Chippenham Documentary Shot List

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# Shot Location Shot Camera Camera What the Description

Angle Movement shot is

#1 EXT POV/ Eye Level/ Tracking Intro with Cinematic shots of the pitch, car
MS Low Angle shot Voiceover park, stands, dressing room, bar
and food stands. While the
voiceover intros the
documentary talking about
Chippenham Town and its
#2 EXT MCU Eye Level Static Interview First Interview with an older fan,
with Fan in front of the ground asking
them questions about their
memories of Chippenham
#3 EXT MS Eye Level Static and Voiceover We have another bunch of clips
Tracking Speaks of fans walking into the stadium
Shot about fans and buying things, while the
voiceover speaks about the
importance of fans to a club of
this size
#4 EXT LS/ Low Angle Static Interview Opening matchday Graphic, then
MS and Eye with goes into interview with
Level manager, manager about teams' news for
while the game and thoughts on the
players match. While this happens, it will
warm up have players warming up in the
#5 INT MCU High Static Dressing A camera will be put into the
Angle Room Cam dressing room before the match,
so I can capture the managers
team talk.
#6 EXT LS, Birds Eye Tracking Filming This section is the longest part
MS, View, Eye Shot Match because it is the filming of the
Level, match, which includes 3 camera
Low angle angles and a go pro. I will be
having a camera on the manager
for the whole game. I also will
maybe have a mic on the
manager. There will also be
commentary talking over the
#7 INT MCU High Static Half time The same camera will potentially
Angle team talk be put in the dressing room
again to film the half time team
talk, but I don’t know if this will
be possible.
#8 EXT MS Eye Level Static After After the match finishes, I am
match going to continue filming to get
voiceover the players reaction to the
match, while the voiceover talks
about what the result means for
the team and what can still be
#9 EXT MCU Eye Level Static Interview The first interview will be with
with HYD the Head of Youth Development,
where we will talk with him
about the progress the U23s
have made and the goals for next
#10 EXT MCU Eye Level Static Interview The final shot of the
with documentary is with the
Manager manager and talk about the
season so far, next season and

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