Circle of Swarms: Swarm Wild Shape

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Circle of Swarms (DUMG)

“There is strength in the smallest of creatures. Working together they reveal it.” The Swarm Druid is a
subclass for the druid. In order to use it, you should have a copy of the Player's Handbook. The
statistics for swarms of creatures can be
found in the Monster Manual.
The Swarm Druid studies the nature of
smaller creatures, and the pack
intelligence that emerges when they
operate as one. With training, they are
able to maintain their consciousness while
transformed into a group of smaller

Swarm Wild shape

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to transform into a
swarm of creatures, such as a swarm of rats. You are still
restricted to the CR and movement type limitations
of normal Wild Shape.

Instinctive Swarming
At 6th level, you can instinctively wild shape into a
swarm to shield yourself from harm. If you would take
damage, you can use wild shape as a reaction to
transform into a swarm of creatures, even if you don't
have a use of wild shape remaining. After doing this, you
cannot do it again until you have completed a short or
long rest.

Swarm Attunement
At 10th level, your rapport with swarms allows you more influence with spells that involve them. When
you cast Conjure Animals, you can choose swarms of beasts as your creatures, according to their CR.
Additionally, when you cast Insect Plague, you can choose for it to not damage or be difficult terrain
for you or creatures of your choice.

Greater Swarm
At 14th level, you are able to maintain your consciousness within even more disparate forms. When
you use wild shape, you can choose to transform into two swarms of creatures of the same type.
When you transform, they initially occupy the same space. On your turn, both forms get their full
complement of actions. If you are able to cast spells, only one form of your choice can cast spells each
round. If one form is reduced to 0 hit points, any remaining damage is dealt to the other form as you
struggle to get a hold of yourselves. If both forms are simultaneously reduced to 0 hit points you
transform back in the location of the swarm of your choice, and take any remaining damage. You can
maintain control of both swarms as long as they are within 100 feet of one another. If they are ever
further apart, you lose control of one swarm of your choice, and the DM determines its actions. If you
willingly transform back, choose one swarm under your control to transform back from. The other
remains under your control as long as you are within 100 feet of it, and you maintain concentration. If
your concentration is broken, you lose control of the swarm, and the DM determines its actions.

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