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What is programing?
❖ Computer programming is the process of performing a
particular computation, usually by designing/building an
executable computer program.
❖ Programming involves tasks such as:
1. Analysis
2. Generating algorithms
3. Profiling algorithms' accuracy
4. Resource consumption
5. Implementation of algorithms.
Type of programming languages
❖ Machine language
• Only language computer directly understands
• “Natural language” of computer
• Define by hardware design
➢ Machine-dependent
• Generally consist of strings of numbers
➢ Ultimately 0s and 1s
• Instruct computers to perform elementary operations
➢ One at a time
• Cumbersome for humans
• Example:
► +1300042774
► +1400593419
► +1200274027
Type of programming languages
❖ Assembly language
• English-like abbreviations representing elementary
computer operations
• Clearer to humans
• Incomprehensible to computers
➢ Translator programs (assemblers)
• Convert to machine language
• Example:
Type of programming languages
❖ High-level languages
• Similar to everyday English, use common mathematical
• Single statements accomplish substantial tasks
➢ Assembly language requires many instructions to
accomplish simple tasks
• Translator programs (compilers)
➢ Convert to machine language
• Interpreter programs
➢ Directly execute high-level language programs
• Example:
➢ grossPay = basePay + overTimePay
What are Interpreters, compilers and
❖ Interpreter:
it converts each high level instruction into a series of machine
instructions and then immediately run (or execute) those
❖ Compilers:
convert a finished program (or section of a program) into object
code. This is often done in steps.
❖ Assemblers:
program which convert the symbolic instructions ( which is
written in an assembly language) into object or machine code.
Size of programs

Programs are generally divided into three basic sizes: trivial,

small, and large.

➢ Trivial programs are programs that a skilled

programmer can write in less than two days of coding.

➢ Small programs are programs that one skilled

programmer can write in less than one year of full
time work.
Size of programs
Programs are generally divided into three basic sizes: trivial,
small, and large.
➢ Trivial programs are programs that a skilled
programmer can write in less than two days of coding.
➢ Small programs are programs that one skilled
programmer can write in less than one year of full
time work.

Con. Size of programs

➢ Large programs are programs that require more than
two to five man-years of labour, normally written by
programming teams (which can exceed 1,000 skilled
Nice stories
• Larry Ellison wrote the first version of Oracle database by
himself in about six months. That is a genius exception. Data
bases typically take large teams (sometimes hundreds of
programmers) at least a year.
• Another story
• Bill Gates, copying and pasting from the source code of three
working open source versions, took more than six months to
create a bug-filled BASIC compiler and then hired a team of six
skilled programmers who spent more than six more months to
get rid of enough bugs to make the compiler somewhat usable
(a total of more than three man-years).
• That is an exception. A BASIC compiler typically takes a skilled
programmer a few hours to create. Note that Bill Gates takes
credit for quickly having created a BASIC compiler, but
according to other sources he was sued for having illegally used
open source code for commercial purposes, forcing him to
spend a great deal of time attempting to do a project that many
programmers of the day could successfully finish in hours.
History of programming languages
• There have been thousands of programming languages,
many of which have been lost to history.
• FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation)
• was created in 1954 by John Backus and other
researchers at International Business Machines (now
• Released in 1957.
• FORTRAN is the oldest programming language still in
common use.
• FORTRAN was the first high-level language, using the first
compiler ever developed.
Cont. History
• Prior to Fortran, programmers were required to program using
machine / assembly languages.
• Significant features of the language are listed below:
1. Simple to learn.
2. Machine Independent ( easy transportation).
3. Efficient execution.
4. Ability to control storage allocation (considered today as a
dangerous practice)
• LISP (LISt Processing)
➢ was created n 1958.
➢ released in 1960 by John McCarthy of MIT.
➢ the second oldest programming language still in common use.
➢ was intended for writing artificial intelligence programs.
Cont. History
• COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language)
➢ was created in May 1959 by the Short Range Committee of the
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).
➢ Numbers of versions.
➢ The last one in 2002.
➢ 1997 and 2002 were Object Oriented versions.

• BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

➢ was designed as a teaching language in1963 by John George
and Thomas Eugene Kurtz of Dartmouth College.
➢ BASIC was intended to make it easy to learn programming.
➢ The first BASIC program was run at 4 a.m. May 1, 1964.
Cont. History
• Pascal (named for French religious fanatic and mathematician Blaise
➢ was created in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth.
➢ Work started in 1968.
➢ Pascla intended as a teaching language to replace BASIC.
• C
➢ was developed from 1969-1972 by Dennis Ritchie.
➢ Was developed for use in systems programming for UNIX.
➢ SQL (Standard Query Language)
➢ was designed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F.
➢ Designed by IBM in 1974.
• Ada was first released in 1983 (ADA 83),
➢ other releases in 1995 (ADA 95) and 2005 (ADA 2005).
➢ Ada was created by the U.S. Department of Defence (DoD).
➢ originally intended for embedded systems and later intended for all
military computing purposes.
Cont. History
• C++
➢ was developed in 1983 by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
➢ to extend C for object oriented programming.
• Java (named for coffee).
➢ was created by James Gosling and others at Sun Microsystems for
embedded systems.
➢ released for applets in 1995.
➢ Original work started in 1991 as an interactive language under the name
➢ Rewritten for the internet in 1994.
• JavaScript (originally called LiveScript).
➢ was created by Brendan Elch at Netscape in 1995.
➢ A scripting language for web pages.
• PHP (PHP Hypertext Processor)
➢ was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995.
• C#
➢ was created by Anders Hajlsberg.
➢ The main language of Microsoft’s .NET.



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