Used To. Be, Get Used To - Theory

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“Used to”, “Be Used to”, “Get Used to”…

1. We useUsed to show that actions always happened or were true in the past, but it
shows that the routine, habit or situation has changed or no longer exists.

Used to + Base Form of the Verb
I used to play the piano when I was a child.

*N.B. “Used to” has no present/progressive/perfect tense and no infinitive or –ing form.

Here are the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of used to:

Affirmative: Yes, I used to go jogging nearly everyday.

Negative: No, I didn't useto exercise on a regular basis
Interrogative: Didyou use to exercise regularly?

2. We use be used to indicate that you have experienced something long enough so that you are
accustomed to it. You are now comfortable with the new situation.

Here are the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of be used to:

Affirmative: I've lived here for ten years now so I'm used to driving in the city.
Negative: He's not used to working at night so he sometimes falls asleep.
Interrogative:Are you used to the climate?

3. We use get used to refer to the process of adjusting to changes. The new situation has not yet
become ‘normal’.

Here are the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of get used to:

Affirmative: It took them a long time to get used to their new boss.
Negative:They didn’tget used to their new boss.
Interrogative:Did they get used totheir new boss?

Get used to and be used toare followed by either a noun/noun phrase or a gerund.

Get used to + noun Get used to + gerund (verb+ing)

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I got used tothe noise. I got used towaking up early.
I'm used to the cold weather. I'm used toworking late at night.

*N.B. Both be used to and get used to can be used with be and get in all tenses: ThePresent, Past,
Future and Conditional depending on the context of the situation.
Present: Now that I live in France, I am used todriving on the right.
Past: Since I moved to the city, I have gottenusedto noise.
Future: I moved to Canada this year. I will get used to the snow.

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