Theory For Sub-Variables Motivation: Self-Determination Theory INTRINSIC and EXTRINSIC

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Title: MOTIVATION and Its Impact on Students’ LEARNING STYLES

Theory for Sub-variables

Motivation: Self-Determination Theory = INTRINSIC and EXTRINSIC
Learning Styles: VAK Learning Style Theory = VISUAL, AUDITORY and

Statement of the Problem

1. How may students’ motivation be described in terms of:

1.1 Intrinsic motivation
1.2 Extrinsic motivation
2. How may student’s learning styles be described in terms of:
2.1 Visual
2.2 Auditory
2.3 Kinesthetic
3. Is there any significant relationship between the students’ level of motivation and learning styles?

Ha (alternative hypothesis): There is a significant relationship between the student’s level of

motivation and learning styles.

Ho (null hypothesis): There is no significant relationship between the students’ level of

motivation and learning styles.

Instructional Leadership -------- School Management System and Governance

Ha: Instructional leadership significantly influences school management system and governance.

Ho: Instructional leadership does not have significant influence on school management system and

Conceptual Framework


- Visual
- Intrinsic
- Auditory
- Extrinsic
- Kinesthetic
Title: STUDY SKILLS and Its Influence on the LEVEL OF INTEREST of ABM/GAS


Theory for Sub-variables

Six Kinds of Study Skills by Congos = Textbook Reading, Note-Taking, Memory, Test

Preparation, Concentration and Time Management

Two Types of Interest = Individual and Situational

Statement of the Problem

1. How may students’ study skills be described in terms of:

1.1 Textbook Reading
1.2 Note-Taking
1.3 Memory
1.4 Test Preparation
1.5 Concentration
1.6 Time Management
2. How may student’s level of interest be described in terms of:
2.1 Individual
2.2 Situational
3. Is there any significant relationship between the students’ study skills and level of interest?

Conceptual Framework

Textbook Reading INTEREST
Memory Individual
Test Preparation Situational

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