Video Activity 5 - Carolina Garcia

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A.-Watch An unusual school. Are the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)? Correct
the false sentences.

1 In the mid-nineteenth century, Manchester was a small village. F

2 Chetham’s has 295 students. V
3 Chetham’s is the largest school in the United Kingdom. V
4 Chetham’s was a music school when it opened in the 1650s.F
5 Only students at the school are allowed to read the books in the library. F

B.-Watch A passion for music. Complete the information.

School: Chetham’s
Youngest age when students can start at the school: 1 18 _____________

Director of music: 2 Steven Thelfall____________________

Students study music for 3 4 hours a day.
Before they came to the school, most teachers were 4 _ professional
musicians ____________

C.- Watch A talented young musician. Find out what these numbers refer

14 he is 14 years old
2008 In 2008 he won the BBC Young Musician of the Year
12 P e t e r w a s o n l y 1 2 w h e n h e w o n t h e B B C Y o u n g M u s i c i a n o f
t h e Y e a r c o m p e ti ti o n
6 He started reading music when he was about six
years old.
7 his dad started teaching trombone when he was seven years old
8 He moved to Manchester when he was eight
years old.
2005 He started at Chethams when he was nine years old in 2005.

D.- Watch A talented young musician again. What does Peter say about
each topic?

1 his family
2 music
3 Chetham’s
4 his free time

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