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C H A P T E R 2 4 

Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia


■ Breathing oxygen at increased Hyperventilation, while breathing air, can raise
atmospheric pressure achieves very the arterial Po2 to about 16 kPa (120 mm Hg).
high arterial PO2 values but venous PO2, Higher levels can be obtained only by oxygen
and therefore minimum tissue PO2, only enrichment of the inspired gas and/or by eleva-
increases at 3 atmospheres absolute tion of the ambient pressure. Although the
pressure. arterial Po2 can be raised to very high levels, the
■ Normal metabolic processes, particularly increase in arterial oxygen content is usually
in the mitochondria, produce a range of relatively small (Table 24.1). The arterial oxygen
powerful oxidizing derivatives of oxygen, saturation is normally greater than 95% and,
collectively referred to as reactive apart from raising saturation to 100%, additional
oxygen species. oxygen can be carried only in physical solution.
Provided that the arterial/mixed venous oxygen
■ The harmful effects of reactive oxygen content difference remains constant, it follows
species are countered by a combination that venous oxygen content will rise by the same
of ubiquitous enzymes that inactivate value as the arterial oxygen content. The conse-
reactive oxygen species and endogenous quences in terms of venous Po2 (Table 24.1) are
antioxidant molecules. important because minimum tissue Po2 approxi-
■ The lungs are susceptible to oxygen mates more closely to venous than to arterial
toxicity, the first measurable signs Po2. The rise in venous Po2 is trivial when
occurring in healthy subjects breathing 100% oxygen at normal barometric
after breathing 100% oxygen for pressure, and it is necessary to breathe oxygen
approximately 24 h. at 3 atmospheres absolute (ATA) pressure before
■ Hyperbaric oxygen is used to treat a there is a large increase in venous and therefore
variety of conditions such as tissue tissue Po2. This is because most of the body
infections, carbon monoxide poisoning requirement can then be met by dissolved
and sports injuries, but its use remains oxygen, and the saturation of capillary and
controversial. venous blood remains close to 100%.
It is convenient to consider two degrees of
hyperoxia. The first applies to the inhalation
of oxygen-enriched gas at normal atmospheric
Chapter 22 described the disastrous conse- pressure, whereas the second involves inhaling
quences of lack of oxygen for life forms that oxygen at raised pressure and is termed hyper-
depend on it, but for most organisms hypoxia is baric oxygenation. But first, it is necessary to
an infrequent event. However, oxygen itself also understand the molecular basis by which oxygen
has toxic effects at the cellular level, which causes damage to biological molecules.
organisms have had to oppose by the develop-
ment of complex antioxidant systems. The activ-
ity of toxic oxygen derivatives and antioxidant OXYGEN TOXICITY
systems is perfectly balanced for most of the
time. Nevertheless, there is a strengthening The Oxygen Molecule and Reactive
opinion that over many years oxidative mecha-
nisms predominate and may be responsible for
Oxygen Species2,3
the generalized deterioration in function associ- Although ground state oxygen (dioxygen) is a
ated with ageing.1 In a variety of diseases, or powerful oxidizing agent, the molecule is stable
when exposed to extra oxygen, the balance is and has an indefinite half-life. However, the
radically disturbed and unwanted physiological oxygen molecule can be transformed into a range
changes or direct tissue damage results. of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other
342 PART 2  Applied Physiology

TABLE 24.1  Oxygen Levels Attained in the Normal Subject by Changes in the Oxygen
Partial Pressure of Inspired Gas
At Normal Barometric Pressure At 2 ATA At 3 ATA

Inspired gas PO2 (humidified)

  (kPa) 20 96 190 285
  (mm Hg) 150 713 1425 2138
Arterial PO2*
  (kPa) 13 80 175 270
  (mm Hg) 98 600 1313 2025
Arterial oxygen content†
  (ml.dl ) 19.3 21.3 23.4 25.5
Arterial/venous oxygen content difference
  (ml.dl−1) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Venous oxygen content
  (ml.dl ) 14.3 16.3 18.4 20.5
Venous PO2
  (kPa) 5.2 6.4 9.1 48.0
  (mm Hg) 39 48 68 360

Note: Oxygen-induced vasoconstriction means tissue perfusion may be reduced by elevation of PO2. This tends to
increase the arterial/venous oxygen content difference, which will limit the rise in venous PO2. The increases in
venous PO2 shown in this table are therefore likely to be greater than in vivo.
*Reasonable values have been assumed for PCO2 and alveolar/arterial PO2 difference.

Normal values assumed for Hb, pH, etc.

highly toxic substances, most of which are far reduced by receiving a single electron, which
more reactive than oxygen itself. pairs with one of the unpaired electrons forming
The dioxygen molecule (Fig. 24.1) is unusual the superoxide anion (O•−2 in Fig. 24.1), which is
because it has two unpaired electrons in the both an anion and a ROS. It is the first and
outer (2P) shell, but stability is conferred because crucial stage in the production of a series of toxic
the orbits of the two unpaired electrons are oxygen-derived ROS and other compounds.
parallel. The two unpaired electrons also confer The superoxide anion is relatively stable in
the property of paramagnetism, which has been aqueous solution at body pH, but has a rapid
exploited as a method of gas analysis that is biological decay due to the ubiquitous presence
almost specific for oxygen (page 196). of superoxide dismutase (see later). Because it is
charged, a superoxide anion does not readily
Singlet Oxygen cross cell membranes.
Internal rearrangements of the unpaired elec-
trons of dioxygen result in the formation of two Hydroperoxyl Radical
highly reactive species, both known as singlet A superoxide anion may acquire a hydrogen ion
oxygens (1O2). In 1ΔgO2 one unpaired electron to form the hydroperoxyl radical thus:
is transferred to the orbit of the other (Fig. 24.1),
imparting an energy level of 22.4 kcal.mol−1 2 + H = HO 2
O•− + •

above the ground state. With no remaining

unpaired electron, 1ΔgO2 is not a ROS. In 1Σg+ The reaction is pH dependent with a pK
the rotation of one unpaired electron is reversed, of 4.8, so the equilibrium is far to the left in
which imparts an energy level of 37.5 kcal.mol−1 biological systems.
above the ground state, and this molecule is a
ROS. 1Σg+ is extremely reactive and rapidly Hydrogen Peroxide
decays to the 1ΔgO2 form, which is particularly
relevant in biological systems and especially in Superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyses the trans-
lipid peroxidation. fer of an electron from one molecule of the
superoxide anion to another. The donor mole-
Superoxide Anion cule becomes dioxygen while the recipient
rapidly combines with two hydrogen ions to
Under a wide range of circumstances, consid- form hydrogen peroxide (Fig. 24.1). Although
ered later, the oxygen molecule may be partially hydrogen peroxide is not a ROS, it is a powerful
24  Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 343

O2 O2• –

1O2 1Σg+



HO2• H2O2




FIG. 24.1  ■  Outer orbital ring of electrons in (from the top left): ground-state oxygen or dioxygen (O2); superoxide
anion (O•− •
2 ); two forms of singlet oxygen (1O2); hydroperoxyl radical (HO2 ); hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); hydroxyl
radical (OH•); hydroxyl ion (OH–); and water. The arrows indicate the direction of rotation of unpaired electrons.
See text for properties and interrelationships.

and toxic oxidizing agent that plays an important R-OOH + 2G-SH →

role in oxygen toxicity. The overall reaction is as R-OH + G − S − S − G + H 2O.
Catalase and glutathione peroxidase are dis-
2 + 2H → H 2O 2 + O 2 .
2O•− +
cussed further in a later section.
Hydrogen peroxide is continuously generated
in the body. Two enzymes ensure its rapid
re­moval. Catalase is a highly specific enzyme Three-Stage Reduction of Oxygen
active against only hydrogen, methyl and ethyl Figure 24.2 summarizes the three-stage reduc-
peroxides. Hydrogen peroxide is reduced to tion of oxygen to water, which is the fully reduced
water thus: and stable state. This contrasts with the more
2H 2O2 → 2H 2O + O2 . familiar single-stage reduction of oxygen to
water that occurs in the terminal cytochrome
Glutathione peroxidase acts against a much (page 190). Unlike the single-stage reduction of
wider range of peroxides (R–OOH), which react oxygen, the three-stage reaction shown in Figure
with glutathione (GSH) thus: 24.2 is not inhibited by cyanide.
344 PART 2  Applied Physiology

O2 form hypochlorous acid. This occurs in the

e– phagocytic vesicle of the neutrophil and plays a
role in killing bacteria, facilitated by the enzyme
myeloperoxidase. The myeloperoxidase reaction
Superoxide also occurs immediately after fertilization of
2H+ dismutase the ovum, and hypochlorous acid thus formed
O2 causes polymerization of proteins to form the
H2O2 membrane that prevents further entry of
Catalase spermatozoa.
or The changes previously described have many
O2 Glutathione features in common with those caused by ioniz­
H2O ing radiation; the hydroxyl radical (OH•) is the
most dangerous product in both cases. It is,
FIG. 24.2  ■  Three-stage reduction of oxygen to water.
The first reaction is a single electron reduction to form therefore, hardly surprising that the effect of
the superoxide anion reactive oxygen species. In the radiation is increased by high partial pressures
second stage the first products of the dismutation of oxygen. As tissue Po2 is reduced below about
reaction are dioxygen and a short-lived intermediate, 2 kPa (15 mm Hg), there is progressively
which then receives two protons to form hydrogen
peroxide. The final stage forms water, the fully reduced
increased resistance to radiation damage until, at
form of oxygen. zero Po2, resistance is increased threefold. This
unfortunate effect promotes resistance to radio-
therapy of malignant cells in hypoxic areas of
O2 tumours (page 432).
Nitric oxide may behave as a ROS by reacting
with the superoxide anion to produce peroxyni-
O2• – OH• trite (ONOO−). This molecule can either rear-
range itself into relatively harmless nitrite or
OH– nitrate (page 184), or give rise to derivatives with
similar biological activity to the hydroxyl radical.
HOCl H2O2 1O2 Conversely, nitric oxide may act as an antioxi-
Myeloperoxidase Fenton or dant, binding to ferrous iron molecules and pre-
system Haber-Weiss reaction
venting them from contributing to the formation
H2O of a superoxide anion (see next) or the Fenton
reaction. The in vivo role of nitric oxide as a
FIG. 24.3  ■  Interaction of superoxide anion and hydro-
gen peroxide in the Fenton or Haber–Weiss reaction ROS or antioxidant therefore remains unclear.5
to form hydroxyl free radical, hydroxyl ion and singlet
oxygen. Hypochlorous acid is formed from hydrogen
peroxide by the myeloperoxidase system. (After refer- Sources of Electrons for
ence 4 by courtesy of the Editor of the Journal of the
Royal Society of Medicine.) the Reduction of Oxygen to
Superoxide Anion
Secondary Derivatives of the Figure 24.3 shows the superoxide anion as the
starting point for the production of many other
Products of Dioxygen Reduction ROS. The first stage reduction of dioxygen
Although both the superoxide anion and hydro- to the superoxide anion is therefore critically
gen peroxide have direct toxic effects, they inter- important in oxygen toxicity.
act to produce even more dangerous species. On
the right side of Figure 24.3 is the Fenton or Mitochondrial Enzyme
Haber–Weiss reaction, which results in the forma-
tion of the harmless hydroxyl ion together with Complex 1 (NADH oxidoreductase) and a
two extremely reactive species, the hydroxyl free variety of other mitochondrial enzymes may
radical (OH•) and singlet oxygen (1O2) ‘leak’ electrons to molecular oxygen producing
superoxide anions during normal oxidative res-
2 + H 2O 2 → OH + OH + 1O 2 .
O•− − • piration.6 Animal studies indicate that this may
account for almost 2% of total mitochondrial
The hydroxyl free radical is the most danger- oxygen consumption, indicating the importance
ous ROS derived from oxygen. of the highly efficient mitochondrial form of
On the left side of Figure 24.3 is the reaction SOD (see later). The concentration of mito-
of hydrogen peroxide with a chloride ion to chondrial ROS molecules must be carefully
24  Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 345

controlled, a task undertaken by the mitochon- and xanthine to uric acid (Fig. 24.4). XOR is a
drial permeability transition pore (mPTP) large (300 kDa) protein involving two separate
channels in the mitochondrial membrane. In substrate binding sites, one including flavine
response to an unfavourable redox state within adenine dinucleotide cofactor and the other a
the mitochondrion, the mPTP channels open molybdenum molecule. In vivo, XOR exists in
very briefly to allow the ROS out into the cell two interchangeable forms, with about 80%
for removal by cytoplasmic antioxidant systems. existing as xanthine dehydrogenase and the
Excess ROS in the mitochondrion leads to more remainder as xanthine oxidase. In both forms
prolonged opening of mPTP channels which XOR catalyses the conversion of both hypoxan-
can damage the mitochondrion and cell. Thus thine to xanthine and of xanthine to uric
ROS are acting as a signalling pathway during acid, and under normal conditions uses NADH
normal circumstances to control their own as a cofactor. In ischaemic or hypoxic tissue
levels, but can easily become a pathological large quantities of hypoxanthine accumulate
cause of cell damage.6 (page 327), the availability of NADH declines
and the ratio of the oxidase and dehydrogenase
forms of XOR may be reversed. As a result of
NADPH Oxidase System
these changes, when oxygen is restored to the
The NADPH oxidase system is the major elec- cell, the XOR catalysis of xanthine and hypox-
tron donor in neutrophils and macrophages. anthine is altered with NAD+ and dioxygen now
The electron is donated from NADPH by used as cofactors, resulting in the production of
the enzyme NADPH oxidase, which is located hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anions (Fig.
within the membrane of the phagocytic vesicle. 24.4). Thus during reperfusion there may be
This mechanism is activated during phagocyto- extensive production of ROS.
sis and is accompanied by a transient increase in
the oxygen consumption of the cells, a process Ferrous Iron
known to be cyanide resistant. This is the
so-called respiratory burst and occurs in all Ferrous iron (Fe2+) loses an electron during
phagocytic cells in response to a wide range of conversion to the ferric (Fe3+) state. This is an
stimuli including bacterial endotoxin, immu- important component of the toxicity of ferrous
noglobulins and interleukins. Superoxide anion iron. A similar reaction also occurs during the
is released into the phagocytic vesicle, where it spontaneous oxidation of haemoglobin to meth-
is reduced to hydrogen peroxide which then aemoglobin (page 185). It is for this reason that
reacts with chloride ions to form hypochlorous large quantities of SOD, catalase and other pro-
acid in the myeloperoxidase reaction (Fig. 24.3). tective agents are present in the young red blood
For many years the release of ROS into the cell. Their depletion may well determine the life
phagocyte was believed to be the main way in span of the cell. Apart from ferrous iron acting
which bacteria were killed by phagocytes. Recent as an electron donor, it is a catalyst in the Fenton
work on pulmonary neutrophils in mice with reaction (see previous discussion).
pneumococcal infection has refuted this claim,
finding no evidence of bacterial killing by High PO2
neutrophil-generated ROS, though ROS were
involved in neutrophil regulation.7 Powerful Whatever other factors may apply, the produc-
protease enzymes released into the phagosome tion of ROS is increased at high levels of Po2 by
by the neutrophil may be the most important the law of mass action. It would seem that the
bactericidal mechanism. normal tissue defences against ROS (discussed
Although the NADPH oxidase system has later) are usually effective only up to a tissue Po2
extremely important biological functions, there of about 60 kPa (450 mm Hg). This accords with
seems little doubt that its inappropriate activa- the development of clinical oxygen toxicity as
tion in marginated neutrophils can damage the discussed in a later section.
endothelium of the lung, and it may well play
a part in the production of acute lung injury
Exogenous Compounds
(Chapter 30).
Various drugs and toxic substances can act as an
analogue of NADPH oxidase and transfer an
Xanthine Oxidoreductase and
electron from NADPH to molecular oxygen.
Reperfusion Injury 8
The best example of this is paraquat which can,
The enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) is in effect, insert itself into an electron transport
responsible for the conversion of hypoxanthine chain, alternating between its singly and doubly
346 PART 2  Applied Physiology




Normal Adenosine Ischaemia

oxygen reperfusion
levels injury


NAD+ NADH + H2O2 + O2• –


NAD+ NADH + H2O2 + O2• –

Uric acid

FIG. 24.4  ■  Generation of superoxide anion from oxygen by the activity of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR). With
normal cellular oxygen levels (left side) NADH is the cofactor, binding at the flavine adenine dinucleotide (FAD)
site whilst the substrate reacts with the molybdenum binding site at the opposite side of the XOR molecule.
Following a period of ischaemia (right side), reperfusion causes NAD+ and oxygen rather than NADH to react at
the FAD binding site of XOR, resulting in the production of hydrogen peroxide or superoxide anion.

ionized forms. This process is accelerated at high oxygen levels in the carotid body. Otherwise,
levels of Po2, and so there is a synergistic effect most effects of ROS on biological systems are
between paraquat and oxygen. Paraquat is con- harmful, and alterations in redox state are linked
centrated in the alveolar, epithelial type II cell to a diverse range of diseases.
where the Po2 is as high as anywhere in the body. The three main biochemical targets for
Because of the very short half-life of ROS, ROS damage are DNA, lipids and sulphydryl-
damage is confined to the lung. Bleomycin and containing proteins. All three are also sensitive
some antibiotics (e.g. nitrofurantoin) can act in to ionizing radiation. The mechanisms of both
a similar manner (see next). forms of damage have much in common and
synergism occurs.
1. DNA. Breakage of chromosomes in cultures
Biological Effects of ROS of animal lung fibroblasts by high concentra-
Their use in the regulation of phagocytes, and tions of oxygen was first demonstrated in
possibly in the killing of microorganisms, is a 1978.10 Subsequent work has demonstrated
beneficial role for ROS. Elsewhere within cells, that ROS are involved in damaging both
the balance between the detrimental effects of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, including
ROS and the antioxidants that counter these (see repair errors and double-strand breaks, and
later discussion) is described as the redox state activation of transcription factors and signal
of the cell. Cellular, and more specifically mito- proteins, all mechanisms that are believed to
chondrial, redox state is believed to be part of an underpin the role of ROS in carcinogenesis.11
essential, and poorly understood, cell signalling In vivo studies of therapeutic hyperbaric
system6,9 involved, for example, in the sensing of oxygen in humans have also shown DNA
24  Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 347

Formation of Receptor inactivation

Lipid peroxidation
chemotactic factors (e.g. steroid)

Cytokine release

+ NO
O•2– ONOO– DNA damage

Increased adhesion Enzyme inactivation
molecules (e.g. MnSOD)

FIG. 24.5  ■  Biochemical effects of superoxide anion and peroxynitrite. These potent cellular effects initiate numer-
ous pathological processes including inflammation, malignancy or cell death. MnSOD, manganese superoxide
dismutase. (After reference 13 with permission of the authors.)

damage. However, adverse clinical outcomes which all aerobes have developed (Chapter
from hyperbaric oxygen have not been dem- Online 1).
onstrated, though susceptible subgroups, who
have less effective cellular antioxidant or
DNA repair systems, may exist.12 Antioxidant Enzymes
2. Lipids. There is little doubt that lipid peroxi- These enzymes are widely distributed in differ-
dation is a major mechanism of tissue damage ent organs and different species but are deficient
by ROS. The interaction of a ROS with in most obligatory anaerobic bacteria. Young
an unsaturated fatty acid not only disrupts animals normally have increased levels of SOD
that particular lipid molecule but also gener- and catalase, which confer greater resistance to
ates another ROS so that a chain reaction oxygen toxicity. The reactions catalysed by anti-
ensues until stopped by an antioxidant. oxidant enzymes were described earlier.
Lipid peroxidation disrupts cell membranes
and accounts for the loss of integrity of
the alveolar/capillary barrier in pulmonary Superoxide Dismutase15,16
oxygen toxicity. Three types of SOD exist, each derived from a
3. Proteins. Damage to sulphydryl-containing separate gene: extracellular SOD, cytoplasmic
proteins results in formation of disulphide SOD containing manganese (MnSOD) and
bridges, which inactivates a range of mitochondrial SOD containing both copper and
proteins. zinc (CuZnSOD). Extra production of SOD
Interference with these fundamental cellular may be induced by several mechanisms, of which
molecules has widespread physiological implica- hyperoxia is the most notable, but inflammatory
tions. Superoxide anion, and the peroxynitrite cytokines such as interferon, tumour necrosis
formed from nitric oxide, initiate a wide range factor, interleukins and lipopolysaccharide are
of pathological processes, including the inactiva- important stimulants of SOD production in the
tion of neurotransmitters, inhibition of proteins, intact animal.
release of cytokines and direct cytotoxic effects Animal studies have consistently shown that
(Fig. 24.5).13 Inevitably, cell dysfunction will induction of SOD confers some protection
rapidly occur, followed over the long term by the against the toxic effects of oxygen,2 and, by
occurrence of inflammation, malignancy or cell implication, enhanced SOD activity may be pro-
death. Over an animal’s lifetime, ROS-induced tective against the wide range of pathological
damage is now closely linked with cardiovascular processes already described. There are difficul-
and neurologic disease, cancer and the degenera- ties in the therapeutic use of SOD because the
tive changes of ageing.1,11,14 most important forms are intracellular or mito-
chondrial enzymes which have very short half-
lives in plasma. Therefore there is little scope for
DEFENCES AGAINST REACTIVE their use by direct intravenous injection. It is
OXYGEN SPECIES possible for SOD to enter cells if it is adminis-
tered in liposomes, and extracellular SOD has
Life in an oxidizing environment is possible been used by direct instillation into the lungs.17
only because of powerful antioxidant defences, Recent attempts to enhance SOD activity for
348 PART 2  Applied Physiology

therapeutic purposes have switched to the devel- dences of asthma and chronic obstructive pul-
opment of SOD mimetics.13 A number of small monary disease (COPD; Chapter 27).20
polycyclic compounds, mostly containing a Surfactant may act as an antioxidant in the
central manganese molecule, have been found to lung. Animal studies have shown that adminis-
catalyse the same reactions as SOD, but because tration of exogenous surfactant prolongs the
of their small size and nonpeptide nature they duration of oxygen exposure required to cause
can freely enter the intracellular environment. lung damage.21
SOD mimetics have yet to begin clinical trials,
but their therapeutic potential for the future
looks promising.
Exogenous Antioxidants
Catalase has a cellular and extracellular distri- Allopurinol. Because XOR plays a pivotal role
bution similar to SOD, with which it is closely in the reactions shown in Figure 24.4 it
linked in disposing of the superoxide anion (Fig. seemed logical to explore the use of allopu-
24.2). Although studied less extensively, catalase rinol, which inhibits a range of enzymes
production is believed to be induced by the including XOR. As expected, benefit
same factors as SOD. Similarly, trials of exoge- was seen mainly following ischaemia–
nous antioxidant enzymes have usually given reperfusion injury, but under these condi-
better results when both SOD and catalase are tions allopurinol has multiple effects on
administered. purine metabolism and may not be acting
Glutathione peroxidase system scavenges not as a XOR inhibitor at all.8
only the ROS but also reactive species formed Iron-chelating agents. Because ferrous iron is
during lipid peroxidation. Two molecules of the both a potent source of electrons for con-
tripeptide (glycine-cysteine-glutamic acid) GSH version of oxygen to the superoxide anion
are oxidized to one molecule of reduced glutath- and a catalyst in the Fenton reaction, the
ione (GSSG) by the formation of a disulphide iron chelating agent desferrioxamine has
bridge linking the cysteine residues. GSH is antioxidant properties in vitro.22
reformed from GSSG by the enzyme glutathione These compounds, along with other in vitro
reductase, with protons supplied by NADPH. antioxidants such as n-acetyl cysteine, β-carotene
and dimethylsulphoxide have generally failed to
live up to their expectations in human disease.
Endogenous Antioxidants There are three possible explanations. First,
Ascorbic acid is a small molecule with significant studies of ROS production and antioxidants in
antioxidant properties which are particularly human cells are relatively rare, and there is
important for removal of the hydroxyl free known to be considerable species variability.2
radical. Apart from a direct chemical effect on Second, penetration of the exogenous antioxi-
the cell redox state, ascorbate also has effects on dant to the site of ROS generation (e.g. mito-
nitric oxide synthesis and may influence cell bio- chondria) or damage (e.g. nuclear DNA) is likely
chemistry by this mechanism as well.18 Humans, to be poor. Finally, ROS involvement in physi-
along with guinea pigs and bats, lack the enzyme ological systems such as neutrophil regulation is
required for the production of ascorbate and crucial, so any nonspecific antioxidant activity
must ingest sufficient vitamin C to compensate. may be detrimental. Their therapeutic role in
In these mammals, SOD activity is markedly oxygen toxicity or diseases known to involve
higher than in those able to produce endogenous ROS is therefore far from fully clarified.
Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) is a highly fat-soluble
compound and is therefore found in high NORMOBARIC HYPEROXIA
concentrations in cell membranes. Predictably,
its main antioxidant role is in the prevention of The commonest indication for oxygen enrich-
lipid peroxidation chain reactions as described ment of the inspired gas at normal atmospheric
earlier. pressure is the prevention of arterial hypoxae-
Glutathione is found in high concentrations in mia (‘anoxic anoxia’) caused either by hypoven-
the airway lining fluid as part of the glutathione tilation (page 385) or by venous admixture
peroxidase system previously described. Wide- (page 176). Increasing the FiO2 may also be used
spread use of paracetamol, which at high doses to mitigate the effects of hypoperfusion (‘stag-
can reduce glutathione levels in the lung, may nant hypoxia’). The data in Table 24.1 show
attenuate the antioxidant activity provided that there will be only marginal improvement
by glutathione, increasing oxidative stress and in oxygen delivery (page 192), but it may be
possibly contributing to the increasing inci- critical in certain situations. ‘Anaemic anoxia’
24  Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 349

respiratory system; that is, the oxygen concen-

TABLE 24.2  Normal Arterial and Mixed
tration delivered is unaffected by respiratory
Venous Blood Gas Partial Pressure
rate, tidal volume and inspiratory flow rate.
kPa mm Hg Methods may be divided into low-flow (closed)
or high-flow (open) delivery systems.
BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD Closed delivery systems include a seal between
the apparatus delivering the flow of gas and the
Breathing air patient’s airway. Airtight seals may be obtained
  PO2 13.3 5.2 98 39
  PCO2 5.3 6.1 40 46 with cuffed tracheal or tracheostomy tubes or, at
  PN2 76.0 76.0 570 570 low airway pressures, with a tight-fitting face-
  Total gas 94.6 87.3 708 655 mask or laryngeal mask airway. These devices
partial should give complete control over the composi-
Breathing oxygen tion of the inspired gas. Any closed delivery
  PO2 80.0 6.4 600 48 system requires the use of a breathing system
  PCO2 5.3 6.1 40 46 that provides suitable separation of inspired and
  PN2 0 0 0 0 expired gases to prevent rebreathing and does
  Total gas 85.3 12.5 640 94
not present significant resistance to breathing.
pressure Alternatively, the oxygen level may be controlled
in the patient’s gaseous environment. The popu-
larity of oxygen tents declined because of their
will be only partially relieved by oxygen therapy large volume and high rate of leakage, which
but, because the combined oxygen is less than made it difficult to attain and maintain a high
what is seen in a subject with normal haemo- oxygen concentration unless the volume was
globin concentration, the effect of additional reduced and a high gas flow rate used. In addi-
oxygen carried in solution will be relatively tion, the fire hazard cannot be ignored. These
more important. problems are minimized when the patient is an
Clearance of gas loculi in the body may be infant, and oxygen control within an incubator
greatly accelerated by the inhalation of oxygen, is a satisfactory method of administering a
which greatly reduces the total partial pressure precise oxygen concentration. A similar system
of the dissolved gases in the venous blood (Table is used with the hood (‘space helmet’) in critical
24.2). This results in the capillary blood having care environments in which the patients head
additional capacity to carry away gas dissolved is enclosed within a small, clear respirable
from the loculi. Total gas partial pressures in atmosphere.
venous blood are always slightly less than atmos- Open delivery systems make no attempt to
pheric, and this is critically important in pre- provide an airtight seal; instead they provide a
venting the accumulation of air in potential high flow of gas, which can vent to atmosphere
spaces such as the pleural cavity, where the pres- between the mask and the face, thus preventing
sure is subatmospheric. Oxygen is therefore the inflow of air. The required flow of air/oxygen
useful in the treatment of air embolism (page mixture needs to be in excess of the peak inspira-
415) and pneumothorax (page 434). tory flow rate. For normal resting ventilation
The most important clinical conditions in this is approximately 30 l.min−1, but in patients
which oxygen has been identified as the sole with respiratory distress it may be considerably
precipitating cause are retrolental fibroplasia greater.
and pulmonary oxygen toxicity, though there Oxygen may be passed through the jet of a
are many other clinical situations where excess Venturi to entrain air. Venturi-based devices are
oxygen has adverse effects. a convenient and highly economical method for
preparing high flows of oxygen mixtures in
Increasing the Inspired Oxygen the range of 25% to 40% concentration. For
example, 3 l.min−1 of oxygen passed through
Concentration23 the jet of a Venturi with an entrainment ratio
Many systems exist for increasing the inspired of 8 : 1 will deliver 27 l.min−1 of 30% oxygen.
oxygen concentration, and an understanding of Higher oxygen concentrations require a lower
these is crucial for effective therapy. entrainment ratio and therefore a higher oxygen
flow to maintain an adequate total delivered
Fixed Performance Devices flow rate. With an adequate total flow rate of
the air/oxygen mixture, the Venturi mask need
These allow the delivery of a known concentra- not fit the face with an airtight seal. The high
tion of oxygen, independent of the patient’s flow rate escapes round the cheeks as well as
350 PART 2  Applied Physiology

through the holes in the mask, and room air Retinopathy of Prematurity29
is effectively excluded. Numerous studies have
indicated that the Venturi mask gives good Previously known as retrolental fibroplasia,
control over the inspired oxygen concentration retinopathy of prematurity (RP) was first
that is mostly unaffected by variations in the described in 1942, and soon afterwards it was
ventilation of the patient, except at high oxygen established that hyperoxia was a major aetio-
concentrations.24 logical factor. Oxygen use in neonates was
An alternative to Venturi masks has recently strictly curtailed, but resulted in an increase in
been developed which includes an efficient morbidity and mortality attributable to hypoxia.
oxygen/air mixer and humidifier, allowing a Thereafter oxygen was carefully titrated in the
large flow of fully humidified gas of a precisely hope of steering the narrow course between the
controlled oxygen concentration to be delivered Scylla of hypoxia and the Charybdis of RP.
via soft nasal cannulae. Referred to as high-flow The same balance between oxygenation and RP
nasal cannula oxygen therapy the device is very continues today, with uncertainty about the
well tolerated by patients and can deliver up to optimal target oxygen saturation to use in pre-
70 l.min−1 flow, at which level there is some evi- mature neonates.30 RP develops in two phases.
dence of a raised end-expiratory pressure and In phase 1 there is delayed vascular develop-
lung volume.25 This technique has been shown ment of the retina with avascular peripheral
to be an efficient and minimally invasive method areas, and in phase 2 there is vasoproliferation
of preoxygenating patients before induction for leading to intravitreal angiogenesis. These
high-risk anaesthesia26 and before intubation for abnormalities are believed to result from
respiratory failure,27 though there are concerns changes in Po2 affecting the activity of hypoxia-
that the latter use may delay more definitive inducible factor (page 330) and in particular its
airway management and ventilation.28 effect on vascular growth factors at this crucial
stage of eye development for humans. Antioxi-
dants such as vitamin E have showed some
Variable Performance Devices promise for treatment of RP but often with
Simple disposable oxygen masks and nasal cath- unacceptable side effects, and current therapeu-
eters aim to blow oxygen at or into the air pas- tic strategies are therefore aimed at inhibiting
sages. The oxygen is mixed with inspired air to vascular growth factors.
give an inspired oxygen concentration that is a
complex function of the geometry of the device, Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity
the oxygen flow rate, the patient’s ventilation and
whether the patient is breathing through their Pulmonary tissue Po2 is the highest in the body.
mouth or nose. The effective inspired oxygen In addition, a whole range of other oxidizing
concentration is impossible to predict and may substances may be inhaled, including common
vary between very wide limits. These devices air pollutants and the constituents of cigarette
cannot be used for oxygen therapy when the smoke (Chapter 19). The lung is therefore the
exact inspired oxygen concentration is critical organ most vulnerable to oxygen toxicity and a
but are useful in many other situations such as range of defence mechanisms have developed.
recovery from routine anaesthesia. With simple Overall antioxidant activity from both enzymes
oxygen masks a small inspiratory reservoir will and other endogenous antioxidants is very high
store fresh gas during expiration for use during in the fluid lining of the respiratory tract. Extra-
inspiration, which will tend to increase the cellular SOD is abundant in pulmonary airway
inspired oxygen concentration but, again, in a tissues, and abnormalities in its regulation may
somewhat unpredictable fashion. contribute to some lung diseases.31 Type II alve-
With a device such as a nasal catheter or olar epithelial cells, which produce surfactant
prongs, the lower the ventilation, the greater will (page 18), are believed to also incorporate
be the fractional contribution of the fixed flow vitamin E into the surfactant lipids.32
of oxygen to the inspired gas mixture. There is Pulmonary oxygen toxicity is unequivocal
thus an approximate compensation for hypoven- and lethal in laboratory animals such as the
tilation, with greater oxygen concentrations rat. Humans seem to be far less sensitive, but
delivered at lower levels of ventilation. Arterial there are formidable obstacles to investigation
Po2 may then be maintained in spite of a pro- of both human volunteers and patients. Study
gressively falling ventilation, but this will do of oxygen toxicity in the clinical environment
nothing to prevent the rise in Pco2, which may is complicated by the presence of the pulmo-
reach a dangerous level without the development nary pathology that necessitated the use of
of low oxygen saturations. oxygen.
24  Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 351

Symptoms33 the significant factor is partial pressure and not

concentration. In contrast, the concentration of
High concentrations of oxygen cause irritation oxygen rather than its partial pressure is the
of the tracheobronchial tree, which gives rise important factor in absorption collapse of the
initially to a sensation of retrosternal tightness. lung (see later).
Continued exposure leads to chest pain, cough
and an urge to take deep breaths. Reduced vital
capacity is the first measurable change in lung Clinical Studies
function, occurring after about 24 h of normo- Some limited information on human pulmonary
baric 100% oxygen. Oxygen exposure beyond oxygen toxicity has been obtained from patients
this point leads to the widespread structural in the course of therapeutic administration of
changes described next, which ultimately give oxygen. A study in 1967 of patients who died
rise to acute lung injury and possibly irreversible after prolonged artificial ventilation found more
changes in lung function. structural pulmonary abnormalities (fibrin mem-
branes, oedema and fibrosis) in those who had
Cellular Changes34 received 100% oxygen.36 However, the higher
Electron microscopy has shown that, in rats concentrations of oxygen would probably have
exposed to 1 atm of oxygen, the primary change been used in the patients with more severe
is in the capillary endothelium, which becomes defects in gas exchange, and it is therefore dif-
vacuolated and thin. Permeability is increased ficult to distinguish between the effects of oxygen
and fluid accumulates in the interstitial space. At itself and the conditions which required its use.
a later stage, in monkeys, the epithelial lining is A similar group of patients ventilated for long
lost over large areas of the alveoli. This process periods with high concentrations of oxygen were
affects the type I cell (page 13) and is accompa- reviewed in 1980,37 and these authors concluded
nied by proliferation of the type II cell, which that adverse effects of oxygen on the alveolar
is relatively resistant to oxygen. The alveolar/ epithelium were rarely of practical importance
capillary membrane is greatly thickened, partly in hypoxaemic patients. An attempt to avoid the
because of the substitution of type II for type I complicating factor of preexisting pulmonary
cells and partly because of interstitial accumula- disease was made in 197038 by ventilating a group
tion of fluid. of patients with 100% oxygen for 24 h after
cardiac surgery. Various indices of pulmonary
function (Vd/Vt ratio, shunt and compliance)
Limits of Survival
were not significantly different from a control
Pulmonary effects of oxygen vary greatly between group receiving less than 42% oxygen. In con-
different species, probably because of different trast to these essentially negative findings, a
levels of provision of defences against ROS. study in 1987 obtained positive findings in a
Most strains of rat will not survive for much randomized trial involving patients ventilated
more than 3 days in 1 atm of oxygen. Monkeys after cardiac surgery.39 Venous admixture was
generally survive oxygen breathing for about 2 significantly greater and arterial Po2 less in
weeks, and humans are probably even more patients receiving 50% oxygen compared with
resistant. Oxygen tolerance in humans has been the group receiving less than 30%. There are
investigated,35 but these studies are based on many possible causes for these changes, but the
reduction in vital capacity, etc., which is a very authors concluded that unnecessary elevation of
early stage of oxygen toxicity. There is an inspired oxygen concentration should be avoided.
approximately inverse relationship between Po2 This is a view from which few would dissent
and duration of tolerable exposure. Thus 20 h of at present, including a recent suggestion that
1 atm had a similar effect to 10 h of 2 atm or 5 h inspired oxygen in artificially ventilated patients
of 4 atm. should be titrated to a target oxygen saturation,
Pulmonary oxygen toxicity seems to be related as already advocated in other acutely ill patients
to Po2 rather than inspired concentration. Early as described later.40
American astronauts breathed 100% oxygen
at a pressure of about one-third of an atmos- Pulmonary Absorption Collapse
phere for many days (Table 17.1) with no
apparent ill effects. There is abundant evidence Whatever the uncertainties about the suscepti-
that prolonged exposure to this environment bility of humans to pulmonary oxygen toxicity,
does not result in demonstrable pulmonary there is no doubt that high concentrations of
oxygen toxicity thus establishing a Po2 of 34 kPa oxygen in zones of the lung with low ventilation/
(255 mm Hg) as a safe level. It also confirms that perfusion ratios will result in collapse. This
352 PART 2  Applied Physiology

occurs routinely during anaesthesia (page 299), Results from trials and meta-analyses have shown
and may be demonstrated in healthy volun- conflicting results, with the largest of these
teers. A few minutes of breathing oxygen at finding that hyperoxia was only beneficial in
residual lung volume results in radiological patients at high risk of PONV who received no
evidence of collapse, a reduced arterial Po2 and prophylactic drugs, giving a ‘number needed to
substernal pain on attempting a maximal treat’ of 15 patients for one patient to benefit.46
inspiration.41 Results are even more uncertain for hyperoxia
preventing surgical site infections, with a similar
Bleomycin Lung Toxicity variation in outcomes from trials and no agree-
ment yet on which groups of patients gain a
Bleomycin is an intravenous cytotoxic drug used clinically useful benefit.46-49 In this situation,
for chemotherapy of germ-cell tumours and has hyperoxia is believed to increase tissue Po2
been known for decades to cause severe and improving ROS availability for the killing of
sometimes fatal pulmonary toxicity. Its cytotoxic pathogens by neutrophils.48 Although clinical
action includes binding to both DNA and benefits of a perioperative FiO2 of around 0.8
an iron molecule which is then oxidized to remain mostly unproven,50 there is also some
its Fe3+ state, releasing ROS that damage the reassuring evidence that the high FiO2 does not
DNA. With lung toxicity bleomycin in the cir- worsen pul­monary function,46 supporting the
culation initially damages pulmonary capillary idea that 100% oxygen is required to maximize
endothelial cells causing leakage of fluid into atelectasis formation (page 300).
the interstitial space where the drug gains access
to type 1 alveolar cells vulnerable to ROS
damage resulting in lung injury.42 Animal studies Oxygen Use in Acute Medicine
have demonstrated the critical role of ROS In clinical practice the administration of oxygen
by showing that SOD mimetic molecules can to acutely ill patients has become almost ubiqui-
attenuate the lung damage.43 Lung toxicity has tous, both in hospital and community settings.
been reported as occurring in 2.8%–6.3% of Prevention of dangerous hypoxia is always the
patients treated with the drug with predictors first priority and hypoxia must be treated in spite
of this complication including older age, of the various hazards associated with the use
renal impairment and total dose of bleomycin of oxygen. Widely accepted guidelines23 have
used.44,45 The role of supplemental oxygen in sought to challenge this ‘oxygen culture’51 and
exacerbating lung toxicity and the duration after suggest that emergency oxygen therapy should
treatment when patients are at risk are contro- always by targeted at a predetermined oxygen
versial, with conflicting reports from heteroge- saturation, with suggested values of 94% to 98%
neous case series. One possible explanation in most acutely ill patients or 88% to 92% for
for the lack of clear findings is that hyperoxia those at risk of hypercapnia.23 When these
simply exacerbates preexisting lung damage, targets are not achievable by increasing inspired
irrespective of whether this is clinically oxygen alone, it is important to remember that
apparent or subclinical, as indicated by reduced oxygen delivery can also be increased by improv-
pulmonary-diffusing capacity.42 It therefore still ing cardiac output and haemoglobin levels. Clin-
seems sensible to minimize oxygen exposure for ical situations where the routine use of oxygen is
any patient who has been treated with bleomy- now being challenged include:
cin, with most clinicians currently adopting • Exacerbations of COPD. The mechanisms of
target oxygen saturations to guide the FiO2 as the adverse effects are described on page 399.
described next. Uncontrolled use of oxygen is associated with
increased mortality in these patients.50
Hyperoxia in Clinical Practice • Acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Although
not yet conclusively proven, there is some evi-
Therapeutic Use of
dence that oxygen therapy in the first few
Normobaric Hyperoxia
hours after AMI does not improve survival and
The ease with which FiO2 can be increased may be associated with worse outcomes.52,53
during anaesthesia means that hyperoxia has Hyperoxia causes vasoconstriction of systemic
mostly been used for therapeutic reasons in the blood vessels, an effect inhibited by vitamin C,
perioperative period. Most studies compare FiO2 suggesting a mechanism involving ROS.54,55
values of 0.3–0.4 with greater than 0.8.46 Hyper- The same is true for coronary blood flow,56
oxia has been proposed to reduce postoperative with a suggestion from some work that the
nausea and vomiting (PONV), purportedly from effect is more pronounced in diseased arteries
improved oxygen delivery to the gut mucosa. that are already under oxidative stress.57
24  Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 353

• Acute ischaemic stroke. There is some evidence Convulsions result from poorly understood
that hyperoxia causes an increased mortality changes in cellular interactions between γ-
in patients following severe ischaemic strokes aminobutyric acid (GABA) and nitric oxide. As
who need artificial ventilation.58 Hyperoxia is GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, it is not
known to reduce cerebral blood flow, and the unreasonable to suggest that a reduced level
same vasoconstrictor effects described earlier might result in convulsions. Nitric oxide sensi-
are believed to be the cause of the worse out- tizes neurones to the toxic effects of GABA in
comes following stroke. hypoxia, and is also involved in hyperoxic con-
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).59 There vulsions. Nitric oxide inhibitors delay the onset
has never been any doubt that during CPR of convulsions in hyperoxia,63 but paradoxically,
(page 472) 100% oxygen should be adminis- the same effect is seen with some nitric oxide
tered to maximize the oxygen content in the donors.64 Whatever the role of nitric oxide, the
poor circulation generated by cardiac com- final common pathway seems to be mediated by
pressions. However, at the return of spontane- disturbed calcium fluxes and increased cyclic-
ous circulation (ROSC) it has been shown that GMP concentration.63
the FiO2 used impacts subsequent patient sur-
vival, with an odds ratio of 1.8 (CI 1.5–2.2) for Incidence
death in patients receiving hyperoxia (PaO2
>40 kPa, 300 mm Hg).60 Once the ROSC is Hyperbaric oxygen used therapeutically as
established well enough for a pulse oximeter described later; that is, intermittent exposure to
to give a reliable reading, FiO2 should be less than 3 ATA, carries little risk of oxygen con-
titrated to a normal level. vulsions. At 2 ATA, a large series reported no
These adverse clinical outcomes with hyperoxia convulsions in over 12 000 treatments.65 Treat-
have led to debate regarding the optimal level of ment for carbon monoxide poisoning is associ-
target oxygen saturation or Po2. There are now ated with a greater incidence of convulsions
calls for much more precise control of oxygen because of the higher pressures used (normally
levels, particularly in critically ill patients where 2.8–3.0 ATA) and the toxic effects of carbon
this is easily achieved, including a suggestion monoxide on the brain. In this case 1% to 2%
that target levels should be deliberately lower of patients experience convulsions.66
than normal. This proposed ‘permissive hypox-
aemia’ strategy has much in common with the
widely used permissive hypercapnia (page 445),
Therapeutic Hyperbaric Oxygen
and in the future may prove useful to improve Administration of short periods of very high Po2
clinical outcomes by allowing patients to adapt may bring about therapeutic effects by a variety
to hypoxia, as occurs so effectively at altitude.61 of mechanisms as follows.
Effect on Po2. Hyperbaric oxygenation is the
only way arterial Po2 values in excess of
HYPERBARIC OXYGENATION 90 kPa (675 mm Hg) may be obtained.
However, it is easy to be deluded into
Oxygen Convulsions thinking that the tissues will be exposed to
(The Paul Bert Effect) a similar Po2 as found in the chamber.
Terms such as ‘drenching the tissues with
It is well established that exposure to oxygen oxygen’ have been used but are meaning-
at a partial pressure in excess of 2 ATA may less. In fact, the simple calculations shown
result in convulsions, usually preceded by a in Table 24.1, supported by experimental
variety of nonspecific neurological symptoms observations, show that large increases in
such as headache, and visual disturbances.62 This venous and presumably therefore minimum
limits the depth to which closed-circuit oxygen tissue Po2 do not occur until the Po2
apparatus can be used. It is interesting that the of the arterial blood is of the order of
threshold for oxygen convulsions is close to that 270 kPa (2025 mm Hg), when the whole
at which brain tissue Po2 is likely to be sharply tissue oxygen requirements can be met
increased (Table 24.1). The relationship to cer- from the dissolved oxygen. However, the
ebral tissue Po2 is supported by the observation relationship between arterial and tissue
that an elevation of Pco2 lowers the threshold for Po2 is highly variable (page 147), and
convulsions. High Pco2 increases cerebral blood hyperoxia-induced vasoconstriction in the
flow, therefore raising the tissue Po2 relative to brain and other tissues limits the rise in
the arterial Po2. Hyperventilation and anaesthe- venous and tissue Po2. Direct access of
sia each provide limited protection. ambient oxygen will increase Po2 in
354 PART 2  Applied Physiology

superficial tissues, particularly when the is still confined to relatively few centres. Clear
skin is breached. indications of its therapeutic value have been
Effect on Pco2. An increased haemoglobin slow to emerge from controlled trials, which are
saturation of venous blood reduces its admittedly very difficult to conduct in the con-
buffering power and carbamino carriage ditions for which benefit is claimed. In particu-
of carbon dioxide, possibly resulting in lar, a proper ‘control’ group of patients must
carbon dioxide retention. The increase in undergo a sham treatment in a hyperbaric
tissue Pco2 from this cause is unlikely to chamber, which has been used in very few trials.
exceed 1 kPa (7.5 mm Hg). However, in The most commonly accepted indications are
the brain this might result in a significant as follows.
increase in cerebral blood flow, causing a Infection is the most enduring field of applica-
secondary rise in tissue Po2. tion of hyperbaric oxygenation, particularly
Vasoconstriction. As described earlier, high anaerobic bacterial infections. High partial pres-
Po2 causes vasoconstriction, which may be sures of oxygen increase the production of
valuable for reduction of oedema in the ROS, which are cidal not only to anaerobes but
reperfusion of ischaemic limbs and in also to aerobes. The strongest indications are for
burns (see later discussion). clostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene), refrac-
Angiogenesis. The growth of new blood vessels tory osteo­myelitis and necrotizing soft tissue
is improved when oxygen is increased infections, including cutaneous ulcers.
to more than 1 ATA pressure, though Gas embolus and decompression sickness are une-
the mechanism by which angiogenesis is quivocal indications for hyperbaric therapy and
stimulated is uncertain. When normoxia the rationale of treatment was considered earlier
follows a period of hypoxia, ROS are pro- and in Chapter 16.
duced, and these are known to stimulate Carbon monoxide poisoning may occur from
the production of a variety of growth exposure to automobile exhaust fumes, fires and
factors that initiate angiogenesis.67 The defective heating appliances. Indications for
same mechanism may occur during hyper- hyperbaric oxygenation following carbon mon-
baric oxygenation.68 oxide poisoning include loss of consciousness,
Antibacterial effect. For many years oxygen was neurological deficits, ischaemic cardiac changes,
believed to play a role in bacterial killing significant metabolic acidosis or carboxyhaemo-
by the formation of ROS, particularly in globin (COHb) levels of more than 25%, and
polymorphs and macrophages, though this the aim is to reduce neurological sequelae.69-71
has recently been refuted (page 345). The original rationale for therapy, increased
However, oxygen will still have a direct rate of dissociation of COHb, seems simple
toxic effect on microorganisms, particu- when the half-life of COHb is approximately 4
larly on anaerobic bacteria, and relief of to 5 h whilst breathing air and only 20 minutes
hypoxia improves the performance of with hyperbaric oxygen. However, breathing
polymorphs. 100% oxygen at normal pressure reduces the
Boyle’s law effect. The volume of gas spaces half-life of COHb to just 40 minutes; therefore
within the body is reduced inversely in many cases, by the time transport to a hyper-
to the absolute pressure according to baric chamber is achieved, COHb levels will
Boyle’s law (page 501). This effect is addi- already be considerably reduced. Other poten-
tional to that resulting from reduction of tial benefits of hyperbaric oxygen are believed
the total partial pressure of gases in venous to derive from minimizing the effects of carbon
blood (Table 24.2). monoxide on cytochrome c oxidase and reduc-
ing lipid peroxidation by neutrophils to attenu-
ate the immune-mediated and inflammatory
Clinical Applications of sequelae.70,71
Wound healing is improved by hyperbaric oxy-
Hyperbaric Oxygenation genation, even when used intermittently. It is
In practice, hyperbaric oxygen therapy means particularly useful when ischaemia contributes
placing a patient into a chamber at 2 to 3 ATA to the ineffective healing, for example, in diabe-
and providing apparatus to allow them to tes mellitus or peripheral vascular disease. The
breathe 100% oxygen, normally a tight-fitting mechanisms involve improved tissue oxygen
facemask. Treatment is usually for about 1 to levels probably resulting from direct diffusion of
2  h, and repeated daily for up to 30 days. Since oxygen into the affected superficial tissues and
its first use in 1960 enthusiasm for hyperbaric increased release of growth factors.68 Hyperbaric
oxygenation has waxed and waned, and its use oxygen is believed to expedite recovery from
24  Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 355

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24  Oxygen Toxicity and Hyperoxia 356.e1

are unlikely to have a large effect because of

CHAPTER 24  OXYGEN TOXICITY failure to significantly increase blood oxygen
• Additional oxygen may be administered by a
• Breathing high concentrations of oxygen at variety of techniques. Fixed performance
normal atmospheric pressure causes large devices deliver a known concentration of
increases in arterial Po2 but has only a small oxygen independent of the patient’s breath-
effect on blood oxygen content, and so ing pattern. These include closed delivery
venous Po2, as only the dissolved oxygen systems which have a seal between the
component can be increased. At increased breathing system and the patient’s airway,
atmospheric pressure (hyperbaria) the dis- such as a tracheal tube or tracheostomy.
solved oxygen content can become much Alternatively, the patient, or at least their
higher until 3 atmospheres absolute pressure head, can be enclosed in a sealed system
when the dissolved gas alone is sufficient for including oxygen tents and hoods. Open
normal tissue oxygen consumption. delivery systems are not sealed with the
• The oxygen molecule can be transformed patient’s airway, but aim to deliver a flow of
into a variety of highly reactive derivatives gas equal to the patient’s peak inspiratory
called reactive oxygen species (ROS) con- flow, ensuring the concentration breathed
taining unpaired electrons in their outer by the patient is as determined by the device.
shell. These include superoxide anion, which Variable performance devices such as simple
may then react with hydrogen ions to produce disposable oxygen masks and nasal catheters
the hydroperoxyl radical and hydrogen per- supply a constant flow of oxygen into the gas
oxide (H2O2), which ultimately can be con- being breathed. The actual concentration
verted to water and oxygen. Nitric oxide achieved is unknown, and is usually low and
may also act as a ROS, particularly when it dependent on the amount of air entrained on
combines with superoxide to form the perox- inspiration which is highly dependent on the
ynitrite ROS. Sources of electrons for the patient’s inspiratory flow rate.
generation of ROS include mitochondrial • The lungs are always exposed to the highest
enzymes and the NADPH and xanthine oxi- Po2 of all body tissues, and so are the organs
doreductase enzymes. most vulnerable to oxygen toxicity. Early
• ROS are harmful due to their ability to react symptoms include tracheobronchial irri
with other biological molecules, for example, tation, retrosternal tightness, cough,
causing direct damage to nearby proteins reduced lung volumes and ultimately acute
and DNA. The reaction of ROS molecules lung injury. In humans, minor changes
with the unsaturated fatty acids of lipid occur after 24 h of breathing 100% oxygen,
membranes not only damages the mem- but the dose required for lung damage is
brane itself but initiates a chain reaction of unknown and seems to be related to expo-
lipid peroxidation, causing extensive cellular sure time and Po2 rather than oxygen con-
damage. centration. Bleomycin, a cytotoxic drug used
• All aerobic organisms have extensive systems to treat some cancers, acts by generating
to protect them from ROS damage. Two ROS to damage nuclear DNA, and the pul-
ubiquitous enzymes, superoxide dismutase monary toxicity it sometimes causes may be
and catalase, rapidly and completely convert exacerbated by breathing oxygen.
most ROS into harmless water and oxygen. • Hyperoxia in the perioperative period,
Ascorbic acid, vitamin E and glutathione in involving breathing ≥80% oxygen, has been
cells also inactivate ROS by direct chemical shown in some studies to reduce postopera-
reactions. Some exogenous molecules also tive nausea and vomiting and surgical site
have antioxidant activity such as allopurinol, infections. This benefit may arise from
which inhibits xanthine oxidoreductase and improved oxygen delivery to the gut mucosa
desferrioxamine, the iron-chelating mole- and skin. There is currently no agreement
cule, which prevents iron catalysing the on which patient groups might benefit from
formation of ROS. this intervention. In acute medical emer-
• Administration of oxygen at normal atmos- gencies evidence is now accumulating that
pheric pressure is usually under­taken to treat unrestricted use of oxygen may be harmful,
hypoxaemia caused by hypoventilation or for example, during exacerbations of chronic
venous admixture. Attempts to treat tissue obstructive pulmonary disease, myocardial
hypoxia due to inadequate blood flow or infarction, ischaemic stroke and following
anaemia by breathing supplemental oxygen successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
356.e2 PART 2  Applied Physiology

The most likely mechanism for these obser- effect) from disturbances in GABA and
vations is the fact that hyperoxia causes vaso- nitric oxide in the brain. Hyperbaric oxygen
constriction of systemic blood vessels, an may have therapeutic effects by increasing
effect which is mediated by ROS and possi- tissue Po2, vasoconstriction in oedematous
bly more pronounced in diseased arteries tissues, promoting angiogenesis or a direct
already under oxidative stress. antibacterial effect of ROS. Conditions for
• Hyperbaric oxygenation involves breathing which it is used include bacterial infections
100% oxygen in a high-pressure chamber, (particularly with anaerobic bacteria), decom-
typically at 2 to 3 atm. At higher pressures, pression sickness, carbon monoxide poi-
oxygen convulsions can occur (the Paul Bert soning and sports injuries.

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