Shamefully Shameless

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Shamefully Shameless BendyStraw Smut

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Cuphead (Video Game), Bendy and the Ink Machine
Relationship: Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine) & Cuphead (Cuphead), Bendy
(Bendy and the Ink Machine)/Cuphead (Cuphead)
Character: Cuphead (Cuphead), Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Additional Tags: nsfe, NSFW, Smut, Sex, Intense Sex, Internal Conflict
Stats: Published: 2021-06-23 Words: 2618

Shamefully Shameless BendyStraw Smut

by YoSnap


This is from Jan 2018 and like straight up in the middle of writing it i realized that the role
of the 'promiscuous' partner should be reversed and i was like vsfevfknakdjx

ANYWAY, Cuphead fucks Bendy as he thinks about Bendy's past partners.


So legit, the Cuphead fandom was WAY too extraordinarily horny for me, especially being
the jealous type and wildly peferring my ships... so anyway, here was my shit contribution
to the problem lmao

I realized halfway through that it's probably Cuphead that's the slut bc of aforementioned
horniness, so i felt kinda dumb when i finished it.

//There's kind of a cloudy part during this that doesn't really focus on one character in
particular. I'm going to go about this by using bolded text for one character, and italicized
text for the other. I'll do my best to try and have it make as much sense as i can.

Bendy and Cuphead were sitting at the foot of the latter's bed. They weren't doing anything special:
just sitting quietly and enjoying the company. Something had been on Cuphead's mind for a while
by then, and no matter how hard he tried to forget or accept it, his heart would always prevent it
from being that way. He never figured that he would be so emotional about something like that;
everyone has their pasts, after all; but... it always just broke his heart.

Bendy glanced over at him. He was smiling and longing for some affection. He saw that his guy
was distracted, so he tried to break the ice by nudging his hand. It wasn't his own taste in foreplay,
but nothing heated the cup up quite like mushy gooey stuff.

Cuphead looked over, slightly surprised to have been broken out of his train of thought. He glanced
a couple times between the smiley face on his pal and the lack of distance between their hands. He
blinked back to reality and smiled back, taking Bendy's glove into his own. Bendy grinned happily,
and Cuphead gave a shyer expression back. Bendy scooted closer and placed his other hand on his
own knee, but dangerously close to Cup's. He leaned in closer until their heads were only a few
inches from each other, and showed off his eager eyes; to which Cuphead grinned and started
blushing. He giggled quietly, and Bendy gave him a peck on his chin. Cuphead shrunk his head
between his shoulders and blushed more before giggling again.

Cuphead looked up cutely at Bendy, who smiled widely again. They closed their eyes and rubbed
their faces together as they allowed their bodies to get a little closer. Bendy broke away to look
Cup in the eyes. He smiled sweetly at his companion, who did the same; only to blink and open his
eyes to the inkblot giving him a super flirty expression. Cuphead drank it in for a split-second, then
leaned back a bit to blushed deeply and laugh nervously. Bendy fluttered his eyelids and leaned in
closer again, and Cuphead calmed down enough to smile back at him.

The two brought their lips together and enjoyed the momentary rush of emotions. They kissed
again, and maintained contact for a few moments longer; enough to have each other suggest more
intimacy with the tips of their tongues. Cuphead sat up more again, and the boys let their tongues
play together. Cuphead raised a hand and hovered it gently just over Bendy's body, waiting for the
approval to make contact and hold him. Bendy responded by moving his own hand to rest on
Cuphead's arm. The two leaned into each other, and Cup rubbed his adoration gingerly to further
heighten the mood. They broke away, barely, to regain some breath before Bendy caressed his
admirer's head and pulled him in again for more passion. Cuphead wrapped his other arm around
Bendy's body and pressed it up closely against his own. They kissed deeply and rubbed each other
more until they couldn't much resist getting other body parts involved.

Bendy used the hand that was already underneath Cuphead's sweater to help him take it off. He
gave a blushing huff, and Bendy gave him another smooch once he was free of the clothing.
Cuphead became flustered and blushed deeply as he tried to stifle his giggle. Bendy found this
incredibly endearing and lovingly laughed along. He gave a lusty look to his boyfriend, who didn't
fully escape the shyness before responding with a smile. He pulled himself up to the very edge of
the bed as Bendy leaned further onto it with one of his hips out and giving a flirty waggle.

Cuphead stood up with his hands gripping the waist of his pants and turned back to look at his
lover. Bendy made another flirty face and winked at him. He smiled, and pulled down his trousers
as Bendy scooted backwards to the edge of the bed.

Even during the happiness this has already brought him, the negative thoughts remained at the
back of Cuphead's mind. He had done his best so far to suppress it, but in this moment without a
distraction, everything came flooding back to him. The weight on his heart retook its place there,
and broke him away from what he was doing.

Cuphead hadn't even realized that he had sort of ran on autopilot while he was distracted. He woke
up again to his hands about to wrap around Bendy's hips, which he had been teasingly swaying
back and forth. Cuphead glanced back up at him, and Bendy fluttered his flirty eyes and winked.
Cup blinked a few times and grinned at him. He looked down between himself and his mate, and
was relieved to see that he hadn't been swinging blind quite yet. He lined themselves up before
connecting again with his coveted.

Cuphead felt Bendy react as he slid inside of him. "Mmm~" Bendy arched his back a bit and
pushed his rear against Cup's hips. Cuphead smiled at him, and Bendy waggled his eyebrows. He
looked down again and started giving a rhythm to his loved one; something he'd be able to keep up
should he get distracted again. "Hmmmm..."

Well, it was a good thing that Cuphead had gotten into this this way. The negativity came back
pretty soon after they had started having sex. It was upsetting for sure, but he hadn't expected that
these thoughts would be around in such a suited situation. Of all the times, this was the last that
Cuphead had needed to feel inadequate to Bendy's previous flames...

The two of them would talk about plenty of things when they had the time to. As irresponsible as it
was to have unprotected intercourse, the two at the very least made it a point to talk about their
previous partners. Cuphead hadn't had many in his years: not many people seemed to pique his
interest romantically, and he wasn't so sexually adventurous as to get with people that he wasn't
involved with. Bendy, however, had had a few in his time. It was to be expected: he was a demon
after all, and he wasn't as reserved as Cuphead was. Unfortunately for him, though, Bendy had
been all too generous when it came to talking about the details of these things. He'd tell Cuphead
about how it all was, with almost everyone he'd had. The poor dear, as committed as he was,
listened to every word and would watch the way that Bendy would recount these things. He could
see the passion that Bendy had felt about the wooer that he spoke of, and it always tore away at his
heart to drink this in and hold it against himself. At times, the boy would be shaken to sleep at
night replaying these stories in his mind. He'd try and try again to push these thoughts out of his
mind; if only to go a day without the tears...

He looked back down at Bendy. Bendy had been enjoying himself in the time being: moaning and
squirming as he was being rubbed into. Cuphead took this moment of consciousness to squeeze
Bendy's soft body along his hips and his waist and up and down his back. "Oooooohhff~~"
Cuphead smiled with sentiment at seeing him enjoy himself. As bad as he was feeling, seeing
Bendy happy had always managed to brighten the moment.

He thought about it again. He knew that the people before him were savvy enough to have made
an impact on Bendy, and were able to satisfy him in particular ways that were remembered. He
paused. 'What kind of stories will he tell about me? What can i do to be remembered like they
were?' Cuphead allowed this to rattle in his mind. Had he been able to cross that threshold before,
he was certain that he wouldn't be having these thoughts right now. The only option he had was to
make sure that he could, someday, do something spectacular enough to be one of Bendy's

Cuphead stopped his thoughts again. He looked Bendy over again and pulled himself out of the
inkblot. Bendy wasn't expecting this, and he turned to look back at his guy. He certainly wasn't
done having fun yet, and he knew that Cuphead wasn't finished either. He also noticed how quiet
his delighter was, which was unusual enough to have noticed. "Cup??" he huffed.

Cuphead supported himself with one arm on the bed as his other hand gripped onto Bendy's thigh.
He wasn't expecting this, but he was curious to see where Cup was going with this. Cuphead lifted
and pulled on his leg to have him lying on the opposite hip, and he pulled him close again to regain
a vantage point. He hiked up the leg over his shoulder, and pressed his hand gently against Bendy's
belly to keep his pelvis pivoted the way he had wanted it so that his legs were wide apart. Bendy
followed his movements with his eyes, trying to comprehend what his desire had in store for him.
He was excited to get more intimate and knew that whatever it was was going to be fun.
Cuphead pulled Bendy's hips close and entered him again. Bendy puffed out some air in response,
happy to have a different feeling inside of him. Cuphead held onto him for a while as he got into a
new rhythm. Bendy huffed and hummed along, and Cup moved this hand from his babe's thighs to
tease at his privates. Bendy flinched a bit, but giggled in anticipation for whatever Cuphead had in

All this time, Cuphead had been acting somewhat mindlessly. He was still thinking about things as
he had set up this new position for them; but now that they were into it, he let his mind wander.

He thought about the infatuates that Bendy gave in to. They weren't as important to Cup: he could
get around Bendy being inside him later. Cuphead liked to lick him down when he could, but
Bendy seemed to prefer being the subordinate bedmate otherwise. Cuphead didn't mind it either,
since he never had much opportunity to give in his relationships with other guys.

What was really bugging him was the men that he was "in competition" with. He lingered on each,
resenting them more and more with each passing thrust of his own. He thought about how Bendy
had described them, reflecting on their lengths and girths and the notes he had made of anything
special about them. He still couldn't believe that even Boris had won a page in Bendy's memory;
but he was determined that, today, he'd get his own gilded stamp on the paper that he owned.

He felt the heat building up in him. He pushed in and out of his pet, who was panting out moans
and words of encouragement between the motions. He was looking straight at Cuphead as he was
being pleasured by his hand, and was turned on by the intensity of determination in his face. "Oh-
h-h-h y-y-e-e-e-sss-sss-ss-ss-ss~" he squeaked. "Oh-h C-uphe-ad!!!"

'I need to be important.' He thrusted in. 'I need to be remembered.' He pulled back. He pushed in, 'i
want to be where they are for him.' Mmmm! He pressed his thumb upwards from the soft skin
above his testicle to the rigidity of his shaft. Oooh! Hee~ 'He can't be better than me forever....' He
stoked a few times and pumped in and out again. 'I need to...' Ah! Bendy writhed, and Cuphead
looked over his body. And it occurred to him. 'Why?' He thrusted and pressed a finger into the
flesh behind his balls. 'Why do i need to compare myself to them? Huuhh~ Why do i need to know
that they fucked him?!' He brushed his hand over the exposed penis a few times. 'How could he
have done that to me?' He started thrusting harder into Bendy. Uff.. 'How could he have made me
feel so inadequate to them?!' He was getting angry. He was getting hot. He leaned into it as he
pushed his hips forward; and he gripped onto his doll's package. 'Why would he tell me something
like that and think i could be okay with it?!' Ohf!! Ah! Ahh! Bendy couldn't contain the sounds
coming from himself anymore. Cuphead massaged his genitals with a rhythmic vigor, and didn't
notice how Bendy was motioning into it. 'Was he oh trying tuho hurt me? ah oh Was hohe trying
to oh! make me feahh!el jealous?! Why would he ah! do that to me?! Why?!oh!?! Doesn't he ah!
know ah! how much ah!! i love him?!?!'

Cuphead was grinding deeply and quickly into his treasure. Bendy was gripping the sheets tightly
with both hands and heaving his chest to try and breathe in any air that he could. He yiped and
squirmed again, and Cuphead blinked back to reality. His hand was rubbing Bendy's penis and
testicles, and his own penis was pumping passionately into and out of Bendy. He looked his
addiction up and down, and remembered why he was there to begin with. He was enthralled with
Bendy, enraptured by him: he loved Bendy more than he had loved anyone before, and he now
needed more than anything to show him how deeply this was set in his heart.

Bendy was yelping and trying desperately to cry out his lover's name. Cuphead breathed in. He
stopped his hand from caressing to place it behind Bendy's head. His eyes followed it, as he wasn't
sure what else Cuphead had in mind. He leaned in, and pulled Bendy close to steal away any
remaining air that he had. He pressed their lips together, tracing the side of Bendy's tongue with his
own and gently sucking so that they'd exchange homes. In the instant that their tongues met, Bendy
hit his limit: his body twitched, and his ejaculate spritzed onto himself and the sheet next to him.
He moaned what he could and his eyes rolled closed as he wrapped his arms around Cuphead's
neck. He gave in to the kiss, brushing his tongue along the inside of Cuphead's mouth, and
twitching a bit more in ecstasy. Cuphead felt a rush from the sudden gentleness of the exchange,
and relaxed his tension, expelling all of his emotions and woe inside of his darling. They kissed a
moment longer, then separated again. Bendy gasped for air and panted wildly to return to any kind
of normalcy. Cuphead lovingly watched Bendy sprawl out underneath him as he too breathed his
heart rate back to normal.

He wanted him so badly. He wanted to hold him in his arms and never let him go, if only it would
mean that they could keep this love until their dying days. Cuphead rested his body on the bed,
hoping that Bendy would again look his way. He turned his head, and smiled endearingly at his
beloved's sweet expression.

Bendy placed his hand along Cuphead's jaw and looked him directly in the eyes. "I love y-hooo.."
he panted, "so much... Cupheahhhd..."

His eyes watered a bit and his smile grew warmer. He leaned into his hand, "I love you too,
Bendy." He wrapped his arm over Bendy and pulled himself up so that they could rest with their
bodies against each other. Bendy wrapped his arm around Cuphead's shoulder and placed his other
hand on the arm across him. Cuphead cuddled close to him, closing his eyes and sighing out any
remaining heartache that he had.

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