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Regular grant based on social

needs 1st semester of

Regular grant based on social needs

1st semester of 2021/2022

Corvinus University of Budapest

is launching a call for a regular grant based on social needs for the students of the Univer-
sity for the 1st semester of 2021/2022 based on Annex 1 to Article 25 of the Regulation of
Student Fees and Benefits

1. The regular grant based on social needs is a financial benefit provided for the student
based on their social situation.
2. Regular grant based on social needs can be provided to active students participating in a
bachelor programme, two-cycle or single-cycle master programme, full time (daytime).
3. The regular grant based on social needs is a benefit provided monthly for one semester
which can be granted through a grant programme.
4. A student studying at parallel programmes in the University may only apply for the grant
within the framework of one of the programmes.
5. The call for applications is available in the form entitled “Regular grant based on social
needs 2021/2022/1” under Administration/Requests in Neptun. The call for the applica-
tion is also available on the University's website and in the Corvinus News.
6. The submission period of the application:
a. For students filing a dormitory application between 10.00am 29 July, 2021 and
12.00pm (noon) August, 2021.
b. For all other students filing an application for a social grant, between 10.00am 30
August, 2021 and 12.00pm (noon) 7 September, 2021.
7. Period for correcting deficiencies:
a. For students filing a dormitory application between 10.00am 29 July, 2021 and
12.00pm (noon) 9 August, 2021.
b. For all other students filing an application for a social grant, between 10.00am 30
August, 2021 and 12.00pm (noon) 13 September, 2021.
8. Non-compliance of the deadlines results in forfeiture, applications submitted late or in-
complete will not be considered by the Board of Referees.
9. Applications shall not be submitted until the certificate is not uploaded for all circum-
stances subject to assessment.
a) Certificates to be attached to the application shall only be accepted in PDF, JPG,
JPEG or PNG format, the size of which cannot exceed 500Kb individually.
b) The list of the necessary certificates is included in the provisions of the education
vice-rector no. 2/2021 concerning the certificates to be submitted to establish the
social situation of the students, as well as the additional certificates to be submit-
ted during the dormitory admission procedure. The declarations submitted in the
applications must comply with the formal requisites as pet the Annexes 3-9 to this

Regular grant based on social needs

1st semester of 2021/2022

c) In case of an incomplete application, the Student Social Committee sets the status
of the application form to “Sent back for correction” and then the student can cor-
rect the indicated deficiencies in the appropriate field of the form. Afterwards, the
re-submission of the application form is essential to process it again! The applicant
concerned will receive a message via Neptun “application form status change”
about the returning for correction. To see the deficiencies, the form must be
opened! The Student Social Committee sends back the application form only once
for correcting the deficiencies. Afterwards, it is the applicant’s responsibility to
comply with the call for correction of deficiencies and their obligation to certify
those laid down in the provision of the education vice-rector no. 2/2021. The com-
plete submission of the application is the own responsibility of the student in each
d) The applicant will receive a notification of all kind of changes regarding the submit-
ted applications in the form of a Neptun message, so it is advisable to monitor the
incoming mails regularly during the whole application process.
10. The amount of the regular grant based on social needs is defined with the scoring system
provided in the annex to the application notice.
11. The minimum amount that can be granted during the application:
16 700 HUF/month
12. The maximum amount that can be granted during the application:
110 000 HUF/month
13. It is possible to give comments by the students relating to the score in the Neptun under
Administration/requests by submitting the form “Comments relating to the score of the
regular grant based on social needs”. In the period of commenting, the correction of de-
ficiencies is not possible.
14. The establishment of the grant:
a. Applications will be checked and ranked by the Student Social Committee.
b. After the Student Social Committee established the partial points of all applying
students, the total points of the students will be determined in an aggregated
c. The Student Social Committee makes a recommendation for the decision. Based
on the number of the applying students and the aggregated points of the students
the Student Social Committee makes a recommendation for the cut-off score in
case of the certain grants as well as the amount of the relating regular social
15. The Head of Student Services will decide on the grant. The decision is not considered as
made in discretionary power.
16. The student receiving student benefits shall notify the Student Services of all changes
concerning the disbursement during the period of the disbursement of the benefit within
the earliest time but no later than 8 days.

Regular grant based on social needs

1st semester of 2021/2022

17. During the grant, the grant is due to the holder in each month in which the holder has
active student status. The eligibility for grant shall terminate upon the last day when the
status terminates.
18. The payment/settlement of the financial benefits of the students is solely performed
through Neptun. The criterion for the payment/settlement of the benefits is that the stu-
dent has a default HUF bank account in their name, the data of which they shall provide
in Neptun. Another criterion for the payment/settlement of the grant is a valid tax num-
ber and a permanent address provided in Neptun.
19. In case of the default on the benefits, the University shall not assume liability if the stu-
dent did not provide their bank account number or its change or did not provide it ap-
propriately. All consequences due to the absence of reporting the bank account number
change or the provision of an incorrect bank account number or the incorrect setting up
of the default bank account number shall be borne by the student. If the student does
not record the data necessary for the payment in Neptun and does not fill or correct it
upon the notice sent to the student’s e-mail address, the University is not obliged to
make further attempts to pay until the student does not confirm the full uploading of the
data to the organisational unit responsible for the payment/settlement.
20. If - for any reason - an incorrect transfer is made to the student or the student is subject
to repayment, the student shall repay it completely upon noticing it immediately but no
later than within 15 days after the receipt of the University’s notice.
21. An application for legal remedy shall be submitted within 15 days of the communication
of the decision to the Student, addressed to the Student Appeals Committee in the Nep-

Budapest, .....................

Lajos György Szabó, PhD sgd.

Vice-Rector for Education

Regular grant based on social needs

1st semester of 2021/2022

Assessment parameters used to assess the social situation
a) living conditions, marital status
The family circumstances of the supported and/or the applying student
Dependents living in the same household with the applicant 5 points/person
Retired, disability retired parent/supporter 6 points/person
Registered job seeker parent/supporter/sibling 10 points/person
Single parent/supporter (except the applicant is fatherless/motherless) 10 points
Orphan - there is a supporter in the household 15 points
Fatherless/motherless - single parent/supporter 12 points
Circumstances regarding also self-supporting applicants
Applicant with children 10 points/child
Breadwinner/self-supporting applicant 4 points
Orphan with no supporter in the household 18 points
Semi-orphan 10 points
Disadvantaged applicant 10 points
Multiply disadvantaged applicant 18 points
Disabled applicant 15 points
Based on medicine costs 1-5 points

b) distance from the permanent address (10 points maximum)

The number of points that can be obtained based on the distance from the permanent ad-
dress is shown in the following table. Compared to the points shown in the table for students
with a permanent address abroad, + 1 point can be obtained.
Distance from the permanent address Score
Local (Budapest and the line of the
0 point
suburban train)
within 30 km 1 point
between 30 and 59 km 2 points
between 60 and 89 km 3 points
between 90 and 119 km 4 points
between 120 and 149 km 5 points
between 150 and 179 km 6 points
between 180 and 209 km 7 points
between 210 and 239 km 8 points
over 240 km 9 points

c) housing circumstances (13 points maximum)

Type of housing circumstances Score
The type of permanent address of the applicant
Student living in the property owned by themselves or a family member 0 point

Regular grant based on social needs

1st semester of 2021/2022

Rented estate of the supporter’s permanent address (does not refer to

5 points
self-supporting applicants)
Status (based on the reported permanent address)
Student in Budapest 0 point
Commuting student 2 points
Student from the countryside 4 points
If the student does not live in Budapest, his/her place of residence:
Property owned by the student or a family member 0 point
Dormitory 2 points
Lodgings (with a decision rejecting dormitory admission) 4 points

d) scoring belonging to the monthly net income per head

Lower Upper Upper
Score Lower limit Score Lower limit Upper limit Score
limit limit limit
0 40 900 70 63 901 64 900 46 87 901 88 900 22
40 901 41 900 69 64 901 65 900 45 88 901 89 900 21
41 901 42 900 68 65 901 66 900 44 89 901 90 900 20
42 901 43 900 67 66 901 67 900 43 90 901 91 900 19
43 901 44 900 66 67 901 68 900 42 91 901 92 900 18
44 901 45 900 65 68 901 69 900 41 92 901 93 900 17
45 901 46 900 64 69 901 70 900 40 93 901 94 900 16
46 901 47 900 63 70 901 71 900 39 94 901 95 900 15
47 901 48 900 62 71 901 72 900 38 95 901 96 900 14
48 901 49 900 61 72 901 73 900 37 96 901 97 900 13
49 901 50 900 60 73 901 74 900 36 97 901 98 900 12
50 901 51 900 59 74 901 75 900 35 98 901 99 900 11
51 901 52 900 58 75 901 76 900 34 99 901 100 900 10
52 901 53 900 57 76 901 77 900 33 100 901 101 900 9
53 901 54 900 56 77 901 78 900 32 101 901 102 900 8
54 901 55 900 55 78 901 79 900 31 102 901 103 900 7
55 901 56 900 54 79 901 80 900 30 103 901 104 900 6
56 901 57 900 53 80 901 81 900 29 104 901 105 900 5
57 901 58 900 52 81 901 82 900 28 105 901 106 900 4
58 901 59 900 51 82 901 83 900 27 106 901 107 900 3
59 901 60 900 50 83 901 84 900 26 107 901 108 900 2
60 901 61 900 49 84 901 85 900 25 108 901 109 900 1
61 901 62 900 48 85 901 86 900 24 above 109 901 0
62 901 63 900 47 86 901 87 900 23
e) Upon calculation of income, regarding income measurable regularly in each month, in the
case of the autumn semester, the average of March, April, May, while in the case of the
spring semester, the average of September, October and November, in case of other types of
income, one-twelfth of the last year closed with a tax return shall be considered.

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