Trabalhito de Inglês

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Trabalhito de inglês

R- Hi, how are you?

M- I’m fine and you?
R- I’m so tired, I pass my day spending money in the shopping!!
M- That isn’t tiring.
R-Yes it is, you don’t imagine how difficul is spending money and
buying things.
A carlota chega e diz:
C- Hi!!
M- Hi, are you ok? You looks like ….(qualquer coisa, tipo uma
metáfora que simbolize que ela está cansada).

C- Today it was a difficul day, we had a lot of clients and we

worked a lot. What are you talking about?
M- We are talking about how Renato can manage so much
money in the shopping.
C- I don´t understand why you spend so much money buying
things Renato. You have to explain to us why you like to spend
your money.
R- I don’t know, I just love what I do.
Every weekend I go to the shopping center near my house, and I
spend the day looking for sales and buying clothes.
For me, buying clothes and other accessories is something that
makes me feel good, it's something that gives me pleasure. For
example, tobacco is something that makes people feel more
comfortable and more confident, for me buying clothes and
other accessories is the same thing, it's something that makes
me feel happy and confident. For me, shopping is an addiction
like tobacco and alcohol.

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