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The world isn’t an easy place. Yes, it’s never been easy.

Good evening, folks I am Surya from ECE A

2ND year.

The life is like a sinusoidal wave

Where there are ups and downs in every wave you make

One may reach a +90 and the other may end up in -270 degree

But you know it's not permanent

It's never gonna be.

Come on chin up

Begin with the grassroots level

Start from the scratch

Because this wave hits on every one

Eventually you'll come up

Teenage life Is so pretty much hard

Everything that surrounds you puts you on pressure

The social media, one family and the peer one

We always think my life must be perfect super fine super good and cool and everything must go
Hand in hand , sometimes it will not

In your early teenage life what you see around looks everything fine

But the actual life is at the age of 24-26 , that's your late teen

Where you may feel frustrated exhausted and desperate eventually you'll start losing your sanity

That's normal

Be the change you want to see

If you want to see a change you have to do something about it

In the next 5 years what is gonna differentiate you from others are the choices you make it right now
at the heat of the moment

And the choice is very simple guys

Whether you do something or do nothing and just sit back

One day your life will flash before your eyes make sure it's worth watching!!

At one point in your life you must answer to all the actions of your past

And to this test there are no choices given because this is not mcqs where you'll find an option called
none of the above and
Life is all about moving on

Life is never a straight path, just figure out where are you going

There is a saying from one my all time favorite movie, that is Pursuit of Happiness is “If you want to
live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

Dreams without goals are just dreams

The overall journey of life is long and difficult

It takes time to make things happen

And one must have patience to achieve it

Elon said, work hard, all these hard works you do, you'll not regret it Maybe he is capable to design

So that he can work for 25 hrs

Coming to Stefan Hawking, my another great inspiration

The one who invented blackholes

Who is challenged in every possible way

He is diagnosed with motor neurone disease

Now a days people tend to lose their mind just because they are not beutiful

But yet , he did not give up

He started from scratch,

When things go out of hand, start from scratch you can make it not now, but definitely we can. I did
like to conclude by say that life is all about moving on.

I think I have pretty much summed up everything

Thank you all

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