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Summative assessment





Solve problems with money.

a. Identify nickels and quarters by name and value.

b. Find the value of a collection of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

c. Solve word problems by adding and subtracting

Learning objective:

Learning how to count coins TSW convert the coins into price amounts identify them and add up coins
by value.

Description of assessment:

The first page of the assessment will have pictures of all four different coins I will have the students
write the name of the coin and how much it is worth. On the next page the students will have 3
problems with coins lined up the students will be asked to give the value of the coins.

Rationale for why the assessment meets the learning objective:

The assessment meets the learning objective because it works on and three things that the objective
states. That being the coins name, value and adding the coins up.

Discuss differentiation for two students:

For Zachariah he does not need any differentiation for this assessment but Mi’ Laina does need help
with coin values. I believe giving her the values will help her a lot she struggled previously and has given
up on coins during my lesson. But I gave her the values of the coins and she names all of them and was
able to add them together.

Scoring guide:

Name________________________________ Teacher

Nickel identification

Dime identification

Penny identification

Quarter identification
Nickel worth

Penny worth

Dime worth

Quarter worth
Correct addition of coins

Differentiated scoring guide: Explanation above.

Name________________________________ Teacher

Nickel identification

Dime identification

Penny identification

Correct addition

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