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Chapter two : Friendship, social interactions ….

1/ What does friendship mean to you ?

a) Do you have many friends ?

b) Are friends important to you? Why ? why not ?
c) Do you have classmates who are friends of yours ?
d) What’s the most important quality of a friend ?
e) Do you get on better with boys or girls ? Why ?
f) What’s your definition of a good friend ?
g) Do you have a BFF1

Qualities :

Think of your classmates : what qualities do they have ? Find at least

one quality for everyone in your group.

Unfortunately, friendship is not always easy to maintain. Why does it

sometimes happen that you are betrayed by a very good friend for no
apparent reason ?

Read the text in your book page 211 and imagine a response to Anna’s

Best Friend Forever

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You certainly know that the fourth Thursday of November is
Thanksgiving Day. But why is the First Thursday of November special? It
was chosen last year for the first time by the Unesco to be the day of ….
Read and find out :

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5GA4 / 2021-2022 / Chapter 2, page 2


Dans ce que nous venons de lire, certaines phrases ont une tournure
verbale particulière. Quelle est-elle ? Observe et déduis la règle.

- Sometimes you are betrayed by your friends.

- The first Thursday of November was chosen to be the international
day against violence.
- I was diagnosed with a clinical problem.
- She was left on her own by her mother.
- She has been influenced.

Règle :

Complément d’informations, voir syllabus page 227 et 213.

Pour t’entraîner :
- syllabus pages 228, 229 et 213.

Notes personnelles :


5GA4 / 2021-2022 / Chapter 2, page 3

3/ Pour parler des relations interpersonnelles :

Le vocabulaire nécessaire est sur quizlet :

Read the following sentences, then discuss with your partner. Decide if
you (dis)agree with them and explain your opinion.

a) Boys/men keep their friends longer than girls/women

b) You should never mix friendship and love
c) You can be friends with anyone
d) It’s more difficult to keep in touch with friends than it used to be
e) You cannot be friends with someone of the opp gender
f) You should never lend money to a friend
g) You can only have two or three close friends

Choisis ensuite la phrase qui t’inspire le plus et commente-la en un

paragraphe de 80 mots. Ensuite, enregistre ta réponse via cette
application : , stocke ton enregistrement sur ton
drive et partage-le avec moi.

5GA4 / 2021-2022 / Chapter 2, page 4

Maintenant écoute trois personnes parler de l’amitié (audio 34 : . À
quelle(s) phrase(s) réagissent-ils ? Explique leur point de vue en
quelques mots.

AUDIO 34_Unit 9_Friends and genetics_Talking about friendship.mp3

In some parts of the world, young people get married really early. Did
you know that in Nepal, the poorer a girl is, the sooner she gets married
? Find out on :

Write down some key words in order to help you talk about what you’ve
just learned :

5GA4 / 2021-2022 / Chapter 2, page 5

Speaking : who do you talk to when you have a problem ? Friends or
family ? Think of advantages and disadvantages of talking to friends or
family about love, school, health, hobbies, money, future, …

Discussion Family Friends


Love :

School :

Health :

Hobbies :

Money :

Future :

Write key words in the table, then record your comments on vocaroo and
download it on your chromebook, then on your drive and share it with me

5GA4 / 2021-2022 / Chapter 2, page 6

Family members : vocabulary extension
Male Female
Parents father, dad, daddy mother, mum, mommy








Beaux-parents (suite à ton


Beaux-parents (suite au
remariage d’un parent)


Demi-fratrie (un parent


Demi-fratrie (aucun parent


Enfants adoptés

Parents adoptifs

What’s the difference between my “in-laws” my “stepfamily” and my

“relatives” ?

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Friends, family, classmates…watch the following short film and do the

Exercices : (NB quand tu

as terminé, clique sur l’option “envoyer les résultats à mon professeur)

Now write a summary of the short film in your own words. Then tell the
teacher what the Short Film is about (

My summary : ….

Is it possible for a student and a teacher to be friends ?

Watch the video and find out.

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Compréhension à la lecture : friends and genetics.

Lis le texte de ton manuel à la page 220 et réponds aux questions de ton

1. What have some researchers at the University of California San

Diego and Yale University discovered ?
2. Why would many genetics researchers not agree with that ?
3. How did Professor Fowler and his team proceed to make their
research study ?
4. What precaution had he taken before ?
5. What did he find out about friends ? (2 things)
6. What did he develop in the final phase of the experiment? Did it
work ?

My answers :

Key words I choose in order to explain what I have understood :

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Pause grammaticale : Past Perfect

Prends note des explications de ton professeur :

Entraîne-toi :

Manuel page 219

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Speaking activity : read the quotes, decide on the one you prefer, tell
why you picked that one. Make some research on the author of the
quote, report to the class.

“Walkin with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light”,
Helen Keller.

“Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness”, Euripides.

“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may
not follow. Just walk beside and be my friend”, Albert Camus.

“Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it’s far the
best ending for one”, Oscar Wilde.

“The friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you”, Elbert

“In the cookie of life friends are the chocolate chips”, Salman Rushdie.

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out”,
Walter Winchell.

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True friends are the family you choose … Can you explain what it means
? First listen to Aaron Stark who used to be bullied at school and was an
unhappy son of drugs and alcohol addicted parents. How did he cope
with the difficulties of life ? What was the role of his BFF ?

Culture Corner : “For me it was Tuesday” : what does this expression

mean ? Watch and find out :

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