, A. B. (2019,

August). Effect of driver distraction
contributing factors on accident
causations–A review. In AIP Conference
Proceedings (Vol. 2134, No. 1, p.
060004). AIP Publishing LLC.

Discussion Post:
Based on research analysis, I think driving while texting is the most important thing right now
since there are more impacts and more to lose when one is distracted while driving.

Use this chart to organize information for your service.

What I can do to help–is list all steps  I could collect the contacts for
involved everyone who is driving and text
them or call them to explain the
effects of distracted driving and
how to prevent them.
 I could approach them directly and
explain the effects of distracted
driving and how to minimize it
 I could also carry out several
campaigns to create awareness
within the community.

Related organization and Name of contact National Safety Council (NSC).

person, including organization phone
number, email, street address (800) 621-7619
(630) 285-1434 fax

National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration (NHTSA).

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE

Washington, D.C. 20590

1-800-424-9153 (TTY)

Dates and locations of any events already There are no events that have been
scheduled by the organization that I can scheduled for me to participate in.
participate in

Is there a minimum age for the task I There is no age limit, although the younger
would like to participate in? Am I old the age, the better.

How will I get to the event(s) and back I will drive my car to the event and back

home again? home.

Do I have parent or guardian permission? Yes

Who can help me and how? My older brother can help me attend the
events and carry on by campaign
concerning traffic safety to prevent driving

Deadline for completing my task Two months are enough to complete my

task and create awareness within the whole

Discussion Post:

For my service project, I wish to campaign and create awareness concerning the effects of being
distracted while driving and educate the public on the most effective ways which will help to
prevent or minimize the issue. I believe that this issue still needs to be discussed until we can get
it right through people's minds before an accident for them to learn. There is no local event that
has been scheduled. However, I would wish to visit several colleges and discuss the possible
dangers and effects of being distracted while driving. I think this will help minimize the causes
of accidents in the Los Angeles community.


Braitman, K. A., & Braitman, A. L. (2017). Patterns of distracted driving behaviors among
young adult drivers: Exploring relationships with personality variables. Transportation
research part F: traffic psychology and behavior, 46, 169-176.
Chand, A., & Bhasi, A. B. (2019, August). Effect of driver distraction contributing factors on
accident causations–A review. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2134, No. 1, p.
060004). AIP Publishing LLC.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
National Safety Council (NSC).

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