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4th Class Monthly Exam Al-Safeena primary

2021 - 2022

Q1/ Read the following passage then answer (yes) or (no). (2m) (Only 2)
‫الثنين فقط‬ .)‫اقرا القطعة االتية ثم اجب بـ (نعم) او (ال‬

"At the zoo, there are a tree, an elephant, a cat, a lion and a tiger,
a tree is taller than me. and an elephant is bigger than a cat, and a cat
is smaller than a lion and tiger ".

1. a tree is smaller than me.

2. an elephant is bigger than a cat.

3. a lion and tiger are bigger than a cat.

Q2/A/ Read the sentences and write the correct word. (1m) (Only one)
)‫(اختر واحدة فقط‬ ‫اقرأ الجمل ثم اختار اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

1. I am at (four – fourth) class.

2. January is the first (month – day).

Q2/B/ Match list A with list B (2m)
.)B( ‫( والقائمة‬A) ‫وصل بين القائمة‬

List A List B
1- October, November A. a pupil
2- I'm B. December

Q3/ write the words. (3m)

) ‫ فقط‬3 ( ‫اكتب الكلمات‬
1- 3rd. _______________.
2- 2nd. ______________ .
3- Feb .______________ .
4- Aug. ______________ .

Q4/ Re-write this sentence with punctuation marks. (2m)

.‫اعد كتابة الجملة مع مراعاة الخط والتنقيط‬

i'm from iraq.

With Best Wishes

Miss: Asmaa.

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