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I just read the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin and well (show picture of well), was it well (show picture of
well) crafted! It sticks to the story's themes, it rounded up everything neatly and I would love nothing
else than to see these last few chapters adapted into a full movie.

Wow I cannot believe this journey finally ended. I still remember when I first watched the forest scene in
season 1 4 years ago and was so hyped to find out who the female titan is and what was going on. There
are so many great things about this show from the story to the characters to the animation of two
equally great studios and omg the music is straight fire.

This was quite a fitting ending. Erens plan was quite genius, he thoroughly bamboozled everyone.
Actually, it is a shame he did not have much screentime in this arc of ours, but of course, he has to stay
mysterious and hide his plan from the audience.

If I could change one thing though, I would probably add one more chapter just to let the final revelation

Eren revealed he planned the whole thing out from the fricking end of season 3. Are you kidding me? He
is a mastermind. Just when I thought I my love for Eren could not grow any more (show eren blushing).
Well now that I think of it, some things were kind of served to Eren, and it would not be that hard to
come up with this plan. But it is still genius and he still kept fighting and he still threw hands and
outwitted everyone. But yeah, I felt the ending could have been two chapters, and the chapter number
being 140 would cure my OCD. Nevertheless, the readers could have absorbed the revelation and his
plan better, as well as give other characters and plotlines more time to settle down as they ended.

After all these years of war, suffering and the hatred cycling, Eren has finally stopped it. He put an end to
it. To be more precise he put an end to suffering caused by titans because humans will always be at war,
Eren learned that lesson from Pixis I think. Yeah, the world is still fighting with Paradis. Now that I think
of it, Paradis does not really have any walls… or titan shifters… or the rumbling to protect themselves,
and the world has tech that 100 years ahead, and way more soldiers with way more expirience. But I
guess Eren killed a lot of the worlds technology and soldiers so Paradis is safe.

*reads 8 extra pages

Oh shoot. Paradis is being bombed now. I forgot the world can recover. But at least they recovered after
a long time. Eren most likely calculated the exact percentage of people he needed to kill to insure his
friends would not get bombed… or did the scout calculate the time to stop Eren. Actually I remember
Eren saying he would kill more people if no one stopped him. I am a bit confused but I am sure Eren
knew his friends would live in peace and would die naturally before they got bombed, he probably saw a
memory of his healthy old friends and lied about wanting to kill a higher percentage of people. Eren
does not care for his country as much as he does for his friends. I guess his friends descendants would
get bombed but whatever. Wait, did Erens friends even live in peace? Was not Paradis warring with the
world? Does not matter, it was peaceful enough cause Eren probably secured them a safe and high-
ranking seat near the center… Hold on a second, how and why did the Jeagerists welcome them back?
They were really aggressive and they wanted to kill the scouts for betraying their country and Jeager
himself. Maybe the problem is gone now that Floch is dead.

Too bad Paradis got bombed. If only there was a plan where Paradis does not get bombed. Oh wait, I
remember. Zekes plan would just sterilize Paradis, while Erens plan kills Paradis along with 80% of the
world. Eren probably would not want to risk going with Zekes plan since he does not see how it ends. If I
were him I would still go with Zekes plan cause the rumbling would still protect the island and even if
the last few old people get killed it is still way less deaths. Eren is so smart and had 4 years to think of a
plan and he came up with this? I am just kidding, I understand why he did it. In zekes plan, Historia and a
few of her descendants would have to be eaten after 13 years so Paradis could maintain the founders
power, and Historia is a dear friend to Eren… Yes, Sasha, Samuel, Daz, Floch and Hange died in Erens
plan, but Eren gave them the freedom to choose and they could have refused to fight. What is confusing
me is why did the scouts even want to stop Eren. They did not know titans were going to be erased, they
knew they would endanger their country, they knew the great majority of the world is already killed,
they would be blamed for all the people that died, and they turned the Jeagerists against them even
though their high position in Paradis was secured. My theory is Eren controlled them to execute his plan,
but what that theory indicates is that Eren did not give them freedom.

I think another great plan was the 50 year plan. Paradis would be safe for 50 years cause they have the
rumbling to protect themselves with. And after 50 years Paradis would become equally advanced as the
rest of the world. Titans would become useless as well since the technology is advanced enough making
all Eldians into humans in a way. Paradis basically becomes just another country. Unfortunately, again,
Historia and her descendants would have to be sacrificed for 50 years, until Paradis gets advanced and
does not need the rumbling anymore.

I wonder if Eren knew that Sasha, Sam, Daz, Floch and Hange would die, or did he not see the entire
future. If he did not see the entire future then he was risking killing the wrong percentage of people, as
well as risking all of his friends lives, and if he was not doing this plan for them, then why ? There must
be a theory that connects all the dots perfectly, because it is daddy Isayama after all. Another thing is if
Eren was controlling his friends to kill him, then he could have frozen them so they would not kill him.
Either way they are not given the freedom. Furthermore, Eren could have frozen the Jeagerists just in
case they would not cause trouble, and he could have turned Zekes titans including Connies mom into
humans so the scouts would not risk their lives fighting. Eren probably liked ODM fight scenes so he let
his friends defeat the titans for a little bit. He did obtain the full power of the founder after all. There is
no royal blood or any oaths stopping him. He unlocked the full founding titan that can now initiate the
rumbling and control every subject of Ymir.

The only explanation for all of this that I could think of is Ymir is controlling everyone. She is controlling
Eren and his friends. But then again how and why would she be set free by Eren if she is controlling him.
Why would Mikasas kill kiss combo set her even more free. Did she orchestrate this huge play for
herself? Could she have stopped making titans and erase the titan curse all this time. If so she is even
more cruel than king Fritz. Maybe Ymir was not controlling Eren and Erens goal was just to set her free.
How did he know the exact conditions that would set Ymir free? If Ymir told him then that would not
make sense either. Why did he say „Only Ymir knows.“? How does he know that? Why did Eren kill his
mom? She was the number one most important person to him. Did he really kill her to execute this
faulty plan of his? He did not even change anything by killing her. Young Eren would still probably join
the training regiment, because the titans ruined his town, killed innocent people of his country and
destroyed his moms legs. He even wanted to join the scouts regardless. He would be included in the
scout regiment for sure considering he has the attack titan. Again, that leads me to believe that Ymir
killed Erens mom. But if Eren is doing all of this to free Ymir, then he must not know she killed his mom,
even though he talked about it.
Paradis erased (after
PLAN (most of) world dies Erens friends die Historia gets sacrificed Paradis gets killed 100 years or less)
Eren X X X X
Zeke X X
50yrs X
100% X
Moments after reading the ending / after one month

Pretty good / garbage

Stage 3 denial

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