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No Indikator Soal
1 Menunjukkankesetiaan, kepedulian, dan penghargaan yang 1. One example showing that someone has a feeling of
tinggiterhadapbahasa, lingkunganfisik, sosial, budaya, ekonomi, dan nationalism in educating, guiding, teaching, and directing
politikbangsanyadalammendidik, mengajar, membimbing, students is....
mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. A. More respect for domestic products and does not put
personal interests before common interests
B. Doubting the quality of domestic products
C. Does not care about the preservation of nature
D. Violating government rules
E. Putting personal interests first

2 Mempertahankanpersatuan, kesatuan, sertakepentingan dan 2. The attitude of carrying out mutual cooperation activities to
keselamatanbangsa dan negara sebagaikepentinganbersama di build public facilities is a reflection of....
ataskepentinganpribadi dan golongandalammendidik, mengajar, A. Prioritizing common interests
membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan B. The togetherness of the nation
mengevaluasipesertadidik C. Pancasila
D. Patriotism
E. Nationalism

3 MenjunjungtinggikeunggulanbangsaIndonesia dalammendidik, 3. The best thing a teacher can do to help children develop a
mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan patriotic mindset is to….
mengevaluasipesertadidik A. Strictly teaching English subjects
B. Applying the basic principles of Pancasila in the
learning process and school activities
C. Adding Civics Education lesson hours
D. Carrying out the flag ceremony every Monday
E. Punishing students who do not participate in the flag

4 Mengembangkansikaprelaberkorbanuntukkepentingan negara dan 4. What attitude does it indicate when a student buys food for a
bangsadalammendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, friend who forgets to bring money to school to buy food
melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. during break time?
A. Good dedication
B. Empathy
C. Tolerance
D. Theatrical
E. Willing to sacrifice
5 Menciptakanpersamaanderajad, persamaanhak dan 5. The most appropriate way to teach mutual respect for religious
kewajibanasasisetiapmanusia, tanpamembeda-bedakansuku, differences to students is….
keturrunan, agama, kepercayaan, jeniskelamin, kedudukansosial, dan A. Giving various religious questions
warnakulitdalammendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, B. Giving examples of disrespect
melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasipesertadidik C. Explaining the differences between each existing
D. Teaching about the meaning of differences and
providing an understanding of the importance of
mutual respect between religious communities
E. Giving punishment or sanctions to students who do not
respect religious differences

6 Mengkarakteristikkankeputusan yang 6. The best way to educate students how to conduct discussion
diambilharusdapatdipertanggungjawabkansecara moral kepadaTuhan activities in joint decision-making that maintain God
Yang MahaEsa, menjunjungtinggiharkat dan martabatmanusia, nilai- Almighty's moral values and attitude is to....
nilaikebenaran dan keadilanmengutamakanpersatuan dan A. Give group assignments to work on together
kesatuankepentinganbersamadalammendidik, mengajar, membimbing, B. Provide understanding and training to conduct
mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. discussion in joint decision-making in accordance with
the moral values and attitude of God Almighty
C. Provide learning media for moral values and
D. Give religious tasks
E. Direct students to work together with the principle of
mutual cooperation in working on group assignments.
7 Mempertahankankekayaanalam Indonesia dalammendidik, mengajar, 7. An example of attitudes that can be taken to preserve natural
membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan resources so that they remain sustainable is through….
mengevaluasipesertadidik A. Provide basic military training to defend the country
B. Teach natural resource management
C. Work together to protect and clean the environment
D. Provide basic business lessons with the use of natural
E. Provide basic knowledge about Indonesia's natural

8 Mengapresiasikekayaanbudayabangsa lain 8. In this period of globalization, many kinds of foreign cultures

sehinggamemperkuatjatidiribangsa Indonesia dalammendidik, enter Indonesia and have an impact on the local culture. The
mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan attitude of students that needs to be developed in response to
mengevaluasipesertadidik. this phenomenonis....
A. Being selective towards the entry of foreign cultures
B. Being indifferent to the entry of foreign cultures
C. Accepting all incoming foreign cultures
D. Rejecting all incoming foreign cultures
E. All answers are wrong

9 Menunjukkankeberaniandalammembelakebenaran dan keadilan pada 9. The assessment that is carried out by considering the ability of
proses mendidik,mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan,melatih, students without distinguishing the social status of the students
menilai dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. is in accordance with the principle of assessment, namely….
A. Manipulative
B. Creative
C. Subjective
D. Objective
E. All answers are correct
10 Mengembangkanpribadi yang taatsertamenghormatihukum dan aturan 10. Children should be raised with the attitude of following the
pada proses mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, rules and appreciating one another from an early age. The
menilai dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. efforts that teachers may make to create a rule-following
attitude in the school environment include….
A. Inviting students to carry out classroom cleaning
B. Directing students to wear full attributes when carrying
out the flag ceremony
C. Teaching students to always greet the teacher
D. Familiarizing students to pray before starting the lesson
E. Teaching children to pay attention and manage time to
learn and play
11 Mengatakanbenaratau salah sesuaidengan yang 11. While playing in the school yard, Aldo pushed Rudi, causing
sebenarnyadalammendidik,mengajar, membimbing, Rudi to get hurt and cried. The action that should be taken by
mengarahkan,melatih, menilai dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. the teacher is….
A. Punish Aldo
B. Scolding Aldo
C. Giving advice to Aldo that what he did was wrong
D. Blaming Rudi because he played with Aldo
E. Punishing Rudi and Aldo
12 Menampilkanperilaku yang bijaksanameskipundalamsituasi yang sulit 12. Budi is a shy child who has a hard time getting along with his
pada proses mendidik,mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan,melatih, peers. He sits in the class during break time and refuses to
menilai dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. play. The teacher should take the following steps to improve
Budi's behavior, which is….
A. Providing guidance and inviting Budi to play with his
B. Allowing Budi to remain silent in class
C. Scolding Budi for being quiet in class during break time
D. Returning Budi to his parents
E. Forcing Budi to play with his friends
13 Memberikanpenghargaanatauhukumankepadapesertadidiksesuai tata 1) Buying new clothes and bags
tertibsekolahdalammendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, 2) Giving a big round of applause
melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. 3) Giving compliments for his achievements
4) Giving gifts of luxury goods
13. Examples of good forms of giving rewards to students are
shown by the number.…
A. 1 and 4
B. 3 and 4
C. 1, 2, and 3
D. 2 and 3
E. 1 and 3
14 Menampilkansikapsenang dan nyamandalammendidik, mengajar, 14. A successful learning process is one that leaves a positive
membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan impact on students, therefore in this situation, the teacher must
mengevaluasipesertadidik. be able to offer students with a sense of comfort during the
learning process. The teacher's activity listed below may make
students feel uneasy while studying, which is....
A. Carrying out learning while playing
B. Scolding the students
C. Providing guidance to slow-learning students
D. Stretching body in the middle of the lesson
E. Providing positive support when students have difficulties
15 Menunjukkansikapkesiap-siagaandalam proses mendidik, mengajar, 15. When it comes to teaching, the teacher must be properly
membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan prepared. For example, in the event of the Covid-19 pandemic,
mengevaluasipesertadidik. which startled everyone, teachers must be prepared to deal
with it in a variety of ways so that the learning process can
continue to run smoothly and learning objectives may be met.
As a result, it is critical for the teacher to have ....
A. Discipline
B. Authoritativeness
C. Preparedness
D. Assertiveness
E. Nationalism
16 Menampilkantanggapansebagaimana yang 16. In responding to questions from students, the things that need
dihayatipesertadidikdalammendidik, mengajar, membimbing, to be considered are except....
mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. A. Giving an example that is close to the student's environment
B. Providing explanations in a simple and easy-to-understand
C. Using tools that can support the teacher's explanation
D. Explaining carefully and patiently
E. Providing explanations assisted with abstract examples
17 Merancangberbagaiusahauntukmenuntaskanpekerjaandalammendidik, 17. Given the numerous restrictions encountered during the Covid-
mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan 19 pandemic, one of the efforts that teachers may do to carry
mengevaluasipesertadidik out the learning process in order to fulfill learning objectives
ideally is....
A. Giving assignments to be done at home for each student
B. Explaining material through online meeting lectures
C. Inviting students to study at school
D. Collaborating on playing, learning, and discussing online
meeting activities
E. Giving assignments gradually
18 Menunjukkankepedulian yang 18. When it comes to learning, it appears that a student is having
tinggiterhadapkebutuhanpesertadidikdalammendidik, mengajar, trouble comprehending the information. As a result, when
membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan faced with these issues, a teacher's approach should be….
mengevaluasipesertadidik. A. Directing and guiding him patiently through a personal
B. Giving the child a gift to motivate
C. Giving the child a punishment for a deterrent effect
D. Continuing learning the next material
E. Letting the child try on his own
19 Mendeteksisituasi yang membutuhkanbantuandalammendidik, 19. When carrying out the learning process, it appears that a
mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan student still feels lazy and not enthusiastic to follow the
mengevaluasipesertadidik. learning process. In response to this, the actions that a teacher
can take are....
A. Applying varied learning with the help of interactive
learning methods and media
B. Giving punishment as a deterrent effect
C. Asking the student to read the material given
D. Inviting the student to role play to increase self-confidence
E. Familiarizing the student to be confident to appear in front
of the class
20 Mendemonstrasikansikaptanggungjawabpribaditerhadapsituasi yang 20. As a teacher, we must be able to show students how to be
membutuhkanbantuandalammendidik, mengajar, membimbing, responsible for their tasks and responsibilities at home, at
mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasipesertadidik. school, and in the community. The best approach for teachers
to provide an example of a responsible attitude is for them
A. Provide evaluation results/feedback in a timely manner
B. Invite students to role play
C. Invite students to go on an excursion
D. Give students pocket money
E. Invite students to save money
21 Disajikandeskripsitentangteknikpenilaian yang digunakan oleh 21. An English teacher applies various types of assessment in
seorang guru, pesertamenganalisisprinsippenilaian yang digunakan. learning. The goal is to get comprehensive information about
the competence of students. Thus, the assessment principle
held by the teacher is …
A. Objective
B. Fair
C. Open
D. Systematic
E. comprehensive
22 Disajikankegiatanpembelajaran, 22. Mrs. Nina instructs the students to follow the short dialogue.
pesertadapatmenentukanmetodepembelajaran yang sesuai Then students guess the meaning of the dialogue from the
expressions, poses, and various things that are practiced by the
teacher. Students are forced to think and understand the
content of the dialogue and memorize it in a short time. After
students memorize, then they are given the words in the
dialogue then write it down. The learning method applied by
Mrs. Nina is…
A. Grammar Translation Method translate dan fokus
B. Audio Lingual Method audio ; listening
C. Silent Way silent perintah lewat writing
D. Total Physical Response whispering atau praktek game
E. Natural Method (listening, speaking,, reading, writting,
grammar) Ciri-ciri Metode Ilmiah Adapun ciri-ciri dari
metode ini antara lain sebagai berikut : Urutan pelajaran
mula- mula diberikan melalui menyimak/ mendengarkan
(listening) baru kemudian percakapan (speaking), membaca
(reading), menulis (writing) terakhir baru gramatika.
23 Disajikankegiatanpembelajaran, pesertamenentukanteknik dan 23. Mrs. Dewi teaches English by using certain techniques. With
strategipembelajaran this technique, it can arouse students' curiosity, students
become interactive, learning is more interesting, and learning
can be done anywhere and anytime. The learning technique
implemented by Mrs. Dewi is…
A. Total Physical Response Method
B. Teaching English by using song
C. Teaching English by using games
D. Teaching English by using stories
E. Teaching English by using pictures
24 Disajikandeskripsitentangkonseppenilaian, pesertamenentukan salah 24. A teacher assesses English learning through assignments,
satuprinsip assessment (Assessment of Learning Assessment for presentations, projects, and quizzes. Thus, the assessment
Learning dan Assessment as Learning) principle held by the teacher is…
A. Assessment of learning setelah pembelajaran (summative
B. Assessment for learning selama proses pembelajaran
(formative test, ulangan harian)
C. Assessment as learning refleksi diri
D. Assessment for teaching
E. Assessment as teaching
25 Disajikan KI/KD Bahasa Inggris SMP, SMA dan SMK, 25. The following is one of the basic competencies of the text,
pesertamerumuskanindikatorpencapaiankompetensi yang Spesifik, namely: comparing social functions, text structures, and
terukur, praktis, sesualialokasiwaktu linguistic elements of several special texts in the form of
greeting cards by giving and asking for information related to
special days. According to the context of their use, the
following is not indicator of these basic competencies of
greeting card is….
A. Comparing the social functions of several special texts in
the form of greeting cards
B. Compare the text structure of several special texts in the
form of greeting cards.
C. Analyzing the text structure of some special texts in the
form of greeting cards.
D. Comparing special days in the form of greeting cards.
E. Comparing the linguistic elements of several special texts
in the form of greeting cards
26 Disajikankonteks, pesertamenentukan (1)kompetensiutama (2) 26. The following is one of the basic competencies of English,
kompetensipendukung yang akandicapai oleh kurikulum namely applying social functions, text structures, and linguistic
elements of oral and written interpersonal interaction texts that
involve the act of ordering, inviting, asking for permission, and
responding to the context of their use. Based on the
formulation of these basic competencies, the supporting
indicators are…
A. Apply the social function of oral interpersonal texts that
involve the act of ordering, inviting, asking for permission,
and responding to it
B. Explain the structure of oral interpersonal texts that involve
the act of ordering, inviting, asking for permission, and
responding to it
C. Apply the structure of oral interpersonal texts that involve
the actions of ordering, inviting, asking for permission, and
responding to them
D. Applying the linguistic elements of oral interpersonal texts
that involve the act of ordering, inviting, asking for
permission, and responding to it
E. Analyzing the structure of oral interpersonal texts
involving the actions of ordering, inviting, asking for
permission, and responding to them
27 Disajikansatutujuanpembelajaran, pesertadapatmenentukan (1) 27. The following is one objectives of learning English in class
metode/ teknik/ strategipembelajaran, (2) materipembelajaran, (3) VIII. Students can compare the text structure of several special
media pembelajaran, (4) asesmen texts in the form of greeting cards correctly with discussion.
Based on this goal, the appropriate methods and media used by
teachers are…
A. Discussion method and power point media
B. Method of discussion and greeting card
C. Discussion method and card game
D. Lecture method and power point media
E. Lecture method and greeting card
28 Disajikansatutujuanpembelajaran, 28. The following is one of the indicators in learning English, such
pesertadapatmenentukanjenisevaluasi yang tepat (portfolio, essay, as presenting oral transactional texts that involve the act of
multiplechoice, cloze test matching) giving and asking for information related to imperatives,
prohibitions, and suggestions. Based on these indicators, the
forms of assessment that can be used by teachers is…
A. Description test
B. Multiple choice test
C. Oral test
D. Performance test
E. Portfolio
29 Disajikansebuah KI/KD SMP, SMA, SMK, 29. The following are the English competencies, namely
pesertamampumerumuskantujuanpembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang expressing meaning in the form of simple short functional
memuatunsur Behaviour C1 (remembering), C2 (understanding), C3 written texts using a variety of written languages accurately,
(Applying), C4 (analysing), dan C5 (evaluating) fluently and acceptable to interact in the context of daily life.
Based on these basic competencies, the appropriate learning
objectives are … harus ada ABCDnya
A. Students can express meaning in the form of simple short
functional written texts using a variety of written languages
B. Students can express meaning in the form of simple short
functional written texts using a variety of written languages
C. Through discussion, students can express
(mengungkapkan) meaning in the form of simple short
functional written texts using a variety of written languages
D. Students can express meaning in the form of simple short
functional written texts using a variety of written language
in an acceptable manner
E. Through discussion, students can explain (menjelaskan)
the meaning of
simple short functional written texts using a variety of
written languages accurately
30 Disajikansuatubutir, pesertadapatmenentukan (1) aspekaspeksilabus, 30. These are the following components of syllabus :
(2) program tahunan, (3) program semester 1. Identity
2. Basic Competence
3. Indicator
4. Main Material
5. Assessment
6. Time allocation
7. Learning resources
Based on these components, there are 3 core components that
will determine in formulating a lesson plan, namely:
A. (2), (3), (4)
B. (2), (3), (5)
C. (3), (4), (5)
D. (3), (4), (6)
E. (4), (5), (6)
31 Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenentukanklausaberbentuk 31. If I work harder, I ... my paper in due time.
conditional type 1 denganttepat. A. will finish
B. would finish
C. has finished
D. will be finished
E. will have finished
32 Disajikansebuahtekskalimat, 32. “My brother was very surprise when he was promoted to be
pesertamampumenganalisisuntukmengganti kata the manager of the company.”
tersebutmenggunakanafiksasi yang benar. The correct word to replace the underlined word is….

A. Surprised
B. Surprise
C. Surprises
D. Surprising
E. Surprisingly
33 Disajikansebuahteksrumpang, 33. “The insect …. stung my brother’s hand yesterday.”
pesertamampumelengkapiteksdenganklausa yang sesuai The correct clause to complete the sentence above
A. A big bee with black body color
B. It is a big bee with black body color
C. A big bee which with black body color
D. That a big bee with black body color (bisa dipakai untuk
semua benda)
E. Which is a big bee with black body color
34 Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenentukanbentuk conditional 34. “If you …. (finish) your assignment tonight, I will go with you
(fulfilled/unfulfilled) denganbenar. to the cinema.”
The correct word to complete the sentence above is….
A. Would finish
B. Had finished
C. Finishes
D. Finished
E. Finish

35 Disajikansebuahtekspercakapantransaksional, 35. Read the dialog below!

pesertamampumenentukan idiomatic expression yang Rio : Hi John! What are you up to?
tepatuntukkonteks yang ada. John : Well, good. Anyway, can you give me some tricks how
to be a friend with Angel?
Rio : Come on, John. You know how to do it, don’t you? You
can start it with a simple conversation or ask her to hang out.
John: Maybe. It’s my first time for. I’m so nervous
Rio : Don’t worry, you will be fine
John : Thanks for your suggestion
Rio : Anytime
The idiom that has similar meaning with the underlined word
is ….
A. Piece of cake
B. Got butterflies in my stomach
C. Behind the time
D. Ring a bell
E. Turning a blind eye
36 Disajikansebuahkonteks, 36. Complete the sentence below to form the correct passive
pesertamampumenentukankalimatberbentukpasif yang benar sentence!
“My brother does not want to clean his bedroom. He does not
want to…. “
A. Order
B. Ordered
C. Be ordered
D. Ordering
E. Being ordering

37 Disajikansebuahteksrumpang, 37. Read and complete the text below!

pesertamampumelengkapiteksdenganfrasa yang sesuai. I had an unforgettable 1) when I participated in a singing
contest. It was my first time experience to sing an English pop
song. My English was very bad. It was not easy for me to sing
an English pop song. Therefore, I had worked 2) to learn
the English lyrics before the singing contest. The audience
commented that I had weird pronunciation. As a result I never
tried to sing an English song in singing contest. Yet, it become
my motivation to keep learn English
The appropriate phrase to complete the sentence is …
A. Adventure
B. Experience
C. Trip
D. Holiday
E. Journey

38 Disajikansebuahteks, pesertamampumenentukanlawan kata kata yang 38. Read the text below!
digarisbawahi. The Taj Mahal has become one of the most famous tourist
sites in India. It is called the Taj Mahal, meaning "Crown of the
Palace". It is located in Agra. Agra is a city in north central
Work on the tomb began in 1632, Taj Mahal took more than
twenty years to build. Shah Jahan hired 20,000 men to construct
the palace-like tomb. The building is made of white marble and
sits on a base of red sandstone. There are tall towers, called
minarets, standing 133 feet tall at each corner of the building.
The minarets tilt slightly away from the building. This is so they
will not fall on the tomb in the event of an earthquake. A huge
dome was constructed over the center of the building. Precious
stones were placed into the walls. They make the tomb sparkle at
different times of the day. A special style of writing called
calligraphy decorates the walls of the tomb. A long water pool
was built outside the building and lined with trees and flowers.
At certain times of the day, the beautiful Taj Mahal is reflected in
the pool. The colors of the tomb change. They are pinkish in the
morning, white in the evening, and golden colors when he moon
shines. Today, the bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife lie beside
one another in this monument to love. Some call the Taj Mahal
the eighth wonder of the world.
“A huge dome was constructed over the center of the
building.” The antonym of the underlined word is….
A. Big
B. Giant
C. Great
D. Tiny
E. Tall
39 Disajikansebuahteks, pesertamampumenentukan time conjunctive 39. Some students argue that cheating is the best and easiest way
yang tepat (as soon as, by the time, until, dll) to get a good grade. The integrity
we possess is far more important as it is part of your
reputation. Beforewe begin to cheat, the self-respect we have
for ourselves slowly decreases while our reputation is at risk.
Not only are we defeating the purpose of schooling, but
cheating will also lead to bad habits of being dependent on
others for ideas and wanting to take the easy way out of
situations. Until we're so used to getting the answers from
someone else, we become used to the easy solution, and expect
to simply be handed the right answers. We're avoiding the
process of hard work, causing us to not gain knowledge,
determination, or drive. We're left being dependent on
someone else for our success which will only bring us down in
the future. When we cheat, we're only cheating ourselves,
slowly losing our integrity, and self-respect in the process.
Even if cheating gives us an advantage in the short-run, the
advantages in the future outweigh the present benefits.
“Beforewe begin to cheat, the self-respect we have for
ourselves slowly decreases while our reputation is at risk.”
The correct conjunctive time to replace underlined word is….
A. Once
B. Before
C. Until
D. As
E. As soon as
40 Disajikansebuahteks, 40. Read the text below!
pesertamampumenyampaikanmaknamenggunakan tata Mount Fuji is Japan's highest mountain with 3,776 meters. It
urutunsurungkapanberbentukfrasaajektiva is an active volcano, which most recently erupted in 1707. It
stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka
Perfectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yakohama on clear
days. Visibility tends to be better during the colder seasons of the
year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening
hours than during the middle of the day. If you want to enjoy
Mount Fuji at a more leisurely place and from a nice natural
surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko)
region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a
nearby hot spring resort. Mount Fuji is officially open for
climbing during July and August via several routes.
From the text above, Mount Fuji is …
A. The smallest mountain in Japan
B. The smallest hill in Japan
C. The highest mountain in Japan
D. The shortest mountain in Japan
E. The highest hill in Japan
41 Disajikanparagraftanpagagasanutama, 41. Read the text below!
pesertamampumenentukangagasanutama yang The Java War happened in 1785 until 1855 in Yogyakarta.
sesuai. The Java War is also known as the Diponegoro War because its
central figure was Prince Diponegoro. The cause was the Dutch
decision to build a road across a piece of his property that
contained sacred tomb. Amongst other causes was a sense of
resentment felt by members of the Javanese aristocratic families
at Dutch measures intended to restrict the renting out of land at
high prices. Finally the succession of the throne of Yogyakarta
was disputed.
The main idea of the text above is
A. The forces of the Prince Diponegoro
B. Biography of Prince Diponegoro
C. The causes of the Java War
D. The arrival of the Dutch in Yogyakarta
E. The national heroes from Yogyakarta
42 Disajikanberbagaiteks (genre) dalambentuktertulis, 42. Read the text below!
pesertamampumenyimpulkanmaknatersurat The Colosseum is an oval shaped amphitheater in the center of
Rome and it is the largest amphitheater ever built, making it one of
the greatest wonders of the world. Still very much intact, the
Colosseum is one of the best preserved ruins of the Roman Empire
and this site dates all the way back as far as AD 72 under the rule
of the emperor Vespasian. The visitors can sit in the stands and
see evidence of the amphitheater's intricate underground
passageways and trap doors-the staging areas for erstwhile
From the text above, we know that the Coloseum is a/an….
A. Museum
B. Amphitheater
C. Exhibition
D. Temple
E. Cinema
43 Disajikanberbagaiteksdalambentuktertulis, 43. Read the text below!
pesertamampumenganalisatujuankomunikasi. Calculator
A calculator is a device that performs arithmetic operations on
numbers. The simplest calculators can do only addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. More sophisticated
calculators can handle exponential operations, roots,
logarithms, trigonometric functions, and hyperbolic functions.
Internally, some calculators repeated processes of addition.
Today most calculators require electricity to operate. Most
people like to use portable, battery-powered calculators.
Before 1970, a more primitive form of calculator, the slide
rule, was commonly used. One of the most primitive
calculators, the abacus is still used in some regions of the Far
East. Today's personal computers can still perform such
operations, and most are provided with a virtual calculator
program that actually looks on screen, like a handheld
calculator. The buttons are actuated by pointing and clicking
The main purpose of the text is….
A. To inform the advantage and disadvantage of using
B. To tell the history of calculator.
C. To describe the general information of calculator.
D. To explain how a calculator works.
E. To entertain the readers
44 Disajikansebuahkalimat, pesertamampumenentukan relative pronoun 44. Last summer holidays, the Smith’s family travelled to Raja
yang tepat Ampat, in West of Papua.
A. Where
B. Were
C. Which
D. Was
E. That
45 Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenentukanklausa adverbial 45. there was a lamb which is willing to follow merry. Which
yang tepat. sentence that has adverbial clause (anak kalimat/klausa yang
berfungsi sebagai adverb, untuk membuatnya diawali dengan
conjunction) according to the context?
A. Wherever (adverb of palce) Mary went, the lamb was sure to
B. The lamb was willing to follow Marry
C. Marry was followed by the lamb
D. It is obvious that lamb willing to go with marry
E. All the answer are wrong
46 Disajikansebuah statement, pesertamampumerespondengantepat. 46. Did you enjoy the trip to Bali yesterday?
(Contoh: It\'s so cold today. Pesertamemilihsatudari pilihan2 ini: a. yes A. I didn’t
b. it is, isn\'t it? c. ait was d. it must be e. it should be. Yang B. No, I did
benaradalah b.) C. Yes, did you?
D. No, I didn’t
E. didn’t you?

47 Disajikantekstulis, 47.
pesertamampumenentukanfungsisosialnyadengantepat. Please join us
as we celebrate our
30th Anniversary
Doni and Ayu
Friday, June 8 2021
6.30p.m -10.OOp.m
Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
(Dinner is available)
RSVP 65412397
The purpose of the invitation text above is…?
A. To describe a certain party
B. To tell about good relationship
C. To share the happiness of Doni and Ayu
D. To persuade people to have marriage
E. To invite people to join the party
48 Disajikansebuahteks, 48. Cat
pesertamampumenganalisiskesalahangramatikanya. I had a cat named Belo. Belo is a male cat that I bought in a pet
shop around my house. Belo is a Persian cat. The fur is gray and
white, she looks very cute and adorable.
Belo weighs around 5 kg, his body is fat and his fur is also very
thick. Belo was very fond of sleeping. He always wake up and
immediately looks for food in the food place that had been
provided before. (*This text for question no. 1 and no.2)
Which sentence has error grammatical?
A. I had a cat named Belo (have)
B. Belo is a male cat that I bought in a pet shop around my house.
C. Belo is a Persian cat.
D. The fur is gray and white, she looks very cute and adorable.
49 Disajikanduaklausa, 49. “The Objectives of the Commission shall be to promote
pesertamampumenentukanhubunganlogikaantarklausaberdasarkan national unity and reconciliation”
conjunction yang digunakan. “Establishing as complete a picture as possible of the causes,
nature and extent of the gross violations of human rights”

Which one of these conjunction that indicates or explain how

something happens. (cara)
A. By
B. Because
C. Until
D. Since
50 Disajikanduakalimat, pesertamampumembedakan old dan new 50. Nowadays, vaccine is being a compulsory thing to do every
information dalamkalimattersebut activities either inside or outside country considering to
COVID19 Pandemic attacks almost a whole world. Most of
people on social media nostalgic when they can breathe freely
without wearing a mask, allowed travel around, and having no
vaccine Covid-19 at all.
What kind of back-then information you able to get from those
line? (Old-new information) old information : general and
factual statement, contrast/comparisson, focus on description;
new inf : specific statement, no contast/comparisson, focus on
subject (discourse anlysis)
A. the people required to do vaccine before traveling around
B. vaccine is a compulsory thing considering to Covid-19
C. The people miss how the life ran before pandemic
D. Mask and Covid-19 vaccine was not being a compulsory
thing before Covid-19 attack.
51 Disajikanteks discussion, pesertamampumenentukaninformasirinci di 51. Covid-19 restricts us to mobilize since it will increase the risk
dalamnya of having direct contact with others. As an effect, the
government of Jakarta has issued a policy regarding the
regulation of odd-even traffic rule which starts in March 2020
due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This rule is reinforced in
August 2020 for the four-wheel vehicles. Jakarta Provincial
Government re-imposes this rule due to the increase of Covid-
19 cases in Jakarta and the emergence of office cluster. Head
of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, SyafrinLiputo, said
the odd-even system is expected to limit the mobility of
residents who want to enter and exit the Jakarta area to
minimize the spread of Covid-19. It is also due to the removal
of the policy of SIKM for residents outside Jakarta. On the
other hand, after a month of implementing odd-even traffic
rule, the Covid-19 Task Force asked Jakarta Provincial
Government to evaluate the policy. Reports say that the odd-
even rule has an impact on increasing transportation and
mobility. Even so, Jakarta Provincial Government said that
this regulation is able to reduce the mobility rate of the citizens
in Jakarta. In the end, each regulation is expected to help
reduce the number of citizen mobilization and reduce the
spread of Covid-19. In addition, citizens are expected to
always comply with regulations so that the efforts to combat
the Covid-19 run well
What is the main idea of the text above?
A. Regulation of odd-even traffic rule which starts in March
2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
B. Jakarta traffic trouble caused by Covid-19
C. Transportation need to be decreased due to Pandemic
D. Jakarta Provincial Government claims the regulation is
able to reduce the mobility rate of the citizens in Jakarta.
52 Disajikanbeberapakalimatacakdarisebuahteks (deskriptif, prosedur, 52. A. In case of spill, clean the floor immediately to prevent
recount, argumentatif, ataujenistekslainnya, stain.
pesertamampumenyusuntekstersebutdenganstruktur yang benar B. Using vacuum cleaner, clean all dust and debris from the
surface of the floor completely, including area under
furniture and the corners.
C. Do the procedure everyday to keep the floor clean and
D. Damp soft cloth with wood floor cleaner and clean the
whole floor surface carefully and softly. Do not
Arrange those sentences into a proper procedure text!
A. D-A-C-B
B. B-A-D-C
C. A-B-C-D
D. D-A-B-C
53 Disajikansebuahteks, pesertamampumenggunakankosa kata yang 53. When she went to Switzerland, she realized that it was a
bersinonimdengan kata yang digarisbawahi. stupendous experience. The correct word that matches the
underlined word above is?
A. Massive
B. Unpleasant
C. Amazing
D. skimpy
54 Disajikansebuahteks, 54. Septi : I am astoundingly pitiful for my
pesertamampumengungkapkanmaknaberbentukungkapandenganurutan blunders. Jerri : That is OK.
gramatika yang benar pada frasanominaatauklausa. Septi : I apologize I hurted your sentiments.
Jerri : Forget about it.
Septi : I am astoundingly pitiful I had various
blunders. Jerri : Yes, it doesn’t have any kind of effect.
What does Septia feel about?
A. she is regretting for hurting Jerry’s sentiments
B. she is mad at herself
C. she blames Jerri for broke her trust
D. she blames herself for hurting Jerri’s feeling
55 Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenentukankalimatconditional 55. You would…… the test if you……. harder
type 2 denganbenar. A. passed-studied
B. pass-studied
C. pass-study
D. passed-study
E. pass-studying
56 Disajikan short functional texts,
pesertamampumengevaluasikoherensilewatpenggunaan tense Regarding the Pancasila day, tomorrow will be a flag
ceremony. All students should wear white grey
56. Read the announcement text carefully
The first sentence reflects the use of ……… tense
A. Simple Past
B. Simple Present
C. Simple Future
D. Present Continuous
E. Present Perfect
57 Disajikanteks conversation, pesertamampumenentukanungkapan yang 57. Read the conversation text
digarisbawahi yang menyiratkan rasa tidaksenang. Ayu: What do you do for fun Ajeng (1)?
Ajeng: Watching film (2), how about you (3)?
Ayu: I don’t really like film (4), I prefer doing exercise
Ajeng: That’s cool (5)
Which one from the underlined expressions shows a dislike?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
58 Disajikan short functional texts, pesertamampumenentukan discourse
markers /referensieksoforik yang digunakandalamteks.
To: Ary
Your cousin will be arrive at 9 am, don’t forget to pick
him up.

58. Read the text below

The underlined word refers to….

A. Dad
B. Mom
C. Ary
D. Ary’s cousin
E. Ary’s uncle
59 Disajikanbeberapakelompok kata, 59. She the beauty salon
pesertamampumembedakanunsurbunyi (vowel, consonant, diftong, A. Manecure
atau consonant claster) dalamkelompok kata tersebut B. Minicure
C. Manicure
D. Menicure
E. Menecure
60 Disajikantekstulis, 60. Arrange this sentence into the correct order
pesertamampumenentukanstrukturmakrodengantepat. House (1) – He (2) – Just (3) – A (4) – Brought (5)
A. 1,2,3,4,5
B. 1,3,2,4,5
C. 2,3,5,4,1
D. 5,1,2,3,4
E. 4,2,1,3,5
61 Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenentukanbentuk 61. If she came to Japan in a day, she ……buy me an action figure
subjunctive mode dengantepat. A. Will
B. Should
C. Shall
D. Would
E. Can

62 Disajikansebuahkonteks, 62. She has taught the material

pesertamampumenentukankalimatberbentukpasif yang benar. Which one is the correct passive form of the sentence above?
A. The material has taught by her
B. The material has been teach by her
C. The material has been taught by her
D. The material have been taught by her
E. The material has been teach by her
63 Disajikanberbagaiteksdalambentuktertulis,
pesertamampumengevaluasikoherensiteksmelaluigenerc structure.

My family has four members: those are I, my sister, and parents of

course. My mother is 47 years old. Her name’s Anisa. She’s thin-faced
and she’s got long, blond hair and beautiful green eyes. She is still slim
because she always tries to stay in shape. She is very good-looking,
always well-dressed and elegant.

My father, Lukman, is 5 years older than my mother. He is 52. In

spite of his age he’s still black-haired, with several grey hairs. He has
bright blue eyes. He is quite tall, but a bit shorter than me. He’s very hard-
working. Besides that he is working in a travel company. He can even
make a dinner when my mother is outside. His cooking and his meals
are always very tasty as well as my mothers’. Finally, my
sister Nadina. She is 22. She is also red-haired and green- eyed. She has
long wavy hair and freckles. She is definitely shorter than me. She is
rather introverted. But she is very sensible, smart and co- operative. Right
now she is studying English and also knows Arabic and Mandarin. I
want to be as smart as she is.

They all, except me, speak Sundanese very well, because we were
living in Bandung for 5 years. My sister have been going to primary
school there. Unfortunately I was only 3 when we were leaving to
Jakarta, so I can’t speak Sundanese. Now we are happily living in Jakarta.

63. Read the descriptive text below

The descriptive text is using ……… tense as the generic structure
A. Present Perfect
B. Simple Present
C. Simple Past
D. Present Continuous
E. Past Continuous
64 . Disajikanjenisteksdalambentuktulis, 64. Read the descriptive text carefully
My Small House

I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two bedrooms, a living
room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is a small house; but I like
living in here for wasting my spare time.

When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so small with only
three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer reading a novel in this

My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room there is a
night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a computer. When being
bored of reading, I usually play online games, chat with my friends via
Facebook and so on.

Next to my bedroom is my mother’s. I do not know what is inside

because I never come in to see it. In the right side of the living room
there is the kitchen. In the kitchen I have everything I need when I get
hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother cooks, the smell fills my
whole house.

I know it is a very small house; but it is the best place I have ever seen.

What is the structure of the text above?

A. General Classification and Description
B. Orientation, Complication, and Resolution
C. Orientation, Events, and Reorientation
D. Identification and Description
E. Goals and Steps
65 Disajikansebuahteks conversation, 65. Read the conversation text to answer the questions
pesertamampumenentukantindaktuturungkapan yang Sarah: Hey Lisa, wait up! I’ve wanted to have a chance to talk
diberigarisbawah. to you.
Lisa: Hi! What’s up?
Sarah: This weekend I’m having a birthday party for Ted. I’d
like you to come.
Lisa: I’d love to. When is it?
Sarah: We’re having it this Saturday at 8:00 at my house.
We’re going to order a pizza and play some games. Then
whoever wants to stay longer can hang out and watch a video.
Lisa: It sounds like a lot of fun. But now that I think about it, I
promised I would do something with Nathan Saturday night.
Sarah: Well, why don’t you bring him along? It would be fun.
Ted would really like that. I’m sure.
Lisa: Really? That would be great. Okay, I’ll ask Nathan to
come along. What can I bring?
Sarah: Nothing. Just bring yourselves. No presents are
necessary and everything else has been planned.
The underlined sentence is an expression of….
A. Dislike
B. Asking information
C. Like
D. Confusion
E. Declaration
66 Disajikan short functional texts (advertisement, announcement, leaflet, 66. Read the text to answer the question
memo) pesertamampumenganalisistujuankomunikasinya SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT
To: All students
We would like to inform you, that we would be having the school
holiday from Thursday 8th to Saturday 10th August 2021. During the
holiday, our school has already made plans. We want to go camping in
the Highlands to a place called Aviemore. It’s an outdoor centre where
you can learn to climb, canoe and fish and do all sorts of exciting
things. Of course, we have to take you to Edinburgh Castle and the
Festival too. Don’t worry; you aren’t going to be bored. The school
pays for all students, so you are free of charge. Don’t forget to take
your changing clothes with you. It may be wet. For those who want to
go, please meet Mr. Ananta at the teacher’s office.
Sincerely Yours
The text is written to ….
A. To give information about the activity on school holiday
B. To describe an outdoor activity on school holiday
C. To remind students about an outdoor activity
D. To announce the school Thursday matter
E. To persuade students on joining school camping in the holiday
67 Disajikan short functional texts (advertisement, announcement, leaflet, To : Resource inc. Staff, Resource inc. Clients
memo) pesertamampumenyimpulkan ide utama Subject: Promotion Announcement – John David

Dear staff,
I would like to announce the promotion of John David as a new
marketing Head of Resource inc. John has worked for our company
for twelve years and climbed his professional ladder with absolute
adeptness, which is rare nowadays. As marketing manager of
Resource inc., he has bought a huge percentage of the company
business. His influence on sale and business retention has been
substantial and he possesses an excellent record of customer relations
and timely service delivery.

During John’s time in the marketing department, he has taken on

responsibility and worked extra hours to meet deadline. We anticipate
that as a head of the marketing department, John’s input and work
aggression will be
multifold. His work duties now include creating and implementing
marketing plans for the Amadeus project that has been entrusted to the
company. He will be leading the marketing team through this five-
year project and will also be working on various other concurrent
projects. Let us all congratulate John on his outstanding performance
in previous years, which led to his promotion today. I wish him luck
for all future endeavors he undertakes.

Mark Corelli Director Marketing and Communication
Resource Inc.

67. What is the main idea of the text above?

A. During John’s time in the marketing department, he
has taken on additional
responsibility and worked extra hours to meet deadline
B. I would like to announce the promotion of John
David as a new marketing Head of Resource inc.
C. Resource inc. Staff, Resource inc. Clients
D. Director Marketing and Communication
E. Promotion Announcement – John David
68 Disajikan short functional texts (advertisement, announcement) 68. To: Gery
pesertamampumenentukanmaknatersirat. Thank you for your hard work in this season. The organization
would not reach this level without your contribution.

Read the text to answer question

What is the text about?
A. Report
B. Letter from a friend
C. A congratulation
D. An email
E. A promotion letter
69 Disajikan short functional texts (advertisement, announcement, leaflet, 69. Announcement!
memo) pesertamampumenyimpulkanmaknatersurat. Our school will hold an English speech contestin which will be
held on August 15, 2021. The speech is required to be a work
of its own with a free theme.
Free registration is free of charge, starting from 6 to 9 August
2021 in the Student Council room. Register yourself
immediately because there are many prizes. Thank you –
Student Council
How many days are the registration of the competition opened?
A. 3 days
B. 4 days
C. 6 days
D. 5 days
E. 9 days
70 Disajikan short functional texts seperti advertisement, announcement,
leaflet, memo dan sebagainya,

How many programs will be held by students?
A. Four programs
B. One program only
C. Three programs
D. Five programs
E. No program involved
71 Disajikan transactional dan interpersonal texts, 71. .
From the example above, the correct structure of the text are…
A. Purpose, name of product, user
B. Purpose, price, place
C. Name of product, price, place
D. Name of product, price, user
E. Purpose, price, place
72 Disajikan transactional dan interpersonal texts, 72.
pesertamampumenyimpulkanmaknatersurat. How Chocolate is Made
Have we wondered how we get chocolate from? Well, this time we will
enter the amazing world of chocolate so we can understand exactly
how chocolate is made.
Chocolate is taken from a tree called cacao tree. This tree grows in
equatorial regions, especially in place such as South America, Africa,
and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a
small pine apple. Inside the fruits are the tree's seeds. They are also
known as coco beans.
Next, the beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun. After
that they are shipped to the chocolate makers. The chocolate makers
work by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. The beans from
different places have different qualities and flavour. So, they are often
sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.

The next process is winnowing. The roasted beans are winnowed to

remove the meat nib of the cacao beans from the shell. Then the nibs
are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make liquid. The liquid is
called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter.

All seeds contain amount of fat and cacao beans are not different.
However, cacao beans are half fats. They are pure bitter chocolates.
What is the purpose of the text above in communicatively?
A. To tell the reader about something that someone do and being
B. To tell the reader about the process of forming something
C. To tell cope readers problem in wondering something
D. To entertain the reader about the way of making something
E. To describe the reader about how to cope the wondering thing
73 Disajikantransaksional dan interpersonal conversations, 73.
pesertamampumengevaluasikoherensitekslewat exophoric reference Debating Competition
yang digunakan. Announcement!
Our school will have a Debating Competition that will be held on
5June 2022, there will be great gifts for those who can gain 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd winner. And all participant will get the certificate. The total
gifts is around 1 billion.
Registration will be held on 6th-9th April 2022 at OSIS room. Free
registration and full of prize!
From the text we can see the things that will be given to the winner
A. Gifts for around 1 billion and certificate
B. 1 billion money only
C. Trophy and certificate
D. Nothing and free
E. Certificate only
74 Disajikansebuahteks, 74. Doctor : Hi, what’s wrong?
pesertamampumenyampaikanmaknamenggunakan tata Jane : I am feeling so bad l and keep vomiting all the
urut/strukturunsurungkapanberbentukfrasanomina. time.
Doctor : How long have you felt like this?
Jane : Around three days. It started just before going
to Robert, the day before 4.
Doctor : Let me examine you. I will press on your
stomach to see if it hurts and then listen to your heart.
From the conversation above, the word “it” in the last
conversation refers to…
A. Doctor
B. Jane
C. The feeling
D. Jane’s stomach
E. Robert
75 Disajikan short functional texts (announcement), 75. Yesterday I went to one of the greatest supermarket in Senayan
pesertamampumenyusunstrukturteks City. There are a lot of beautiful branded stuff there such as
elegant gowns, luxurious jewelries, and magnificent shoes. At
that moment, I really wanted to by those. I took all the things I
need. I thought those will be spent much cost, and yes, they
were. I went to the cashier to pay all, unfortunately it should
pay by card and I don't have a bank account, because I didn't
know my mother's maiden name. I was a bit panic, fortunately
my friend brought a black credit card, she landed it to me.
From the text above, does the writer cancel the payment?
A. Yes, because she did not have a bank account
B. Yes, because she did not bring enough money
C. No, she still paid it by her own money
D. No, she still paid it by borrowing her friend card that has a
bank account
E. No, she paid it by cash
76 Disajikan transactional dan interpersonal texts, 76. Attention please to all the visitors of Krisna Fantastic Land,
pesertamampumenentukan non-formulaic expressions (1)KFL staff (2)We would also like to remind you to keep our
(terdengarsepertiterjemahandaribahasa Indonesia) yang hospital environment clean, beautiful, and safe. (3)As it is
digunakandalamteks. already mentioned in the information board, there will be a
slight change in the visiting hours in 24 August 2021. The
schedule can be seen on the second board in the third floor.
(4)Thank you very much.
From the unarranged text above, the correct structure of the
announcement is…
A. Day and date, place, purpse, sender or contact person
B. Purpose, day and date, place, sender or contact person
C. Sender or contact person, date and place, purpose, day
D. Purpose, date and place, day, purpose, sender
E. Sender, purpose, date and place, day
77 Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenentukanbentuk conditional 77. Is-to-first-the-balance-prepare-that-be-required-entered-
(fullfiled / unfullfiled) denganbenar. the-into-newly-account-created
See the unarranged sentence as a part of procedure text above,
the best arrangement for that is….
A. First balance the prepare that is required to be entered into
the newly created account.
B. First prepare the balance that is required to be entered into
the newly created account.
C. The balance that required to be entered into the newly
created account is prepare first
D. The balance is prepare first into the newly created account
is prepare first
E. Prepare the first balance that is required to be entered into
the newly created account
78 Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenentukan spatial 78. .
conjunctive yang tepat (in which, at which,) Dancing Competition
Our school will have a Dancing Competition that will be held on 2
June 2022
Registration will be held on 6th-9th at OSIS room. Free registration
and full of prize! If you register, the process will be done.
Contact person: Tata (003321)
Please have a look to the text above, the best part to fulfill the blank
space is…
A. Out of the loop
B. Touch base
C. With a pinch
D. Dropped aline
E. A mile a minute
79 Disajikan short functional texts (leaflet, memo) 79. He /spoke of/ sport, healthy life, and many other topics that
pesertamampumenetukanmaknatersirat day.
The topic /..............he spoke/ was complex.
From those sentences, the proper spatial conjunction to fill the
blank is…
A. In which
B. Of which
C. on which
D. Which is
E. At which
80 Disajikan transactional conversation text, 80.
Please have a look to the text above, how long does the RSVP time
A. 2 days
B. 6 days
C. 1 day
D. 5 days
E. 3 days
81 Disajikandeskripsipembelajaran, pesertamampumenentukanmetode 81. Hotel: Good afternoon. Welcome to PuriSaron Hotel. May I
yang tepatdalammengajarkanaspekkebahasaandalamkontekstertentu. assess you? (A)
Guest: I have a reservation for today. It's under the name of
Metri (B)
Hotel: Can you please spell that for me, sir? ( C )
Guest: Sure. M-E-T-R-I (D)
Hotel: Yes, Ms. Metri, we've reserved a double room for you
with a view of the ocean for two nights. Is that correct? (E)
Guest: Yes, it is. (F)
Hotel: Excellent. We already have your credit card information
on file. If you'll just sign the receipt along the bottom, please.
Guest: Whoa! Five hundred and ninety dollars a night! (H)
Hotel: Yes, sir. We are a five-star hotel after all.(I)
Guest: Well, fine. I'm here on business anyway, so at least I'm
staying on the company's dime. What's included in this cost
anyway? (J)
Please have a look to the conversation above, the B part is
called as…
A. Offering assistance
B. Making appointment
C. Giving over about time
D. Accepting appointment
E. Helping part
82 62. Disajikansebuah 82. Which ICT-based teaching material that is not appropriate with
KD, basic competency “Compose interaction text oral interpersonal and
pesertamampumenent very short and simple written that involves activitiessuch as order,
ukanbahan invite, ask permission, and respond with pay attention to function
ajar berbasis TIK social, text structure, and correct and appropriate linguistic
elements.” (4.4)?
A. Video demonstration
B. Web-based material
C. Audio material
D. Computer
E. Learning based-game
83 63. Disajikansebuah
Compose special texts in the form of greeting cards, very
short and simple, related to special days by paying
pesertamampumenent attention to social functions, text structure, and
ukanfungsi linguistic elements, correctly and in context. (4.5)

sosial, struktur dan 83. Which one is the correct text structure according to the basic
unsurkebahasaandala competency?
mteks A. Sender
B. Re-orientation
C. Abstract
D. Identification
E. Steps
84 64. Disajikansebuah
Compose spoken and written texts to state and ask
about the ability and willingness to take an action, and
pesertamampumenga pay attention on social functions, text structure, and
nalisis linguistic elements that are correct and in context.
n yang 84. Which indicator is related to basic competency?
sesuaidengantingkat A. Pronounce various learned phrases with the right
kemampuansiswa intonation
B. Write a personal letter about visiting plans covering the
dimensions of content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and
C. Compose a text to ask about a future event
D. Perform a conversation of asking direction froma stranger
E. Apply the structure of a conversational text that involves the
act of ordering, inviting, asking for permission
85 65. Disajikansebuah 85.
KD, Which
Compose special texts in the form of greeting cards, very
pesertamampumenga short and simple, related to special days by paying of these
nalisis attention to social functions, text structure, and
linguistic elements, correctly and in context. (4.5)
tujuanpembelajaran objectiv
es is appropriate with the basic competency above?
A. List the expression of asking for help
B. Develop a simple descriptive text
C. Classify the types of text
D. Identify the structure of greeting cards
E. Perform the expression of asking direction
86 67. Disajikansebuah 86.
pesertamampumengin Compose very short and simple spoken and written
transactional interaction texts involving the act of giving and
tegrasikan asking for information regarding the whereabouts of people,
TPACK dalam model objects, animals, and pay attention on social functions, text
structure, and linguistic elements that are correct and in
context. (4.6)
Which one is the integration of TPACK in the cooperative learning model
based on the basic competency?
A. The use of music to encourage students
B. Ask students to work silently
C. Using a textbook to deliver materials
D. Ask students to make a project video demonstration in a group
based on the material
E. Ask students to work alone
87 68. Disajikansebuah 87.
pesertamampumengin Compose special texts in the form of greeting cards, very
tegrasikan short and simple, related to special days by paying
attention to social functions, text structure, and
TPACK kedalam
linguistic elements, correctly and in context. (4.5)
pembelajaranberbasis The integration of TPACK in Project-based learning based on the basic
projek competency above is…..
A. Conducting a paper-based test
B. Ask students to make the project using an application
C. Using PowerPoint to deliver the material
D. Using a textbook to deliver materials
88 70. Disajikansebuah 88.
KD, Compose special texts in the form of greeting cards, very
pesertamampumenunj short and simple, related to special days by paying
attention to social functions, text structure, and
ukan linguistic elements, correctly and in context. (4.5)
ar yang berbasis TIK Internet is one of the learning sources for the basic competency above,
which one is not the advantage of using the internet as a learning
A. Various learning reference
B. Easy access
C. Cheap compared with buying a book
D. Easy to find
E. Hard to access

89 66. Disajikansebuah 89.

KD, Apply social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements hich
pesertamampumengin of spoken and written transactional interaction texts that one is
involve the act of giving and asking for information related to
tegrasikan imperatives, prohibitions, and appeals, according to the the
TPACK dalam model context of their use. (3.3) correct
pembelajaranberbasis integration of TPACK in Problem-based learning based on the basic
masalah competency?
A. Providing a case video to students
B. Using PowerPoint to conduct a test
C. Using a textbook to deliver materials
D. Ask students to perform in a front of the class
E. Ask students to work in pair

90 69. Disajikansebuah 90.

pesertamengintegrasi Apply social functions, text structures, and linguistic
elements of spoken and written transactional interaction
kan TPACK texts that involve the act of giving and asking for
dalam model information regarding the whereabouts of people, objects,
animals, according to the context of their use. (3.6)
discovery learning Which one is the implementation of TPACK in discovery learning based
on the basic competency?
A. Using online based material
B. The use of PowerPoint in presenting the findings of the
material from students
C. Ask students to work in pair
D. Providing a case in front of the class
E. Giving a paper-based test

91 diberikan data 91. Teacher: From the material that has been explained, who can
interaksikelas yang explain why we need to learn exposition text?
melibatkantindakanm Student: I want to answer, ma'am.
emuji, Teacher: Yes, please.
pesertamampumenent Student: In my opinion, learning the exposition text is very
ukanjenistidaktutur important to convey ideas about the phenomenon surrounding by
yang tepat. developing an argument to support it.
Teachers: …

The appropriate response to praise students who have been actively

involved in class is ….
A. Good job. That was a nice performance
B. Well done. You are a good singer
C. You are wonderful on the stage
D. That was an excellent answer. Good job
E. I like how you study
92 71. Diberikansebuah 92. Read the conversation text to answer the
data interaksikelas question Teacher: Doni where were you go last
yang holiday? Doni: I goes to Malang sir
mengandungtindakan Teacher:…………….
corrective feedback, What is the correct answer if the teacher wants to give corrective
pesertamampumenent feedback?
ukantindaktutur yang A. Really?
tepat71. B. That is great
Diberikansebuah data C. Oh you went to Malang
interaksikelas yang D. With whom did you get there?
mengandungtindakan E. Please sit down
corrective feedback,
ukantindaktutur yang
93 74. 93. Read the narrative text below!
narrative, Dream, Dream, and Dream
ntukanperintah (soal) Long, long time ago, there lived a girl called Lilly. When she started
agar going to school, she was a bit shy. All her class fellows bullied her for her
siswamerespontekster shy behavior. If the teacher used to ask any questions, she would not
sebutdalambentukpui answer because of her shy behavior. But she was a bright student and she
sipendek. knew all the answer instead.
Out of all the subjects, her favorite subject was sports. She always
desired to be a football player in her school team. But the students used to
make fun of her. However, she did not care what her classmates used to
say as she was determined and wanted to prove her friends that she could
be the football player.
In the day, Lilly attended her school and at night, she would practice
football at her home. Seeing her determination, her mother installed some
more lights to their garden so that her daughter could practice properly.
After practicing for long, finally, the day came when the selection for
the inter-school for football competition was announced. Lilly, without
putting into a thought decided to go for it. Her classmates discouraged her
and said, "Boo! You will not get select. Back off!" But Lilly decided to
ignore them this time.
As she began, everybody was stunned by her excellent performance.
The judges were so impressed by her behavior that they not only selected
Lilly but they also made the captain of that tournament. Her classmates
who used to bully her were silenced by her performance. Now, everbody
wanted to become Lilly's friend as she had become the most popular girl in
the school.

If you want your students to respond to the text with short poem, the
appropriate instruction is…
A. Illustrate the narrative text in the form of a short poem
B. Complete the following text with suitable words
C. Listen and complete the poem
D. Read the following text and analyze it
E. Read the following text and answer the question
94 73. 94. Read exposition below!
Disajikansebuahteks Some people argue that humans have a responsibility to protect the
exposition, environment, and that might mean sometimes putting the environment
pesertamampumenent before short-term human desires. I think it is right that we should be
ukanperintah (soal) responsible for the environment because it gives us air, food, and water to
agar survive.
carakritis If you want to train your students' critical thinking, the appropriate
instruction is…
A. Please read the exposition text aloud!
B. Give your arguments to support the exposition text
C. Please translate the exposition text!
D. Read and complete the blank part to make it a complete
exposition text
E. After read the text, do role play according to the exposition text
95 Disajikankontekstent 95. What is the best assessment used to give a positive washback in
angpembelajaranberb a project video?
asis TPACK, A. Using a conventional rubric to assess the video
pesertadapatmerumus B. Using paper-based test
kanasesmen yang C. Ask students to tell their project orally
memberikan D. Using self-assessment
washback positif E. Ask another teacher to assess the project

96 77. 96. A teacher wants to do distance learning activities. The teacher want
Disajikansebuahkonte this learning activity not only to be able to present material in the form
kspembelajaran, of Power Point, pictures, or videos, but also to involve students so
pesertadapatmenentu interactions between teachers and students occur such as face-to-face
kanteknologipembela learning activities in the classroom. The most appropriate platform to
jaran yang tepat use is...
A. E-Mail
B. Short message services
C. Teleconference
D. Web-based tools
E. Google form
97 78. 97. What is the content knowledge related to the explanation of the text
Disajikansebuahkonte about the great wall?
kspembelajaran, A. Generic structure
pesertadapatmenunju B. Types of text
kkanaspek Content C. Length of the text
Knowledge D. History
terpenting yang E. Structure of text
98 76. 98. What is the learning principle that is reflected in a group project?
Disajikansebuahkonte A. Motivation
ksberupakegiatanpem B. Correlation
belajaran, C. Competition
pesertadapatmenentu D. Entertainment
kanprinsippembelajar E. Collaboration
an yang
99 79. 99. A teacher should know how extrovert students learn in the classroom.
disajikansebuahkonte The following activities can make them more comfortable in
kspembelajaran, learning,....
pesertamampumemfa A. Working on worksheet independently
silitasisiswadalamme B. Write an essay
ngaktualisasikankara C. Answering questions verbally
ktersecara verbal D. Do mini observation individually
E. Answering question on the text book individually
100 80. Disajikansituasi 100. For students, learning a new topic could be challenging. To
guru motivate them to learn, a teacher may use empathetic communication
menyelesaikanmasala strategy which is by stating the topic is interesting and they will like
h yang it. The action taken by the teacher is included in…
berkaitandengankarak A. Collaborative way
tersiswa, B. Critical way
pesertamenentukanje C. Boring way
niscara yang D. Communicative way
digunakan guru E. Creative way
dengantepat (kritis,
kreatif, komunikatif,
101 82. Disajikansituasitentangkeadaansiswa di kelas, 101. Learning classes with new
peserta topics have started, students are
mampumenganalisiskondisi dan menentukaninstrumen directed to always obey every
evaluasisikap yang sesuai agreed learning rule. All forms of
student actions in the classroom
will be recorded and become a
reference for assessment.
From the situation above, the best
describes the student's condition
and the appropriate assessment
instrument used to evaluate it is…
A. Conducive with the evaluation
instrument of observation
guidelines in the form of a
check list and rating scale
B. Conducive to the self-
assessment guide evaluation
instrument in the form of a
check list and rating scale
C. Controlled with observation
evaluation instruments in the
form of a check list and rating
D. Controlled with self-
assessment evaluation
instruments in the form of a
check list and rating scale
E. Controlled with self-
assessment and observation
evaluation instruments in the
form of a check list and rating
102 81. Disajikansebuahsituasidalambentukpernyataan, 102. In each learning process,
pesertadapatmengidentifikasiteknikevaluasisikap yang students are strongly advised to
sesuai. have a good understanding of the
competencies they have achieved
in order to improve learning
Seeing this situation, the
appropriate assessment technique
used to evaluate student attitudes
A. Observation technique
B. Self-assessment technique
C. Assessment techniques
between students
D. Mixed scoring technique
E. Portfolio assessment
103 84. Diberikankontekspembelajaran, pesertadapat 103. In the final exam of this
menentukanperbaikanpembelajaranketerampilanreseptif semester, 70% of students'
(listening, reading) listening scores were below the
desired average. Even though the
teacher always gives audio and
assignments to practice.
The right thing for teachers to do
to improve the situation of students
in the lesson appropriately is….
A. Do not give too much practice
because students may not be
able to focus on understanding
the meaning of too much audio
B. Keep trying to give only
exercises and assignments
because practice is the key to
student success
C. Provide opportunities for
students to repeat classes with
their own learning styles
D. Exercises are carried out more
regularly and accompanied by
proper direction, each task
given is well guided and given
an appropriate evaluation so
that students are able to find
out their mistakes
E. Always ask students to
improve themselves
independently by listening and
listening with more focus
104 85. Diberikankontekspembelajaran, pesertadapat 104. In a listening learning
menentukanevaluasipembelajaranketerampilanproduktif process and its assessment, the
(speaking, writing) dengantepat things that the teacher must pay
attention to in evaluating the right
ones are…. Except..
A. Using self-assessment so
that students understand
their abilities
B. Set objective assessment
criteria to provide targeted
C. Evaluating all forms of
attributes displayed in the
listening indicator
D. make criticisms
constructive and use open-
ended comments or
questions that encourage
E. Focus on body language,
facial expression, and
105 86. Disajikansebuahkondisipembelajaran, peserta 105. To be able to provide
menentukanteknikevaluasi dan platform yang directed assessments to give
sesuai opportunities for students to
explore the environment that is in
accordance with the learning
material, improve critical thinking,
improve good observing skills,
and the right communication
skills, then the type of assessment
and the right platform to use is...
A. Portfolio assessment with
conference platforms such as
zoom and google meet
B. Portfolio assessment with
testing platforms such as easy
test maker
C. Project assessment with a
testing platform such as easy
test maker
D. Project assessment with
conference platforms such as
zoom and google meet
106 87. Disajikansatubentukisntrumenevaluasi, peserta 106. An assessment that is
menyeleksibeberapateknikevaluasi yang sesuai carried out using an instrument
that contains a number of
indicators of observed behavior, it
will be most appropriate if it is
carried out using the...
A. Assessment by continuous
observation with the senses
both directly and indirectly
B. Self-assessment by asking
students to determine their
strengths and weaknesses
C. Assessment between
friends, ask students to
assess each other's ability
to a competency
D. Assessment with
assignments to students for
structured assignments in
the laboratory or field
E. Portfolio assessment by
creating a work that can be
assessed later
107 88. Diberikanindikatorsebuahkompetensidasar, 107. KD:
peserta dapatmenentukanrumusansoal yang 3.5 compare function social, text
tepatuntukmenilai pengetahuan. structure, and linguistic elements
some special text in the form of
greeting cards, by giving and ask for
information related to days special,
according to context of use
3.5.2 determine the structure of the
From the indicator above, the proper
question/direction that is able to
deliver to the students to evaluate their
knowledge is….
A. Please create the correct
part of the text based on
the part of the structure
B. Please create your own text
with the correct flow and
correct structures arranged!
C. Based on the structure
mentioned above, please
mention all the correct
structure of the text in
D. Based on the structure
mentioned above, please
create the correct structure
and the correct test!
E. Please present the text in
front of the class that
consist of the correct
108 83. Disajikankontekspembelajaran, pesertadapat 108. In the speaking class, for
menginstruksikanpenerapanasesmenotentik yang tepat the final semester assignment the
teacher will direct the students to
make a project as an assessment
material. The appropriate type of
assessment and sequence of
instruction to deliver to students
A. Product assessment: choosing
the theme, choosing a learning
context, planning activities,
organizing activities, and
carrying out activities
B. Product assessment: choosing
a learning context, choosing
the theme, planning activities,
organizing activities, and
carrying out activities
C. Project assessment: choosing
the theme, choosing a learning
context, planning activities,
organizing activities, and
carrying out activities
D. Project assessment: choosing
a learning context, choosing
the theme, planning activities,
organizing activities, and
carrying out activities
109 90. Diberikanindikatorsebuah KD, pesertadapat 109. KD:
menentukanrumusan soak yang tepatuntukmenilai 3.3 apply social functions, text
keterampilam. structures, and linguistic elements of
spoken and written transactional
interaction texts that involve the act
of giving and asking for information
related to imperatives, prohibitions,
and appeals, according to the context
of their use. (Note the linguistic
element must, should)
3.3.2 Applying the structure of the
text of the expression of giving and
asking for information, prohibitions
and appeals
From the indicator above, the proper
question/direction that is able to
deliver to the students to evaluate
their skill is….
A. From the following below,
the incorrect structure of
the text is…
B. Please create your own text
with the correct flow and
correct structures arranged!
C. Please mention all the
correct structure of the text
D. Based on the structure
mentioned above, the text
in question is…
E. Please determine which is
the right and wrong
structure of the text
110 89. Diberikankontekspembelajaran, pesertadapat 110. In a process of learning and
memberikaninstruksidalammemperbaikitingkatkefasihan speaking assessment, the thing that
berbahasa (lafal, pilihan kata, ejaan) can be done by the teacher to
improve student fluency in the
most appropriate language is…
A. Emphasize students to
continue reading and
reading material in the
target language even
though they do not
understand it well, because
with good intensity
students will have a natural
B. Giving words that are
difficult to find meaning
independently so that they
can learn faster and
C. Presenting learning with a
reading partner model of a
material in target language
learning so that students
can share learning and
direct students if there are
things that are not
D. Ask students to memorize
as many vocabularies as
possible so that they can
easily speak the language
without having trouble
choosing words
E. Provide additional learning
even though students are
not comfortable because
the pressure will encourage
students to become
accustomed and will be
fluent in the language
111 91. Disajikandeskripsikomponen PTK dan permasalahan 111. Please look at the following on
dalampembelajaranbahasaInggris di suatukelas, peserta Classroom Action Research (PTK)
mampumenentukanjudul PTK yang bisadilakukan. components;
(1) Learning innovation
(2) Curriculum development at the
school level and at the classroom
level; thus
(3) Teacher professionalism
The above components are essential
in classroom action research that
teachers sometimes face certain
phenomenon within the teaching

Notice an illustration below:

Ms. Siti teaches English subject for a
9th grade students at SMP N 6
Bandung. She always uses interactive
games and fun activities within her
teaching and learning process of the
9th grade class students. But, one
time Ms. Siti at the end of the schools
final test, she finds that the students’
grades not all are showing satisfying
results. A class of 36 students, only 7
of the students reach the average
score which is 75.
Based on the illustration above, in
conducting Classroom Action
Research, which of the following title
is appropriate?
A. Investigating Teachers
Approach in teaching
English of SMPN 6
B. The Analysis of English
Teachers Attitudes in
Teaching and Learning
C. The Analysis of English
Teachers Perspectives in
using Games and Activities
in Learning English
D. The Analysis of 9th Grade
Students Perceptions of
English Subject at SMPN 6
E. Exploring English Teachers
Approach and Methods in
English Teaching and
Learning Process of the 9th
Grade Students of SMPN 6

112 92. Disajikandeskripsistudikasus, pesertamampu 112. The online learning

menentukankeputusanterbaikdalammenyelesaikan situation has been conducted for
masalah. more than 1 year since the mid of
March 2020. Teachers of all levels
(SD, SMP, SMA/SMK) are
finding that students sometimes
late in submitting their
assignments and some contact
their teacher personally. What
would be the appropriate way to
handle this situation if the students
are late in submitting their
assignments but active in
participating or responding in
Google Meet or Zoom class?
A. Teacher needs to decide
subjectively by having
sympathy with considerations
on good attitude of the
B. Teacher needs to decide
objectively on the students
action based on the rules and
requirements of the school.
C. Teacher needs to scold the
students that are late in
submitting the assignments
D. Take both subjective and
objectives views by
considering the attitude and
academic competence
E. By deciding and determining
the suitable assessments in
tracking the students’
psychologically, attitude,
and academic progress.
113 93. Disajikandeskripsitentangkeadaansiswadalam 113. Due to the Covid-19
pembelajaranbahasaInggris di suatukelas, pesertamampu Pandemic. Ms. Intan is recruited to
menganalisispermasalahan yang dihadapi. be a new English teacher at one of
the Senior High School in her
town of South Jakarta. As she
joins the class for the first day, she
instructs one of the class
coordinator to form a group in
WhatsApp for Grade 11B. There
are 30 students within the
classroom and only a 13 students
that have joined. Ms. Intan is very
excited and greeted the students.
Many of the students responded
and Ms. Intan began to share some
files of materials and gave
instructions to the students. Then,
other students started to join the
WhatsApp group. Ms. Intan
greeted them also and reinstructed
the students. Therefore, the above
information and files are unable to
be seen by the new students that
have joined the class.
The situation above shows the
problem that Ms. Intan face in
managing her classroom. What
seems to be the source of the
problem on the situation above?
A. Technical issues
B. Communication issues
C. Time management
D. Computer literacy
E. Adaptability

114 94. Disajikandeskripsitentangteknikpenilaian yang 114. In a situated online

digunakan oleh seorang guru, learning, an English teacher has
pesertamampumenganalisis instructed grade 12 of Senior High
prinsippenilaian yang digunakan. Schools students to form a group
and is asked to make an E-
Portofolio for a particular topic
about that they have learned
throughout the semester as a final
By using an E-Portofolio as the
technique of assessment. The
teacher has employed which of the
following principles of
A. Summative assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Project based assessment
D. Performance based
115 95. Disajikan KI/KD Bahasa Inggris SMP, SMA dan 115. Composing a very short
SMK, and simple oral and written
pesertamampumerumuskanindikatorpencapaian interpersonal interaction text that
kompetensi yang Specifik, terukur, dapatditerapkan, involves asking for attention,
sesuali checking understanding,
alokasiwaktu) appreciating performance, as well
as asking and expressing opinions,
and responding to them by paying
attention to social functions, text
structure, and linguistic elements
that are correct and in context.
Based on the Basic Competency
above, which of the following
that is suitable to apply within the
lesson plan?
A. Determining the purpose of
the conversational text
related to expressions asking
for attention.
B. Demonstrating conversations
to establish interpersonal
relationships related to
expressions of asking for
C. Pronouncing various learned
phrases with the right
intonation related to
expressions asking for
D. Applying the right expression
expressions to ask for
E. Choosing conversations to
establish interpersonal
relationships related to
expressions of asking for

116 96. Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenunjukan 116. He problem in Mr. Andi’s

topik PTK yang perludilakukanuntukmengatasisebuah class is the students tend to
masalah compete excessively in reading
class. They don’t have much
experience in working together in
task groups. Shebelieves that they
need to have more opportunities to
work together to change as their
attitudes in competing leads to an
unhealthy class atmosphere. To
solve the problem, she designs an
innovative instructional strategy
through classroom action research.
The steps of which will need to
have the elements of...
C. jigsaw
D. mind and mapping
E. click and clunk
117 97. Disediakanstudikasus, pesertamampumenentukan 117. Ms. Dina always becomes
salah satukarakteristik guru yang profesional the students most favourite
teacher. But, this time she is
positioned to teach in a class of 9A
with 35 students that handled by
other teacher, and that teacher has
resigned. At first, it was awkward
for Ms. Dina to teach due to the
students’ lack of response and new
to the way of Ms. Dina’s way of
teaching. As time shifted, Ms.
Dina finally managed the
classroom atmosphere and the
students become comfortable with
her way of approach in teaching.
Which of the following
characteristics or traits of Ms.
Dina as a professional teacher
A. Learning facilitator
B. School leader
C. Curriculum specialist
D. Recourse provider
E. Adaptability
118 98. Disajikansebuahkonteks, pesertamampumenentukan 118. The following bellow is
manfaatutama PTK. the title of a class action research,
namely an effort to improve the
ability to write genre-based
narrative texts through “picture
series” in grade VIII students of
MTS Muhammadiyah Lima,
Batusangkar, Tanah Datar
Regency. Based on this title, the
main benefit of CAR (classroom
action research) is:
A. To improve the quality of
learning to write.
B. To improve the
professionalism of English
C. To improve the ability of
teachers to teach
D. To improve student
learning outcomes
E. To improve teacher
teaching skills

119 99. Disediakandeskripsipembelajaran masa kini, peserta 119. Within a school of SMP
mampumengelolapembelajarandengan learning Negeri 112 Singaraja, one class of
management system berbasis IT grade 8C consists of 45 students.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the
face to face conventional learning
system is shifted into fully online
learning from enrolling the
student, choosing the discussion
platform, monitoring students’
activity, tracking the students’
assignment progress, and
assessing students’ projects or
Due to the high number of
students within a classroom
which of the following LMS
(Learning Management System)
would best support the learning
A. Google Classroom
B. Kahoot
C. Schoology
D. Google Meet
E. Moodle
120 100. Disediakandeskripsipembelajaran, pesertamampu 120. A teacher inserted thE
membedakanjenispengetahuanfaktual, konseptual, information about what Covid-19
prosedural dan metakoqnitif actually means and how to against
and decrease the spread due to the
chaotic covid-19 spread in their
environment. This knowledge is
emphasised and need to be
inserted to learning material as an
urgent basic knowledge. Please
determine this learning material
belonging to according to the type
of knowledge mentioned below.
A. Metacognitive
B. Procedural
C. Factual
D. Conceptual
E. All above are included

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