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End of topic questions

1) A gene is a small piece of DNA found on a chromosome in our nucleus. A gene gives
instructions for a specific protein that usually plays an important role in our body,
effectively controlling our characteristics.
2) Females have two X chromosomes while Males two different ones, X and Y

4) Co-dominance happens when both alleles in a gene contribute to the same

phenotype. Its offsprings will have a combination of two alleles (in this case flowers
that were both red and white).
5) a) Because males only have one X chromosome (XY, as opposed to the female XX),
they are much more likely to show sex-linked recessive conditions.
b) Because then all X chromosomes of the parents will have the condition, the girl will
be forced to have both the X’s with the condition.
c) Usually the mother as they are “carriers” and show no symptoms.
d) Colorblind woman: XrXr Man normal color vision: XnYn (r= colorblind, n =

As we said earlier, females require that both parents are colorblind, males only need
e) In the sex chromosome, the 23rd chromosome. The 23rd chromosome is made up
of two parts – either two X chromosomes if you are female or an X and a Y
chromosome if you are male. The ‘gene’ which causes (if inherited) colour blindness
is found only on the X chromosome

Mitosis is used for growth and repair (e.g, skin cells, red blood cells and for allowing
Meiosis is used for the production of gametes e.g. sperm cells.

7) Meiosis helps creating new genetical combinations for an offspring, this happens
because meiosis generates genetically different daughter cells.

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