The Eastern Church

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John of Damascus and the Eastern

Created @February 18, 2022 1:52 PM


Class Heritage


Previous Page:

Defense of Icons
“If we adore the cross, made of whatever wood it may be, how shall we
not adore the image of the crucified?”

Major Points:

1. Images were forbidden because idolatry was the problem, not the image

2. WE have passed from infancy to manhood and know may be imaged and may not

3. God has become visible through Jesus

4. Just because “heathens” use images doesn’t mean we can’t

5. Don’t fear idolatry

2 types of veneration:

1. latria

2. dulia

Eastern Church
John of Damascus deals with the Eastern Church
Eastern Church- Middle East, Africa, East Europe, Asia Minor, Southern India, Balkans

Eastern Church problems-

issues around the nature of Jesus and salvation (100s, 200s, 300s etc)



Gnostic come from the Greek word for knowledge

Gnostics wrote the “gnostic gospels”

John of Damascus and the Eastern Church 1

Gnostics represent Jesus in a very different way


How is it possible for Jesus to be fully human and divine? (400s, 500s)

Two schools of thought


Jesus is mostly human

Acts 11:26


Jesus must be fully divine to save

Next Page:

John of Damascus and the Eastern Church 2

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