MM16B008 Feasibility

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Feasibility Report for the post of Branch Councillor/Department Legislator

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Rohith Srinivaas M (MM16B008) Email ID:

Tapti 2010 Mobile: +91-9940516368.
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I have done enough groundwork to ensure that the points mentioned on my Manifesto and Statement
of Purpose can be achieved in my tenure as a Branch Councillor/Department Legislator and will
hopefully stay in the department for time to come.

The major initiative in my manifesto is to setup a Department Computer Facility(DCF) with 24*7 Wifi
facility which will serve as a common room for all the students. This is help to use the New Academic
Complex facilities more efficiently as the free periods can be utilised productively. This will also greatly
help the students who are unable to afford to laptops. This opinion greatly put forward by all the
batches of the department and even by some professors.

An Industrial visit for the present second years too will be arranged in coordination with MetSA to get
better correlation with the coursework.

As far the various fundae sessions mentioned in my manifesto, I have planned accordingly to organize it
after meeting a lot a people and sensing their need. It has to be noted that the present curriculum has
provided us with a lot a freedom in choosing electives which would be of no use if no proper fundae
about it has been given to the freshies before they enroll for their second semester. Hence, a series of
fundae session would be organized regarding curriculum and various interesting activities happening in
institute. Some of the sophomores spend their summer in an unproductive way due to lack of proper
fundaes. Doing an intern in the summer not only gives the student a chance to learn during their leisure
time, but also gives them a job experience. This also helps the student explore the available choices and
plan their career. To facilitate this, a fundae session will be organized for the sophomores and a
database of companies where seniors have interned before, will be shared. Since, an industrial intern
has to be completed before graduation compulsorily, special care will be taken so that the students can
complete their industrial intern by taking contacts from the professors.

The list of BTPs and DDPs along with the feedback will be shared among the third/fourth year students
so that they can decide the field they wish to research upon, and choose an appropriate guide and make
use of the resources provided by the department/ institute more efficiently.

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