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READING Complete the article with these words. Continuously decreasing development. improve increase progress Smartphones We hear @ lot of bad things in the news about smartphones and the way they are changing our world. Bu let's slop for a minute {and think about all the ways they help us Moke "nn Smartphones keep us safe. Those opps which. track our location help our fiends and family know where we cre ‘ilthe lime. And they con even help the emergency services 10 find people who ore trapped after disasters such as eorthquates. Smartphones actually». ‘our brains - we don't need to remember los of facts any more because we con look them up on the internet. But this doesn't mean our brain, powers it's just that we have leained how to find information quickly and then we organise it diferently in our brains Smariphones are aiso helping the * of poorer ‘counties. f you think about it, buying a few smartphones or tablets gives a school access 10 al the information on the internet. How many textbooks would they need to buy o get the some amount of knowledge? Finally, smartphones ¢ our fe time. Being able to shop, check emails and find information on our phones saves time. One study claims we have twenty-two exo doys of free time a year. ull thanks fo our phones! Read the article about taking photos quickly. What experience is the writer describing? Does she feel this was generally a good or bad experience? Elread the article again and choose the correct answer (A, 8, Cor D). 1 Inthe writer's opinion, the best thing about smartphone photos is that they are A verygood quality. instant B inexpensive D easy to post online, The writer began the project in order to ‘A. cemember what she did fora year B share her experiences with people she knows. improve her photography skill D make a decision about her education Inthe third paragraph, the writer says that selecting the right images for her project was sometimes A relaxing, € oifhcutt 8 boring D impossible /t the end of the project, the writer felt ‘A worried that she hadn't achieved her aim, B sad that she couldn't continue working on it. happy that she had so many good memories surprised by how much she enjoyed it (What would be a good introduction to this article? ‘A Photography student Helen Winter writes about how to take better photos with your smartphone. B Helen Winter describes how she created a daily picture diary © Dowe use our camera phones too much? ‘Student Helen Winter discusses this question. 1D Helen Winter, 16, argues that we can make art with everyday photographs Bh ind words or phrases inthe article that have these meanings 1 2 3 PHOS (318.1) alot of money (para 1). record an event, activity, et. ina photo or on video (pa) remember something from the past (par82) bbe an expert ina subject (para 2) worrying (para 3)... Like most young people nowadays, | love taking photos with my smartphone. Even before | started the “365 Photos’ project. I took lots of snaps of my Family, my pets and sometimes even my dinner! | love the fact that without spending a fortune, you can take excellent photos with a smartphone, which you can then share on social media ~ something | also really enjoy doing! But most of all | love the way that you can photograph something at the exact moment you see it. You can capture a moment in time. When one of my friends told me that she had started the project, | thought it was a great idea. | wanted to use the photos to create a record of the year for ‘me to look back on. But what I didn’t realise at the start was that it would also make me a better photographer. Now | even want to specialise in photography at art school | thought that taking a picture every day would be simple, and on some days it was ~in fact, it was hard to choose just one picture as there were so many \iked. But on other days all the photos seemed uninteresting and it was quite stressful to find one that was good enough to keep. It was only when | looked back on the whole year that I saw that some of the simplest shots were the most meaningful When | finally had my 365 photos, i couldn't believe it had been a whole year. At the beginning it felt like it would be a very long time but actually, it was over before | knew it~ time went by really quickly. You would think that | would be glad to have a year of experiences captured on camera, but mostly | felt sorry it was over. | knew | was going to miss it. But looking at all my photos also made me realise that you don't have to be a really creative person to make art. Allit takes is some happy moments ~ and a smartphone! EX complete the sentences with words from Ex4in the correc form 1 Wewil these days 2s a special time when 4 ove this, ‘of my basketball team. Look how we're older happy we all ook, 2 Thisis avery time for her- she's studying for 5 Walt, let me takea phote. | want to... this her end-of-year exams, happy moment! 2 Dave spent fon his new phone it cost around 6 IWAN EO summa RUSSIAN history in college. 11,000 euros! ind it fascinating! o 8 Time out GRAMMAR reported speech Hil complete the reported statements with pronouns. 1 “Tlove making paper planes form tle brother: Nathan said that __ loved making paper planes for _ litle brother. 2. “We aren't going to your party, Kate: We told Kate that __ weren't going to._ party. 3 "We often take photos of our friends? ‘They said that __often took photos of __ friends. 4 ‘Tm making 2 film for my school project: ‘Anna said that ._. was making a lm for project. 5 ‘can't find the information you need: livia toid me that couldn't find the information needed, Ei cornpete tne conversation with the correct form of the verbsin brackets, A: Are you coming to drama class tonight? B: No, can't. told my parents 14. (will) look after my little brother tonight. ‘A: But Dan, the drama teacher said we... have to) be at the last class. She said we (need) to practise the songs. 2: { know but my parents are working, | told them it Ss (be) my last drama class, but they said they * “(not want) Tom to be on his own, ‘A: Wait aminute.| can help. My brother said he *_____ (want) to watch basketball on TV tonight. Perhaps you could leave Tom at my house with him? B: That's @ great idea. Tom told me they”. the same team, ‘A: See? | said that (like) _- (can) help! Read the conversations below. Then complete Maria's diary titryat the top ofthe page with the things they sad Monday Music fuse That's great! Her mum and I can't play any instruments. 'll get her : a new guitar. Dad Tuesday Don't worry, Grandad's going to pay for it. He wants to help. And he loves ‘guitar musi ‘oad Monday ‘hum and Dad have ot bac rm een eveing ctichel Py muieacher tl Dod that the suitor really well. Dad soid that bet really spied becouse he ond Hom any instruments. Then Dod sotd thathet me ane suitor. Briliant! Tuesday told Dad that to pay forthe ei bute seid thot Grondad*_.____feritand that he? ‘tohelp. Dad oie seid Grondad guitar mute. Wel bel be my firs fon! ploy for him when Tm good enough! BRC 2: eas the reported question and wite the drect ‘speech, Listen and check your answers. 11 She asked me if she was in the ight queue for tickets, 2 He asked a girl where he could buy a souvenit. 3 lan asked his friend what day it was. 4. Hee mum asked her if she needed her swimming costume. ‘5. Martha asked me when my friend was going to arrive 6 | asked them if their parents were going to pick them up after the match. 7. The teacher asked him where his sister was. {8 The boy asked his friend if she had a phone charger. fewite te statements and questions in reported speech, 1. Illsend you the photos? Harry told me that... 2 ‘Youcan leave! Emma told her friends that. 3 Yimtived, Dan said that. 4 ‘Can you read us your story again? ‘They asted me... 5 ‘Our photos aren't very good: They said that. 6 ‘What time can | call you?" Alice asked me /OCABULARY obbies and interests [Match the words (1-7) with the hobbies and interests (A-G). 4 taking ‘A amusical instrument 2 doing B jewelery 3. keeping € fit 4 making D gaming 5 online E drama practising F figures 7 collecting action photos [Ef 2.2uistento sic people talking about thelr hobbies. What are they? Whose hobby is not mentioned in Ex 7? i 2 Amy. 3 Max se 6 Katie: 's hobby is not mentioned in Ex 1 I complete the sentences with these words battery glue ingredients tens paintbrush recipe 1. The problem with my new cameras the _.-t doesn't last long, 2. Jack's got an art exam tomorrow, sohe's gone to buy a ners 3 Ive broken a cup. Maybe I can repair it with some... : 4 Amelia bought the... for a chocolate cake, but she forgot the flour 5 used the zoom. {or this photo - that's why you can see al the details, 6 Idownloaded a for pancakes. Shall we make some? I choose the correct words to complete the email. Hi Kieran, How was your weekend? Did you chil ‘in / out all weekend? ‘My cousin arrived on Friday evening and we went to the beach. She is mad about / with taking photos, and she took some at sunset. On Saturday we stayed in and *did / made some really 00! 3D models of animals. My litle sister wanted to join “in / out, but she was really annoying! Yesterday it was sunny and we went to the new skateboarding park - go / am into skateboarding at the moment! The park is a re EMD 29 tisten to another student's suggestions forthe Speaking task. Follow the instructions to respond, using the words in brackets. Record yourself 1 Accept the suggestion creative and useful (great eo) 2 Reject the suggestion: a fun / creative activity = better for Summer nolidays (cide, BU) 3. Reject the suggestion: a bit boring: choose something ‘more exciting (sounds prefer) 4 Accept the suggestion: creative, relaxing and fun (sounds) 5 Reject the suggestion: very expensive (not sure) HIE 2:10 ister to your recording from Ex, Then isten to nother students responses ontrack 8.10, Compare. Summer holiday activities 8 Time out WRITING an article [EB How would you describe these hobbies? Write them in the correct column for you. 30 printing coding kickboxing making comics ‘laying the plano skateboarding exciting unusual Bead te advert below and answer the quarters 1. Who is the message for? 2. What do they need to write? 3. How many words should they write? 4. How many questions do they need to answer? We'd like to know more about you, the members of our school sports teams! Send us a short article about your hobby (except sports, of course!), How and why did you start

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