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Early Church Persecution

Created @February 15, 2022 5:19 PM


Class Heritage

Exam Exam 1

Previous Page: Early Apologetics

4th century Roman emperor

Makes a tetrarchy with Maximilian, Constantius, and Galerius

Goal is to restore Roman Empire

Repair public buildings

Restore cultural and religious life

Sacrifice in Antioch

Augur was unable to read signs of the livers → blames Christians

First Edict
Threat to Christian property

Place of worships destroyed

Scriptures burned

Property taken

Second Edict
Rounded up clergy for persecution

“The Great Persecution”

Force all citizens to offer sacrifices publicly and make libations to idols

Christians are drowned, disemboweled, tar and pitched, slow-roasted


Diocletian and Maximilian abdicate the throne, Constantius dies, Galerius left

Galerius’s Edict

Early Church Persecution 1

• Grants church freedom of assembly, amnesty

Next Page: John of Damascus and the Eastern Church

Early Church Persecution 2

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