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Explaa_hoo mullcoxe oxitec.kure i l improve he
pextormante o o procassox

Mu ltitore moan suth an arditecture Au olith one physical

protexx taatt nultple core loges. Tha« proceStos are
imheddedto Stgla TC and tee bypea ol ntegrated draie
arealed of D"Multe Oxcateture aplonets multpe
proLess.ox Cores and qvaups lhsen nto ingla phyaical pracessox.
Maa puYpose ak usiy mulktoxe, o qet extelet petromante
af SyshemMultftore keskinelogy is otall baaed on the paallel
Compuing tat helps o eahanta të sstom speed
Mulllcore Cowbolue Sevesal pmokastg-uta mean 'coxex' on
One caipand euer coce k pmcee.oY a capalde to pertorm
eR dllevet tasks. oxexamle, qau are damg mullik azks
al a Some imake as usRng ohatshpp aond soatthing move
than oue Cora andla ahatsApp acies asud othex coxe
mane o another 10oks ud a oatdinq move
Avdtertre Mul&Coxe Pyotessor

Toteso O Processor 1
Coxe Cov Core 3
Cachea Leac Cacdhe cse
Cacke Th Cache

System Bus

Matn MenoyN

awchktecture ofamulRtore procetor alouss to

ComiunlcatBon in betsoem entlre make.
Avdlable Coreb, ad dhey
pt oll xocasing- tasks an en
aasRopnad the otiwotey
Oenall proteastn aska aove dane ,then
ever gre asat batsoord omat heod die procea3sed dala kron
Cowwpude saith ug o rgle dhared qateoay (Motheacad) a
tedhuiqn , to mprova dei enlire Due ta sa
Pekoomante ten Smgle tore
There ae vavkous benes _ot Mulkcoxe proco3iox
It Such al
Capable t pecom pmOre t03ks
Conpare to stiegle tare
It plays best paimnsee for
Tcan pestom muliple omkt n
Smultaneousat wtg lo

Ts able to protess huge doto Cowapare o ge core

L o Casumphfon oBe u a ra i l e complaRuq mulRple tasks ot

a swe Bme.
T uea sdrudfon level poaleltsm
*ILIs Suppavtsd b Moore's lao.
Htgesped oik usng k Small arcA.
lesie CapadAante.
Multtple transt per cablte
kSaotex Connedfows
TL used the pipelinimg Coacept
Y Can do mulltle aska at o Saone me ltke as ta ad vAru

Due to both aore are ombedded on single

dip,data does nt
take more me o Yeath at dealinalkan pad&
Mutt CDre proceasbrs OctupReh less spate on he PR (pfated
r t baoad).
Hente, is Impxovea te paxtormante da protessor

lohat ase h Sackoa alkeng epertaomautel pratessex.

isu Ae euoludkeaá o Iatelracessok lo eahaut tue
pestomaate cB sysBem-
hee are many facos t atlectprocssor petarmante
Ubndesladg sone ot Heke facos is verqmpactaut ohar.
desgimg youx homsbuilt Covnpuder
Most perat fattors alecna processoy
Inruehton Set
Tha is bha proceMork builH-tn cade that tellu t had t
exeeute ll& dulka. TL Saunething tna Codedida he dp
okent mainutacbrd and Bot you Co chavge.ut
oth protelsox oriteihure i t does akkert perkoomante acrosstngeher
gtven te sCPu's. The proxekor's aaterure n
stnuon se
detenmie hoa maay yeles01 Rcks,ase needed to eeute a
qven astrue tion
edex 0ds, Sone ustnuckfon ses a e more eXRRent ha
ohes erabling ihe protesox ts da nDre wehl aek ot a
iven peea

Clotk peed
The clock speed lor dk rolel eies to Ae spesd at dkth he
procelsor Can exeute AustructRov The kastar Hhe ksL clack
the more Costudiaus te processox Cala cople e per SeLond.
Prote ssos
Protessost faster elotk apeed doda foakex han t o
uitt slouaer clotk Speeds. Bud as nerklomed Dneiouay,he
efftctony of he processam OdiBeta detemina hoamuda
actual oonk a pxoessox Con do uáta Sane nuambex ck y l a
So. don Select o CPu haked om clodk peed alone

Meadured h btts ,He bawdadth delormtn haamul koomalfon
the proceuay Cah proceas a oue studAon TE Loe voRre o
Conapae data Plouse loa of traR ona Lighsay then clod
spesd aould he he spead l t and bandsidia saold he He
numbex ot lan on the R_huaay
The Curvest banduotdh stardord Sox deskctspovud laplop Pcs
s GAbt31-hiA a lkdally a ing ol e past

Ent Stde Bus ( S)Speedi

Te FSB k Ahe Iutesdare betscesa e processex nd Ane ystem
lmemory Ai Such he FsB &peed kRts Ae Tole ot Rh
data lon get ta CPUolieh in sn ktmisHae yate at dL
ihe CPu Can protes Xhe data..

*nod Cachea
Te on-board Cadhe Rs a relavely Small amount of kgh-pala
nance 38AM but_dtretty uko ae praess.Tt enalbles the
CP acceMTepeatedl ukad dada direitly r n ts aUDn
on-boord nemny ater Ahan repeadedly requang tt tDm te
Saton KAm. CPu tednolagnappenin mul aore aidl han
aduarces n man edanlogy Ta pul 8mplyCPusore geky
asher, bu wemay w0nt.

Hes Cad Head dtsspalfount

ohen proxesaar's Yun tos hut thty Caan start di4 haky hgs
k e tarous ero,otk up ,OYeven burm up.Tutollihnan
Coo ystem Can Cauke yur hamebuit Computer profet to
Sour Ina biq.suay So dot sktmp on CPu codex and casekaxa.

Evaludlo ot Iatelprotekor to ehonte Ahe pertomane ot ystao

The eveY Coimtsciolly avodlable
iursproceoY L00 H
Tntelhook dadped loy Tdelord the IapanekeCalealatr
onutacaer BuRtem, batk 193L
Ldel kpo iou iwofly desigmer or uke n laa-seioomanta
dawltea Suda aa Qalulabna odoted tellex naches ti. TA
Consed of 1300 atuaTstoxs od ws Capable ot Coamdas out
|n6on oprrdfoas per secaad
he Tatel soog eleael u 19H oss he ooxd's tat - .
fcropro.eADx. Tai protesor Came ata 360o tnuisbo md
oLd ts úein lompaa,otbmoded acbary madihea a
The Intel Soeko_0 releoed 0_a Sureaor ka Tutel B06e i
lq34 0as one ot Ae mat popular lcroprocessoa batk îu e
g l o d0s o Conpumastory
IMs -bit micrpproLssor Came vatt_S000
taranfsta and uoA
Rdey uued a man wltrotowpuben eleag«d dulg s t Hme
nt ert noor lep n Cowpulperkomante Cane A
|6-18tI»tl 10t6proceMov Cnd Hhe sliatl prsd Tutel
01 ohdh uosi relended iu 1944
The Tatel 30rg Cae ddtu 14,000 AaRsbn oln beavd for toauler
dperakig Speeds Thls proceasox oA Selected for e ln TbM PS,
paxduetn e eCondne nd laisfc YOadoua
Latel releaiad at e s t Tutel peiun 3orfea proLaMom in
rantura on
9 s Ikese proessea had o uhopphmg 3:llRov
board and an ot a clock Speed o SoHa
reseg Ae Auture ok mobile CompuR. Tulel releaaed
Celeran sexfes microproceasom la 20oD, pfmolly lox use in laptp
a 2003g Tl rebated He kt Ats SeRea stgle-(are ekace
Ps, miroprotsasaa to be ued u loLo- CAt motebosk Pts.Thes
Abn Seies prtesoa Came ota u Inteqrated GPi to
rocesor in ropkiu-intonstve task.
2oa,Ttel alsa devsloped o n-tore destop CPu ighperomane
a n -Core
mohfle Covnpudnpurpeseskoter Ixta alka released

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