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Multifunctional Danger Control

and Indicating Panels SIGMASYS

C and M (M-Modules)

BMT Project Planning Guidelines

Edition March 2007
Copyright and trade names
All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Copyright ©
Siemens AG, I BT DE FS SYS, 2003 - 2008
All rights reserved.
Delivery subject to availability; right of technical modifications reserved.
All hardware and software names used are trade names and/or trademarks of the respec-
tive manufacturers.

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1

2 Important notes ................................................................................................... 5

3 Guidelines for project planning ......................................................................... 7

4 Project planning for control and indicating panels ......................................... 9

5 Interfaces ........................................................................................................... 23

6 Functions ........................................................................................................... 31

7 Control unit connections.................................................................................. 37

8 Transponders and loop elements.................................................................... 41

9 Special control facilities ................................................................................... 55

10 Programming of control facilities .................................................................... 61

11 Power supply ..................................................................................................... 69

12 Monitored lines.................................................................................................. 77

13 SIGMANET ......................................................................................................... 93

14 Order Overview................................................................................................ 103

15 Project planning examples............................................................................. 109

16 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 113

Figures ............................................................................................................. 123

Tables ............................................................................................................... 125

Index ................................................................................................................. 127

Multifunctional Danger Control and Indicating Panels SIGMASYS C and M (M-Modules)

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 About the manual .................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Further information ................................................................................................ 3
1.2.1 Documentation ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Information on the Internet .................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Training courses.................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Notational conventions .......................................................................................... 4

2 Important notes ................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Notes on application of these project planning instructions. ................................. 6
2.2 Tools required ....................................................................................................... 6

3 Guidelines for project planning ......................................................................... 7

3.1 Limitations ............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Guidelines for failure of the display unit and signal processor .............................. 8
3.3 Overvoltage protection measures ......................................................................... 8

4 Project planning for control and indicating panels ......................................... 9

4.1 Control and indicating panel selection................................................................. 10
4.1.1 Alarm numbers .................................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 Programming limitations at control and indicating panels ................................... 11
4.2 Selecting the installation location ........................................................................ 12
4.2.1 Fire protection system requirements ................................................................... 12
4.2.2 Control room requirements.................................................................................. 13
4.2.3 SIGMASYS control and indicating panel: installation dimensions....................... 13
4.3 SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel assignment...................................... 16
4.4 SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel assignment ..................................... 18
4.4.1 Assigning option slots in the SIGMASYS M ........................................................ 19
4.4.2 Layout of the SIGMASYS M................................................................................ 19
4.4.3 Dual SOC ............................................................................................................ 20
4.4.4 SOC P module (since end 2006)......................................................................... 20
4.4.5 SIGMANET P coupler (from mid-2006)............................................................... 21

5 Interfaces ........................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Overview of interfaces......................................................................................... 24
5.2 Printers ................................................................................................................ 25
5.2.1 Protocol printer DL3750+ .................................................................................... 25
5.2.2 Protocol printer T2240/9 (DR 2030) .................................................................... 26
5.2.3 Thermal printer FD60 .......................................................................................... 26
5.2.4 Printer protocol converter .................................................................................... 27
5.3 GMA Manager (TOPSIS) .................................................................................... 27
5.3.1 Spur operating panels (Version 3.0 and later)..................................................... 27
5.3.2 D100 Interfaces (Version 3.0 and later) .............................................................. 28

6 Functions ........................................................................................................... 31
6.1 Event implementation.......................................................................................... 32
6.2 Daytime/Nighttime ............................................................................................... 32
6.3 Alarm organization .............................................................................................. 32
6.4 Two-detector-zone dependency.......................................................................... 33
6.5 Two-detector dependency................................................................................... 33

Multifunctional Danger Control and Indicating Panels SIGMASYS C and M (M-Modules)

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)

6.6 Alarm buffering .................................................................................................... 33

6.7 Event delay.......................................................................................................... 33
6.8 Virtual inputs and outputs.................................................................................... 33
6.9 Changing ÜE assignment by command (from V3.2) ........................................... 34
6.10 Switching detector algorithms by command (from V3.2)..................................... 34
6.11 Time synchronisation .......................................................................................... 35
6.12 Variable SIGMALOOP cycle time........................................................................ 35
6.13 BMT/IMT mixed mode ......................................................................................... 35
6.14 Alarm counters .................................................................................................... 35

7 Control unit connections.................................................................................. 37

7.1 Local alarm (LA) .................................................................................................. 38
7.2 Alarm transceiver (AT) ........................................................................................ 38
7.3 Key depot (KD).................................................................................................... 38
7.4 Fire brigade operating panel (FBF) ..................................................................... 38

8 Transponders and loop elements.................................................................... 41

8.1 General................................................................................................................ 42
8.2 Loop elements..................................................................................................... 42
8.2.1 Maxitransponder SPF 3500, 4STE control module ............................................. 42
8.2.2 Input/output module FDCIO222 (FDCI222)......................................................... 44
8.2.3 Fdnet Transponder FDCIO223 (from mid-2006) ................................................. 45
8.2.4 Contact coupler SPF 5300 .................................................................................. 47
8.2.5 SIGMASPACE gateway ...................................................................................... 48
8.2.6 Zone operating panel SPF 3300 ......................................................................... 48
8.3 Outputs................................................................................................................ 49
8.3.1 Indicator panel control facility SPF 3200 ............................................................. 49
8.3.2 Control module SPF 5100 ................................................................................... 49
8.3.3 Multiple control facility SPF 5200 ........................................................................ 50
8.3.4 External alarm display module SPF 3110 ........................................................... 50
8.3.5 SIGMALOOP Splitter (V2.6)................................................................................ 50
8.4 Technical data, voltage, current, dimensions ...................................................... 52
8.5 Cycle time for signals from transponders and contact couplers.......................... 53

9 Special control facilities ................................................................................... 55

9.1 Extinguishing control module .............................................................................. 56
9.1.1 Gas extinguishing systems.................................................................................. 57
9.1.2 Preaction sprinkler extinguishing control module ................................................ 57
9.1.3 SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface .................................................................. 58
9.1.4 FDnet extinguishing interface.............................................................................. 59
9.2 Close-and-retain systems (FSA) ......................................................................... 59
9.2.1 List of approved power supply units .................................................................... 60

10 Programming of control facilities .................................................................... 61

10.1 Description of control pattern .............................................................................. 62
10.1.1 AL/LA – Alerting facilities..................................................................................... 62
10.1.2 EV – Evacuation alarm (internal alarm)............................................................... 63
10.1.3 Control facility (ST).............................................................................................. 63
10.1.4 Monitored control lines according to VdS via transponder SPF 3500 ................. 63
10.1.5 Display (ANZ) ...................................................................................................... 64
10.1.6 Close-and-retain system (FSA) control facility and fire section control facility .... 64
10.1.7 Detector display and event display control pattern.............................................. 64
10.2 Freely configurable control parameters from V3.2 .............................................. 65
10.3 Overviev of control criteria................................................................................... 66
10.3.1 Control Pattern AL (alerting facility), EV (evacuation alarm, ANZ (display) ........ 67
10.3.2 Control Pattern ST (control facility) ..................................................................... 68

BMT Project Planning Guidelines

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)

11 Power supply ..................................................................................................... 69

11.1 Mains supply ....................................................................................................... 70
11.2 Earthing ............................................................................................................... 70
11.3 Power supply....................................................................................................... 70
11.4 Battery ................................................................................................................. 70
11.5 Current requirement calculation .......................................................................... 71
11.6 Measuring the battery capacity ........................................................................... 71
11.7 Power supply unit for the peripheral transponder/indicator panel ....................... 72
11.7.1 SIGMASYS empty housing ................................................................................. 73

12 Monitored lines.................................................................................................. 77
12.1 GMG-S module ................................................................................................... 78
12.1.1 Differences vis-à-vis AMI (SM88) or GMG (BMS)............................................... 79
12.2 Pulse-polling technology in SIGMASYS PMG-S ................................................. 79
12.2.1 Differences vis-à-vis AMP (SM88) or PMG (BMS) Vis-à-vis AMP ...................... 80
12.3 SIGMASYS monitored line .................................................................................. 81
12.3.1 Spur..................................................................................................................... 81
12.3.2 Loop .................................................................................................................... 81
12.3.3 SIGMALOOP detector algorithm ......................................................................... 81
12.4 Line lengths in the loop/spur ............................................................................... 83
12.5 Load factors......................................................................................................... 84
12.6 FDnet – connecting SintesoTM elements ............................................................. 85
12.6.1 Detector network: ................................................................................................ 85
12.6.2 Supported Sinteso™ elements............................................................................ 86
12.6.3 Parameter sets for FDOOT, FDO and FDT detectors......................................... 87
12.6.4 Parameter sets for linear smoke detector FDL241-9 .......................................... 88
12.6.5 Parameter sets for alarm devices........................................................................ 89
12.6.6 Calculating the maximum number of elements and length of lead...................... 89
12.6.7 Load factors......................................................................................................... 90

13 SIGMANET ......................................................................................................... 93
13.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 95
13.1.1 Modem links in SIGMANET................................................................................. 96
13.2 Operation............................................................................................................. 97
13.2.1 Operating panels ................................................................................................. 97
13.2.2 SIGMANET operating panel S24230-F130-A4 ................................................... 97
13.2.3 Operating panel variants ..................................................................................... 98
13.2.4 Operating panel displays..................................................................................... 99
13.2.5 Mobile operating panel ........................................................................................ 99
13.3 AT release ......................................................................................................... 100
13.3.1 Central AT release ............................................................................................ 100
13.3.2 Remote AT release ........................................................................................... 101

14 Order Overview................................................................................................ 103

15 Project planning examples............................................................................. 109

15.1 Layout of a SIGMALOOP at an existing star-configuration line network........... 111

16 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 113

16.1 Software dependant features ............................................................................ 114
16.2 Technical Features............................................................................................ 119
16.3 Terminology....................................................................................................... 121

Multifunctional Danger Control and Indicating Panels SIGMASYS C and M (M-Modules)

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)

Figures ............................................................................................................. 123

Tables ............................................................................................................... 125

Index ................................................................................................................. 127

BMT Project Planning Guidelines

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
1 Introduction


1.1 About the manual .................................................................................................. 2

1.2 Further information ................................................................................................ 3
1.2.1 Documentation ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Information on the Internet .................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Training courses.................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Notational conventions .......................................................................................... 4

Multifunctional Danger Control and Indicating Panels SIGMASYS C and M (M-Modules) 1 / 128
Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
1 Introduction

SIGMASYS is the system name of the Siemens danger alarm system.

The system comprises danger alarm control and indicating panels, various types of detector
(SIGMASYS detectors), special features such as networking (SIGMANET) and also configu-
ration and diagnosis tools (SIGMAPLAN, SIGMADIAG).
The SIGMASYS C and SIGMASYS M danger alarm control and indicating panels (GMZ) re-
ceive and display messages and can also be used to release alerting facilities, routing
equipment and automatic fire protection facilities (e.g. extinguishing systems).

1.1 About the manual

These planning instructions for the SIGMASYS System are aimed at the sales staff and
commissioning technicians in the region/ZN performing the installation and in the Divisional
Units (DUs), for example:

• sales / project managers

• specialist planners
• planning / commissioning personnel

For the sake of clarity, these planning instructions do not contain details of all variants
of the product nor do they describe every conceivable installation, operation or maintenance
If you would like further information or if you encounter problems which are not dealt with in
the planning instructions in sufficient detail, you can request the information you need from
your local Siemens branch or the SBT hotline (tel. ++49 (0) 89/9221-8000).
We would also like to point out that the information contained in these planning instructions
is not part of and should not change any earlier or existing agreement, undertaking or legal
relationship. All obligations on the part of Siemens result from the respective sales contract
which also contains the complete and exclusively valid warranty agreement.
These contractual warranty provisions are neither extended nor restricted by the information
contained in these planning instructions.

This manual is available both in printed form and in electronic form as a PDF file.
You will find the latest version of this manual as a PDF file on the Siemens Intranet under the
following address:
Company/organisation URL

You can display PDF files using the ‘Acrobat Reader’ program provided free of charge by the
company ‘Adobe Systems Incorporated’.

Use Acrobat Reader version 5.x or above for optimum results when displaying and
printing PDF files.

2 / 128 BMT Project Planning Guidelines

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
1 Introduction

1.2 Further information

1.2.1 Documentation

These instructions are part of a set of documentation available for SIGMASYS.

Document and target group Order number
SIGMASYS C and M (M modules) danger alarm control and indicating pan- A24205-A337-B944
els: fire alarm system and intrusion alarm system installation instructions
Electrical specialists of the Region/regional office installing the system. Trained
personnel involved in:
- installation
- commissioning and
- maintenance
SIGMASYS C and M, SIGMANET, fire alarm system and intrusion alarm A24205-A337-B990
system operating instructions
The operating instructions are intended for electrical specialists of the Re-
gion/regional office installing the system. Trained personnel involved in:
- installation
- commissioning and
- maintenance
- personnel within the customer organization who have been familiarized
with the system (e.g. technical operator)
SIGMASYS C and M Fire alarm system and intrusion alarm system com- A24205-A337-B987
missioning and acceptance checklist
Electrical specialists of the Region/regional office installing the system. Trained
personnel involved in:
- commissioning
SIGMASYS C, M and M modules Fire alarm system planning instructions A24205-A337-B970
Project planners/sales representatives at the regional offices/Regions
SIGMASYS C, M and M modules Fire alarm system planning instructions A24205-A333-A329
Project planners/sales representatives at the regional offices/Regions
Manual A24205-A331-A301
Maintenance guidelines for fire alarm systems
Electrical specialists of the Region/regional office installing the system. Trained
personnel involved in:
- maintenance

1.2.2 Information on the Internet

The permanent collection contains further information such as short descriptions, product
sheets, product catalogs, etc.. This is also where you will find the latest version of these in-
structions and the latest version of the documents listed on page Fehler! Textmarke nicht
definiert. of the “Documents” section in PDF format. All information is continuously being ex-
panded and updated!

You will find the collection in the Siemens Intranet under the following address:
Company/Organization URL

You will find general information about Siemens building services engineering and alarm cen-
ters in the Internet under:
Company/Organization URL

Multifunctional Danger Control and Indicating Panels SIGMASYS C and M (M-Modules) 3 / 128
Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
1 Introduction


1.2.3 Training courses

The personnel responsible for installing and commissioning the systems will receive all the in-
formation they need in special training courses.
These training courses are offered in the SBT DE Training Center.
You will find information on training courses on the Siemens Intranet under the following ad-

1.3 Notational conventions

Convention/symbol Explanation

1. Operating step Operating instructions are indicated by numbers.

• List Lists are indicated by a bullet.

Important information Important information is displayed in bold.

Text which you must enter yourself, (e. g. Internet addresses), is formatted in
the font ‘Courier New’.

Notes or recommendations are indicated by this symbol and shown on a col-

Note ored background.

Information which you absolutely must read is indicated by this symbol and
Warning shown on a colored background.

Section references and links are indicated by this symbol and shown on a col-
See section XY ored background.

4 / 128 BMT Project Planning Guidelines

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
2 Important notes

Important notes

2.1 Notes on application of these project planning instructions. ................................. 6

2.2 Tools required ....................................................................................................... 6

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Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
2 Important notes

The technical regulations introduced below apply in respect of the Federal Republic of Ger-
many. Users in other countries must be sure to comply with all applicable local regulations.
Danger alarm systems must be installed in accordance with Appendix 1 to DIN VDE 0833 ‘Di-
rectory of relevant standards for electrical safety’ (previously from the DIN VDE 0800 series of
standards). Furthermore, all installation, extension, modification and operation activities must
be performed in accordance with DIN VDE 0833 (‘installation’ in this instance refers to plan-
ning, installation, commissioning and maintaining).
Installation and commissioning of the Voice Alarm System E100 may only be carried out by
an electrical specialist.
This specialist must furthermore be trained in the installation and commissioning of the E100
Extract from DIN VDE 0833:

An electrical specialist is someone whose specialist training, knowledge and experi-

ence as well as knowledge of the relevant standards allows them to evaluate the task be-
fore them and recognize potential dangers.
Many years of experience in the relevant field are also acceptable in place of specialist
training. Furthermore, for the field of danger alarm systems engineering it is necessary to
have additional training, knowledge and experience of the electrical engineering fields of
danger alarm systems engineering, telecommunications technology, process data process-
ing and heavy current technology

2.1 Notes on application of these project planning instructions.

These project planning instructions apply to the following Control and Indicating Equipment
M modules in SIGMASYS L or D100
and SIGMASYS periphery.
Delivery dates and features are published in separate sales announcements.

2.2 Tools required

SIGMASYS systems are configured using the SIGMAPLAN program.

The SIGMADIAG program is available for system diagnosis.
The latest configuration and diagnostics tools must always be used.

6 / 128 BMT Project Planning Guidelines

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
3 Guidelines for project planning

Guidelines for project planning

3.1 Limitations ............................................................................................................. 8

3.2 Guidelines for failure of the display unit and signal processor .............................. 8
3.3 Overvoltage protection measures ......................................................................... 8

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Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
3 Guidelines for project planning

The following must be observed when constructing fire alarm systems in compliance with the
guidelines EN45, VdS 2095 (Association of German Underwriters) and DIN VDE 0833,
Part 2:

Monitored alarm line as loop (ring cable)

Up to 128 detectors and devices (automatic detectors, non-automatic detectors [manual call
points], transponders, indicator panel control facilities) can be connected here and multiple
fire sections with a total surveillance area of up to 6000 m can be monitored.

Monitored alarm line as a spur

Multiple detector zones with up to 32 automatic or 10 non-automatic fire detectors can be
connected in a fire section.

3.1 Limitations

Detector zone limitations are:

A surveillance area of up to 1600 m
A detector zone must not exceed a fire section.

In the event of a monitored line fault

A maximum of 32 automatic or 10 non-automatic detectors may fail on a loop or spur in a de-
tector zone.
Only control facilities associated with the relevant detector zone may fail.

3.2 Guidelines for failure of the display unit and signal processor

Failure of Effects in the case of < 512 de- Effects in the case of >512 de-
tectors <12.000 m2 tectors >12.000 m2
Display unit (operating panel) By displaying a general indication. Additional operating panel or zone
Integrated in the operating panel in operating panel or indicator panel
SIGMASYS G. or printer.
Signal processor (SOC or MPC) Control and indicating panel may No effect on the remaining signal
fail. processing operations.
Network e.g. 4 control and indicat- No fault in the event of failure of a Information to superordinate con-
ing panels with <12.000 m2 each = routing path. trol and indicating panel must be
<48.000 m2 Redundancy not re- guaranteed (fault signal from rele-
quired. Redundancy required for vant control and indicating panel
systems with a surveillance area and alarm signal).
>48.000 m2.
Table 1: Guidelines for failure of the display unit and signal processor

3.3 Overvoltage protection measures

SIGMASYS control and indicating panels come with fine protection.

If required, medium and coarse protection for the O/E areas must be integrated in the line
network (in accordance with the VdS 2095/VdS2833 guidelines and the standard collection
SIG 01-01, GMS 03-01 A24205-A334-A790).

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

Project planning for control and indicating panels

4.1 Control and indicating panel selection................................................................. 10

4.1.1 Alarm numbers .................................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 Programming limitations at control and indicating panels ................................... 11
4.2 Selecting the installation location ........................................................................ 12
4.2.1 Fire protection system requirements ................................................................... 12
4.2.2 Control room requirements.................................................................................. 13
4.2.3 SIGMASYS control and indicating panel: installation dimensions....................... 13
4.3 SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel assignment...................................... 16
4.4 SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel assignment ..................................... 18
4.4.1 Assigning option slots in the SIGMASYS M ........................................................ 19
4.4.2 Layout of the SIGMASYS M................................................................................ 19
4.4.3 Dual SOC ............................................................................................................ 20
4.4.4 SOC P module (since end 2006)......................................................................... 20
4.4.5 SIGMANET P coupler (from mid-2006)............................................................... 21

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

4.1 Control and indicating panel selection

The control and indicating panel size is determined by the number and location of the detec-
To avoid exceeding maximum line lengths in a loop or spur, we recommend installing a num-
ber of smaller SIGMANET-capable control and indicating panels in large-scale systems
Overview of control and indicating panel selection
Max. number of spurs 8 48 (6 x 8)
Max. number of GMG/PMG, MPL 48 (6 x 8 MPL per module)
Max. number of loops 4 24
Detectors/loop SIGMASYS/FDnet 128 / 126 128 / 126
Detector zones 512 1) 512 (1024)
Objects/areas 8 / 89 8 / 89
Max. number of detectors 512 1) 1700
Possible detectors/peripheral elements
SIGMASYS-detectors X X
Sinteso TM X2) X
MS8 detector on PMG-S module X X
Radio sensor via gateway X X
Zone operating panel 8 8 per MPC max. 32 per control and
indicating panel
Transponder/contact coupler X X
Indicator panel control facility X X
Table 2: Overview of control and indicating panel selection

X = can be installed TR = via transponder

observe maximum number of datapoints
SIGMASYS Sinteso TM alarm and indicating panel S24230-C600-A10

4.1.1 Alarm numbers

The following number ranges can be created to facilitate system operation and organization.
Data input guideline for:
Object: max. 9 characters, digits and spaces
Area: max. 9 characters, digits and spaces
Organisational detector zone number: max. 9 characters, digits and spaces
The organisational detector zone numbers are displayed in the case of alarms.
The appropriate OBJ, AZ and ORG numbers must be unique throughout the entire
SIGMANET system.
The decision of numbers by using leading ‘0’ is not allowed.
Operating inputs may be configured only with 4 characters.

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

A 38-character text can be entered for every object, every area, every detector zone, every
output of the type AT/ST/EV/AL and every detector.
The detector group text is displayed if no detector text is entered.
The detector group text should preferably be programmed in order to save data points.
Additional requirements for number assignment must be observed in the case of D100 con-
nection see section “D100 Interfaces (Version 3.0 and later)” on page 28>.

4.1.2 Programming limitations at control and indicating panels

A maximum of 8 objects can be programmed for each control and indicating panel (255 ob-
jects per system).
Objects cannot be centrally programmed for multiple control and indicating panels.
The object numbers must not contain leading zeros.
Up to 89 areas can be programmed per object (up to Version 2.5: only 32 areas).
200 detector zones can be programmed per area.
With control and indicating panels with a software version lower than V3.1, a maximum of 256
outputs per MPC module
or SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel can be configured.
20 commands per operating input are possible (maximum 200 commands distributed over
100 inputs).
With regard to operating panel function keys, a maximum of 20 commands can be assigned
to one key.
A maximum of 60 commands can be configured per operating panel.
The number of individually identifiable event locations, detector zones and zones must not
exceed 1750 per SIGMASYS control and indicating panel.
A maximum of 2500 datapoints can be programmed per SIGMASYS control and indicating
panel. This includes the sum of individually identifiable event locations, detector zones, areas,
outputs and non-coded text.
SIGMASYS control and indicating panel Includes total of:
2500 datapoints Event locations, detector zones, zones, outputs and non-coded
Subset limitations
1750 Event locations, detector zones, zones
1700 Individually identifiable detectors
1512 Detector zones
1512 Non-coded text (38 characters)
1512 Outputs (can be activated system-wide)
Table 3: Control and indicating panel limitations

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

Peripheral elements Fixed system event Programmable event Total event locations
location locations
Detectors - 1 1
Contact coupler *) 2 4 6
Minitransponder *) 2 2 4
Transponder - 4 4
2 Number of programmed 2 + programmed outputs
Indicator panel *)
2 Number of programmed 2 + programmed outputs
Multiple control facility *)
Zone operating panel *) 2 2
Table 4: Allocation of event location numbers

FDnet peripheral element Fixed system Suppliable event loca- Total event locations
event loca- tions
Detector with output - 1 + max. 1 outputs 2
Detector without output - 1 1
Linear smoke detector FDL241 - 1 + max. 1 outputs 2
Infrared flame detector FDF 1 + max. 1 outputs 2
FDCI222 input module *) 2 max. 4 inputs 6
FDCIO222 input/output module *) 2 max. 4 inputs max. 4 out- 10
FDCIO223 FDnet transponder *) 2 2 in- or outputs 4
FDCL221 line disconnector 2 - 2
FDS221 alarm sounder - max. 2 outputs 2
FDSB291 signal base - 1 output 1
Table 5: Allocation of event locations in the peripheral elements in FDnet

*) maximum of 250 peripheral elements per FDC, MPC module or SIGMASYS C can be
Your marketing representative must be consulted with regard to project planning activities if
the above limitations are exceeded.

4.2 Selecting the installation location

4.2.1 Fire protection system requirements

The fire alarm control and indicating panel or the operating device is to be installed in a room
adjacent to the main entrance, the surveillance area or an access that is always accessible by
the fire brigade in the event of a fire.
The control and indicating panel should be installed as close as possible to the fire brigade
operating panel.
The maximum cable length for the loop/spur peripherals should also be taken into account
when selecting the location of the control and indicating panel.
It may be advisable to install a number of SIGMASYS C control and indicating panels in the
case of large-scale objects.
The alarm system’s operator terminal should be permanently monitored by trained personnel.
If this is not possible for operational reasons, alarm and fault signals must be forwarded to a
responsible service (see DIN VDE 0833).

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

4.2.2 Control room requirements

The control and indicating panel is to be installed in a controlled environment.

Permitted ambient conditions:
Temperature range: 0 °C to +40 °C
Atmospheric humidity. <75 %, short-term 95 % without condensation
Protect the control and indicating panel from harmful environmental influences, such as direct
sunlight, operation-related vibrations, dust, etc.
Always ensure adequate heat dissipation before installing the control and indicating panel in a
recess or other enclosed space or under a cover.
Ensure that the room is adequately lit (DIN 14675).
Installation near heating elements or washbasins is prohibited.
We recommend laying a conductive floor covering (conductive PVC covering, conductive
needle felt covering) to protect the operating personnel against the unpleasant effects of sta-
tic charging.

4.2.3 SIGMASYS control and indicating panel: installation dimensions

Figure 1: Dimensions for the SIGMASYS control and indicating panel

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

Height in mm Width in mm Depth in mm

SIGMASYS C 420 445 195
SIGMASYS M 620 445 230
Battery cabinet 335 445 230
SIGMASYS empty housing 420 445 138

Empty housing remote operating

243 443 131
Cutout for console installation 238 440 70 below the table surface

SM88 operating panel console 243 443 85 – 92 above the table surface 73
below the table surface
Cutout for console installation 210.5 408

Zone operating panel 158 208 135

Table 6: Dimensions for SIGMASYS control and indicating panels

Figure 2: Console installation DT1000 operating panel console, tiltable

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

Figure 3: Console installation for empty housing remote operating panel

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

4.3 SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel assignment

Figure 4: SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel assignment

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

The SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel is available in 2 versions:

SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel S24230-C500-A7
for SIGMASYS loop elements
SIGMASYS C Sinteso control and indicating panel S24230-C600-A10
for FDnet Sinteso elements
Since August 2005 both panels have been supplied with an integrated 150W power supply.

Options also available:

Operating panel or SIGMASYS C cover plate
As from SIGMAPLAN V5.1, the SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel can be operated
with or without an operating panel. This also depends on national guidelines.

The control and indicating panel comes with:

• installation template
• top-hat rail for option slot installation
• connection cable for batteries
• 2 cover panels for the upper and lower cable inlet
• battery for installation on the basic board.

SIGMASYS C option slot assignment

The control and indicating panel features eight option slots. The option slots 3 to 6 can be
used only, if the battery is installed externally.
The following can be installed in OS 1 to 6:
• 4STE control modules
• Multiple control facility with angle bracket
• PC board block for Euro cards, such as SIGMAPORT or VdS extinguishing interface
• 35 mm top-hat rail for relays, I/O Modules FDCIO222, Line separator FDCL221 or
SIGMALOOP splitter
• 15 mm top-hat rail for contact coupler or minitransponder
• DC/DC converter with angle bracket

If an S24230-F525-A2 operating panel is integrated in the SIGMASYS C, a SIGMANET P

coupler can be attached to this operating panel. The associated APL20 P can be connected
to option slot 7.

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4.4 SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel assignment

Figure 5: SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel assignment

For exact details on where to install the APL20P, see the document

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

4.4.1 Assigning option slots in the SIGMASYS M

The control and indicating panel provides five option slots (OP1 to OP5).

• OP1 to OP3 are designed for equipment with 4 STE control modules (transponders) or
PC board blocks.
• A top hat rail is provided above the PSU as option slot 4 and can be equipped with a 24
V control relay, input/output modules / FDCIO222, FDCL221 line disconnector or
SIGMALOOP splitter.
• Another top hat rail is provided below the PSU as option slot 5 and can be equipped
with a 230 V AC control relay.

4.4.2 Layout of the SIGMASYS M

SAC SOC 1 SOC 2 EP 1 EP 2 EP 3 EP 4 EP 5 EP 6
SAC 6)

SOC P 8)

MPC 1)
FDC 1) 7)
LPC 3)
GMG-S 2)
PMG-S 2)
U-APL 5)

APL26 4) 6)


1) Requires APL20 or UAPL with Dual MPC or Dual FDC

2) Requires APL26
3) Requires TR-APL; up to four LPCs may be used
4) Provided in duplicate
5) A U-APL may be installed at the EP 6 connection slot in the M module
6) Included in the basic equipment (delivery status)
7) Operated only with APL20 S24230-A123-A2
8) Ethernet crossover cable (A5Q00019146) required for Dual SOC P
Table 7: Layout of the SIGMASYS M

Warning: Only new MPC S24230-B103-A6 modules can be installed in the

SIGMASYS M S24230-C107-A6 control and indicating panel.

When assigning slots 1 to 6, make sure that the maximum power requirement of 1.4A for all
modules and peripheral elements is not exceeded, even in the event of an alarm.

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

The following table should help you to determine the maximum current:
Device / Module / Current draw Comment
Element Module
MPC 150 mA + load factor of all connected elements
FDC 70 mA + load factor of all connected elements
GMG 80 mA + load factor of all connected elements
PMG 35 mA + load factor of all connected elements
Load factor element 0.25 mA SIGMALOOP-PMG-GMG Sinteso elements
Table 8: Determining maximum current

A fully expanded FDnet loop with 280 load factors has a current draw of
around 70 mA.

4.4.3 Dual SOC

A second SOC module (central computer) takes over the task of the first SOC module com-
pletely in the event of a failure.
When installing systems under VdS guidelines with:
• central ÜE activation in SIGMANET
• SIGMASYS M control and indicating panels in SIGMANET
• control and indicating panels that control several extinguishing sectors
If several SIGMASYS C control and indicating panels are networked by SIGMANET and if central
ÜE actuation is required, the ÜE must be connected to a SIGMASYS M control and indicating
panel with Dual SOC.

With Dual SOC operation, both modules must have at least S24230-A100-A3
release status.
Both modules must have the same firmware status.

4.4.4 SOC P module (since end 2006)

Since March 2007 the SIGMASYS M control and indicating panels and M cores have
been supplied without the SOC module.
The previous SOC module or the SOC P module can be installed as an option. (P stands for
The SOC P module has a much faster computer, more memory and faster interfaces than the
SOC module.
Control and indicating panels with the "SIGMANET P" SOC P module are networked using
the FN2001-D1 networking module, which must be ordered separately. In the case of Dual
SOC P operation, both SOC P modules must each be equipped with an FN2001-D1 network-
ing module.
The interfaces of the SOC P module are made available on the APL20 P, which must be or-
dered separately.
With Dual SOC P operation an additional crossover Ethernet cable, order number
A5Q00019146, is required. Only one APL20 P is needed for both SOC P modules.

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4 Project planning for control and indicating panels

Warning: SIGMANET P is not compatible with the standard SIGMANET.

SIGMANET P control and indicating panels are networked using 2-pole copper wire which
can be up to 1000 meters long. A SAFEDLINK repeater can be used to increase the range.

4.4.5 SIGMANET P coupler (from mid-2006)

SIGMASYS C control and indicating panels and SIGMANET operating panels can be con-
nected either to SIGMASYS M control and indicating panels with SOC P as a spur or to
SIGMANET P using a SIGMANET P coupler.
SIGMANET P couplers exist for:
• SIGMASYS C control and indicating panels S24230-B72-A1
for attaching to a SIGMASYS C operating panel (S24230-F515-A2)

• SIGMANET operating panels S24230-B71-A1

for attaching to the operating panel (S24230-F130-A4)

• SIGMASYS empty housing S24230-B73-A1

The couplers include all the modules and mechanical parts required for connection or installa-
tion, including the SIGMASYS SOC P module, FN2001-D1 networking module, SIGMASYS
APL 20 P.

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5 Interfaces


5.1 Overview of interfaces......................................................................................... 24

5.2 Printers ................................................................................................................ 25
5.2.1 Protocol printer DL3750+ .................................................................................... 25
5.2.2 Protocol printer T2240/9 (DR 2030) .................................................................... 26
5.2.3 Thermal printer FD60 .......................................................................................... 26
5.2.4 Printer protocol converter .................................................................................... 27
5.3 GMA Manager (TOPSIS) .................................................................................... 27
5.3.1 Spur operating panels (Version 3.0 and later)..................................................... 27
5.3.2 D100 Interfaces (Version 3.0 and later) .............................................................. 28

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5 Interfaces

5.1 Overview of interfaces

The devices listed in the following overview can be connected depending on the SIGMASYS
terminal or interface.
Interface / device 1 2 3 4
(standalone) PLAN, DIAG, of SMC-GRPL S24230- printer, (SCI) printer, (SCI)
FBF-A, printer, GMA A501-A5 PLAN, DIAG,
Manager, (SCI) FBF-A, printer, GMA
spur operating panel SIGMAPORT spur op-
erating panel
FBF-A, printer, GMA A501-A5 PLAN, DIAG, fixed assign- fixed assign-
Manager, (SCI) FBF-A, printer, GMA ment ment
spur operating panel SIGMAPORT spur op-
erating panel
(standalone SOC) PLAN, DIAG, PLAN, DIAG, printer, (SCI) printer, (SCI)
FBF-A, printer, GMA FBF-A, printer, GMA
Manager, (SCI) Manager, (SCI)
spur operating panel spur operating panel
FBF-A, printer, GMA FBF-A, printer, GMA fixed assign- fixed assign-
Manager, (SCI) Manager, (SCI) ment ment
spur operating panel erating panel
up to A3 fixed assignment fixed assignment printer,
GMA Manager,
SOP-NET V.24 V.24 TTY or V.24 TTY or V.24
(as of version V2.6) printer, printer,
GMA Manager, GMA Manager,
spur operating panel spur operating panel
Table 9: Overview of interfaces

Connections which are underlined are preferred.

A fire brigade indicator panel can be connected to the entries marked with SCI.
A SIGMASYS operating panel (SOP), SIGMANET operating panel or the GMA operating pa-
nel can be connected as a spur to the spur operating panel connection (V3.0 and later).
SIGMASYS operating panels should always be connected to SIGMASYS standalone control
and indicating panels with SIGMANET for redundancy reasons.

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5 Interfaces

Interface / 1 RS232 (V24) 2 RS232 (V24) 3 RS485 4 RS485 5 RS485

Device RxT,TxD,CTS,RTS RxT,TxD Half-duplex Half-duplex Half-duplex
2-wire 2-wire 2-wire
with SOC P FBF-A, printer, FBF-A, printer, D100 coupling
GMA-Manager, GMA-Manager,
Spur line operating Spur line operat-
panel ing panel
Spur line control Spur line control
and indicating and indicating
panel panel
Table 10: Summary of SIGMASYS M interface with SOC P, SIGMANET P

5.2 Printers

The V.24 interfaces 1 and 2 of SIGMASYS control and indicating panels, interface 3 of the
SOP S24230-F130-A1 to A3 and interfaces 1 and 2 of the SIGMANET operating panel
S24230-F130-A4 can be connected to DL3700, DL3750+, T2240/9 (DR2030 / DR215) print-
ers and to standard printers directly via DPU up to a distance of 30 meters. The TTY inter-
faces 3 and 4 can be connected only to the DL 3700 printer, or to a standard printer via DPU.
When a printer is connected to the RS232 (V.24) interface on the new SIGMASYS C, S24230-
C500-A7, S24230-C600-A10 control and indicating panel and when using the new TTY/V.24
V24230-Z7-A1 coupler, the RS232 isolator is not required, since the interfaces are electrically iso-

5.2.1 Protocol printer DL3750+

Name Order number Remark <30 m up to 300 m

Protocol printer DL3750+ A5Q00023962 For all SIGMASYS control X X
and indicating panels
TTY/ V.24 converter V24230-Z7-A1 For protocol printer for X
connection to SIGMASYS
interface TTY
Connector line V24262-K35-A1 10 m cable X
Connector line V24265-K105-A *) *) A1 = 10 m, A3 = 30 m X
Not needed when S24230-
RS 232 isolator WIS: 88001 C500-A7 and V24230 Z7- X X
A1 are used
Table 11: Protocol printer DL3750+

The following is required instead of connector line V24265-K105-A *): 2 x 25-pin SUB-D con-
nectors with housing and cable LIYCY 8 x 1 x 0.14. Instead of connector line V24262-K35-A1:
1 x 25-pin SUB-D connector with housing and a 9-pin SUB-D socket with housing when con-
necting the printer to SIGMANET Operating Panel S24230-F130-A4. Cable LIYCY 8 x 1 x

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5 Interfaces

5.2.2 Protocol printer T2240/9 (DR 2030)

Name Order number Remark <30 m up to 300 m

Protocol printer Replaces DR2030, no
6GF6520-1LL X X
DRT2240/9 interface
Interface for T2240/9
RS232/TTY interface 6GF6520-2LA X X
Colour ribbon for T2240/9
Colour ribbon for T2240/9 6GF6520-5LA
(DR 2030)
TTY/ V.24 converter V24230-72-A1 For protocol printer DR X
2030 for connection to
SIGMASYS V.24 >30 m
Not needed when S24230-
RS 232 isolator WIS: 88001 C500-A7/C600-A10 and X X
V24230 Z7-A1 are used
Table 12: Protocol printer T2240/9

When connecting the printer > 30 m, the following is required:

2 x 25-pin SUB-D connectors with housing and a 9-pin SUB-D socket with housing when
connecting the printer to SIGMANET Operating Panel S24230-F130-A4.
Cable LIYCY 8 x 1 x 0.14.
When connecting the printer < 30 m, the following is required:
1 x 25-pin SUB-D connector with housing and a 9-pin SUB-D socket with housing when con-
necting the printer to SIGMANET Operating Panel S24230-F130-A4.
Cable LIYCY 8 x 1 x 0.14

5.2.3 Thermal printer FD60

Please note for SIGMASYS M control and indicating panels:

The FD60 printer can only be operated at the SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel via
interface1. Connection to interface 2 is not possible
Name Order number Remark <30 m >30 m
Thermal printer FD60 V24213-Z407-A1 X
24V/24V 50W transformer ETN: SVB 24 SC 24 Required by thermal
printer FD60 for power X
Angle bracket forDC/DC X
C24230-A13-C53 For option slot installation
Connector line V24265-K131-A1 120 cm (open end) X

Table 13: Thermal printer FD60

The following is needed instead of connector line V24265-K131-A1:

1 x 9-pin SUB-D connector with housing and cable LIYCY 8 x 1 x 0.14. When connecting the
printer to SIGMANET Operating Panel S24230-F130-A4, you will need a 9-pin SUB-D socket
with housing.

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5 Interfaces

5.2.4 Printer protocol converter

SIGMPLAN V2.6 supports a new printer type: “Printer DPU”. This printer operates as an IBM
Proprinter (not a laser printer) with 8 bits. The DR215 printer should be programmed in
SIGMAPLAN if the ECMA font is required. The DPU is connected at the TTY or V.24 interface
on the SIGMASYS C standalone control and indicating panel or at the V.24 interface on
SIGMANET control and indicating panels.
The GMA’s serial interface settings must be fixed at:
baud rate 4800, 7 bits, interface type: V.24 or TTY half duplex active.
Name Order number Remark <30 m up to 300 m
Default printer IBM Proprinter; character X X
set 1 (default). ECMA
character set for param-
eterised DR215. Line print-
ing (not a laser printer)
TTY/ V.24 converter V24230-Z2-A1 V.24 >30 m X
DPU S24230-B146-A1 Connection cable DPU X X
printer; order standard
Centronics with printer
Plug-in power supply 12-27V connector X 1) X
DIN 45232 +pin outside
SUB-D socket 9-pin with housing X2 X2
SUB-D connector 25-pin with housing X
LIYCY 8 x 1 x 0.14 Cable X X
RS 232 isolator WIS: 88001 X
Table 14: Printer protocol converter
Can be used, otherwise PSU from GMZ in separate cable
In the case of connection of DPU to operating panel S24230-F130-A4

5.3 GMA Manager (TOPSIS)

The GMA Manager can be connected at the V.24 interface of a control and indicating panel or
SOP-NET. It is not considered to be a ring element, but is treated as a control centre operat-
ing panel. IMT and BMT responsibilities (including mixed) are possible. The GMA Manager
cannot be used as a standby operating panel.

For more information, see:

GMA Manager coupling with SIGMASYS
A24205-A338-A990 in MIS 1.2-1

5.3.1 Spur operating panels (Version 3.0 and later)

The number of control and indicating panels which can be installed on SIGMANET as regards
the operating panels otherwise necessary but no longer required in SIGMANET is not af-
fected by the installation of spur operating panels, for example, in the SIGMASYS M or in the
SIGMASYS L cabinet.
In contrast to the operating panels in SIGMANET, spur operating panels are only operated
with one interface and therefore have no redundancy interface.
Spur operating panels must therefore be installed in VdS systems in the control and indicating
panel or in the immediate vicinity of the control and indicating panel (in the same room).

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5 Interfaces

Spur operating panels can be connected to all V.24 interfaces in the SIGMASYS control and
indicating panel and operating panels.

Spur operating panels cannot be connected to spur alarm control and indicating panels.
The SIGMANET operating panel or the GMA operating panel can be connected as spur op-
erating panels. If possible, SIGMANET operating panels should always be connected to the
SIGMASYS standalone control and indicating panels with SIGMANET, for redundancy rea-

N.B.: A spur operating panel which has been programmed as a local operating
panel does not display faults with the connection.

5.3.2 D100 Interfaces (Version 3.0 and later)

In Version V3.0 and later, SIGMASYS control and indicating panels can be coupled with
D100 control and indicating panels without SIGMALINK. In this coupling form, the control mo-
dule in level 1 (K01) is the head of the system where all messages are accumulated. Connec-
tion to a D100 control module is via an available V.24 interface on SIGMASYS C, M, M mod-
ule or SIGMASYS operating panel.
A maximum of 99 units can operated using the D100 system. Control modules, as well as all
SIGMANET units and SIGMANET operating panels, even if they are being operated as spurs,
are included in this figure. GMA operating panels are not included.
A total of 8 SIGMANETs, each with 16 units, can be connected to an control module at level 1
A total of 8 SIGMANETs, each with 8 units, can be connected to an control module at level
(e.g. K10 – K80).
A total of 8 SIGMANETs, each with 2 units, can be connected to an control module at level
(e.g. K11 – K88).

If additional S modules are connected on the same level, this reduces the number of
possible SIGMANET connections by the number of connected S modules.
The number of units on a core on the second level may be reduced depending on the
number of objects. (see project planning instructions D100,
order number: A24205-A334-A846 each in their current versions).
ÜE and ÖA may not be operated by means of general system control.
Control must come from the source upwards to the K01.

VdS certified systems

Both SIGMASYS and D100 control and indicating panels must be installed in VdS certified
systems in the same cabinet or in the area adjacent to the cabinet (the same room). For best
results, install a S module and an M module in a D100 cabinet. To do this, a dual MAP is re-
quired for the control module and a dual SOC for the M module. A TTY/V.24 coupler at the
MAP’s TTY interface is used for the interface connection. A redundancy line is required for
alarm transceiver control between the control module and M module.
All SIGMANET units and SIGMANET operating panels in spur mode must be upgraded
to version V3.0 if they are to be coupled to D100.

N.B.: Object and zone number allocation is limited when using D100 coupling.

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5 Interfaces

There are organisational and projected numbers for programming.

Organisational number: displayed on the operating panel and on the printer.
Projected number: required for internal processing and displayed on the printer.
The object number must have 3 digits and must be between 100 and 999. It is not possible to
assign a number twice (in SM88 and SIGMASYS). The projected number and the organisa-
tional number must be the same.
The organisational zone number must have 5 digits and is made up of the 3-digit object num-
ber and the 2-digit projected zone number.
The projected zone number must have 2 digits and must be between 01 and 99.
89 zones can be provided for each object.
Detector groups must always be entered with a projected number in the activation list for a
control module output (object/zone/detector group).


Object ZONE Detector group Detector

Object org. 101
Object proj. 101
Zone org. 101 11
Zone proj. 101 11
Detector group org. ___ 1
Detector group proj. 0001
Control org. ___ 1
Control proj. 0001
Activation list MG 1 101 11 0001
Table 15: Programming in SIGMAPLAN

Object ZONE Detector group Detector

Object org. 101
Zone org. 101 11
101 11 at the
Activation via zone
Detector group org. ___ 1
Control org. ___ 1
Activation via 101 11 0001 at the
Table 16: Operating panel display

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6 Functions


6.1 Event implementation.......................................................................................... 32

6.2 Daytime/Nighttime ............................................................................................... 32
6.3 Alarm organization .............................................................................................. 32
6.4 Two-detector-zone dependency.......................................................................... 33
6.5 Two-detector dependency................................................................................... 33
6.6 Alarm buffering .................................................................................................... 33
6.7 Event delay.......................................................................................................... 33
6.8 Virtual inputs and outputs.................................................................................... 33
6.9 Changing ÜE assignment by command (from V3.2) ........................................... 34
6.10 Switching detector algorithms by command (from V3.2)..................................... 34
6.11 Time synchronisation .......................................................................................... 35
6.12 Variable SIGMALOOP cycle time........................................................................ 35
6.13 BMT/IMT mixed mode ......................................................................................... 35
6.14 Alarm counters .................................................................................................... 35

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6 Functions

6.1 Event implementation

When an event is identified by a detector and its associated evaluation module, this normally
leads to an alarm being generated in the control and indicating panel.
Events are implemented by appropriate configuration with PLAN:
• on a signal, which is displayed on the control units in the signal list.
• on a fault, which is displayed on the control units in the fault list.
Events configured on signals or faults do not normally need resetting.

Warning: If an event is configured on a fault, it causes a general fault output on the

control and indicating panel.

6.2 Daytime/Nighttime

Nighttime is used to automatically disable the alarm organization and to activate/deactivate

control facilities using a timer.
In PLAN D100 under "Organization", "Set MG types" on the "Controls" tab of the detector
zone, you can choose whether the ÜE, AL, RAL, ST outputs should be controlled by day, by
night and also when the control and indicating panel is opened.
A separate nighttime can be assigned to each object and then affects all sectors and detector
zones of this object.

6.3 Alarm organization

The “alarm organisation” operating mode enables operators to find out the cause of an alarm
before the alarm transceiver for fire alarm signals is tripped.
Alarm organisation is manually activated with a button and automatically deactivated at a
freely programmable time (night time).
A separate prealarm and reconnaissance time can be set for every zone via SIGMAPLAN.
The reconnaissance time can be restarted for every zone.
The alarm transceiver is activated directly if an alarm from a different detector zone is tripped
in the same zone when the reconnaissance time is started.
Versions of the control and indicating panel up to V3.0 contain the following function:
If a second alarm is triggered in the same detector zone, the reconnaissance time already
started is retained.
Versions of the control and indicating panel later than V3.1 contain the following func-
If a second alarm is triggered in the same detector zone, the reconnaissance time is inter-
rupted and the routing equipment is actuated.

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6 Functions

Figure 6: Alarm organization

6.4 Two-detector-zone dependency

Alerting facilities, alarm transceivers and fire protection facilities are tripped when two defined
detector zones switch to fire alarm mode. A pre-alarm is triggered when there is an alarm in
the first detctor zone.

6.5 Two-detector dependency

Alerting facilities, alarm transceivers and fire protection facilities are tripped when two detec-
tors in a detector zone switch to fire alarm mode. . A pre-alarm is triggered when there is an
alarm in the first detctor zone.

6.6 Alarm buffering

Threshold detectors:
The detector is reset after it detects an event. The detector signals the event if it recurs within
60 seconds.
Master 20 and the ABM module support alarm buffering.
SIGMASYS and Sinteso detectors do not support alarm buffering.

6.7 Event delay

Event delay for SIGMASYS and Sinteso detectors.

The detector only forwards events that were detected for at least the duration of the time pe-
riod programmed.

6.8 Virtual inputs and outputs

Virtual inputs and outputs can be used for signalling and for the automatic execution of oper-
ating commands.

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6 Functions

In this case, a freely programmable output controls a programmable input without the need
for hardware

Not for zone operating panel displays. The ANZ detector display or ANZ event display control
patterns are not available.

6.9 Changing ÜE assignment by command (from V3.2)

The operator can change the assignment of a control in a detector zone for starting a ÜE on
operating level 3. The command can be given in one detector zone or all detector zones of a
fire alarm system area.
The ÜE assignment commands are displayed in the "System changes" lists on the DT1000
operating panel or "Messages" in the SIGMASYS operating panel.

The ÜE removal and ÜE assignment commands have the same effect on the day and night
configurations, i.e. the command produces the same control behavior both by day and by

6.10 Switching detector algorithms by command (from V3.2)

To help improve the sensitivity of detectors to variable conditions within premises, in addition
to existing multiple alarm-related or detector zone-related options, you can change the
evaluation characteristics of detectors to suit your mode of operation.
In the configuration tool, in the 'Set detectors' window, you can now configure Algorithm 2 in
addition to Algorithm 1.
Switching between the 2 detector algorithms is done using 2 commands:
MD.ALGO1 to set Algorithm 1
MD.ALGO2 to set Algorithm 2
On operating level 2 the operator can use a command to switch between the two detector al-
gorithms for one fire alarm system detector zone or all detector zones in a fire alarm system
control area.
The operation can be assigned to function keys on the operating panel or to an operating in-
The switchover to algorithm 2 is displayed either in the 'System changes' list of the DT1000
BF or the 'Messages' list of the SIGMASYS BF, depending on the system.

Warning: In order to display the switchover in the system lists, all operating panels
must have the new firmware V3.2. In a D100 system this includes, as well as the
SIGMASYS operating panels (apart from not relevant local operating panels), also all SM88
operating panels on the way to the root and the SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel
with control panel.

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6 Functions

6.11 Time synchronisation

The time of the SIGMASYS control and indicating panels can be synchronised once a day
with the Time synchronisation” feature.
The synchronising pulse is derived from the main clock and transmitted via an operating input
to a contact coupler, minitransponder or transponder / 4STE.
Synchronisation only requires a single operating step in SIGMANET.
The date must be set manually when putting the GMA into service.
The synchronisation time is set to 4:00 and the pulse length to 3 seconds (minimum).

6.12 Variable SIGMALOOP cycle time

The response time of a zone operating panel used as a status indicator panel can be reduced
by setting the cycle time to 250 ms in a BMT loop/spur

Separate loop/spur for zone operating panel (no BMT detectors can be operated in this
loop/spur as these detectors operate with a 1-second cycle).

6.13 BMT/IMT mixed mode

Mixed mode means that the BMT and IMT branches can be operated simultaneously within a
SIGMASYS control and indicating panel. This is achieved by creating a BMT and an IMT de-
tector object. Branches can be mixed within an MPC module.
Only one branch can be selected within a monitored alarm line.
The standard outputs are activated as follows within a SIGMASYS control and indicating
panel in the case of IMT/BMT mixed mode
General alarm BMT objects and control and indicating panel object
General fault BMT/IMT objects and control and indicating panel object
Minus AL BMT objects and control and indicating panel object
Alarm transceiver (AT) BMT AT (1)
Local alarm (AL) IMT AT (1)
BMT AT (2) as of Version 2.6
Table 17: BMT/IMT mixed mode

6.14 Alarm counters

The various alarm counters are freely created and parameterised on the VEA module. The
status can be displayed by pressing a function key or entering an operating input
Name In SIGMAPLAN Text 3 Trip criteria Control sources
DIN counter AZ1 DIN-C Alarms (BMT+IMT) Objects
VdS counter AZ2 VDS-C Alarms (BMT only) BMT ATs and
alerting facilities
General counter AZ1 DIN-C Alarms (BMT+IMT) Objects, zones
faults/alarms inspection and groups
Table 18: Alarm counters

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6 Functions

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7 Control unit connections

Control unit connections

7.1 Local alarm (LA) .................................................................................................. 38

7.2 Alarm transceiver (AT) ........................................................................................ 38
7.3 Key depot (KD).................................................................................................... 38
7.4 Fire brigade operating panel (FBF) ..................................................................... 38

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7 Control unit connections

7.1 Local alarm (LA)

An alarm device can be operated for local alerting. The alarm device is installed on the sys-
tem’s connection board. Loads with an internal resistance of 200 to 1000 Ohm can be con-
nected. The maximum line resistance is 10% of the load resistance.

7.2 Alarm transceiver (AT)

An alarm receiver is used for alerting the responsible service (e.g. fire brigade, police) via a
dedicated line. The alarm transceiver is installed on the system's connection board.
The output is only activated on an object-specific basis. Loads with an internal resistance of
200 to 1000 Ohms can be connected. The maximum line resistance is 10% of the load resis-
The alarm transceiver and local alarm outputs can be freely programmed. 2 BMT ATs can be
activated as of Version 2.6. The control and operating panel delay time before acknowledge-
ment by AT can be set.

N.B.: The function of the fire brigade operating panel is always permanently
linked to the objects of the first AT. An object must not be assigned to more than one
alarm transceiver.

7.3 Key depot (KD)

The key depot (KD), previously fire brigade key safe (FSK), is installed on the system’s con-
nection board. External adapters are not required for the connection. The key depot is used
for housing keys to the building.
Only keys certified by the VdS may be used.
The key depot must be connected to the same control and indicating panel as the alarm

7.4 Fire brigade operating panel (FBF)

The fire brigade operating panel is an add-on unit for fire alarm control and indicating panels
and is used to display the operating status and for operation of the fire alarm system by the fi-
re brigade.
The FBF is connected to the system’s connection board without add-ons. Four input and four
outputs are available on the system’s connection board for fire brigade operation.
Inputs: General reset
AT disablement
Local alarm enablement/disablement
Activate/deactivate control in case of fire

Outputs: Alarm acknowledged/not acknowledged

AT disabled/faulty
Local alarm disabled/faulty

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7 Control unit connections

Deactivated control in case of fire

• The function of the fire brigade operating panel is always permanently linked to the ob-
jects of the first AT.
• The FBF must be connected to the same control and indicating panel as the alarm
• All detector groups which activate the AT must be powered by separate objects.
• Signals which do not trigger the AT should be located on separate objects.
If this system is not followed, the AT may not be actuated.
As long as an event from the object actuating the AT persists, the AT will not be actuated

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8 Transponders and loop elements

Transponders and loop elements

8.1 General................................................................................................................ 42
8.2 Loop elements..................................................................................................... 42
8.2.1 Maxitransponder SPF 3500, 4STE control module ............................................. 42
8.2.2 Input/output module FDCIO222 (FDCI222)......................................................... 44
8.2.3 Fdnet Transponder FDCIO223 (from mid-2006) ................................................. 45
8.2.4 Contact coupler SPF 5300 .................................................................................. 47
8.2.5 SIGMASPACE gateway ...................................................................................... 48
8.2.6 Zone operating panel SPF 3300 ......................................................................... 48
8.3 Outputs................................................................................................................ 49
8.3.1 Indicator panel control facility SPF 3200 ............................................................. 49
8.3.2 Control module SPF 5100 ................................................................................... 49
8.3.3 Multiple control facility SPF 5200 ........................................................................ 50
8.3.4 External alarm display module SPF 3110 ........................................................... 50
8.3.5 SIGMALOOP Splitter (V2.6)................................................................................ 50
8.4 Technical data, voltage, current, dimensions ...................................................... 52
8.5 Cycle time for signals from transponders and contact couplers.......................... 53

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8 Transponders and loop elements

All elements described in this document may only be used in dry rooms. This means also
cable ducts and false floors.

8.1 General

Standard inputs and outputs are provided in the basic configuration of SIGMASYS C and M
control and indicating panels for external displays (FBF, KD, external alarm). In addition, eight
free outputs are available on each module when using GMG-S and PMG-S modules.
The detection of signals via floating contacts (technical messages) or the execution of moni-
tored and non-monitored control facilities are generally performed via loop elements (e. g.
transponders). The cable network normally required for control facilities can thus be elimi-
Inputs and control facilities near the control and indicating panel can be implemented by addi-
tional components that are accommodated on the option slots of the SIGMASYS control and
indicating panel and the SIGMASYS empty housing.
The following relays can be used in the case of higher currents and voltages and for control-
ling lines with applied voltage:
Relay modules A5Q00001234 2 changeover contacts
Technical data
Control voltage 18 V … 30 V
Coil resistance 900 Ohm
Control current approx. 24 mA
Contact load
Two changeover contacts with maximum switching voltage 250 V AC, 220 V DC
Switched current in light-duty zone µA from 100 mA to 24 V
Minimum switched current 10 mA (with one charge over 100 mA)
Maximum switched current at 30 /110 / 220 V DC 8 A / 0.3 A / 0.12 A
Maximum breaking capacity 230 V AC 400 VA
Dimensions (H x W x D) in mm 84 x 16 x 70
Temperature range 0 … 60 °C
Installation on 35 mm top-hat rail
Table 19: Relay module - technical data

These relays are designed for installation on the 35 mm top-hat rails provided in the control
and indicating panels
The relay modules 9AR, 5AR and 5ARD cannot be used at transponders.
A transitory current limit must be set for appliances with a high transitory current such as elec-
tric light bulbs and flash lights. The maximum current of the relay in use must not be exceed.

8.2 Loop elements

8.2.1 Maxitransponder SPF 3500, 4STE control module

The function of the transponder is the same as that of the 4STE control module. The 4STE
control module consists of a transponder module and is intended for installation in
SIGMASYS control and indicating panels (1 option slot).
In SPF 3500, the transponder module is accommodated in an IP54 housing.

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8 Transponders and loop elements

The transponder (4STE control module) is used for connecting:

4 x threshold monitored lines at SIGMALOOP or
4 x control facilities from SIGMALOOP.
The inputs and outputs are freely programmable.
The transponder needs 4 addresses on the loop and a 24 V voltage supply from the fire alarm
control and indicating panel or a fault-monitored external power supply unit.
A distribution voltage failure does not lead to a loop crash (or interruption).

• To connect special detectors, operating inputs and signals.
• Ex-line connection (see “Fire alarm signaling in explosion-hazard areas”A24205-A331-
• All detectors for threshold detector zones (MS 6/7, MS 9) and SIGMACON detectors
can be connected to SIGMALOOP via the transponder.
• For control facilities with adjustable current up to 126 mA per output for direct connec-
tion of loads or connection via disconnected relays.
• Programmable control pattern: static, flashing 1 s, dynamic.
If transponder outputs are programmed as control facilities, then these outputs are monitored
as monitored lines with a surveillance current of approx. 2 mA.
If an output is programmed with the “Control facility [VdS]” actuator type (as of Version 2.6),
then the output complies with the VdS 2489 guideline and is monitored for insidious wire
breakage and short circuits.

See Table 20: Technical data, voltage, current dimensions" on page 52 .

Every input and output can be programmed via SIGMAPLAN with an organisational address
and corresponding text assignment.
If the transponder is integrated in the SIGMASYS control and indicating panel or in the add-
on cabinet (4STE control module) and if power is supplied by the control and indicating pa-
nel’s PSU, then the transponder is considered to be a signal processing unit. As a result, up
to four threshold monitored lines can be connected with up to 32 automatic or 10 non-
automatic detectors each. According to the guidelines (see 1.1), a maximum of 128 fire detec-
tors are allowed in SIGMALOOP.
If an external, fused power supply unit is used, a transponder input is required for the PSU
fault signals.
A total of 96 automatic or 30 non-automatic detectors can thus be operated on the 3 remain-
ing inputs.
If the power supply unit is not fused, a maximum of 32 automatic or 10 non-automatic detec-
tors may be connected for each transponder.
Powered inputs and outputs are signalled as a fault in the event of power failure.
The transponder SPF 3500 occupies four address on the loop.
“Threshold monitored line” - A separate detector zone must be created for
each monitored line (a detector zone must not
be assigned to multiple threshold monitored

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8 Transponders and loop elements

„Contact, gen. (monitored)” - To connect contacts that are to be monitored

- Multiple contacts can be combined in a detector
- Mandatory-reset contacts may not be connected
“Contact, gen. (non-monitored)” - To connect contacts that are not to be monitored
- Otherwise, as for “Contact, gen.(monitored)”
In the case of VdS systems, when connecting a threshold monitored line, the last detector
with an "S24218-G44-A1 line termination" must be closed. Normal closed (NC) contacts can-
not be connected when monitored.

8.2.2 Input/output module FDCIO222 (FDCI222)

The FDCI222 input module has 4 inputs.

The FDCIO222 input/output module also has 4 potential-free outputs.
Since the inputs are not monitored for creeping wire breakage and short-circuit, in systems
based on the VdS standard the module must be attached immediately next to the contact be-
ing monitored.
Overview of configurable and switchable inputs.
Designation Used for Idle Signal Switch
in idle state
Monitored contact only wire MG alarm 3k01 0 ohms
breakage Monitored for actuation
NOC Monitored for fault

Monitored contact only wire MG alarm 0 3k01

breakage Monitored for actuation

Monitored contact MG alarm 4k16 1k15

NOC Operating input
Switch (button)

Monitored contact MG alarm 1k15 4k16

NCC Operating input
Switch (button)

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8 Transponders and loop elements

The contact (switch or button) must be depressed for at least 5 seconds, while the
alarm (operating input) is sent to the control and indicating panel.

The 3k01 line termination always lies parallel to the contact on all connections 1-4. On con-
nections 3 and 4 a resistance of 1k15 is also applied in series to a connector cable.
The 4 outputs on the FDCIO222 are potential-free contacts, which can be configured as NCC
or NOC.
In addition, you can also configure how the output should behave in the event of an FDnet
fault: unchanged, inactive or active "fail save position".
Like all Sinteso elements, the FDCIO222 and FDCI222 do not require an external supply
Monitored actuation can be implemented with the FDCIO222. This requires an A5Q00001243
all-or-nothing relay and an external supply voltage. One input is required for fault monitoring
of the actuation.
The output is configured as the "control with monitored input" connection type and the asso-
ciated input as "fault monitoring."
A resistance of 3k015 must be used for FDCIO222 up to ES30.
For FDCIO222 from ES31 a resistance of 4k16 must be used.

Warning: If a monitored control line meeting VdS standards is required, which

must recognize creeping wire breakage and short-circuits, this connection must not
be used.

8.2.3 Fdnet Transponder FDCIO223 (from mid-2006)

The FDnet FDCIO223 transponder has the same mechanical dimensions as the FDCIO222.
The FDnet transponder can be installed on a top hat rail or on a flat surface or in the
FDCH291 or FDCH292 housing.
The FDnet transponder has two in-/outputs which can be configured as desired.
The FDnet transponder is operated on the FDnet and occupies one address.
The FDnet transponder requires a 24V DC (18-32V) power supply, which must be protected
with a maximum 2A fuse.

General features:
• Operation on FDnet
• Maximum two collective monitored lines (= threshold monitored line)
- Detector with voltage limit on alarm event
- Detector with alarm resistance (e.g. Synova 300)
• Operation with SB 3 safety barrier (ex-zone 1). Applies to detectors with voltage limit
on alarm event
• Maximum two monitored contact inputs
• Maximum two monitored control lines

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8 Transponders and loop elements

• Control of local plant facilities with feedback

• General earth fault monitoring (can be disabled)
• In-/outputs are electrically isolated from the FDnet

Collective monitored line:

Compatible with following Siemens Cerberus series:
MS 6 (with LED), MS 7, MS 9, SIGMACON, DS1100, DF 119x, S 2406,A 2400, DLO 1191,
FDOOT 241-9, FDF 221-9, FDF 241-9, FDL 241-9 and similar, as well as manual call points
with 680 ohm alarm resistance.

• Maximum line data: 150Ω

• Monitoring current 4.5 mA
• Maximum current on all detectors 3.2 mA
• Terminal on automatic detectors: Transzorb diode
20 V ±5%
1.5 kW pulse power

Compatible with threshold detectors with alarm resistance which meet the following
conditions (e.g. Synova 300):
• Max. rest current on all detectors in a line < 3.2 mA
• Pulse current on alarm event approx. 80 mA
• Reset voltage <1V
• Reset time <3s
• Settling time after reset < 10 s
• Alarm status: 410 Ω … 600 Ω
• Voltage in event of alarm: 4 V … 14 V
• Alarm holding current: < 10 mA
• Monitoring current 17 mA
• Terminal Transzorb diode
20 V ±5%
1.5 kW pulse power
• Maximum line data 150 Ω
1 µF

Contact inputs:
• Rest resistance 3k3
• Signal resistance: 560 Ω
• Inverse monitoring: configurable
• Maximum line data 150 Ω
1 µF

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8 Transponders and loop elements

Control facilities:
• Control element Relay
• Switched current: <2A
• Output voltage: Input voltage
• Protection after transponder: 2A M
• Monitored control: - homopolar
30 Ω to 3k3
- reverse polar
- with feedback
• Resistivity: see below

With homopolar monitoring the internal resistance of the connected equipment is monitored
within a range of between 30 and 3300 ohms. (VdS monitored control line)
With reverse polar monitoring a blocking diode is required on each item of equipment with a
terminator resistance of 3k3 at the end of the cable.
The maximum control line resistance is 10% of the equipment resistance, up to a maximum of
150 ohms.
For further details see the "FDCIO223 Transponder Technical Documentation" EDMS Num-
ber 009122

8.2.4 Contact coupler SPF 5300

The contact coupler SPF 5300 is a multiple input module and is used for recording up to four
items of information or commands via floating, monitored contacts. The inputs can be seized
with contacts, e.g. from announcement systems, sprinkler systems, technical alarms, techni-
cal faults, third-party systems, key-operated switches.

The contact coupler cannot be used for automatic detectors which are powered via
the primary line.

The advantage of this element is that power is supplied to the element from the loop so that
no external PSU is required. This can significantly reduce the cost of installation. Voltage
supply is not available for contacts with LED
Every input can be separately addressed, including as a detector zone.
UP to 128 contact coupler modules may be connected to one SIGMALOOP. The contact
coupler module occupies one address in the SIGMALOOP. Contact types of the contacts to
be connected: Gold, Reed or equivalent.
Elements fed by the MPL may not be connected.
The inputs are to be programmed in strict consecutive order starting with input 1.

Line connection
The contact coupler module can connect four lines.
The maximum length of all contact lines is 40 metres.

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8 Transponders and loop elements

The following data applies:

Fault, short circuit, wire breakage: <300 Ohm; >4.3 kΩ
Alarm: Alarm resistance 560 Ω – 680 Ω
Idle: Termination with 3.3 kΩ (normal open NO)
The signal must last for at least 1.4 to 4.2 seconds for it to be displayed. See “Cycle times for

The contact coupler SPF 5300 can be installed on a 15 mm top-hat rail in the space provided
for option equipment in the control and indicating panel or in a distribution cabinet (AP…).

8.2.5 SIGMASPACE gateway

The gateway radio is a loop element which can administer up to 30 radio components inside
a radio cell (spatial area). From the perspective of SIGMALOOP, the gateway is the same as
a transponder that occupies a separate address for itself and each radio component.

• similar to transponder
• occupies a variable number of address elements depending on the number of radio
components used: up to 31, the gateway occupies a loop address. Max. number on
loop see chapter Load factors" on page 84.
There are two radio gateways for connecting radio detectors to SIGMASYS control and indi-
cating panels.
• SPU6102 gateway in the housing
• SPU6100 gateway as intermediate ring for SIGMASYS detector base SPF 3600.
The radio gateways connect the radio detector DOW 1171 to SIGMALOOP.
The SIGMASPACE hybrid system documentation in the standard collection are to be used for
project planning, “Project planning a radio cell”, A24205-A337-A910.

8.2.6 Zone operating panel SPF 3300

The SIGMASYS zone operating panel is an operating and display element for all SIGMASYS
control and indicating panels. It requires an address as an element for the SIGMALOOP
transmission procedure.
57 texts with 16 characters each can be assigned and are freely programmable.
The first event is displayed. The others can be viewed by scrolling.
Events can only be sent by the MPC to which the zone operating panel is connected. An
event can only be assigned to one zone operating panel.
Technical signals are displayed as alarms. Detector numbers are not displayed.
The detector type is displayed in line 1 depending on the priority:
• Alarm
• Fault
• Disablement

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8 Transponders and loop elements

A freely programmable 16-character text is displayed in the second line.

A key-operated switch is available to enable operation by authorised persons. Four free keys
can be used and individually programmed as operating inputs.
Eight zone operating panels can be installed per MPC module.
32 zone operating panels can be installed per SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel.

8.3 Outputs

8.3.1 Indicator panel control facility SPF 3200

64 freely programmable outputs for controlling site plan indicator panels or non-monitored un-
critical control facilities.

Indicator panel outputs can be deleted in the short-term by a restart or EMC influences. Con-
sequently, these outputs should only be used for uncritical control facilities. Output current per
output is approx. 8 mA.
No series resistor is required when connecting LEDs to the indicator panel control facility.
Bright LEDs with a power consumption of between 5 and 10 mA should preferably be used.
Two entries are available in SPF 3200 for disabling the acoustic signal and for the “Lamp test”
The indicator panel control facility occupies one address on the loop. The indicator panel con-
trol facility is supplied as a PCB for installation in boards or housing to be installed on the
building side.
A metallic housing should be used to avoid unwanted interference.
The indicator panel control facility requires a power supply unit

A maximum of 6 connection cables are available for each of the ten (eleven) LED connec-
tions for the indicator panel control facility.
Ten-LED connection line C24217-A26-B2 as standard flat cable 1500 mm in length and post
connector at one end.
Six Opto control modules each with 11 C97117-Z3004-C1 relays can be connected to the in-
dicator panel control module.
Opto control module: 11 relays each with 2 potential-free changeovers
Maximum contact load: 3 A / 250 VAC, 5A / 30 VDC, 100 V/0, 5 A/10 W
Programmable control pattern: static or flashing 1 s

8.3.2 Control module SPF 5100

The control module SPF 5100 is connected to the detector outputs of the automatic
SIGMASYS detector (BASE, PLUS, EXPERT, COMBO) (max. line length from detector to the
control module: 10 m).
A floating changeover contact is provided on the output side. Rating 30 V / 1 A.
The control module does not occupy an address on the loop and also supports cross-loop

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Use for close-and-retain systems (FSA) and all non-monitored control facilities.
The control module is installed in conventional distribution cabinets.
Programmable control pattern: static, flashing 10 s, dynamic 10/60 s

The control module SPF 5100 requires a power supply unit 24 V.

8.3.3 Multiple control facility SPF 5200

The multiple control facility is used for connecting up to eight non-monitored alarm lines or for
the selective activation of alerting and operating devices via eight relay outputs (changeover
The multiple control facility occupies one address on the SIGMASYS monitored alarm line.
The multiple control facility is supplied as a PCB without housing.
The multiple control facility can be installed with the angle bracket in the space provided for
optional equipment in the control and indicating panel.
The SIGMASYS empty housing is used for remote operation.
Programmable control pattern: static, flashing 10 s

The multiple control facility SPF 5200 requires a power supply unit 24 V.

8.3.4 External alarm display module SPF 3110

The external alarm display module SPF 3110 is connected directly to the detector output of
the SIGMASYS or Sinteso detector. The line length of 10 m must not be exceeded. The alarm
display module support cross-loop activation from any detector.
Dimensions (L x W x H) in mm: 82 x 82 x 46
Control pattern: flashing 1 s

8.3.5 SIGMALOOP Splitter (V2.6)

Functionalities and Restrictions:

• To increase the number of spur line terminals in SIGMALOOP technology with fire de-
• The “primary” spur line is split into up to four outgoing “secondary” spurs.
• The SIGMALOOP splitter is not assigned an address on the SIGMA spur.
• The SIGMALOOP splitter does not require external operating voltage.
• No SIGMALOOP splitter cascading.
• No elements are permitted on the primary spur (spur x).
• The cable length between the control and indicating panel and the SIGMALOOP splitter
must not exceed 10 m.
In the past, fire alarm systems were installed in a star configuration. SIGMALOOP Splitter is
provided in firmware 2.6 and later to facilitate the replacement of these systems without ex-
tensive recabling.

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SIGMALOOP Splitter is installed in the SIGMASYS control and operating panel or in a similar
system housing adjacent to the control and operating panel.
There is room for five SIGMALOOP Splitters on a 110mm top-hat rail.
This configuration can be installed in option slot 2 in the SIGMASYS C control and operating
panel. For all other control and operating panels, it can be installed in a free option slot.

Figure 7: Physical connection

The outgoing spurs must be clamped in consecutive order (without gaps), starting with the
first terminal pair. Thus, the terminal pair must first be assigned for spur 1, then spur 2 and so
on. At least one element must be connected to the spur in use. Spurs not in use (3, 4 or 5)
remain unassigned.

List of connectable detectors (use only detectors ≥ Version 11)

SDF1200 SIGMABASE smoke detector )
SDF2200 SIGMAPLUS smoke detector
SDT2100 SIGMASYS heat detector )
SDF3100 SIGMAEXPERT smoke detector
SDF3500 SIGMAEXPERT combo detector
SMF3110 SIGMASYS manual call point
SMF3120 SIGMASYS manual call point )
SPF3500 SIGMASYS BMT transponder )
SPF3110 SIGMASYS detector display )
SPF5100 SIGMACONTROL Control module
SPF3200 Indicator panel control facility
1) VdS-approved for unshielded lines.

In accordance with VDE 0833 the following can be connected to a SIGMALOOP Splitter:
Automatic detectors max. 32
Non-automatic detectors max. 10

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8 Transponders and loop elements

Number of technically addressable components max. 64

Max. permitted line parameters

Max. permitted line capacity (primary and secondary spurs) 200nF, corresponds to approx. 2
km of the standard cable quality IY (ST) Y 0.8 mm.
Max. permitted line resistance 150 ohm (all spurs together).

8.4 Technical data, voltage, current, dimensions

U min U max I Ruhe I max Output Input idle / Dimensions Loop

alarm (in mm)/ add.
Maxitransponder 22V 28V 25mA 210mA 126mA per Max 140Ω 130x130x75 / 4
SPF3500 / 4STE +10mA output line resistance. on
4 inputs/outputs per max. 210mA per GMG MPL option slot
MS6/7 permitted
Minitransponder 18V 28V 18mA 53mA 1. Open Col- 2 Lines 6.8kΩ, 54x31x22 1
SPI3400 lector 10mA monitored on 15 mm
2 inputs/outputs 2. 12V/25 mA ±40% top-hat rail
line < 600Ω AP 21 – 225
Contact coupler - - - - - 3,3kΩ /560 Ω 20x64x28 1
SPF5300 15 mm
4 inputs top-hat rail
AP 21 – 225
Multiple control fa- 12V 28V 1mA 100mA Relay contact - 117x117x20 1
cility rating up to on
SPF5200 30V option slot
8 outputs 15mA-1A
Indicator panel 12V 28V 2mA 200mA 8mA für LED - 160x100x40 1
control facility without series installed in
SPF3200 resistor steel housing
64 outputs
Opto control mod- 20V 28V - 35mA Relay contact per opto coupler BxHxT -
ule 11 Relays for je rating up to 3 mA 180x78x52
indicator panel Relais 5A 30V DC
control facility 3A 250V AC

Control module 12V 28V - 22mA Relay contact - 50x45x18 -

SPF5100 rating up to in distribution
30V cabinett
Zone operating 12V 15 mA 210mA Display 4 function keys 208x158x35 1
panel 28 V 150mA 2x 16 incl. housing
SPF 3300
SIGMALOOP split- - - - - 4 spurs 1 spur 115x90x25
ter top-hat rail in-
Table 20: Technical data, voltage, current dimensions

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8 Transponders and loop elements

8.5 Cycle time for signals from transponders and contact couplers

Different operating conditions (polling cycles) can be selected for contacts connected via con-
tact couplers or minitransponders.
Loop cycle time 0,25 sec 1 sec – Zyklus
Op. cond 1-stage-poll 2-stage-poll 3-stage-poll 1-stage-poll 2-stage-poll 3-stage-poll
(for fault-free (for fault-free (for fault-free (for fault-free (for fault-free (for fault-free
environments) environments) environments) environments) environments) environments)
C / S *) C / S *) C / S *) C / S *) C / S *) C / S *)
Contact coupler 1,4 / 1,7 sec 1,7 / 2,0 sec 1,9 / 2,2 sec 2,2 / 3,2 sec 3,2 / 4,2 sec 4,2 / 5,2 sec
SPF 5300
Minitransponder 0,2 / 0,7 sec 0,2 / 1,0 sec 0,2 / 1,3 sec 0,2 / 2,2 sec 0,2 / 3,2 sec 0,2 / 4,2 sec
SPI 3400 (BMT & IMT)
Table 21: Cycle time for signals from transponders and contact couplers

*) C = contact actuation time Uninterrupted time for which the contact must be closed.
S = system response time Delay until the signal is displayed or the first control is tripped
(from start of contact actuation).
In general, the basic setting in SIGMAPLAN is “3-stage poll”.

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9 Special control facilities

Special control facilities

9.1 Extinguishing control module .............................................................................. 56

9.1.1 Gas extinguishing systems.................................................................................. 57
9.1.2 Preaction sprinkler extinguishing control module ................................................ 57
9.1.3 SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface .................................................................. 58
9.1.4 FDnet extinguishing interface.............................................................................. 59
9.2 Close-and-retain systems (FSA) ......................................................................... 59
9.2.1 List of approved power supply units .................................................................... 60

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9 Special control facilities

9.1 Extinguishing control module

One extinguishing zone can be activated per line module in SIGMASYS M.
Only one extinguishing zone can be activated per control and indicating panel in SIGMASYS

N.B.: a second SOC module must be installed if SIGMASYS M features multiple

extinguishing zones.

Please observe the VdS 2496 guideline with regard to extinguishing system activation.

As of Version 2.6
VdS permits up to eight extinguishing zones per loop. The prerequisite for this, however, is
that the connection module is redundant.
A dual MPC is required to operate more than six extinguishing zones with a single
Thus, up to 8 x 4 = 32 extinguishing zones can be activated at an MPC module with dual
A maximum of 64 extinguishing zones per SIGMASYS M is permitted in the case of two dual
Example of a configuration with dual MPC (MPC2).

Switchover in the Switchover in the

event of fault event of fault

Figure 8: Dual MPC

MPC (master) and MPC2 (slave) only differ when programmed via SIGMAPLAN.
The slave MPC must always be installed on the right of the master MPC. The U-APL module
(S24230-A133-A1) is installed at the connection slot of the slave MPC. The lines are con-
nected at an APL20 on the slot of the master MPC. The modules are connected via the flat
cable provided.
In the event of a fault, the slave MPC connected on the right of an MPC completely takes
over the function of the defective master MPC after re-initialisation.

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9 Special control facilities

The alarm lines are switched to the slave MPC with the U-APL module (16 changeover con-
tacts) of the master MPC.
MPC2 cannot be installed at slot 6 of the SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel. The
standard cables supplied are too short. Slot 6 can be used in the M module in SIGMASYS M.

The following should be noted with Dual FDC FDnet connection

(Version 3.3 or above):
Only pure loops without T-tapping may be connected with a maximum of 63 elements.

Both modules must be available in release S24230-A103-A5 at least for dual MPC

9.1.1 Gas extinguishing systems

Control extinguishing command:

Smoke and flame detectors are to be connected in two-detector or two-zone dependency.
Two-zone dependency is preferable. Heat detectors can be connected in two-detector or two-
zone dependency.
Fire detector elements, such as fusible-link detectors, thermal isolators, immersion-type ther-
mostats do not need to be combined in two-detector or two-zone dependency.
To prevent inadvertent tripping, the control facility must be performed in conjunction with the
general alarm.
In the case of multi-zone extinguishing systems with only one message (“Fault, extinguishing
system”) for all extinguishing zones, the control pattern “ST (alarm/message)” is to be set for
the actuator type “Control (VdS)” and a monitoring current of 0 mA is to be set for controlling
the extinguishing zone.
The message “Fault, extinguishing system” must be programmed as a message with the ap-
propriate text LB1 to LBx.

9.1.2 Preaction sprinkler extinguishing control module

With standard extinguishing interface (SST).

Activation of preaction sprinkler systems via SIGMASYS systems.
Alarm valve activation:
The systems are preferably to be activated by addressing an automatic detector in the fire
alarm control and indicating panel. The fire detectors can be linked in two-detector or two-
zone dependency in order to avoid inadvertent tripping.
Activation criteria of the reversing electromagnetic valve:
• Fault on the tripping detector zone
• Disablement of the tripping detector zone
• Partial fault on the monitored line relating to the extinguishing command
• Fault on the monitored control line of the tripping command
• Disablement of the monitored control line of the tripping command
• Fault in one of the extinguishing zones relating to central processing nodes in the fire
alarm control and indicating panel

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9 Special control facilities

• The reversing electromagnetic valve is also activated in the event of an alarm

• The control facilities described above must not be driven by the door contact
• Control via fault in the power supply unit of the fire alarm control and indicating panel.
Controlling the reversing electromagnetic valve:
Control via SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface.

All detector zones that control asprinkler system must be assigned adetector type with
the following properties:
Check “ST even when door open” under “Set detector zone type” and “Control”

9.1.3 SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface

The SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface consists of several SPF5200 control modules and
two SPF5300 contact couplers as well as a special regenerative coupling unit to avoid inad-
vertent tripping and LOOP monitoring on a module which can be installed in the “32-pole
plug-in card block”.It can b eused as the VdS extinguishing interface for all extinguishing func-
tions (water, gas, powder and foam)
Extinguishing control outputs Inputs = messages from extinguishing control
- Extinguishing command - Fault signal
- Prealarm or revering electromagnetic - Tripping in extinguishing zone
valve - Activated emergency stop key
- 4 freely programmable outputs for acti- - Automatic extinguishing zone tripping disabled
vating the relays - Extinguishing zone mechanically blocked
- Loss of extinguishing agent
Reseve battery activated
Table 22: SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface-overview of the features

The SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface can be installed in SIGMASYS C, M, L and D100

control and indicating panels with M modules as VdS interfaces.
The SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface requires three address on SIGMALOOP.
In the X100 extinguishing control the SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface is directly installed
as a VdS extinguishing interface.
Only SIGMALOOP needs to be connected to extinguishing control. All activations and ac-
knowledgements take place via this SIGMALOOP.
The SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface can be implemented universally because all inputs
and outputs can be freely programmed.
7 outputs are provided for activating relays and can be set using a bridge circuit.
8 inputs can be used, as described for the contact coupler.

N.B.: The lines required for the inputs (e.g. fault signal, extinguishing zone)
must not be exceed 40 m in length.

The SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface requires a distribution voltage of 19 to 29 V in ac-

cordance with EN 54-4.

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9 Special control facilities

9.1.4 FDnet extinguishing interface

The FDnet extinguishing interface comprises the following modules:

one FDCIO224 A5Q00018689
one All-or-nothing relay A5Q00001243
one SMxx extinguishing interface S24230-A353-A1
one PC board block 32-pin V24068-Z7102-A1
The all-or-nothing relay and the FDCIO224 are mounted on one top hat rail.
The SMxx extinguishing interface can be plugged in directly to the X100 basic module.
For the actuation of other extinguishing control modules, the SMxx extinguishing interface is
plugged into the 32-pin PC board block.

9.2 Close-and-retain systems (FSA)

Device for closing fire protection traps (doors, openings for conveyors) in a fire section.
Under normal circumstances, the fire section doors are held open by the FSA. In the event of
an alarm or a detector fault in the relevant fire section, the doors are automatically closed by
the FSA. The locking device is a GMA element with its own power supply unit. It is activated
by the GMA. It must be ensured that the locking device operates even if the detectors as-
signed to the fire section fail in order to protect the fire section. Possible faults are, for exam-
ple, a failure or deactivation of the MPL, failure of the control and indicating panel, mains
power failure, etc.
In accordance with DIBt (German institute for structural engineering), detectors should be
provided for and specially dedicated to FSA. Subject to approval, the smoke detectors may
control the FSA.
For the FSA control, a control output is programmed with SIGMAPLAN at the next
SIGMALOOP- or Sinteso detector output. This is connected via the control module SPF 5100.
The detector output is activated if the associated detector zone(s) is(are) idle.
The control output is reset in the case of:
fault detector
fault detector zone
fault loop
disablement detector zone
inspection (as long as the detector is in inspection alarm)

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9 Special control facilities

Figure 9: Close-and-retain systems

9.2.1 List of approved power supply units

Firma Bezeichnung Leistung

Hekatron GmbH NG 521 24V / 2A
Hekatron GmbH NG 519 24V / 350mA
Hekatron GmbH NAG 03 24V / 900mA
Diktator 04550 24V / 0,4A
Diktator 04545 24V / 0,4A Ende 2006
Brand UNI 0,9 24V / 0,9A
FSA20 Tripping facility S24211-B243-A1 24V / 250mA

Power supply unit 24V150W V24230-Z6-A2 (–A3) 24V / 5A

SIGMASYS empty housing S24230-C512-A1 für SV Einsatz 24V 150W
Change over kit for FSA S24230-D142-A1 für SIGMASYS Leergehäuse
Table 23: List of approved power supply units

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10 Programming of control facilities

Programming of control facilities

10.1 Description of control pattern .............................................................................. 62

10.1.1 AL/LA – Alerting facilities..................................................................................... 62
10.1.2 EV – Evacuation alarm (internal alarm)............................................................... 63
10.1.3 Control facility (ST).............................................................................................. 63
10.1.4 Monitored control lines according to VdS via transponder SPF 3500 ................. 63
10.1.5 Display (ANZ) ...................................................................................................... 64
10.1.6 Close-and-retain system (FSA) control facility and fire section control facility .... 64
10.1.7 Detector display and event display control pattern.............................................. 64
10.2 Freely configurable control parameters from V3.2 .............................................. 65
10.3 Overviev of control criteria................................................................................... 66
10.3.1 Control Pattern AL (alerting facility), EV (evacuation alarm, ANZ (display) ........ 67
10.3.2 Control Pattern ST (control facility) ..................................................................... 68

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10 Programming of control facilities

10.1 Description of control pattern

All control facilities in the system can be configured, apart from the FSA control pattern, fire
sector control facility, detector diagram and event diagram.
This means that in control and indicating panels networked using SIGMANET signals from
different control and indicating panels, an output can be set in any control and indicating
In PLAN D100 under "Organization", "Set MG types" on the "Controls" tab of the detector
zone, you can choose whether the ÜE, AL, RAL, ST outputs should be controlled by day, by
night and also when the control and indicating panel is opened.
You can specify whether a control facility can be disabled using the fire brigade operating
panel "Disable fire control" key for each control pattern in the configuration under "Control
properties", "Reset".
Control facilities ST, ALA, RAL can be monitored for faults and/or actuation.

Monitored control facilities

The SIGMASYS transponder outputs (4 STE control module) are monitored with a monitoring
current when configured as a control facility depending on the actuator type. With these out-
puts control facilities up to 125mA can be directly monitored and controlled.
For monitored control facilities with transponder or 4STE control module >125mA and with
monitored control facilities with FDCIO222 input/output module, a relay with two change-over
contacts (all-or-nothing relay A5Q00001243) is required.
In this case the control facility is monitored via a monitored input on the transponder or in-
put/output module.

Monitoring the control facility for actuation

Monitoring for actuation or non-actuation is done using a feedback contact on the controlled
device on any assigned input of the control facility (FDnet, SIGMALOOP/spur).
The monitoring period can be set at between 0.25s and 5 minutes.

10.1.1 AL/LA – Alerting facilities

An alerting facility is used to acoustically signal a fire alarm in order to alert the emergency
service (works fire brigade).
If an alerting facility is activated, it can be deactivated and, if necessary, re-activated with the
operating panel button “LA on/off”.
If the alerting facility on the operating panel is deactivated and another alarm associated with
this alerting device is tripped, then the alerting facility is activated once again (re-triggerable).
Press the FBF (fire brigade operating panel) button “Acoust. signals off” once to deactivate all
alerting facilities: alerting facilities will not be tripped by another alarm. Press this button again
to reactivate all alarm-tripping alerting facilities.
The source (e. g. detector objects, alarm zones or detector zones) that tripped an alerting fa-
cility (AL) can be established for every facility. Operators can also choose from a number of
different control patterns. It is thus possible to vary the signalling criteria (alarm, prewarning,
prealarm, signal).

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10 Programming of control facilities

It is possible to parameterise whether the alerting facility is to be tripped when the door is
open in the control and indicating panel that detected the alarm (detector zone type).
The activation list of an alarm should only contain objects that enable the "local alarm on/off"
operation to be performed from the operating panel or fire brigade operating panel.

10.1.2 EV – Evacuation alarm (internal alarm)

The evacuation alarm is used to evacuate endangered parts of buildings.

Evacuation alarm type actuators cannot be deactivated or activated with the operating panel
button “LA on/off”. The function of the “Acoust. signals off” button on the fire brigade operat-
ing panel is the same as in the alerting facility.
The evacuation alarm can be activated or reset by command at any time.
The commands “EV on” and “EV off” activate and deactivate the evacuation alarm as long as
the activating alarm is available.
The operator can select which sources can activate the evacuation alarm (detector objects
and detector zones). The tripping criteria are alarm.
In the detector zone types, the operator can select whether the evacuation alarm should be
tripped when the door is open in the control and indicating panel that detected the alarm.
The significance of the evacuation alarm is reduced by the fact that the alerting facility is also
used in the meantime for evacuation purposes. It is required in certain Federal states where
the applicable building and construction law requires that acoustic evacuation alarm should
only be deactivated by authorised personnel (i. e. not via a button or in command level 2).

10.1.3 Control facility (ST)

The actuators in the control facility category are used for activating and deactivating control
equipment in response to certain signals
The source (e. g. detector objects, alarm zones, detector zones, detectors or actuator states)
that tripped the control facility can be established for every facility. Operators can also choose
from a number of different control patterns. It is thus possible to vary the signalling criteria
(alarm, prewarning, prealarm, signal) and the activation form (static, flashing or dynamic).
A control facility can also be enabled and disabled or activated and reset via a command at
the operating panel.
A control facility can be monitored for tripping or fault (monitored control facility).
In the detector zone types, the operator can select whether the control facility should be trip-
ped when the door is open in the control and indicating panel that detected the alarm.

10.1.4 Monitored control lines according to VdS via transponder SPF 3500

Only possible with firmware Version ≥ 2.6.

The monitoring current of the monitored control line must be aligned with the load resistance
in order to be able to guarantee the measuring accuracy of the various loads.
Same applies for the monitoring input of control facilities with monitoring input.
The setting is made in SIGMAPLAN when parameterising the control facility and the monitor-
ing input.

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10 Programming of control facilities

Resistance Monitoring current in mA Remark

in ohms
Load Monitoring input Transponder- Voltage and current in case of control
output ST * with UB= 24V
40 – 95 50 Output voltage=UB Current 0,26-0,6A*
90 – 250 20 Output voltage =UB Current 0,096-0,266A*
250 – 550 8 Output voltage =UB Current 43mA-96mA*
500-1000 4 Output voltage =UB Current 24mA-48mA*
950-2400 2 Output voltage =UB Current 10mA-25mA*
2000-4000 1 Output voltage =UB Current 6mA-12mA*
300 – 700 6 Output voltage 20V Current 40mA-66mA
500 – 1000 4 Output voltage 20V Current 25mA-40mA
900 – 2000 2 Output voltage 20V Current 10mA-28mA
2000 – 5000 1 Output voltage 20V Current 4mA-10mA
0 0 No fault monitoring
Table 24: Monitored control lines

The maximum line resistance must not exceed 10 % of the load resistance.

10.1.5 Display (ANZ)

The actuators in the Display category serve as indicators for the status of detectors, detector
zones or outputs
Display is mainly used for programming detector outputs when connecting detector shunt dis-
plays and for the indicator panel control facility SPF 3200.
The source (e. g. detector objects, alarm zones, detector zones, detectors or actuator statu-
ses) that tripped a display can be established for every facility. Operators can also choose
from a number of different control patterns. It is thus possible to vary the signalling criteria
(alarm, prewarning, prealarm, fault, signal) and the activation form (static, flashing or dy-
Displays cannot be activated by command. Displays cannot be tripped in operating panel

10.1.6 Close-and-retain system (FSA) control facility and fire section control facility

The FSA control facility is an inverse-operated output that is released in the event of a fault. It
is released in the event of an alarm, signal, fault, inspection, disablement of the activating de-
tector. It is also command-driven. The close-and-retain equipment is connected via the con-
trol module SPF 5100 to a detector output of a SIGMASYS detector.

The control module requires and external power supply unit.

Fire section control facility

Tripped in the event of an alarm (including an initial alarm), signal, fault, prealarm, source di-
sablement, output disablement. It is manually activated.

10.1.7 Detector display and event display control pattern

Actuators of this type can only be tripped by sources that are connected to the same module.

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10 Programming of control facilities

• Detector display Indicates the status of the detector

• Event display Indicates the event status of the detector.
Only goes out when reset.
512 control facilities can be programmed with detector display or event display control pat-
terns for every MPC module or SIGMASYS C. The control facility can only be tripped within
an MPC module or SIGMASYS C. These control facilities are not displayed on the
SIGMASYS operating panel or printer.
In the case of these control facilities, the detector is assigned a controlling actuator.
A detector can only activate one output with the detector display or event display con-
trol pattern.
The control pattern ANZ should be used to activate multiple outputs from an event point.

10.2 Freely configurable control parameters from V3.2

Instead of selecting one of the predefined control patterns, you can define your own control
behavior for the output. This is done by breaking down the existing control patterns and ac-
tuation criteria [AK], control facility reset criteria [SR] and signal forms [SF] and configuring
them to your own specifications.
Descriptions on how to configure the control patterns can be found in the PLAN D100 online

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10 Programming of control facilities

10.3 Overviev of control criteria

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10 Programming of control facilities

10.3.1 Control Pattern AL (alerting facility), EV (evacuation alarm, ANZ (display)

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10 Programming of control facilities

10.3.2 Control Pattern ST (control facility)

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11 Power supply

Power supply

11.1 Mains supply ....................................................................................................... 70

11.2 Earthing ............................................................................................................... 70
11.3 Power supply....................................................................................................... 70
11.4 Battery ................................................................................................................. 70
11.5 Current requirement calculation .......................................................................... 71
11.6 Measuring the battery capacity ........................................................................... 71
11.7 Power supply unit for the peripheral transponder/indicator panel ....................... 72
11.7.1 SIGMASYS empty housing ................................................................................. 73

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11 Power supply

11.1 Mains supply

A separate electric circuit with individual, specially identified fuses must be used for the power
supply from the electrical mains.
The control and indicating panel is to be connected to a mains distribution cabinet via a con-
ductor cross section of at least 3 x 1.5 mm (NYM-J). A fuse (max. 16 A) is to be connected in
series in the distribution cabinet.
The fire alarm system can be operated at the following supply voltages:
Supply voltage I max. 150W SV Supply frequency
230 V +10 –15 % 1,2 A 50 / 60 Hz
Table 25: Mains supply

11.2 Earthing

SIGMASYS control and indicating panels have a “function and protection earth” (FPE) (VDE
0800, Part 2, Paragraph 6). A cross section of at least 6 mm is to be used.
To avoid interference, the earth is to be placed at the buildings main earthing bus.
The H07V-K fine-strand wires should preferably be used

11.3 Power supply

VDE 0833 and VdS 2095 guidelines stipulate the need for two independent power sources for
supplying power to fire alarm systems. This is achieved by using the AC network as the po-
wer supply unit and batteries as the secondary power supply unit. The batteries are always
kept fully charged by the power supply unit (standby parallel mode).
A 24 V/150 W power supply unit V24230-Z6-A2 is installed in SIGMASYS C and

11.4 Battery

Two 12V/25Ah batteries connected in series can be used in the SIGMASYS C control and in-
dicating panel. The SIGMASYS battery cabinet can be used for larger batteries.

Batteries cannot be placed in the SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel.

A separate battery cabinet is provided for the batteries and each one takes 2 x 12 V 65 Ah
If the batteries are not installed inside the control and indicating panel, they can be connected
via a battery connection line to the control and indicating panel. The conductor cross section
can be calculated using the following formula. A separate fuse (C24104-Z18-C277) is to be
inserted and mounted in the battery cabinet for every connecting line.
The power supply unit’s temperature probe must be installed with the batteries.
Cross section calculated on the basis of q = I max * L / χ * Δu = I max * L / 29

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11 Power supply

I max = maximum current in A

Δu = maximum permitted voltage drop of 0,5 V
χ = special electric conductance for copper 58 m / mm2 Ω
L = line length (forward and reverse line) in m
q = conductor cross section in mm2
Cross sections over 2.5 mm must be reduced with the help of series terminals in
the SIGMASYS control and indicating panel.

11.5 Current requirement calculation

The maximum current requirement for the control and indicating panel is to be calculated us-
ing the form When calculating the alarm current, only the largest fire section should be taken
into account (largest current requirement of the system), i. e. when tripping the fire section
with the monitored alarm lines and the monitored control lines (max. value during simultane-
ous activation is decisive).

To calculate the power requirement for the Sinteso detector periphery you can also use the
Excel tables in the PSP (Product Support Platform).

11.6 Measuring the battery capacity

The size of the battery capacity is determined on the basis of the system’s idle current and
the required bridging time. The battery bridging times are defined as follows in compliance
with VDE 0833 or VdS 2095:

Bridging time VDE 0833 / VdS 2095

If a standby power supply is available for the GMA and spare parts are provided and 4 hours
mains supply failure is detected at any time (responsible service permanently busy)
and the maintenance technician is permanently available.
If the fault is detected at any time (responsible service permanently busy) and the 30 hours.
maintenance technician is available within 24 hours.
If the conditions set for 4-hour and 30-hour operating time are not satisfied. 72 hours.

Table 26: Bridging time

On the basis of the control and indicating panel’s and the external device’s alarm current in
the event of an alarm. The alarm current for the alerting facility of the fire section with the
highest current requirements must be available for 0.5 hours (see VdS 2095).
The battery capacity (K) depends on the bridging time (tü) required and is calculated using
the following formula:
Bridging time tÜ = 4 h K = 1.56 * (tÜ ·* IR + 0.5 * IAL) [Ah] and
Bridging time tÜ ≥ 30 h K = 1.25 * (tÜ ·* IR + 0.5 * IAL) [Ah]
IR = idle current or recharging current
IAL = alarm current
The formulae are marked on the calculation form.

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11 Power supply

To increase capacity levels, a maximum of two battery sets can be connected in

The parallel-connected battery sets must be from the same series and have the same date of
The batteries must not be installed in different cabinets with different interior temperatures
(e.g. 1 set in the SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel and 1 set in the battery cabinet).
To be covered by the power supply unit installed:
a) the calculated power supply
The power supplied by the electrical mains must guarantee unlimited operation by the sys-
tem. It must also be able to supply the recharging current for the batteries during normal
system operation.
b) the battery recharging current
The charging unit must be set in such a way that the final voltage of the discharged battery
can recharge in max. 24 hours to 80% of its nominal capacity. The charging operation must
be concluded within 72 hours at the latest.
The recharging current lW is calculated using the formula:
IW= KN / 24 [A]
KN= nominal capacity of the selected battery

The total of the current requirement values calculated and the value of the recharging current
must notexceed the maximum current supplied by the power supply unit. Otherwise, two
power supply unitsmust be used.

11.7 Power supply unit for the peripheral transponder/indicator panel

To avoid interference from the peripherals (line network), a separate mains supply and batter-
ies should be provided to power the peripherals.
The line network must be specially calculated for the power supply to the peripherals (trans-
ponder/ indicator panel).
Wires 3 and 4 in the existing 2 x 2 x 0.8 cable can be used for short distances and low cur-

N.B.: observe the voltage at the terminals in the loop/spur ( see section
“Monitored lines” on page 77). Minimum control and indicating panel voltage is 22 V.
(Transponder: the minimum 21 V voltage leads to a voltage drop dU = 1 V.)
(Indicator panel: the minimum 18 V voltage leads to a voltage drop dU = 4 V.)

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11 Power supply

Figure 10: Line lenghts from periphery to power supply unit

11.7.1 SIGMASYS empty housing

The SIGMASYS empty housing of the SIGMASYS control and indicating panel can be used
for connecting multiple threshold monitored alarm lines via a transponder or for connecting
other loads with battery support.
The SIGMASYS empty housing can be fitted with a 150 Watt power supply unit.
Two 24 Ah batteries can be installed in the SIGMASYS empty housing.
The terminal blocks with 9 and 10 pins must be ordered seperately.
Possible empty housing assembly: examples of (S24230-A512-A1):

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11 Power supply

Figure 11: Assembly example 1

Figure 12: Assembly example 2

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11 Power supply

Figure 13: Assembly example 3

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12 Monitored lines

Monitored lines

12.1 GMG-S module ................................................................................................... 78

12.1.1 Differences vis-à-vis AMI (SM88) or GMG (BMS)............................................... 79
12.2 Pulse-polling technology in SIGMASYS PMG-S ................................................. 79
12.2.1 Differences vis-à-vis AMP (SM88) or PMG (BMS) Vis-à-vis AMP ...................... 80
12.3 SIGMASYS monitored line .................................................................................. 81
12.3.1 Spur..................................................................................................................... 81
12.3.2 Loop .................................................................................................................... 81
12.3.3 SIGMALOOP detector algorithm ......................................................................... 81
12.4 Line lengths in the loop/spur ............................................................................... 83
12.5 Load factors......................................................................................................... 84
12.6 FDnet – connecting SintesoTM elements ............................................................. 85
12.6.1 Detector network: ................................................................................................ 85
12.6.2 Supported Sinteso™ elements............................................................................ 86
12.6.3 Parameter sets for FDOOT, FDO and FDT detectors......................................... 87
12.6.4 Parameter sets for linear smoke detector FDL241-9 .......................................... 88
12.6.5 Parameter sets for alarm devices........................................................................ 89
12.6.6 Calculating the maximum number of elements and length of lead...................... 89
12.6.7 Load factors......................................................................................................... 90

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12 Monitored lines

Threshold detector technology

Threshold detectors can be connected via transponders to SIGMASYS monitored alarm lines.
If automatic threshold detectors which receive their power from the monitored alarm line are
connected to the transponder, a “line termination for transponder and 4 STE control module”
S24218-C44-A10 is to be connected at the last detector instead of the moving load.
As of Version 2.6, threshold detectors can be connected directly to the GMG-S module in
SIGMASYS M/L control and indicating panels.

12.1 GMG-S module

(as of version 2.6)

Features of the GMG-S module:

• 8 MPLs
– each with up to 30 detectors in the alarm transmission systems MS6/7/9 and
– Connection from Sinteso FDxxxx-9 detectors (Termination resistor 3k3)
– Ex-line connection (see “Fire alarm signaling in explosion-hazard areas” A24205-
• 1 FSA output (not for systems with DIBt approval [German Institute for Structural Engi-
– floating relay contact (for connection of an FSA control module)
– activated in the event of a module fault (if the watchdog expires or if the power fails
and if an alarmin an FSA detector zone is tripped, in the event of a fault or disable-
ment of the FSA detector zone,if there is communication interference at the SOC)
– rating 0.5 A
• Emergency redundancy lines for alarm and fault (via boards)
• 8 DA outputs
– signal form static, also inverse +UB Imax= 100 mA, Itotal= 500 mA
– freely programmable, activatable system-wide from the SOC
– not monitored for faults or tripping
• Fault detection
– all monitored alarm lines can cause a fault
• ALZ, parameterisable
• Event delay, parameterisable
• Fault delay, parameterisable
• Detector zone formation
– only one detector zone can be assigned per MPL
– cross-module formation not possible
• Detector zone functions (as in SIGMASYS)

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– 2-MG dependency
– ALORG (alarm organization)
– ALZ, parameterisable
• Alarm zone formation
– cross-module formation possible
– mixing with MPC and PMG detector zones possibl
• Operating inputs, parameterisable
• MPL terminals, 3.3 K or 4.7 K, parameterisable in the SIGMAPLAN
• Maximal line resistance 200Ω.

A termination resistor 3k3 is needed when connecting the Sinteso detector


12.1.1 Differences vis-à-vis AMI (SM88) or GMG (BMS)

• Vis-à-vis AMI (SM88)

– no functional differences
• Vis-à-vis 8 GMG (BMS)
– instead of 8 permanently assigned C outputs, 8 freely parameterisable outputs (out-
puts are alsopossible for 2-detector zone dependency)
– no functional inspection by the evaluation electronics (line test).

12.2 Pulse-polling technology in SIGMASYS PMG-S

(as of version 2.6)

Pulse-polling detectors can be connected directly to the control and indicating panel with the
PMG-Smodule in the SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel.
• 8 MPLs
– each with up to 30 elements
– mixing detector and control elements within an MPL possible
• 1 FSA output (not for systems with DIBt approval [German Institute for Structural Engi-
– floating relay contact (for connection of an FSA control module)
– activated in the event of a module fault (if the watchdog expires or if the power fails
and if an alarmin an FSA detector zone is tripped, in the event of a fault or disable-
ment of the FSA detector zone,if there is communication interference at the SOC)
– rating 0.5 A
• Emergency redundancy lines for alarm and fault (via boards)
• 8 DA outputs
– signal form static, also inverse +UB Imax= 100 mA, Itotal= 500 mA
– freely programmable, activatable system-wide from the SOC

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12 Monitored lines

– not monitored for faults or tripping

• MS8SE (control element) can be operated in operating mode 1 (permanent 1:1 assign-
ment) and inoperating mode 2 (system-wide control)
• Only 3 parallel displays can be simultaneously activated on an MPL(reason: max. cur-
rent load of an MPL = 24 mA, 1 activated control unit requires approx. 4 mA,control
units and control elements are activated in the same cycle)
• Fault detection
– all pulse-polling detector elements (including control elements) can cause a fault
• Alarm buffering (ALZ) for Master20 and ABM
• Event delay for BR800, BR81, BR82 and MS8EB
• No fault delay
• Detector zone formation
– every detector in an MPL can be assigned one detector
– cross-module formation not possible
• Detector zone functions (as in SIGMASYS)
– 2-MG dependency
– – 2-detector dependency
– – ALORG (alarm organisation)
• Alarm zone formation
– cross-module formation possible
– – mixing with MPC and GMG detector zones possible
• Operating inputs (e.g. via receiver module MS8EB)
• Maximal line data 300Ω, 250 nF

12.2.1 Differences vis-à-vis AMP (SM88) or PMG (BMS) Vis-à-vis AMP

• no special AMP functions (suction systems, sterile areas)

• no different sensitivities (+, –).
Pulse-polling Evaluation procedure ( code ) Remark
detector element
- BR800 Standard (0) smoke detector
- BR81 Standard (0) opt. smoke detector
- BR82 Standard (9) opt. smoke detector
1blank value m (0)
EMV (9)
FDOOT241-8 Standard (0) neural fire detector
- BD857 Standard (5) heat detector
- RSG8 Standard (5) closed-circuit current alarm device
- DR8 Standard (5) manual call point
- DR8AU Standard (1) manual call point with autom. inspection
- SDR8 Standard (5) manual call point
-SDR8AU Standard (1) manual call point with autom. inspection
- MS8EB Standard (3) receiver module
- ABM Standard (B) addressing module

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12 Monitored lines

- MASTER20 Standard (8) MASTER20, connection of threshold detec-

tor lines
- MS8MA Standard (2) ext. detector display
- MS8EA Standard (2) panel-mounted indicator *)
- MS8SB Standard (6) control unit *)
- MS8SE Standard (3) control unit *)
Table 27: Pulse-polling detector elements and evaluation procedures

*) Maximum 3 per monitored line

12.3 SIGMASYS monitored line

12.3.1 Spur

Up to 64 address can be assigned for connected detectors and devices (transponders, indica-
tor panel, zone operating panel) as a spur on a SIGMASYS monitored line.

According to the guidelines (VdS 2095), however, there should only be max. 32 auto-
matic detectors in a detector zone (fire section) or 10 non-automatic fire detectors connected
to a spur.

12.3.2 Loop

A loop is created by joining two monitored lines (spurs), 1 with 5, 2 with 6, 3 with 7 and
4 with 8.
The element sequence is always counted from the lowest to the highest monitored line. Up to
128 SIGMASYS elements can be connected to a loop. Advantages of a loop compared to a
• Protection against failures. All elements continue to work even in the event of a failure,
e. g. wire breakage.
• Connection of control facilities system-wide.

A monitoring surface of up to 6000 m .

12.3.3 SIGMALOOP detector algorithm

The sensitivity of SIGMAPLUS smoke detectors can be set as follows in SIGMASYS C, M,

and L control and operating panels and M modules in V3.1 and later by means of parameteri-
zation with PLAN D100 V5.1.

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Figure 14: SIGMAPLUS SDF2200 Optical smoke detector

Operating conditions Sample applications

P1 Difficult detectionconditions Not compliant with EN 54-7
High risk for persons, buildings and merchandise. rooms with very high ceilings open
Hazardous storage goods oper warehoses chem.. industry
High level of smoke thinning, for example,as a result of
ventilation, room height, etc.False alarm contributing fac-
tors only permittedin rooms with very high ceilings.
P2 Highest value concentration VdS-tested in accordance with EN 54-7
High risk for persons and material assets EDP, telephone switches
Very low false alarm contributing factors Hospitals, health care facilities
No smoking areas
P3 Rooms with high ceilings VdS-tested in accordance with EN 54-7
Risk for persons and material assets Clean rooms (fabrication facilities)
Room height over 5 m Shopping centers

Low and short-term false alarm contributing factors

P4 High value concentration VdS-tested in accordance with EN 54-7
Risk for material assets and persons Room height aver- Fabrication facilities
age or over 5 m Industry

Low and medium short-term deception values

P5 Medium value concentration/Standard VdS-tested in accordance with EN 54-7
Risk for material assets and persons Offices
Room height up to 5 m Corridors

Low to medium and short-term false alarm contributing

P6 Medium value concentration and interference VdS-tested in accordance to EN 54-7
Risk for material assets and persons Offices where smoking is permitted,
Medium and long-term false alarm contributing factors Hotel rooms,
for example, tobacco smoke, water vapor, short-term Restaurants, assembly buildings
P7 Low value concentration and high interference Not compliant with EN 54-7

Risk for material assets Vulcanization

High and long-term false alarm contributing factors for, Heavy industry
for example: Garage for heavy goods vehicles
smoke, dust *)/dirt accumulation, vapor, dewfall, etc,.
SDF3100 should be used to monitor high risk areas Priming systems
ventilation systems
Table 28: Operating conditions and sample applications

*) Use filtered priming systems for light dust (e.g. from cement, feed industry)!

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12 Monitored lines

12.4 Line lengths in the loop/spur

Shielded installation cables, e. g. IY(ST)Y are to be used as lines for the loop.
The maximum wire diameter that can be clamped in the standard detector base is 0.8 mm.
The maximum line length depends on:
• the number of detectors and the cable type
• the maximum line resistance including the resistance of the connected elements (R
max. = 200 Ω)
• the maximum line capacity including all connected capacities (C max. = 200 nF).
Ohm/km, or . element nF/km, or element
IY (St) Y 2x2x0,8 73,2 Ohm 100 nF
IY (St) Y 2x2x0,6 130 Ohm 100 nF
NYM 1,5 mm² 25 Ohm 250 nF
Loop element 0,8 Ohm -
Table 29: Line parameter

Element capacity is very low with regard to the line capacity and therefore not relevant.
The combo detector SDF3500 counts as two address elements in the per-detector line length
Figure 17 shows the relationships for a 0.8 diameter line. The spur line is a real subset of the
loop line, i.e. up to 64 address elements can be operated on a 2 km line both in the loop and
on the spur. A large number of address elements can only be operated in the loop, the maxi-
mum possible line length drops to approx. 11 m⁄element.

Figure 15: Address element number and line lengths for a 0.8 diameter line

Behaviour is similar in the case of a 0.6 diameter line. The maximum line length here is 1.540
m in the case of zero elements. The maximum possible line length per element drops by ap-
prox. 6 ⁄element and measures 1.150 m in length with 64 address elements (spur/loop) and 750
in the case of a fully configured loop (128 address elements).

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Figure 16: Address element number and line lengths for a 0.6 diameter line

The sheath wire of the cable shield is to be laid at the clamps provided in the detectors and
devices. The cable is earthed at the corresponding clamps in the SIGMASYS control and in-
dicating panels. The unshielded wires and the sheath wire should be as short as possible to
avoid interference.
According to VdS 2095, the loop cable must be laid out as a real ring if the detector zone con-
tains more than 32 automatic or more than 10 non-automatic detectors, or if automatic and
non-automatic detectors are mixed. In other words, forward and reverse lines must be laid in
separate cables and separate lines.

A cable may only contain SIGMASYS monitored lines from a single

MPC module.

12.5 Load factors

Maximum current load in SIGMALOOP

The maximum number of loop elements which can be connected also depends on current
consumption levels. A load factor is also specified for each element
• Each SIGMALOOP BMT detector, including combined detector, transponder, indicator
panel module contact coupler or control module has a load factor of 1.
• The detector gateway has a load factor of 8 and there is an additional load factor of 0.5
for every detector
• Every activated detector output (detector parallel display or FSA) and every activated
detector display has a load factor of 1.
Maximum load factor:
load factor of 1 is equal to 250 µA

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Loop Load factors

LOOPELEMENT Number Loop Total in- Alarm display Total
elements puts/outputs (simultaneous
SIGMABASE 62 62 10 10 82
z.B. FSA
Contact coupler 30 30 30 30
Gateway/detector 1 / 20 8 + 10 18
Total 93 130
Table 30: Example of how to calculate the load factor

12.6 FDnet – connecting SintesoTM elements

• Fault-protected FDnet - thus allowing the use of unshielded cables.

• No additional power supply required for hooters and input/output modules.
The power for all elements is supplied by the FDnet and is protected against failure by
short-circuit disconnectors in the elements.
• Simple migration of existing systems using T-taps in the FDnet.
• Selectable detection behavior using application-specific sets of parameters with S-LINE
• Customized detector settings using customer-specific sets of parameters with S-LINE
• The alarm organization and alarm delay and fault delay functions are adjustable as with
SIGMASYS detectors.

12.6.1 Detector network:

• 126 address elements per FDnet (detection loop) can be connected

• All types of cable can be used
• Wires with a diameter of 0.28 mm2 to 1.5 mm2 can be clamped
• The detector network can be laid out in any form: ring, spur, ring with T-taps

It is recommended that you use:

• Shielded fire alarm cable, e.g. IY (ST) Y at least 0.6 mmØ.
• Unshielded twisted pair cable.
In the case of low interference environments, unshielded non-twisted pair cable such as NYM
can also be used. Here the maximum line capacity (500 nF) must be adhered to.

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Figure 17: FDnet overview

Loop planning

Note the following if there are several FDC modules:

For improved safety, FDnet loops that are as independent of one another as possible should
be applied to different modules.
The loops should also be distributed over different modules when using alarm sounders
and signal bases as evacuation alarms on the loops, in order to improve the safety of the
acoustic alarm.
• In buildings with several storeys, apply the loop of one storey to one FDC module and
the LOOP of the next storey to another FDC module.
• In the case of large buildings with multiple loops, distribute these alternately over two
different FDC modules.

12.6.2 Supported Sinteso™ elements

Detector Detector Detector Comment / Applications

Used as smoke detector
2 selectable parameter sets
Optical detector
Used as smoke detector
3 selectable parameter sets
Used as heat detector
2 selectable parameter sets
Heat detector
Used as heat detector
4 selectable parameter sets

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Used as combination detector

2 selectable parameter sets
Combination detector
Used as combination, smoke or heat detector
5 selectable parameter sets
For indoors and outdoors with
3 infrared sensors and sun resistance
Flame detector
1 infrared sensor for use without interference
Linear smoke detector FDL241-9 6 parameter sets
Push-button detector, actuated by pressing the
Manual detector FDM223
Alarm sounder FDS221 11 tones and 3 volume levels, shrill alarm sound
Signal base FDSB291 11 configurable tones and 2 volume levels
4 contact inputs, monitored for wire breakage and
Input module FDCI222
short circuit
4 contact inputs, monitored for wire breakage and
Input/output module FDCIO222 short circuit
4 x 30VDC 4A relay outputs
FDnet transponder FDCIO223 2 VdS alarm or monitored control lines
For connecting several spur lines lying next to one
Line disconnector FDCL221
another to one ring line

Table 31: Supported Sinteso™ elements

Nothing needs to be mechanically adjusted on the detectors themselves. The detectors are
supplied ex works with the appropriate sets of parameters. The PLAN D100 configuration tool
can be used to adjust the detectors optimally to the conditions of the installation site. By se-
lecting the right parameters you can set the detector to specific potential fire events and likely
environmental influences.
For the FDOOT241-9 neural fire detector you can also select the parameter sets of the
FDO241 wide spectrum smoke detector and the FDT241 heat detector. In this case the
FDOOT241-9 neural fire detector will behave like the FDO241 wide spectrum smoke detector
or FDT241 heat detector.
For S-LINE detectors the switching of the parameter sets can be controlled on a
time/process-related basis.
Two parameter sets within DOOT or DO or DT can be switched using an operating input on
the control and indicating panel, an operation on the operating panel of the control unit, or us-
ing the time controls on the control and indicating panel. Both parameter sets are fixed in both
PLAN D100 and in SIGMASYS detectors.
Two customized detector parameter sets can be selected for S-LINE detectors with PLAN
D100 and downloaded to the detectors via the line tester.
Installation conditions for Sinteso™ detectors and their associated parameters can be found
in the detectors' technical description.

12.6.3 Parameter sets for FDOOT, FDO and FDT detectors

Parameter sets FDOOT241 FDOOT221 FDO241 FDO221 FDT241 FDT221

DOOT: high X
DOOT: robust X X Standard
DOOT: balanced X X Standard plus
DOOT: suppression X
DOOT: fast response X
DOOT: high compensation X

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DOOT: suppression X
DO: universal X X
DO: robust X X X Standard
DO: sensitive X X X Standard plus
DT: 60°C ROR (A1R) X X X
DT: 80°C ROR (BR) X X X
DT: 60°C stat. (A1S) X X
DT: 80°C stat. (B1S) X X
Customized/ X X X
Download 1
Customized/ X X X
Download 2
Table32: Parameter sets for FDOOT, FDO and FDT detectors

= Default setting
ROR = Rise Of Rate Differential detector

Parameter sets for flame detectors FDF221 and FDF241

Parameter sets FDF221-9 FDF241-9

robust X w/out SR X with SR
universal X with SR
universal fast X w/out SR X with SR
sensitive X w/out SR X with SR
sensitive fast X w/out SR X with SR
rapid X w/out SR
Motor test bed X w/out SR
Customized/ X
Download 1
Customized/ X
Download 2
Table33: Parameter sets for flame detectors FDF221 and FDF241

= Default setting
SR = Sun resistance

12.6.4 Parameter sets for linear smoke detector FDL241-9

standard UB=fault
standard UB=Alarm
sensitive UB=fault
sensitive UB=Alarm
very sens. UB=fault
very sens. UB=Alarm
Customized / Download

Customized / Download

Table34: Parameter sets for linear smoke detector FDL241-9

UB = Interruption of light beam

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12.6.5 Parameter sets for alarm devices

The following sounds can be configured:
970Hz, continuous tone BS 5839 'evacuate'
950Hz, 1 s intermittent BS 5839 'alert'
Sweep down DIN33404-3
Slow whoop NEN2575
500Hz, pulsing SS 031711 'imminent danger'
500Hz, intermittent SS 031711 'important message'
500Hz, 30s SS 031711 'all clear'
560/440Hz, alternating NF S32-001
420Hz, intermittent AS 2220 ‘Alert’
Slow whoop AS 2220 ‘Action’
Intermittent ISO 8201
Customized / Download 1
Customized / Download 2
Table35: Parameter sets for alarm devices

= Default setting in PLAN D100

FDSB291 signal base

The signal base is installed in place of the standard base and adds 2 horn output components
to the FDOxxx smoke detector. The detector can then be used to activate a warning or
evacuation sound.
The signal base has two volume settings (per component/parameter set).
The FDT241 and FDT221 heat detectors cannot actuate the signal base.
The signal base can be actuated across the whole system.

FDS221 Alarm horn (sounder)

The sounder has 2 output components which can be used to activate a warning or evacuation
The sounder has three volume settings (per component/parameter set). The sounds are con-
figured in PLAN D100:
The different sounds are differentiated by the tripping criterion (level 1 and level 2). The crite-
ria are listed in order of priority. If both sounds are triggered, the sound with the higher priority
is actuated.
If required, the criteria can be implemented by means of virtual inputs/outputs (VEA). Exam-
ple: With alarm organization, a different sound or volume can be used for the pre-alarm than
for the main alarm.
The sounder can be actuated across the whole system.

12.6.6 Calculating the maximum number of elements and length of lead

Technically, the possible length of line depends on what cable you are using (capacity and
resistance), as well as the load imposed by buzzers and sounders.
Threshold values for FDnet:
Maximum 180 ohms per loop and/or spur and maximum 330 nF for shielded and 500 nF for
unshielded lines.

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These limits apply to an FDnet with an expansion capacity of up to 126 elements each with
one load factor.
For example, if you are using IY(ST) Y 2x0,8 mm Ø cable (73 ohms and 100 nF per km), the
following maximum line lengths can be achieved:
• a loop with a 2.5 km line length
• a spur with a 2.5 km line length
With IYY 2x0.8 mm Ø cable the loop and T-taps may measure no more than 3.3 km if the ca-
ble is shielded and no more than 5 km if the cable is unshielded (the assembled cable length
depends mainly on the line capacity). Note here that the distance from the furthest element to
each control and indicating panel connection must be no more than 2.5 km.

12.6.7 Load factors

The maximum load factor connection per loop including T-taps is 280

To simplify the calculation, FDnet element numbers are calculated with load factors.
Element Load factor in Additional load
S-Line C-Line
in Fdnet idle state factor on alarm
Optical detector 1 FDO241 FDO221 1 1
Heat detector 1 FDT241 FDT221 1 1
Combination detector 1 FDOOT241 FDOOT221 1 1
Flame detector 1 FDF241-9 FDF221-9 3 1
Linear smoke detector 1 FDL241-9 5 1
Manual detector 1 FDM223 1 1
Alarm sounder 1 FDS221 1 14
Signal base 0 FDSB291 0,5 4,5
4 x IN 1 FDCI222 2 0
4 x IO 1 FDCIO222 3 0
Line disconnector 1 FDCL221 1 0
FDnet transponder 1 FDCIO223 3 0
Table36: List of load factors for elements

In the case of an additional load factor on alarm, alarm indicators or control modules con-
nected to the detector are already included.
For control modules such as fixed close-and-retain systems (FSA) that are actuated by a de-
tector, an additional load factor of 1 must be allowed for in the idle state.
The number of additional signal bases and alarm sounders allowed for a given load factor in
the FDnet can be determined from the following table:

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12 Monitored lines

Figure 18: Additional signal bases and alarm sounders allowed for a given load factor

The table applies only to short line lengths:
For cables with 0.6mm ∅ < 625m
For cables with 0.8mm ∅ < 1125m

Example: With 100 existing load factors and a maximum permitted load factor of 280, another
11 alarm sounders can be installed, or 3 alarm sounders and 21 signal bases (including de-

T-taps :
A T-tap can be up to 2.5 km long.
The maximum line length is limited by the capacity of all lines in an FDnet
T-tap and LOOP. (330nF shielded 500nF unshielded).
Each FDnet has a limit of 280 load factors with any distribution over loop or T-tap.

The longer the line lengths in the loop, the fewer load factors can be connected.

The following diagram shows the maximum load factors that can be connected for an FDnet
(idle load factors + additional load factors in alarm state) in relation to the cable length and
line diameter. The diagram applies to both shielded and unshielded cable.

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12 Monitored lines

Figure 19: Load factors in relation to line diameter and line length

Example: For a 2000m cable with 0.8 mm ∅, a maximum of 150 load factors may be con-
The curves allow for the leakage currents occurring with a creeping short circuit and a load
factor increase of 5 detectors with load factor 1 in alarm state.
The line capacity can limit the line length if lines are very long.

If SIGMALOOP/spur or MS8 wires are run in the same cable as FDnet wires, faults
may occur (above all in the initialization phase) in the SIGMALOOP or when trigger-
ing the alarms of MS8 detectors.
FDnet alarm lines from different modules can be run in the same cable.

Each of the following lines has separate earth fault monitoring:

Loop 1 and 2 respectively spurs 1,2,5,6
Loop 3 and 4 respectively spurs 3,4,7,8

To calculate the power requirement for the Sinteso detector periphery you can also
use the Excel tables on the PSP (Product Support Platform).

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13.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 95

13.1.1 Modem links in SIGMANET................................................................................. 96
13.2 Operation............................................................................................................. 97
13.2.1 Operating panels ................................................................................................. 97
13.2.2 SIGMANET operating panel S24230-F130-A4 ................................................... 97
13.2.3 Operating panel variants ..................................................................................... 98
13.2.4 Operating panel displays..................................................................................... 99
13.2.5 Mobile operating panel ........................................................................................ 99
13.3 AT release ......................................................................................................... 100
13.3.1 Central AT release ............................................................................................ 100
13.3.2 Remote AT release ........................................................................................... 101

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SIGMANET networks SIGMASYS C and M control and indicating panels and operating pan-
els. Mixed operation of IMT and BMT control and indicating panels is possible in SIGMANET.
SIGMANET is a network for danger alarm systems. It is based on serial connections and
takes the form of a bidirectional ring.
Data is transmitted around the ring as standard in a preferred direction. If the ring is broken at
a particular point, bidirectional transmission is initiated to ensure that all units remain accessi-
The ring can carry all forms of communication including events and commands.

Figure 20: SIGMANET main block diagram

As from version V3.0 of the control and indicator panels and operating panels, spur line oper-
ating panels can be connected via a free RS232 (V24) interface to the control and indicator
panels in the SIGMANET (1).
If configuring with PLAN D100 V5.2 and control and indicator panel software version 3.0 or
higher, spur line control and indicator panels (2) can be connected to control and indicating
panels in the SIGMANET.
Control and indicating panels and operating panels connected to control and indicating panels
in the SIGMANET via a spur line (2) do not count as network units.
With systems constructed according to EN 54-2 and VdS guidelines, the spur line control and
indicating panel or spur line operating panel must be installed in the same housing or imme-

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diately next to the connected SIGMANET control and indicating panel, since there is no cable
redundancy in a spur connection.

13.1 Features

• Up to 32 units can be networked with SIGMANET. SIGMANET operating panels can be

networked as SIGMANET units if installed a distance away from the control and indicat-
ing panel or as spur operating panels in the control and indicating panel or in the imme-
diate vicinity of the control and indicating panel. Spur operating panels and GMA oper-
ating panels are not considered SIGMANET units. The operating panel integrated in
SIGMASYS C is not considered to be a unit in the ring. SIGMALINK is used for con-
necting SM88 or SDN control and indicating panels is considered to be a unit.
• Cross-control and indicating panel alarm processing and control facilities.
• Local and remote activation of alerting equipment.
• High protection against failure.
• In the case of a fault on the connection between two SIGMANET units (e. g. short circuit
or line interruption), the relevant line segment is clipped. The ring structure guarantees
data transfer between all units is via the remaining connections. The same applies in
the case of a total failure of a unit.
• BMT/IMT mixed operation in SIGMANET.
• Connection of GMA Manager with IMT/BMT mixed operation.
• Connection of devices via the serial V.24 interface in the control and indicating panel.
• Fault diagnostics for the complete SIGMANET system from a central point is possible
as of Version 2.3. The entire system can be programmed from a net unit as of V2.6.
• The units are networked via shielded two-wire lines (IY(St)J 2 x 2 x 0.8).
• The line length between the two units must not exceed 1000 m.
With larger distances a modem link with TTY/V.24 V24230-Z2-A1 converter and modem or
FOC coupler can be installed. Modem links can provoke faults in the system.
Where strong interference has to be allowed for, as is the case in power stations, converter
stations or railway stations, the SIGMANET links should be built as far as possible using fiber
optic cables (FOC). The FOC couplers must be connected in the control and indicating panel
or immediately next to it.
The details of how to plan the layout of the fiber optic cables cannot be gone into here, as it
depends on the type of FOC being used and on the connection module (line lengths and
transmission type).
Experience has shown that some FOC connections on the TTY input cannot be connected di-
rectly to the TTY interface. In that case, connection devices with a V.24 connection and if
necessary a TTY/V.24 V24230-Z2-A1 converter should be used. Some manufacturers (e.g.
EUROLAN, EKS) provide FOC couplers for SIGMASYS which can be connected directly to
our TTY half-duplex interfaces.
In the SIGMANET S24230-F130-A4 operating panel the TTY/V.24 converter required for a
modem or FOC is already integrated.


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Up to version 3.0 a maximum of 32 operating panels can be connected in the SIGMANET

Up to version 3.1 a maximum of 40 operating panels can be connected in the SIGMANET
From version 3.2 a maximum of 60 operating panels can be connected in the SIGMANET

The operating panels include all devices operated on the SCI interface including
SIGMAPORT, FAT, FBF-A, etc., plus all operating panels connected in the SIGMANET and
in the spur to SIGMASYS control and indicating panels.

13.1.1 Modem links in SIGMANET

Modems can be used to bridge longer distances.

Two types of modem exist:
Baseband modems can only be used for galvanic connections
Voice band modems can be used irrespective of the line type.

Please note the following when using a modem:

• Up to eight modem links can be set up in SIGMANET.
• A maximum of 16 SIGMANET units are permitted when starting a modem.
• Apart from at the SIGMANET control panel (S24230-F130-A4), the modem must be
connected to a TTY/V24 converter.
• The TD-32B-DC voice band and BMXtra voice band modems must only be operated in
systems where all SIGMANET units have firmware version 3.1.
• All modems must be powered by the control and indicating panel’s PSU.
• The maximum possible connection length depends on the line type.
Modem Part number Used for Power supply Remark
TD-32B-DC WMO:31781090 Voice band ±UB from BMZ V3.1 and later
BM-Xtra BTZ:2156a Voice band ±UB from BMZ V3.1 and later
DAG19K2-11 S22382-H2100-A2 Base band 12V from DC/DC
converter 24V/12V
24V/12V/4,3A build- V24065-Z2059-A1 from DAG 19K2-11
in converter
TTY/V24-converter V24230-Z2-A1 ±UB aus BMZ
Table 37: Using a modem

Figure 21: Modem links in SIGMANET

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13.2 Operation

13.2.1 Operating panels

The following operating panels can be connected in SIGMASYS systems:

operating panel operating panel operating panel
S24230-F130-A4 S24236-F4-A1 S24230-F515-A2
Connection to:
V24 Spur OP
Installation in
OP sloting panel
OP housing
Table 38: Operating panels

Possible operation is gray marked in the fields.

One or more responsibilities can be parameterised centrally for every operating panel. This
means, for example, that before it outputs an alarm signal output the SIGMASYS software
checks which operating panel (or GMA Manager) has given the alarm. The responsibilities
cannot be modified by the customer during live operation. If the operating panel is responsible
for multiple (or all) control and indicating panels in a SIGMANET system, the operating pa-
nel’s LED displays operate as general indications. To obtain clear and detailed information on
the display, press the “Display” button.
In addition control and indicating panel responsibility, alarm types/criteria can also be param-
eterised to differentiate between:
• Alarms (including prealarm, prewarning)
• Faults
• Signals (including armed/unarmed)
• Inspections
The alarm types selected are displayed as activated on the relevant operating panel. The
other alarm types are entered as “silent”, i.e. without internal acoustic alarm (modification
An EN 54-4-compliant power supply and 12 Ah batteries (minimum) are to be provided to
supply power to the remote operating panel. Both the PSU and the batteries should be in-
stalled in a SIGMASYS empty housing (S24230-C512-A1) adjacent to the operating panel.

13.2.2 SIGMANET operating panel S24230-F130-A4

The operating panel will be supplied by a membrane keyboard as of Version 2.6.

New features:
• 6 freely programmable function keys
• 2 additional cursor keys

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• 2 freely programmable V.24 interfaces

• Replaceable labelling strips which can be completed by the operator
• SIGMANET interfaces also available in V.24 for modem operation
• Emergency alarm display in the event of SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel fai-
The first four points also apply to the SIGMASYS C (operating panel S24230-F515-A2

13.2.3 Operating panel variants

The following operating panel variants can be parameterised for all operating panels (incl.
SIGMASYS C control and indicating panels):
• Control center operating panel:
Normally permanently busy, no screen-blanking feature. This operating panel can be
assigned an operating panel with standby function that automatically takes over the re-
sponsibilities of a failed control centre operating panel on an object-specific basis.
• Local (on-site) operating panel:
Not permanently busy, screen-blanking feature for IMT available, cannot be assigned a
standby operating panel.
• Infopanel:
Used as a straightforward display terminal without operating function (excluding polling
function) and is also installed in addition to a control centre/on-site operating panel.
Screen-blanking function available. Cannot be assigned a standby operating panel.
• Standby function for control center operating panels:
For redundancy for a control centre operating panel, the operating and display functions
can be taken over by one or more operating panels if the control centre operating panel
fails. In normal operation, it is not possible to display information or perform operations
at a standby operating panel. The standby function is assigned on an object-specific
and criteria-specific basis. A command must be entered to reassign the responsibility
once the on-site operating panel is put back into operation. The standby function only
becomes active if an object is no longer supported by a control centre operating panel.
Only one standby operating panel may be programmed per object.
If no standby function is programmed, the control center operating panel with the lowest num-
ber takes over the responsibility in the event of operating panel failure.
Parallel operation is possible if multiple control centre/on-site operating panels are parameter-
ised with the same responsibilities: alarm display is updated simultaneously at all responsible
operating panels (with an internal acoustic alarm) and can be modified at all responsible
operating panels. Modifications to an alarm via a processing operation are displayed at all
operating panels.

Reaction of the operating field keys in the case of multiple control and indicating panel re-
Reset: based on the object or alarm
Acoustic off: based on the event, acoustic VdS alarm device and internal
alarm off

At least one control centre operating panel must be programmed in the system
All detector objects must be assigned at least one control centre operating panel.

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13.2.4 Operating panel displays

Control centre and local operating panels can be parameterised as:

operating panel with EN 54-2 operating panels in accordance with the VdS guidelines


11 : 23 : 33 09.09.99
11 : 23 : 33 09.09.99

The first and last alarm are always displayed here.

Operating panel with GMA user interface with list counter for alarm, signal, fault
(not EN 54-2).


11 : 22 : 33 09.09.99

13.2.5 Mobile operating panel

as of Version 2.6)
The “mobile operating panel” function is required by Maintenance in order to be able to oper-
ate a SIGMASYS M on site (otherwise, every SIGMASYS M must have an operating panel).
An operating panel is specially provided for this task in the project planning in SIGMANET. It
is permanently in operation and can easily be removed as required (TAE-N connector, TAE-N
socket) and then reconnected to the mains in another place equipped with the relevant so-
cket. SIGMANET operates like a bus line in this case (unit position not important). We rec-
ommend installing the operating panel in the OP console to increase portability.

Figure 22: Mobile operating panel connection – diagram of principle

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13.3 AT release

13.3.1 Central AT release

Central AT release means that the appropriate central alarm transceiver (AT) is tripped by all
BMT or IMT control and indicating panels in SIGMANET in the event of failure. The control
and indicating panel in which this AT resides is known as the “AT Master BMT Control and
Indicating Panel” or the “AT Master IMT Control and Indicating Panel”.
The other SIGMANET control and indicating panels are known as “sub-control and indicating
If the AT is disabled at the AT master control and indicating panel, this is displayed at all af-
fected SIGMANET units.

Figure 23: Central AT release

This example is not valid for IMT with VdS certificate.

The fire brigade operating panel (FBF) and the key depot are always assigned the AT1 ob-
jects and must be connected to the control and indicating panel at which the appropriate AT1
is connected.

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13.3.2 Remote AT release

• ATs can be programmed at any control and indicating panels.

• Two ATs can be programmed and connected per control and indicating panel.
• The assignment of the AT release is performed system-wide by means of object as-
• An object can only be assigned via an AT

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14 Order Overview

Order Overview

Fehler! Es wurden keine Einträge für das Inhaltsverzeichnis gefunden.

Multifunctional Danger Control and Indicating Panels SIGMASYS C and M (M-Modules) 103 / 128
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14 Order Overview

Name Order number Remark

SIGMASYS C Bestellübersicht
SIGMASYS C control and indicating S24230-C500-A7 Control and indicating panel without operat-
panel ing panel with power supply unit (PSU) 150
W and without battery
SIGMASYS C Sinteso control and in- S24230-C600-A10 Control and indicating panel without operat-
dicating panel ing panel
SIGMASYS C Foil for operating panel S24230-F515-A2 Operating panel for SIGMASYS C control
and indicating panel
SIGMASYS C dummy plate C24230-A13-C54 For SIGMASYS C without operating panel
Battery 12V 25 Ah GBI: 13013 For installation in SIGMASYS C
Battery 12V 65 Ah V24069-Z103-A7 For installation in SIGMASYS battery cabi-
SIGMASYS Battery cabinet S24230-C109-A1 Battery cabinet for 2 x 12 V / 65 Ah batteries

SIGMASYS M Bestellübersicht
SIGMASYS M control and indicating S24230-C107-A6 Basic unit with SV 150W , SAC and SOC
panel without operating panel, without line mod-
ules, upgradable with the following options
SIGMASYS M control and indicating S24230-C107-A7 Basic unit with SV 150W , SAC
panel without SOC, operating panel, without line
modules, upgradable with the following op-
SIGMASYS SOC S24230-A100-A4 Standard processor module with
SIGMASYS SOC P S24230-B60-A Performance processor module
SIGMASYS APL 20 P S24230-B70-A1 SOC P Interface connection board
Crossover Ethernet cable A5Q00019146 For dual SOC operation
FN2001-D1 Netmodule (SAFEDLINK) A5Q00020525 for SOC P / SIGMANET P network
SAFEDLINK Repeater S24236-B2502-A1 SIGMANET P extensiom
SIGMANET operating panel S24230-F130-A4 Operating panel for installation in
SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel,
OP-housing, OP console installation
SIGMASYS M dummy plate C24230-A12-B17 Dummy plate for SIGMASYS M in remote
operating panel
SIGMASYS Battery cabinet OP hous- S24230-C109-A1 Battery cabinet für 2 x 12V 65Ah batteries
ing remote
SIGMASYS FDnet Ansch. FDC S24230-B150-A1 SintesoTM detector Loop connection
SIGMASYS MPC S24230-B103-A6 SIGMASYS detector Loop connection
SIGMASYS GMG-S S24230-A106-A2 Threshold detector connection
SIGMASYS PMG-S S24230-A105-A1 Pulse-polling detector connection
SIGMASYS APL 26 S24230-A122-A1 Connection board for PMG-S
SIGMASYS APL 20 S24230-A123-A2 Connection board for MPC
SIGMASYS U-APL S24230-A133-A1 Connection board for dual-MPC/FDC
SIGMASYS LPC Anschaltung S24230-B139-A1 Transliner Ringbus connection
TR-APL S24230-A145-A1 Connection board for LPC

Additional equipment for SIGMASYS C and M

Operating panels
GMA-BF DT1000 / CF L24236-P38-A1
Operating panel remote S24230-C119-A2 Operating panel housing for console and
wall mounting incl. cover plate
DT1000 OP console, tiltable C24230-A18-A2 DT1000 OP console, tiltable
Operating panel cover C24230-A16-B16 Operating panel cover

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14 Order Overview

Name Order number Remark

Protocol printer DL 3750+ A5Q00023962 for all SIGMASYS control and indicating
Thermal printer FD60 V24213-Z407-A1 Tape printer 24 V power supply unit
24/24 DC/DC transformer ETN:SVB24SC24 For thermal printer FD60
Protocol printer T2240/9 6GF6520-1LL Without interface
Interface for T2240/9 6GF6520-2LA Interface for T2240/9 / DR 2030
Colour ribbon black DR 2030 6GF6520-5LA für T2240/9 / DR 2030
Printer protocol converter (DPU) S24230-B146-A1 For conversion from TTY or V.24 to
Centronics (Standard printer)
RS232 isolator 1kV WIS:88001 for DL3700, DR2030, TTY/V.24 converter
TTY / V.24-converter V24230-Z7-A1 Substitude for V24230-Z2-A1
Connector line V24262-K35-A1 for DL3700 ;DR215 ;TTY/V.24 converter
Connector line V24265-K105-A* *1 = 10 meter *3 = 30 meter
Connector line V24265-K131-A1 For programming SIGMALINK and SOP
Connector line V24262-K34-A1 for SIGMAPORT
DAG19K2-11 S22382-H2100-A2 Baseband modem
Modem TD-32-B-DC/TD36-B-DC WMO:31781090 Sprachband Modem Festverbindung (für
Modem BM-Xtra 33600 BTZ:2165a Voice band modem
24V / 12V / 4.3A built-in converter V24065-Z2059-A1 For power supply to 12 V devices
Angle bracket for DC/DC converter C24230-A13-C53 For installation in a SIGMASYS C, L and
D100 option slot (for V24065-Z2059-A1 and

Power supply and additional equipment

SIGMASYS empty housing S24230-C512-A1 For power supply unit and option slots
SV-unit 24V / 150W V24230-Z6-A3
Socket connector 9 pin V24072-Z20-A1 At remote PSU in empty housing
Socket connector 10 pin V24072-Z20-A2 At remote PSU in empty housing
Battery 12 V / 12 Ah V24069-Z103-A12 For remote SOPs SOP’s
Battery 12 V / 25 Ah GBI: 13013 SIGMASYS C and auxiliary PSU
Battery 12 V / 40 Ah V24069-Z103-A6 SIGMASYS M battery cabinet
Battery 12 V / 65 Ah V24069-Z103-A7 SIGMASYS M battery cabinet
Operating panel leaf C24324-A38-B16 Remote OP housing and OP console instal-
Tamper switch for SIGMANET operat- S24230-A135-A1 Necessary when using an operating panel in
ing panel OP housing for IMT applications
SIGMA cover contact S24230-A136-A1 For empty SIGMASYS housings or
SIGMASYS battery cabinet
SDN-AT emulation S24211-A416-A1 For AT redundancy
TAE6N connector ACK:26482A For mobile operating panel
TAE6N-socket AP ACK:25281D0 For mobile operating panel
SIGMAPORT open listening S24213-B300-A10 For connecting Third-party computers
SIGMAPORT mini DIALOG S24213-B300-A20 For connecting Third-party computers
SIGMAPORT DIALOG S24213-B300-A30 For connecting Third-party computers
Fire brigade operating panel V24230-Z9-A1

SIGMASYS Periphery elements

SIGMACON Smoke detector S24218-F401-A2
SIGMACON Heat detector SDF210 S24218-F402-A2

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14 Order Overview

Name Order number Remark

SIGMACON Heat detector DT1102A S24218-F403-A1
SIGMACON Detector base SPF600 S24218-F400-A1
SIGMACON Manual call point RT-FW V24217-C1214-C201
SIGMABASE Smoke detector S24218-F10-A2
SIGMAPLUS Smoke detector S24218-F11-A2
SIGMAEXPERT Smoke detector S24218-F1-A1
SIGMASYS Heat detector SDT2100 S24218-F13-A2
SIGMASYS Combo detector S24218-F9-A1
SIGMASYS Detector base SPF3600 S24218-F300-A1
Ext. detector display SPF3110 S24218-F12-A1 Square housing
SIGMABASE Manual call point RT-FW V24217-C1104-C201 Approved by “Industry Forum Design”
(European design center), for
SIGMACON Manual call point RT-FW V24217-C1214-C201 Approved by “Industry Forum Design”
(European design center), for GMT
SIGMASYS Manual call point Typ A V24217-A1303-C201 Pop-out for SIGMALOOP
SIGMASYS Manual call point RT-FW V24217-B1304-C201 Pushbutton for SIGMALOOP
Manual call point RT-FW V24217-B1204-C201 Pushbutton with additional contact for
DOW 1171 radio smoke detector S24218-F62-A3 complete
Radio-Gateway SPU 6100 S24218-F64-A5 Detector gateway for assembly on
SIGMASYS detector base
SPU 6102 GATEWAY for S24218-F64-A10 Detector gateway in the housing
Zone operating panel S24218-F6-A1 2 x 16-digit display of 57 texts

SIGMASYS Control facilities/transponders/Contact coupler

SIGMASYS Transponder BMT S24218-F014-A1 Transponder in IP 54 housing
4STE Control module S24230-B507-A1 Built-in transponder with angle bracket oc-
cupies one option slot
Line termination for transponder and S24218-G44-A10 Packed in units of: 10 ea. For final detector
4STE control module at transponder
Line termination for transponder and S24218-G44-A1 Packed in units of: 1 ea. For final detector at
4STE control module transponder
SIGMASYS Minitransponder SPI3400 S24218-F23-A1 2 inputs and 2 outputs for top-hat rail 15 mm
Multiple control facility SPF 5200 S24218-F8-A1 8 relay outputs
Contact coupler SPF 5300 S24218-F4-A1 4 inputs for contacts For top-hat rail 15mm
SIGMASYS indicator panel control fa- S24218-A5-A2 Built-in PCB
cility SPF 3200

Flat cable for SPF 3200 LED C24217-A26-B2 For indicator panel control facility Connec-
tion line for 10 LED
Opto control module C97117-Z3004-C1 eleven LED connections for the indicator
panel control facility.

MS8-Terminal connection G32930-U 2033 For indicator panel control facility For 10
Control module SPF5100 S24218-A15-A2 Connection to detector output possible

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14 Order Overview

Name Order number Remark

All-or-nothing relay A5Q00001243 Two 8 A / 24 V changeover contacts
LA Interface P S24211-A418-A2 Extinguishing interface for PMG-S
LA Interface S S24211-A418-A4 Extinguishing interface for Loop
S24230-A352-A1 For extinguishing interface 2 Outputs, 7 In-
SIGMALOOP Extinguishing interface
puts or 7x FSA control facility
PC board block 32 pins V24068-Z7102-A1 For extinguishing interface S24230-A352-A1
and S24230-A353-A1
PC board block C24104-Z18-C1 For extinguishing interface S24211-A418-
A2, S24211-A418-A4
SIGMALOOP Splitter S24218-B45-A1 Creates four spur lines from a single SIGMA
spur line

SIGMANET P coupler SIGMASYS C S24230-B71-A1 Mechanical kit including SOC P and

SIGMANET P coupler SIGMASYS op- S24230-B72-A1 Mechanical kit including SOC P and
erating panel APL20P
SIGMANET P coupler empty housing S24230-B73-A1 Mechanical kit including SOC P and
SintesoTM peripheral elements connectable to FDnet (FDC)
Automatic detectors
FDT221 heat detector A5Q00001567 C-Line
FDT241 heat detector A5Q00004812 S-Line
FDO221 smoke detector A5Q00001565 C-Line
FDO241 smoke detector A5Q00004811 S-Line
FDOOT221 neural fire detector A5Q00001566 C-Line
FDOOT241-9 neural fire detector A5Q00004813 S-Line FDnet and GMG
FDOOT241-8 neural fire detector A5Q00004663 S-Line FDnet and PMG
FDB221 addressable detector base A5Q00001664 FDT/FDO 221/241, FDOOT221/241
FDB201 collective detector base A5Q00003814 for FDOOT241-9 on BMZ with GMG
FDB291 additional base A5Q00001603 for cable >6mm diameter
FDB292 wet base A5Q00003940 for installation in wet environments
FDB281 base adaptor for MS8/P2 A5Q00004929 Adapter for Sinteso on MS8 base
FDBZ291 detector code A5Q00002621
FDBZ293 detector locking device A5Q00005035
DBZ1194 protective cage GBI:1467711
FDBH 291 detector heating unit A5Q00004439
FDSB291 signal base A5Q00001647 for FDO 221/241, FDOOT 221/241

Special detectors
FDF221-9 flame detector A5Q00003902 C-Line one-eyed (no interference)
FDF241-9 flame detector A5Q00003006 S-Line two-eyed (sun resistance)
FDFB291 flame detector base A5Q00003310 Base for FDF221-9, FDF241-9
FDL241-9 linear smoke detector A5Q00002298 S-Line
FDLB291 linear detector base A5Q00003941 for FDL241-9

Manual detectors
Hfm red FDM223 (complete) A5Q00008098 Complete with shield and cable gripper
FDMH223 L24213-L8000-A224 With reinforced housing
FDME223 switching unit A5Q00003087 Pushbutton detector unit
FDMH293-R housing red A5Q00004023 Housing for pushbutton detector unit
Window shield GBI:1530415 Fire brigade/fire alarm
Cable gripper GBI:20671 for AP cable entry

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14 Order Overview

Name Order number Remark

Miscellaneous elements
FDS221 alarm sounder A5Q00004117 connectable to FDB221
for more than 1 T-spur between 2 Sinteso
FDCL221 line disconnector A5Q00004011
elements 1x per spur
FDCI222 (4x) input module A5Q00001984 4 inputs
FDCIO222 input/output module A5Q00002369 4 inputs and 4 relay outputs
FDCIO223 FDnet transponder S24218-B102-A1 Available from mid-2006
FDCIO224 VdS exting. interface A5Q00018689 FDnet extinguishing interface
FDCH291 housing A5Q00002395 for FDCI(O)222 and FDCIO223
for mounting a top hat rail
FDCM291 mounting base A5Q00003855
2x per FDCI(O)222 ( 223 ) required
DJ1191 external alarm indicator GBI:1478328 H x W x D (dim. in mm): 37 x 62 x 17
DJ1192 external alarm indicator GBI:1478331 H x W x D (dim. in mm): 85 x 85 x 25

Fdnet extinguishing interface

FDCIO224 input/output module A5Q00018689
All-or-nothing relay A5Q00001243
SMxx extinguishing interface S24230-A353-A1
PC board block 32-pin V24068-Z7102-A1

Configuring commissioning and tools

SIGMADIAG S24236-P41-A2x
FDUD291 detector extractor A5Q00003585
FDUD292 detector test extractor A5Q00003357
FDUL221 line tester A5Q00004397

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15 Project planning examples

Project planning examples

15.1 Layout of a SIGMALOOP at an existing star-configuration line network........... 111

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15 Project planning examples

Figure 24: Project planning form for processing

Figure 25: Project planning examplesw SIGMALOOP

110 / 128 BMT Project Planning Guidelines

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15 Project planning examples

15.1 Layout of a SIGMALOOP at an existing star-configuration line network

Figure 26: SIGMALOOP at an existing star-configuration line network

If the above limits are observed, multiple incoming and outgoing loop lines can be fed via a
single cable, e.g. 1 loop for automatic detectors and 1 loop for non automatic detectors.

Figure 27: SIGMALOOP lines

If functional endurance is required of the cable (applicable building and construction law), this
can be achived by laying the loop in such a way that forward and reverse lines are fed via dif-
ferent fire sectors (riser ducts).

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15 Project planning examples

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16 Appendix


16.1 Software dependant features ............................................................................ 114

16.2 Technical Features............................................................................................ 119
16.3 Terminology....................................................................................................... 121

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16 Appendix

16.1 Software dependant features

Feature/Version V2.0 V2.1 V2.2 V2.3 V2.4 V2.5 V2.6 V3.0 V3.1 V3.2 V3.3 V3.5 V3.6 V3.7

06.96 08.96 01.97 5. 97 10.97 04.98 10.99 10.01 4.02 02.03 04.04 08.05 04.06 03.07

Periphery elements
Suction fire detector (EXPERT)
Threshold detector via transponder
Manual call point SMF 1120
Manual call point SMF 3120
Combo detector SDF3500
EXPERT smoke detector SDF3100
PLUS smoke detector SDF2200
BASE smoke detector SDF1200
Heat detector SDT2100
Detector display SPF 3110
Control module SPF 5100
8-stage control element SPF 5200
Minitransponder SPF 3400
Transpond SPF 3500/4STE control
Indictor panel control module SPF
Contact coupler SPF 5300
BASE smoke detector SDF1101
BASE smoke detector SDF1100
BASE heat detector SDF1101
Pulse-polling detector connection
Threshold detector directly at
Gateway radio SPU 6100/ SPU 6101
Sinteso Elemente Fdnet
FDO221/ FDO241 optical detector
FDT221/ FDT241 heat detector
Multiple criteria detector
FDF221-9 / FDF241-9 flame detector
FDL241-9 linear smoke detector
FDM221/ FDM223 manual detector
Inspection of manual detectors
FDS221 alarm sounder
FDSB291 signal base
FDCI222 input module
FDCIO222 input/output module
FDCL221 line disconnector
FDCIO223 FDnet transponder
FDCIO224 extinguishing interface
FDM224 manual call point

114 / 128 BMT Project Planning Guidelines

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16 Appendix

Feature/Version V2.0 V2.1 V2.2 V2.3 V2.4 V2.5 V2.6 V3.0 V3.1 V3.2 V3.3 V3.5 V3.6 V3.7

06.96 08.96 01.97 5. 97 10.97 04.98 10.99 10.01 4.02 02.03 04.04 08.05 04.06 03.07

Zone operating panel (BBF)

BBF detector zone formation
Freely programmable BBF function
BMT information panel
Operation and observation
Alarm counters (VdS)
Information list
Operating input
Control centre operating panel
Local operating panel
Mobile operating panel
Spur operating panel
GMA operating panel
Control centre operating panel
Operating panel responsibility (ad-
Printer responsibility
Default printer via DPU
GMA user interface
VdS alarm counters
General counters
DIN alarm counters
Fire brigade operating panel
SIGMASYS C operat. panel with 6
funct. keys

Key depot connection

AT release, local
AT release, local or remote
Second AT for BMT
AT response time (adjustable)
Freely programmable AT releases
Local alerting facilities
Event display (direct control)
Detector display (direct control)
Control via detector output
Total outputs
Cross-loop control
Cross-control and indicating panel
Cross-BMT/IMT control
SIGMALINK object-based control
from SM88
Monitored control facility

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16 Appendix

06.96 08.96 01.97 5. 97 10.97 04.98 10.99 10.01 4.02 02.03 04.04 08.05 04.06 03.07

VdS monitored control line

VdS extinguishing interface
Programmable control and indicating
panel faults
Free programmable control pattern
Message functions
Alarm delay
Fault delay
Prealarm time
2-detector dependency
2-detector zone dependency
Alarm buffering
Branch algorithms
Additional parameter for
Detector parametes switchable
ASA Technology for S-LINE detec-
BMT/IMT mixed operation in
BMT/IMT mixed operation in
SIGMASYS control and indicating
SCI dialog operation
SCI open listening operation
SIGMAPORT third-party computer
Time synchronisation
Virtual input and outputs
6 options for SIGMASYS M modules
8 objects per control and indicating
D100 Stage 3 coupling S-Modul
SIGMASYS C without operating
SIGMASYS C Sinteso control and in-
dicating panel FDnet
Max. 8 control and indicating panels
in the NET and operating panels
Max. 32 units in the NET
NET parameterisation
SM88 SIGMALINK coupling
Spur control and indicating panels
with PLAN D100 V5.2
Protection against failure
Auto. responsibility transfer in the
event of an operating panel fault

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16 Appendix

Feature/Version V2.0 V2.1 V2.2 V2.3 V2.4 V2.5 V2.6 V3.0 V3.1 V3.2 V3.3 V3.5 V3.6 V3.7

06.96 08.96 01.97 5. 97 10.97 04.98 10.99 10.01 4.02 02.03 04.04 08.05 04.06 03.07

SEK emergency alarm

Standby function for operating panels
Double FDC

Assembly/ commissioning/
Display of element addresses and
non-coded text in DIAG
DIAG preliminary version
Functional check via operating panel
Detector LED test via DIAG
NET diagnosis
SW version and HW status with DIAG
Loop periph. plan/actual comparison
via DIAG
Read mainten. req. opt. smoke det.
with DIAG
Status of MPL/detector/element via
One-man inspection
One-man inspection Sinteso HFM

Project planning
Configuration diagram
Data export to the GMA Manager
Parameterisation of the control and
indicating panel interfaces
SW service packages with code in-
Foreign-language version of
Configuration diagram
Language independent Firmware of
the control and indicaing panel
Detector zone AT correlation via op-
erating panel
PLAN D100 Version: V2.0 V2.1 V2.2 V2.3 V2.4 V2.5 V2.6 V5.0 V5.1 V5.2 V6.0 V6.1 V6.3 V6.4

The control and indicating panels beginning with V2.0 can be programmed with the actual
PLAN D100 V5.1.

Only features that are available in the control and indicating panel’s software version can
be programmed, otherwise the entire system will not function correctly.
In the case of software versions 2.2 to 2.4, all control and indicating panels in a SIGMANET
must have the same firmware.
Control and indicating panels and operating panels with the software versions V2.5 and V2.6
and V3.x may be operated in a SIGMANET.

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16 Appendix

All SIGMANET units must operate with version V3.1 if TD-32B-DC and BMXtra modems are

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16 Appendix

16.2 Technical Features

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16 Appendix

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16 Appendix

16.3 Terminology

Actuator Output
Addresses Physical number or numbers of an element (detector, transponder, indicator
panel) on a SIGMASYS monitored line
Alarm zone
Group of multiple detector zones in a fire section
Detector zone (MG) Group of detectors
DPU Printer Protocol Converter
Fire section Portion of a building which is structurally isolated from other building parts
or other buildings in order to obstruct the spread of fire for a defined length
of time
GMG-S Module for connecting threshold detection system elements
LPC Loop Periphery Controler
MPC Connection module for SIGMALOOP – spur monitored lines
(Multifunctional Peripheral Controller)
PMG-S Module for connecting pulse-polling system elements
SAC PCB for monitoring the system peripherals and power supply
(System Alarm Controller)
SCI Interface to third-party computer
(Standard Communication Interface)
SOC SIGMASYS M processor module
(System Organisation Controller)
SOP SIGMASYS Operation Panel
TR-APL Transliner connection plate
U-APL Switch connection plate

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Sorted in order of appearence
Figure 1: Dimensions for the SIGMASYS control and indicating panel ................................. 13
Figure 2: Console installation DT1000 operating panel console, tiltable ............................... 14
Figure 3: Console installation for empty housing remote operating panel ............................. 15
Figure 4: SIGMASYS C control and indicating panel assignment ......................................... 16
Figure 5: SIGMASYS M control and indicating panel assignment......................................... 18
Figure 6: Alarm organization.................................................................................................. 33
Figure 7: Physical connection ................................................................................................ 51
Figure 8: Dual MPC ............................................................................................................... 56
Figure 9: Close-and-retain systems ....................................................................................... 60
Figure 10: Line lenghts from periphery to power supply unit ................................................. 73
Figure 11: Assembly example 1............................................................................................. 74
Figure 12: Assembly example 2............................................................................................. 74
Figure 13: Assembly example 3............................................................................................. 75
Figure 14: SIGMAPLUS SDF2200 Optical smoke detector................................................... 82
Figure 15: Address element number and line lengths for a 0.8 diameter line........................ 83
Figure 16: Address element number and line lengths for a 0.6 diameter line........................ 84
Figure 17: FDnet overview..................................................................................................... 86
Figure 18: Additional signal bases and alarm sounders allowed for a given load factor ....... 91
Figure 19: Load factors in relation to line diameter and line length ....................................... 92
Figure 20: SIGMANET main block diagram........................................................................... 94
Figure 21: Modem links in SIGMANET .................................................................................. 96
Figure 22: Mobile operating panel connection – diagram of principle.................................... 99
Figure 23: Central AT release.............................................................................................. 100
Figure 24: Project planning form for processing .................................................................. 110
Figure 25: Project planning examplesw SIGMALOOP ........................................................ 110
Figure 26: SIGMALOOP at an existing star-configuration line network ............................... 111
Figure 27: SIGMALOOP lines.............................................................................................. 111

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Sorted in order of appearence
Table 1: Guidelines for failure of the display unit and signal processor................................... 8
Table 2: Overview of control and indicating panel selection .................................................. 10
Table 3: Control and indicating panel limitations ................................................................... 11
Table 4: Allocation of event location numbers ....................................................................... 12
Table 5: Allocation of event locations in the peripheral elements in FDnet ........................... 12
Table 6: Dimensions for SIGMASYS control and indicating panels....................................... 14
Table 7: Layout of the SIGMASYS M .................................................................................... 19
Table 8: Determining maximum current................................................................................. 20
Table 9: Overview of interfaces ............................................................................................. 24
Table 10: Summary of SIGMASYS M interface with SOC P, SIGMANET P ......................... 25
Table 11: Protocol printer DL3750+....................................................................................... 25
Table 12: Protocol printer T2240/9 ........................................................................................ 26
Table 13: Thermal printer FD60............................................................................................. 26
Table 14: Printer protocol converter....................................................................................... 27
Table 15: Programming in SIGMAPLAN................................................................................ 29
Table 16: Operating panel display ......................................................................................... 29
Table 17: BMT/IMT mixed mode............................................................................................ 35
Table 18: Alarm counters....................................................................................................... 35
Table 19: Relay module - technical data................................................................................ 42
Table 20: Technical data, voltage, current dimensions.......................................................... 52
Table 21: Cycle time for signals from transponders and contact couplers ............................ 53
Table 22: SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface-overview of the features ............................. 58
Table 23: List of approved power supply units....................................................................... 60
Table 24: Monitored control lines........................................................................................... 64
Table 25: Mains supply .......................................................................................................... 70
Table 26: Bridging time .......................................................................................................... 71
Table 27: Pulse-polling detector elements and evaluation procedures ................................. 81
Table 28: Operating conditions and sample applications ...................................................... 82
Table 29: Line parameter....................................................................................................... 83
Table 30: Example of how to calculate the load factor .......................................................... 85
Table 31: Supported Sinteso™ elements ............................................................................... 87
Table32: Parameter sets for FDOOT, FDO and FDT detectors ............................................ 88
Table33: Parameter sets for flame detectors FDF221 and FDF241...................................... 88
Table34: Parameter sets for linear smoke detector FDL241-9 .............................................. 88
Table35: Parameter sets for alarm devices ........................................................................... 89
Table36: List of load factors for elements .............................................................................. 90
Table 37: Using a modem...................................................................................................... 96
Table 38: Operating panels.................................................................................................... 97

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Evacuation alarm 63
4 Event delay 33
4STE control module 42 Event display control pattern 64
event implementation 32
A External alarm display module SPF 3110 50
About the manual 2 Extinguishing control module 56
Alarm buffering 33
Alarm counter 35 F
alarm horn 89 FDnet 85
Alarm number 10 FDS221 89
alarm organization 32 FDSB291 89
Alarm transceiver 38 Features SIGMANET 95
Alerting facilities 62 Fire brigade operating panel 38
ANZ 64 fire section control facility 64
Appendix 113 freely configurable control parameters 65
AT release 100 FSA 59, 64
Functions 31
B further information 3
Battery 70
BMT/IMT mixed mode 35 G
Gas extinguishing systems 57
C GMA Manager 27
Central AT release 100 GMG-S module 78
changing ÜE assignment 34 Guidelines for project planning 7
Close-and-retain system 64
Close-and-retain systems 59 I
Contact coupler SPF 5300 47 Important notes 5
Control facility 63 Indicator panel control facility SPF 3200 49
Control module SPF 5100 49 Information on the Internet 3
Control Pattern AL 67 input/output module FDCIO222 44, 45
Control Pattern ANZ 67 installation dimensions 13
Control Pattern EV 67 Introduction 1
Control Pattern ST 68
Control room requirements 13 K
Control unit connections 37 Key depot 38
Copyright and trade names 2
Current requirement calculation 71 L
Cycle time for signals 53 layout 19
Limitations 8
D Line connection 47
D100 Interface 11, 28 line length 89
daytime/nighttime 32 Line lengths 83
description of the control pattern 62 List of approved power supply units 60
Detector display display control pattern 64 load factors 90
determining maximum current 20 Load factors 84
DIN VDE 0833 6 Local alarm 38
Display 64 Loop 81
documentation 3 loop element 41
dual SOC 20 Loop element 42

Earthing 70 Mains supply 70
element numbers 89 Maxitransponder SPF 3500 42
empty housing 73 Measuring the battery capacity 71

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mixed mode 35 Spur operating panel 27

Mobile operating panel 99 star-configuration line network 111
Modem links 96 switchable detector algorithms 34
Monitored alarm line as a spur 8 system requirements 12
Monitored alarm line as loop 8
Monitored control lines 63 T
Monitored lines 77 Technical data 52
Multiple control facility SPF 5200 50 Technical Features 119
Terminology 121
N Thermal printer FD60 26
Notes on application 6 Threshold detector technology 78
Time synchronisation 35
O Tools required 6
Operating panel dis 99 TOPSIS 27
Operating panel variants 98 Transponder 41
Operating panels 97 T-taps 91
Operation 97 Two-detector dependency 33
Order Overview 103 Two-detector-zone dependency 33
Outputs 49
Overview of interfaces 24 V
Overvoltage protection 8 VdS certified system 28
Virtual input 33
P Virtual output 33
parameter sets 87
PDF file 2 Z
Permanent collection 3 Zone operating panel SPF 3300 48
Power supply 69, 70
Power supply unit for the peripheral
transponder 72
preaction sprinkler extinguishing control module 57
Printer protocol converter 27
printers 25
Programming limitations 11
Programming of control facilities 61
Project planning examples 109
Project planning for control and indicating
panels 9
Protocol printer DL3750+ 25
Protocol printer T2240/9 26
Pulse-polling technology 79

Remote AT release 101
ring cable) 8

SIGMALOOP cycle time 35
SIGMALOOP detector algorithm 81
SIGMALOOP extinguishing interface 58, 59
SIGMALOOP Splitter 50
SIGMASPACE gateway 48
SIGMASYS monitored line 81
signal base 89
SintesoTM 85
Software dependant features 114
Special control facilities 55
SPF 3110 50
SPF 3300 48
SPF 5200 50
Spur 81

128 / 128 BMT Project Planning Guidelines

Best.Nr. A24205-A337-B970 – Edition 12 (03/07)
Siemens AG © 2001-2008 Order No. A24205-A337-B970 Issue 12 (03/07) EF
Published by The information in this document contains general
Siemens AG descriptions about technical options that may not be Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
I BT DE FS SYS available in all cases. The features required must on environmentally friendly chlorine-free
therefore be agreed individually on conclusion of the
D-81379 Munich contract.

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