Ticket 1 Bac LP Comp3 U.8 Grammar Conditional Type 0 & 1 Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Abderrazzak HASSAR Class level: First Year Baccalaureate

Textbook: Ticket To English Class size:

Unit 8: Our Cultural Heritage Lesson type : Grammar
Title: Conditional type “0” & “1” School : EL Ijtihad
Class period : 2 hours Date :
- Anticipated Problems: No textbook, SS may not understand the work they are required to do; SS may not
understand some vocabulary items; the pair / group work may allow some noise making.
 General Objective: SS will be able to use Conditional type “0” & “1”.
 Students Performance Objectives (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 Recognize the form of conditional type 0 and type 1 and their uses.
 Use the target structure by providing sentences in the production stage.
 Material(s): Cue cards and the BB.

Time Procedures Techniques

8 Warm-up
minutes -T greets SS. Greeting
-T asks one of the SS to write the date on the BB.
-T reviews the simple present and future simple with SS.
-T: When do you wake up every day? => SS: At 7:00.
-T: So, You wake up at 7:00 every day.
-T: Do you practice sports on Sunday? => SS: Yes.
-T: Can you give me the same sentence using always?
- SS: I always practice sports on Sunday. Review of a
-T: So, which tense is this? => SS: Simple present. => T: Good. structure
-T: What will you do in the evening?
-S1: I will revise my lessons for the next tests. => S2: I will watch a movie.
-T: Good, so this is the future simple.
20 Presentation:
minutes -T: What do you do when you are free? => S1: I watch TV. => S2: I do my homework. Creating the
-S3: I practice sports. need
-T: Now, if you don’t have free time, do you do these activities? => SS: No.
-T: Okay. So, I practice sports. I have free time.
-T: Can you combine the two sentences?
-SS provide their potential answers.
-T presents the TS.
- If I have free time, I practice sports.
-T: Do you eat fast food a lot? => SS: Yes.
-T: So, if you eat fast food a lot, you get fat. Use of context
-T writes the title of the lesson on the BB in a different colour.
Conditional type 0
-T explains the use of conditional type 0.
Use: We use conditional type 0 to express (1) statements about possible and real
situations and (2) scientific facts & (3) imperatives.
-T: If you want to have a plus, do your homework and participate in class.
-T: If you keep water in the fridge for a while, it becomes ice.
-T extracts the form along with SS and writes it on the BB.
Form: If + simple present, +…….simple present……

Checking Comprehension
-T: If I eat junk food a lot, I get thin. What do you think? Is it right? => SS: No.
T: What can we say to correct it? => SS: If I eat junk food a lot, I get fat.
-T: If I ate junk food a lot, I got fat. What do you think? => SS: No, it’s wrong.
-T: Why? What’s wrong with it? Can you correct it?
-SS: Because we need the present simple not the past. If I eat junk food a lot, I get fat. Negative
-T: Very good. checking
-T drills the conditional type “0” with SS (see the drilling stage).
-T asks SS to read some sentence and get its main idea.
-T asks SS to extract “if” clauses and “main” clauses.
-T draws a table on the BB.
-T along with SS fills in the table.
If clauses (cause) Main clauses (effect)
1. If I students study hard, They will have good marks.
2. If it’s sunny next weekend, Our school will go on a picnic.
3. If she stops eating fatty food, Fatima will get slim.
4. If it rains this month, Farmers will be glad.
-T: What do we call these two clauses once they are combined? => SS may answer.
-T: Which tense do we have in the “if clause”? => SS: Simple present.
-T: Which tense do we have in the main clause? => SS: Future simple.
-T: Good. Now, do you know what it is? We call it conditional type “1".
-T writes the title on the BB. (Beside the other title: conditional type “0”).
- T explains the use of conditional type 1.
Use: we use the conditional type “1” to talk about possibilities in the present or in the
-T explains to SS that we can start either with the main clause or the “If”-clause.
-T gives examples:
1. If the weather is fine, we will go out this evening.
2. We will go out this evening if the weather is fine.
-T draws SS’ attention to punctuation. (No use of comma when we start with the main clause).
-T extracts the form along with SS and writes it on the BB.
Form: If + simple present, +……future simple…….
Checking Comprehension
-T: If I have money, I will buy a car.
-T: What do you think? Is it correct? => SS: Yes. => T: Good.
-T: I think it will rain tonight. Do you want to go out? => SS: No. => T: Why?
-SS: Because it will rain.
-T: Good. Can you say it in one sentence?
-SS: I won’t go out if it rains tonight. Negative
-T drills the TS with SS (see the drilling stage). checking

15 Drilling/practice:
minutes -T asks SS to repeat the TS after presenting it. Repetition drills
-T gives SS sentences which they should complete using conditional type 0.
1. Plants die, if it……………………………..
2. If children don’t get enough sleep at night, they………………….
3. If you want to get a good mark, ……….very hard.
4. You don’t get fat, if you………………………………………………..
Completion drills
5. If you leave water in the freezer for a long time, it………………….
6. If we heat ice, it………………………….
-T practices the conditional type 1 with Ss.
1. You will miss your train a) I‘ll go to the library.
2. My English will improve b) you will find it very interesting.
3. If I have time, c) if I work a bit harder. Matching activity
4. If you read this book, d) if you don’t hurry.

17 Exploitation:
minutes -T distributes cue cards including questions/situations.
-T asks SS to give sentences using the information provided in the cue cards. Cue cards
-T provides questions to help SS:
1. What do you do if you get sick?
2. How do you feel if you get a bad mark in the test?
3. What happens to water if you keep it in the fridge (freezer)?
4. What will happen if you don’t eat?
5. If it rains this afternoon, will you go out with your friends? Life experience
6. What happens if you don’t practice sports? questions
7. What will you do if your friend is sick?
8. What will you do if the teacher does not show up?
-T elicits answers from SS and writes them on the board, if time allows.
-T asks SS to copy on their copybook within 10 minutes.
-As a follow-up, T asks SS to do the exercise 3 on page 118..
Prepared by: Abderrazzak HASSAR

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