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Module Code and title- 30 Global events

Format- Report
Title: A report on the development of destination-specific events
Student name and ID-
Word Count- 3122

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Exploration of the diversity of the global events industry and the attributes that have encouraged
the development 3
Diversity of global events 4
Factors that shaped and influenced the event industry 4
Evaluation of values, legacy and the impacts of events on the environment for supporting
responsible event development 5
Impact of global events and legacy and values on the environment 6
Management strategies for supporting responsible event development 7
Specific strategies 8
Impact of global events on different levels of environment 9
Strategies used by the industry now and for futuristic purposes 10
Conclusion 11
References 12

The global events are helping to create innovation and a passionate working culture in the
creative world. These events help to build connections between people and brands through live
event power. The report includes a diversity of sectors along with factors that are developing
influence on global events. Global events and values that create support to enhance creative
industry along with diverse cultural and values support. Management strategies for supporting
responsible event building are also described in this report. The multidisciplinary team is able to
increase performing events along with diverse cultures and enhance core innovation and
Exploration of the diversity of the global events industry and the attributes that have
encouraged the development
Preferences or tastes of global audiences have been changed for the London ExCel Exhibition
Center along with huge requirements (Harrison, et al., 2019). The event management concept is
indicated as the most significant and intense form that is used for the live events productions at
the local and the global level. Through evaluating these events, there is increasing diversity
among global people. The events of this exhibition centre are considering some interesting
themes such as sea or ocean, palm trees, and sand for future betterment. Participating in this
event of global people must be considered as a challenge. The global event industries are trying
to visit several countries through evaluating diverse cultures and conducting events along with
various cultural flavours. The structure of events varies from company to company in which
common details are included such as time, venue, expectations of people, attending events,
conferences, and information (BÜYÜKŞALVARCI, and Akkaya, 2018). These are the basic
structure of particular global events that increase cultural values and beliefs.
The London ExCel Exhibition Center is also conducting personalized events for the audience as
per their preferences. There are various types of events such as sports events, trade shows,
parties, cultural events, and weddings in which different communities enjoy a lot. This given
event management companies have to take the preferences and requirements of the audiences
and enhance societal cultures (Mauro, Hu, and Ardissono, 2022). These discussed events are
impacting society in various ways. For example, if the sports event is conducted then audiences
will be motivated through playing more games and take it as a fitness mantra. Another example
is trading event shows that will motivate society to do business and make a profit in exchange for

zero investments. Through various events, the audience will learn the importance of various
cultural values and beliefs.
Diversity of global events
A global event is an organized event incorporating audiences from various countries all over the
world. In the creative industry, global events are trying to conduct several events such as live
events, programs, and conferences that are increasing various cultural values and beliefs in a
better way. The proper evaluation of conducting various events such as sports, trade, cultural
events, weddings and many more events (Freymueller, Moore, and Myers, 2019). Through
participating in these events’ society can encourage their tastes for attending various types of
events. Live events include special services for suppliers, live professionals, and generic
audiences. Live interaction is the most important component of a live concert format that is
known as a live event. Events are helping to increase face to face experiences for entrepreneurs
and their prospects, creating value instead of selling. The trade event increases more scalable or
stable growth directly attributing to business livelihood.
In the travel industry, intensity and the dynamics of travel are increasing in a positive way. The
tourism industry has become the most important stakeholder in their attractiveness and success
due to the fast growth of event management concepts. The proper evaluation of the event
management helps to increase growth in the business, cultural values and beliefs, communities,
and societal factors. The tourist events help to boost the local economy through tourism
expenditures (Williams, and Patricola, 2018). The tourism multiplier is the generator of spent
tourism at an event. These events create employment and enhance income not only for the
tourism industry but also for other businesses. The corporate events are organized by the
company for branding of products and include conferences, dinners, networking events. This
type of event includes objectives such as management functions, corporate culture, and morale
procedures to ensure improvements of companies. The proper evaluation of global events helps
to enhance diverse cultural aspects among audiences.
Factors that shaped and influenced the event industry
There are various factors that are resulting in the field of development of events in the global and
local markets. The global events are helping to influence cultural values and beliefs among event
attendees. In the local events, there are huge demands that are resulting in the development of a
local audience concept in which they will gather information about the particular topic with

entertainment (Raymond, et al., 2020). There was a huge interest among the local audiences that
will motivate event organizers to conduct an event that makes audiences feel better and enjoy the
event. The proper evaluation of the event management helps to encourage various disciplines of
cultural beliefs or values for future betterment in the local and global markets. In the planning of
an event, the objective of the occasion is the most important factor that influences the event in a
positive way.
Event management helps business organizations to develop publicity for future betterment. It is
thematic activities that might attract audiences to corporate events and increase fun or
encouragement for community connection. In recent times, various publicity approaches are
mainly influenced by several mediums such as radio, television, online platforms, print media for
raising awareness among event audiences. The proper evaluation of the event management helps
to manage corporate, fundraising events, private events, major events help to various parameters
for diversification in the targeted business markets. Local events such as community festivals
and graduation ceremonies are creating a primary impact on local markets in a better way (Shen,
et al., 2019). The proper evaluation of the major events through media interest that are capable of
achieving media coverage attraction along with economic benefits. Private events are the major
events that are taking place in private venues for enhancing commercial activities.
Evaluation of values, legacy and the impacts of events on the environment for supporting
responsible event development
The global events are creating opportunities for the UK population to connect with other people
through spending time, area, fostering creativity, diverse cultures, and innovation. Individual
event development helps to increase values, legacy and impacts of events on the environment for
supporting event management. Events are classified through forms and content such as
educational, political, arts and entertainment, cultural celebration, sports, and business or trade
(Thomson, et al., 2019). Through cultural events, various audiences understand various cultural
values or beliefs that enhance societal and communal relationships in the particular area.
Educational events include several educational related games such as quizzes, puzzle-solving,
and mathematics solutions that are helping to increase educational knowledge among event
attendees in the particular area. The proper evaluation of the event development will help to
enhance cultural, educational, societal, and corporate-related influence on the event.

Cultural events include religious events, festivals, commemorations, and carnivals that help to
enhance diverse cultural values or beliefs of the particular religion. The cultural or social values
will be improved through private events such as socials, business events, weddings, and parties
(Bonazza, et al., 2018). For example, "Sonar festivals" in Barcelona are cultural events that
include music, arts and electronic or experimental music. Around 30000 people are attending this
festival and gaining several music and cultural aspects in a better way. There is another event
such as ICC 2020 women's cricket World Cup conducted in Australia and international women
cricket teams have participated. There are destination events that attract thousands of people in
the event host country and gain cultural values and beliefs for future betterment. Global events
such as the "Edinburgh Fringe Festival" are expensive events and attract a higher proportion of
international attendees. These global events are increasing cultural, diverse business and sports-
related information among global attendees.
Impact of global events and legacy and values on the environment
Integrated environmental considerations
There are several impacts throughout the preparation of the global events as well as during or
concluding. Larger events such as the international game's championship create a negative
impact on environments. Environmental impacts are concerned about nature including water, air,
and biodiversity (Preuss, 2019). There are also some positive impacts of conducting global
events such as foreign exchange income, job creation, development of host country, increased
tourism industry and future growth in the economic stability of the particular nation. Through
evaluating the Green Procurement policies are helping to reduce the negative impact upon the
Possible outcomes
a. Environmental Quality
Through analysing KPI measuring tools, new environmental standards will be adopted by the
host nation. The major event nature has the significant media attention that creates leadership of
practising environmental standards. Environmental standards such as waste recycling are
adopted by other business organisations in the host nation after the event.
b. Climate Action

Multinational events along with media exposure among wide audiences also create positive
leadership for addressing climate change and support multinational cooperation for this global
issue. These issues are increasing carbon dioxide produced by using fossil fuels.
a. Waste
Global events are increasing waste such as banners, tents, food or drink containers, and landfills
that are not biodegradable.
b. Energy
Through constructing events takes various forms such as construction venues, energy used in
running events, and energy used in travelling events.
c. Water
Through evaluation of KPI measuring tools, the proportion of water used from resources such as
rainwater harvesting.
d. Transport
Transport is the most complex aspect to host major events and increasing carbon footprint
through vehicle transportation of tourists (Huang, et al., 2018).
e. Natural capital
Natural capital such as new construction for major events might have a significant impact on the
local ecosystem.
Management strategies for supporting responsible event development
Event management strategies are helping to manage event development in a better way. The
event management strategies include overall tasks such as concept to the conclusion of events
and the middle process of event development (Latapí et al., 2019). A particular event
management company such as ExCel Exhibition Centre has conducted several events in the
United Kingdom. This event management organisation has 30 bars and restaurants, 6 hotels, and
3700 parking spaces on their premises that helps to conduct corporate, private, and local events.
This organisation is following some strategic plans such as defining goals, building budget, team
building, confirming the date, plan of the event, confirming speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors.
These management strategies help to conduct various events that might enhance cultural,
educational societal and corporate norms among targeted attendees. Selecting a location as per
the client's demand is the most concerning aspect that helps to conduct an event for future

betterment. Conducting corporate event business organisations will enhance their profit margins
through branding and marketing of products. The proper evaluation of the time management for
particular events also helps to start and end the program in a better way.
Estimating event costs is also an important factor that helps to analyse on how many financial
standards will be included in a better way. Economic stability is the most concerning factor for
event management organisations that are helping to provide financial growth in their business in
a better way. The proper evaluation of the event management planning will support the global
events that enhance information flow among global attendees about societal, cultural,
educational, economic, and business-related aspects (Bushe, 2019). Managing event teams and
dividing roles and responsibilities will also help to develop major or minor global events in the
particular space.
Specific strategies
According to OECD global events can be explained as the event of the limited time that includes
global reach, it involves public investments and have an impact on the population and to build a
sustainable environment. Wimbledon is an example of global events. When the global market is
encountered by the enterprise, operation problems are solved by the positive result by
implementing certain strategies, they have influence worldwide (Sufi and Alsulami, 2021).
Specific strategies are, Its main aim is to create a high agenda in everyone’s priority. Most of the
business industries are not bothered to grow the industry but they are involved in searching new
areas for growtEspeciallylly it is found in the environment of the business to search strategically
for new opportunities and new markets. There is a need to increase the profit and revenue of the
Organization such as the Midwest digital marketing conference in the year 2018 (Marcella et al.,
2021). This is also required to develop ethical opportunities for customers or members. Global
industries can find many opportunities for revenue generation. Strategies are, to increase global
awareness for the brands and organizations, international sales increasing for new revenue
generation, value-added by foreign buyers to current events. In the global market, it can increase
brand image. Organizations can build a strategic relationship with existing customers and launch
the business (George, Ray and Kumar, 2019). Another important strategy is to apply global sales
and marketing platforms to increase customers.

Impact of global events on different levels of environment
Globalization coined global events. Global events provide the catalyst for social and
international environment, economic and political issues can be changed. Globalization increases
the interconnection of the world, commerce, trade, and transnational corporations. In the
marketing environment forces are shaped by elected officials that will impact the decisions made
by a business organization (FAHMY, NASSAR and ELSAYAD, 2020). Political issues such as
government officials can act the law and regulation which may impact negatively in the business
sector. Events can have positive effects to communicate and interacting with others. Events have
the power to move large numbers of people. It also creates impacts on social lives in a different
way. For example, In China rise of XI Jinping will impact the world for decades (Bertelsen and
Rio, 2019).
Global events require economic support. It can be measured by assessing the additionality of the
expenditure of an event. The primary economic impact is tourism measured for direct economic
impact. Organizations can use the event to make the Organisation or the events economically
advanced. For example Fifa world cup ticket sales target in the market (Denayer, 2019.). In the
market economic expenditure will be impacted by global events.
Social impacts can be observed during global events. Many peoples are getting engaged in global
events. People who are unable to go there can watch this on Television, Radio, through social
media platforms. So it can be said that global events target audiences and different social groups
worldwide. For example, American Super Bowl football events engaged audiences and impacted
the people (Li et al., 2021).
Global events help to impact technology. Because the use of event technology can increase 20%
of audiences in the events. It can increase the profit or the event. It also helps to reduce costs by
30%. Revenue generation is high by using the technology. The automation process will be
affected by Global events. The technologically advanced world is dependent on mobiles, laptops,
computers. Events are held in different corners of the world. But every audience can't reach in
the place. Most of the audiences are get connected with the events through mobiles, laptops. This
can increase the economy of the events. More revenues are the management team is successful if
the country made more revenue through any global events.

Strategies used by the industry now and for futuristic purpose
Planning and meeting an event of any size can be a hard task for those who are not able to
understand the values. Global event organizers planned a meeting or an event every year that will
help to connect and engage with people. Global events are important to target the audiences for
betterment in the future. This can help them to understand the ability of stakeholders and
attendees. Strategies should be used for now and for the future. These are, involve making
strategies event-related through the event management process. The strategy has to be taken to
improve the events through the optimization of offline event experiences. Optimizing the
investment in Events through cost savings and expense planning. Meeting or events should be
based on some criteria. It should be related to marketing, sales, corporate strategy. Based on this
strategies strategy framework has been outlined. It also promotes business and corporate
strategies for social and cultural groups. Like sports is one of the main keys to reaching people
globally. Like American football sports, the Fifa World cup engaged a huge number of people
from different countries and this will emerge the culture and cultural values. These values should
be added to the best for the near future. Event Automation is the strategy that reduces manual
event tasks, make solutions automatically and manage all the task at a time. Planners are working
with a team to make an event better. In the field of marketing, sales, finance, IT to make
alignment for the event management program (Mangalam Kumari et al., 2020). They developed
a mobile app to manage events tasks and management of pre-planned events monitorization. The
audiences and attendees of the global events are used to get a better experience in the future by
these global events. Events like sessions, conferences, sports are often the easier way to get
maximum audiences. This can be the way to share ideas and thoughts over the world. This also
may involve creating a huge difference between the culture of one place to another.
Globalization is related to the global events that ensure people spend their maximum time with
the global world like social media, Radios, televisions. These are the platform to attach more
people. In Australia leader in cloud infrastructure and digital technology involves creating
emerging with the technology as per the client's leverage (Jia et al., 2019). Also, these are the
strategies to get feedback from the customers or members about their previous session which was
attended. This all strategies are involved to create an opportunity for customers per year.

Here it is concluded that the creative world has been enhanced through the development of
global and local events in the particular nation. Global events are helping to develop passionate
work and innovation among targeted audiences. Business, education, social, and cultural aspects
have been developed through global and local events. These events also create a positive and
negative impact on the environment. This report includes management strategies for developing
support to global and local events. These types of events help business organisations to develop
brand image among targeted audiences in a positive manner.

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