Back To Eden: Activated Charcoal...

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Activated Charcoal

Back to Eden
Hope Beyond Cancer report
Recipe Book / products
Coming classes

PO BOX 850 LAVINGTON 2641 KAYE SEHM 02 6025 5018 This issue: Spring 2010 No 44

Information contained in this newsletter is for advice only. If you choose to use any remedies or follow the advice in these newsletters, you do so at your own risk.

e mail:

Activated oxygen, the soft parts of the wood are

burned out, the hard parts remain. The
O ver the years I have researched
many different subjects to
include in my newsletters. Some
Charcoal.... coals are then ground into smaller and
smaller particles until it becomes a super
fine powder.
subjects have stood out over others.

This is one of them. I have long known hroughout history there have
Activated charcoal began as regular
of the benefits of using charcoal been many different philosophies
charcoal and is then “activated” with
powder. I know that it adsorbs poisons of healing. My belief is that if we
oxidizing gases, at high temperatures.
and toxins and have used it both in allow the body to heal itself by cleansing
This oxidative process erodes the
poultices and taken it internally for and then stimulate it by external mecha-
charcoal’s internal surfaces. This in-
years. Earlier this year I attended a nisms, the body will work much more
creases its adsorption capacity by
series of meetings in Melbourne effectively. Simple things such as taking
creating an internal network of even
where John Dinsley, an American, a bath, exercising or having a massage
smaller pores rendering it more effective
was the speaker. John has written a can stimulate the body to promote
than regular charcoal. But charcoal is not
book on charcoal and spoke on the healing and will help our immune system
produced from wood alone. Bone char,
uses and benefits of using activated to clear inflammation and prevent
coconut shells, peat, coal, petroleum
charcoal. Even though much of the infection. One way these circulating cells
coke, and sawdust are the most common
information presented was known to in the immune system can be stimulated
starting materials for making activated
me, I still learned more. I again is through hot and cold applications
charcoal. Many other materials have
realised the power of such a simple made to the part directly or to some
been experimented with, but generally are
home remedy, universally available all distant part of the body. Another way to
not as economical.
over the world. I am especially inter- stimulate the body to encourage natural
ested in how charcoal is being used healing is to use a simple remedies that
When we look at a molecule of charcoal
as one of the detoxifying agents for has no side effects - charcoal.
under the microscope we find a grain that
cancer patients. I invite any readers to
has an incredibly large surface area. The
write to me and let me know their For many years I have known of and
grain has crevices and corners, countless
charcoal stories. used charcoal to aid in healing and am
folds and cracks that electrostatically
totally convinced that it does indeed
attracts certain chemicals and micro-
The Hope Beyond Cancer meetings work. I have been in a situation where the
organisms. Molecules are adsorbed (not
were a great success. Those who only charcoal available was the coals in
absorbed), or attracted and bound to the
attended were thankful for the informa- the fireplace. I have used these and they
charcoal in a similar way that an magnet
tion presented by Jennifer and did work. But an even more effective way
works. As a group, most compounds that
Candice Berghan. We were able to to use it is in the form of Activated
are poisonous to the body are attracted
video these meetings and they are Charcoal. It has been reported that it is
to charcoal. When noxious chemicals
available for sale. There are 5 DVDs in many times more effective than using the
come in contact with the charcoal
the series and are for sale at $25 for coals in your fireplace.
particle, they are sucked up into its
the set. Postage is an extra $3. See
myriads of little black holes, crevices and
the products page for details. When wood burns there is often not
folds with such force that for all practical
enough oxygen to allow for complete
purposes they have been bound and
Note that I have extra products for combustion. The water evaporates off,
tied. Because most drugs are electro-
sale. I now have added turmeric and and the carbon in the wood distills into
chemically configured in a way similar to
cayenne, and also now have a larger the black charred coals or crust we see
poisons and other toxic compounds,
supply of Activated Charcoal at a very when we put the fire out. As the fire
activated medicinal charcoal taken orally
good price. I have been trying to find a smoulders for a period of time, the wood
will often adsorb prescription medica-
supplier for years and now have added slowly dries and eventually changes into
tions and over-the-counter drugs. This
this to the products page. charcoal. Activated charcoal is formed
effect means that activated charcoal
after the brightly burning wood is
should never be taken with medication or
From Kaye and the Back to Eden Team covered to exclude air. As the heat
prescription drugs, but wait 1 to 1½
continues to burn the wood without

hours before or after taking any medica- cancer-producing chemicals when the healing of wounds and to eliminate
tion. overheated. Wood products and coconut their odours. The article tells of the
shells, the primary source of commercial amazing ability of human skin to allow
If we could unfold one gram of activated charcoal, do not contain these fats. Since the transfer of liquids, gasses and even
charcoal it would equal anywhere from charcoal briquettes are often treated with micro-particles through its permeable
500 to 1500m2. One teaspoon of activated chemicals to encourage easy igniting, membrane and pores. By the application
charcoal powder (about 3.3gms) has they are unsuitable for treatments either of moist activated charcoal compresses
about the same surface area as a football internally or externally. and poultices, bacteria and poisons are
field. This tremendous surface area drawn through the skin and into the
translates into a tremendous potential to Activated Charcoal may be obtained in charcoal poultice. Poultices must be kept
“adsorb” large amounts of gases, toxins, selected health food stores or some moist and warm to allow this healing to
poisons, or pollutants. For example a 1 chemists, but generally it is not easy to take place. The article also reported a
litre jar of activated charcoal powder can find a supplier. For this reason you will study that reduced wound odour in leg
adsorb 80 litres of ammonia gas! be able to purchase it directly from Back ulcers and infected wounds, and that the
to Eden at the above address. It should dressings did not stick to the wounds
On the positive side, because of its be kept on hand in all homes in your first and could be removed without difficulty.
strong attraction to many drugs, acti- aid kit. As you read on you will realise
vated charcoal is used daily in Emer- the many ways you can use it. Use 1-6 When ingested orally, charcoal is able to
gency Rooms to counteract the effects of teaspoons for one ordinary dose. attract any toxin or poisonous waste
poisoning from overdosing on medica- material to itself and take it completely
tion, whether accidentally or intentionally Reasons to use charcoal through the digestive tract. This is why it
(as in attempted suicide). Activated is so effective when used in cases of
charcoal is also used in many different Charcoal works for any poisoning, drug food poisoning and diarrhea (and drug
detox programs to adsorb the accumula- overdose, including food poisoning. overdoses as before stated). It is a very
tion of drugs in the body (prescription or Also for digestive and other gastrointes- fine talcum-like powder that is very hard
street) as well as detoxify from toxic tinal problems: such as acid reflux, to mix with water as it floats on the
metabolic wastes contained in the body. diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and gas, for surface. A convenient way to mix it with
This prepares the individual to receive poisonous bites including bees, hornets, water is to add it VERY CAREFULLY - it
the benefits of a more holistic approach ants, poisonous spiders, scorpions, and can make a mess and stain clothes very
to recovering health without the body poisonous snakes. It is used for allergic easily to a glass jar. Close the lid and
also having to cope with the side effects reactions to poisonous plants, even shake until dissolved and then drink.
of poisonous drugs. anaphylactic reactions, for all infections: Mash it together with a banana, or mix it
including conjuctivitis, kidney infections with peanut butter or honey. I once gave
Charcoal can be used either internally, or failures, earache, toothache, ab- it to an infant mixed with a half a tea-
taken in by the mouth, or used as a scesses, sore throat, pleurisy, diabetic spoon of honey. Of course it can be
poultice on the skin (poultices are ulcers, and gangrene, for diseases such taken in fruit juice. If vomiting occurs
described at the end of this article). This as gout, tetanus, diphtheria, and cholera. after taking it, just take more. Repeat as
article will explore both as incredible It is used for poisonings eg pesticides, often as needed. You cannot overdose.
ways to enhance healing in your body. Chrohn’s disease, some cancers, for Charcoal can be mixed with many differ-
The intents of this article is to teach you painful inflammation and pain in joints, ent things to help get it down.
the wonderful benefits of activated for bowel complaints, it reduces blood
charcoal and even though normal glucose and blood vessel and nerve Dr Agatha Thrash, a physician, mother,
charcoal can be used effectively, unless damage in diabetics and even reduces grandmother and a public health educa-
specified, the remainder of this article is intestinal gas. Painful bleeding hemor- tor for over45 years and author of a book
referring to activated charcoal. rhoids, prostatitis, cholera, typhoid fever on charcoal, fully trusts the efficacy and
all will respond to charcoal. It can be safety of charcoal as a simple but
No harmful side effects used for pets and livestock poisonings powerful home remedy. She says “Char-
and injuries: eg cats, dogs, horses cattle coal has amazing healing properties. In
There are no ill effects of charcoal, since and even poultry. It controls odours, is fact, if I were stranded on a desert island
it does not react with the body. Charcoal used as a digestive supplement, for and could take only one thing along to
is neither digested nor absorbed in the purifying water, air, and more. To wash protect me from disease, infection, and
gastro-intestinal tract, but taking acti- out chemical residue in any vegetables, injury, I would choose charcoal.” (2003)
vated charcoal orally will naturally turn rinse in a weak solution of charcoal water.
the stool black. This is nothing to be Charcoal is totally safe. It has a safety Another physician, Dr Marjorie Baldwin
alarmed about and causes no ill effects. record that goes back 3500 years, rated MD who works at the Wildwood Hospital
In some persons, it may cause a slight Category 1 (Safe and Effective) by the in Georgia, has often used activated
degree of intestinal irritation if taken in FDA. It has no known adverse side charcoal to promote healing. She says
large doses such as 10 to 12 tablespoon- effects, is non habit forming and has an that any inflammation, any area that is
ful at a time. Some individuals who do indefinite shelf life - does not age or spoil red, painful, swollen, and hot, responds
not drink adequate water may experience if properly stored. to charcoal. She applies charcoal as a
some constipation. Charcoal does not poultice if the inflammation is on the
cause cancer, but please note that The Lancet, the prestigious British outside of the body, or gives it by mouth
charred or burnt toast should be strictly medical journal (Sep 13, 1980) describes if the inflammation is in the digestive
avoided as the fats can cause potential the use of charcoal compresses to speed tract.

Richard Kaufman PhD, is a bio-nutritional cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood and every night for six months they
chemist. He reports, “Activated charcoal serum, liver, heart, and brain. A study applied large charcoal poultices that went
can be an effective adjunct to any reported by the British journal Lancet, from the base of the brain, covering the
regimen for the treatment of systemic found that patients with high blood right side of his head down to his chin.
Candida albicans infections.” The toxins cholesterol levels were able to reduce Then they would have prayer together
produced by Candida, absorbed by the total cholesterol 25%. Not only that, but and ask God to add His blessing to this
blood and carried throughout the body, while LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) was simple remedy and heal him. In the
are effectively adsorbed by charcoal. lowered as much as 41%, HDL (the morning he would wash it all off and go
Candida toxins cause allergic reactions “good” kind)/LDL cholesterol ratio was about his business. After two and half
and are responsible for debilitating doubled! The patients took approxi- weeks, the pressure in his head was
symptoms of candidiasis. Charcoal curbs mately one tablespoon of activated relieved and he was not experiencing the
the growth of intestinal-based food charcoal three times daily. Another study piercing headaches. In three months he
yeasts, and it counteracts the Herxheimer conducted by the National Institute of had another MRI and it showed that the
reaction. There is a large die-off of yeast Public Health in England, suggested that tumour was not growing. Instead it was
cells which can produce a severe, short- activated charcoal was as effective in shrinking! After six months the doctor
term aggravation of Candida symptoms. reducing high cholesterol levels as the announced there was no need for any
Taking activated charcoal (2-3 table- drug, lovastatin. kind of surgery! That was five years ago
spoons in water) each day in a divided and he is doing fine.
dose on an empty stomach will help The following are a few of the many
alleviate these symptoms. personal stories that have been adapted Mary, a Medical Technician relates a
from the web site remarkable recovery from a severe
which the author of the book, John pressure sore which was draining and
Dinsley, has given his permission to use over the left hip of a patient. It was 11
in this article. centimetres deep and getting wider and
The anemia associated with cancer is
deeper. Patient had poultices placed
produced by the cancer’s toxic waste
Personal stories above and below the wound and were
products which destroy red blood cells.
usually left on for 2 hours. After 2 weeks
These toxins retard the work of the bone
Duane had a big deep cancerous sore on it stopped draining, after 3 weeks the
marrow, but they may be adsorbed by
his elbow which no medical treatment wound became smaller. After 4 weeks the
charcoal when taken orally. Certain
could fix. His wife tried charcoal poultices wound was 7 centimetres deep, after 6
cancers in dogs have been shown to go
and within about three weeks it was weeks only 5 centimetres deep. After 59
into remission with the application of
healed. His wife also placed poultices for days, the wound was healed.
charcoal poultices. Then there are those
chemicals known to cause cancer, such his back pain and over his lung affected
with lung cancer as they were making him J Litagon’s friend used charcoal over her
as benzopyrene and methylcholanthrene,
feel more comfortable. Since writing out malignant breast cancer for 3 months
which are effectively adsorbed, thus
his story Duane has recently been four times a day. She also drank 1
preventing their poisonous effects.
diagnosed cancer free. tablespoon of charcoal mixed in a glass
of lukewarm water 4 times a day. After
An amazing reaction has been reported
Leah, a new mother, used charcoal on her this she was re-examined to find no
when using a poultice over a liver cancer.
terribly swollen and painful hemorrhoids. longer and traces of the cancer.
The poultice was placed over the kidney
area overnight, and in the morning the She took 1 heaped tablespoon of char-
poultice reeked with the smell of urine. coal 3 x a day and also applied charcoal Spider bite
Liver cancer patients need to poultice and flax poultices (about 3 times at night,
daily over their abdomens, including over changing them whenever she went to the Lisa was bitten by a poisonous spider
the kidney area. Other liver cancer bathroom, twice during the day) directly and received antibiotics. After 5 months
patients showed their abdominal swelling to the area. Within 2 days they had she almost lost her foot up to her ankle
decreased, their breathing was easier. shrunk right down. She also felt a bout of and was in lots of pain. She made a
Even those who don’t have liver cancer mastitis coming on. So she made a charcoal poultice. Within a couple of
but feel they need to improve their liver charcoal flax poultice, took a heaped hours the pain was easing up. By the
function can be treated by using large tablespoon of charcoal and also took 5 next morning the swelling had gone
poultices placed over the back or stom- drops of grape seed extract in grape juice. down, by lunchtime, the discoloration
ach area overnight and taking charcoal And wouldn’t you know it...after wearing was gone. Two weeks later, the hole was
orally (1 large tablespoon daily) to help the poultice overnight, the pain and gone. Everyone was amazed that some-
prevent the build up of poisons that swelling was gone by the morning. She thing so simple could do what a whole
make the work of these organs more didn’t get any of the usual shivering or bunch of different types of antibiotics
difficult. A suggested regimen for helping pain associated with mastitis. couldn’t do. It has also stopped her acid
liver and kidney function is twice weekly reflux disease. God is good!
for about two or three months. A friend of Alicia and John had terrible
headaches that were caused by an Barb used charcoal as a remedy for
inoperable brain tumour. They asked their heartburn and her husband for tooth-
friend if he would be willing to try ache. Elizabeth writes of her son’s bout
charcoal poultices. At that point he was with food poisoning. Chris uses it for
Activated charcoal has been found to
willing to do anything - he could not colic in babies. Jean used it for relief from
lower the concentration of total lipids,
stand the pain. So they began that night, itchiness.

heated in saucepan and allowed to cool. charcoal orally as well. Take 2 table-
Other uses Spread the charcoal jelly evenly over spoons an ½ cup water every 2 hours for
appropriate cloth, chux or paper towel. 3 doses. Take 1 teaspoonful every 4 hour
Charcoal can be used for many different Fold edges over to make a small parcel for the next 24 hours. Follow each dose
animals, from fish to severely foundered (so the mixture does not leak out) or add of charcoal with 2 glasses of water.
horses. Others used it for their poisoned another cloth, chux or paper towel to
dogs. cover the mixture. Position the poultice Charcoal baths
over the area to be treated ie liver,
A courser blend of activated charcoal stomach, knee, eye, ear, sting, or bite Mix charcoal with water (shaking it up in
called AgriLush is available for use in area. Cover poultice with plastic larger a jar) and add to the water you want to
garden soil enrichment. It is used as an than the original poultice or use glad bathe the selected part of your body in
excellent top dressing for gardens, lawns wrap to secure in place, winding it eg leg, arm or even the whole body. You
and greens and is used in potting soils around the area. This stops the poultice can also add equal parts of bentonite
and bedding compounds. It is a soil from staining clothes. Secure with clay and soak in this as a bath to
sweetener while it neutralises pesticides surgical tape or bandage. (Glad wrap detoxify. Stay in bath for at least ½ hour,
and herbicides and decontaminates toxic around the area will secure it nicely eg longer if possible.
soils. It regulates moisture in soils, foot, abdomen, chest). Leave in place
improves soil quality, improves seed overnight or from 2-4 hours. Once used, For smaller poultices moisten a charcoal
germination, encourages newly trans- throw out the poultice as it will contain tablet and secure in place with a bandaid.
planted seedlings, and increases crop toxins and poisons. Charcoal tablets can be purchased from
yields, for both the home gardener as
some chemists or health food stores.
well as the farmer. Those who have used
Plain poultice
AgriLush in the garden are very im-
It is a very good habit to take charcoal
pressed with the results. Try it in your
Mix charcoal (1-2 tablespoons) with a tablets or a small container of charcoal
garden and notice the increased yields of
little water to form a wet paste. It should with you when you travel to stop any
be moist but not crumbly or dripping. upset stomachs. Charcoal tablets are not
Spread the paste onto one half of a as effective as the powder but can be
How to use charcoal folded paper towel or loosely woven used when travelling and it is inconve-
cloth. Fold over the other half of the nient to mix up the powder.
Charcoal water paper towel or cloth. Place poultice over
affected area. Cover with plastic or glad Summary
Put ¼ cup of charcoal powder in a 1 litre wrap. This keeps it from drying out.
jar. Slowly fill the jar with water (the Bandage or tape the poultice securely in For those who have a computer, check
powder will puff and float around). Cap place. Leave on for several hours or out the web address below. As stated in
the jar and shake well. This can be drunk overnight. Note: poultices only work if the beginning of this article I have used
straight away. OR you can let set on the there is continuous moist contact with effectively charcoal for many years and
counter to settle for about ½ hour. Now the skin. know and trust it. But I never cease to be
you have charcoal water and you can amazed at how such a simple inexpensive
drink the top gray water it all day. When Charcoal and bentonite clay remedy, so universally available actually
the jar begins to get empty, fill it up and poultice works. I have long advocated that God
shake it again. Settle and drink off the top has given us simple inexpensive remedies
gray water. You can refill the jar as often as Add equal parts of Charcoal, bentonite to aid in healing. These are available to
you wish until the charcoal is all used up. clay and linseeds. Make this up in the the educated and simple, the wealthy as
same way as other poultices. When well as the poor. They can be used by
I like to use the charcoal water when I covered with plastic this will remain moist anyone who has a fire. My desire is that
feel like I am coming down with “some- overnight. you too learn of its healing powers.
thing.” If I start it immediately, I often get
ahead of whatever is giving me the “uh- The information in the article was edited
Snake bites
oh” feeling and it does not develop into a from either the book or web site of John
flu or cold. This is especially helpful for Dinsley. can be
How can charcoal help in snakebites? It
intestinal upsets. The water is not purchased from web site or phone 03
adsorbs the chemicals in snake venom
difficult to drink and does not have an 9739 4093.
that destroy red blood cells Swelling
unpleasant taste although it is gray. This
begins within ten minutes if the snake is
is also a very good way to purify water if Used by permission from John Dinsley
venomous. Immediately wash the area
you are not sure that your source is pure.
with soapy water. Submerge the area in
cool water to slow down the circulation by John Dinsley
Charcoal poultice (with of venom. Add charcoal to the water – ½
linseeds) cup charcoal to 20-30 litres water. Leave
area submerged for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Check out details on page 7 on how to
Grind 3 tablespoons of linseeds (or use Prepare a charcoal poultice. Cover area purchase Activated Charcoal. Char-
cornflour). Mix linseeds with 1-2 table- with a large poultice. Change every 10 to coal has a unlimited shelf life if stored
spoons of activated charcoal powder. correctly in closed containers. It can be
15 minutes until the swelling and pain are
used for poultices, to detoxify to draw
Add 1 cup water. Set aside for 10-20 gone. While all this is happening, give out poisons and many other uses.
minutes to thicken, or mixture may be
gallstones from forming. If I had gall-

Turmeric... stones, I would definitely use lots of


Heart disease. The antioxidants in herbs

the miracle spice that helps cancer, and foods are among the most powerful
arthritis and Alzheimer’s plus lots more tools for protecting the heart. This is
because they help prevent the oxygen in
the body from damaging (oxidizing)

T urmeric is the spice that’s widely

used in Indian cuisine. Native to
India and tropical areas of Asia, it’s what
How turmeric can help molecules of cholesterol in the blood
stream. This is important because
cholesterol that’s been oxidized may
Turmeric is not just an anti-inflammatory,
gives curry powder its vibrant yellow but it has many other uses as well. That’s cause plaque and potential blockage,
hue. It comes from the root of Curcuma the great thing about this herb: When you making it more likely to impede the flow
longa, a beautiful tropical plant with take it for one thing, you automatically of blood to the heart. Since curcumin is a
yellow or yellowish-white flowers, afford yourself protection against many potent antioxidant, it can help prevent
luscious fruits, and very large lilylike other problems, some of them quite serious. cholesterol from causing the narrowing
leaves. Its exotic fragrance once made the of the arteries, called atherosclerosis, one
flowers a favourite for making fragrances. Cancer. There is good evidence to of the main causes of heart attacks.
Herbal healers have been using it for suggest that turmeric helps prevent Turmeric helps the heart in another way,
thousands of years to stop any inflamma- colon, breast, and lung cancers, melano- as well. It appears to help prevent tiny
tion. The leaves of turmeric generally mas, leukemia and when combined with cell-like structures in blood, called
aren’t used. Ordinarily, only the rhizomes, cauliflower, it has shown to prevent platelets, from clumping together and
or roots, are used for medicinal purposes prostate cancer and stop the growth of causing clots.
and for food flavouring. Turmeric is existing prostate cancer. In animal
harvested at the end of the growing studies, for example, researchers have HIV. The evidence is still preliminary, but
season and sun dried. found that turmeric—or, more specifi- I think it is more than worthwhile for
cally, the curcumin it contains—may people who are HIV-positive to include
What turmeric does reduce the risk of colon cancer by 58 as much turmeric in their diets as they
percent. One reason it’s so powerful is can stand. Curcumin is believed to have
One secret of turmeric’s medicinal power that it interferes with at least four sepa- antiviral properties, along with
is the many antioxidants it contains. rate links in the cancer-causing chain. antilymphomic properties that could be
You’ll recognize some of the more useful to HIV patients.
common ones, such as vitamins C and E, For starters, curcumin appears to literally
along with several carotenoids. It also neutralize some cancer-causing sub- Liver problems. People who have been
contains lesser-known, but more effec- stances. After that, it acts as an antimu- exposed to environmental toxins, such as
tive antioxidants—specifically, curcumin tagenic, meaning it stops very early the pesticide DDT and environmental
and related compounds called changes in cells that can turn to cancer. pollutants, need to add a lot of extra
curcuminoids. At still later stages, curcumin appears to turmeric to their diets. Turmeric steps up
reduce the number and size of different the production of three enzymes which
Recently, substances called types of tumours. Importantly, curcumin are chemical “knives” that break down
cyclooxygenase inhibitors have won also prevents metastases from occurring potentially harmful substances in the
praise as powerful miracle aspirins for in many different forms of cancer liver. Turmeric offers similar protection
blocking inflammation, especially inflam- for people who are taking medications
mation caused by arthritis and gout (gout Digestive complaints. I’m convinced that such as methotrexate and other forms of
is a type of arthritis). Turmeric, like its the curcumin in turmeric exerts a number chemotherapy which are metabolized by,
cousin ginger, contains some natural of beneficial effects in the gastrointesti- or shuttled through, the liver.
cyclooxygenase inhibitors – a natural nal tract. Research suggests that it helps
anti-inflammatory. Some studies compare increase the mucous content in gastric Skin problems. turmeric doesn’t have to
it to ibuprofen. Research suggests it juices, which can make it helpful for be taken internally to be effective. It also
works almost as well and with none of stomach disorders. Some herbalists say helps reduce inflammation, such as that
the side effects. that turmeric should not be used by caused by acne, when it’s ground into a
people with gallbladder disease, but there powder and applied as a poultice to the
In fact, studies also suggest that turmeric is pretty solid evidence that it can skin. The only problem is the yellow
can stop inflammation about half as well increase bile flow and actually help colour it temporarily stains the skin. Do
as a corticosteroid called cortisone. disintegrate gallstones. not use on scalp as it reduces hair
Corticosteroid medications are consid- growth.
ered the “gold standard” for stopping In one study, mice with experimentally
inflammation. The problem with these induced gallstones were fed modest Wound healing. Whenever you have a
drugs is that their potential side effects, amounts of turmeric. Within 5 weeks their cut, the body responds by flooding the
such as fluid retention, high blood gallstone volume had dropped by 45 area with immune cells and fluids. While
pressure, and bone damage, are nearly as percent, and after 10 weeks, by 80 this process helps clean the area and
impressive as their benefits. percent. Because curcumin increases the prevent infection, it can also cause
solubility of bile, it may help prevent painful swelling and inflammation, which

slows the time it takes wounds to heal. effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma. larly powerful effect. Slice or dice a cup
By blocking this process, turmeric (and 18. Has been shown to stop the growth or two of pineapple and sprinkle it
the curcumin it contains) can help of new blood vessels in tumors. liberally with tumeric. You can add a little
wounds heal more quickly. In laboratory 19. Speeds up wound healing and assists papaya because it tastes great with
research at the Center for Combat in remodeling of damaged skin. pineapple. You can eat this flavoured
Casualty and Life Sustainment Research 20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis fruit as often as you want - with meals,
in Bethesda, Maryland, scientists found and other inflammatory skin conditions. keeping in mind that the acids in pine-
that animals given curcumin healed much apple can be hard on the mouth when
faster than those who weren’t given the How to take it and how you eat too much.
extra protection. much
People who enjoy the convenience of
Athlete’s foot. A paste made from Use it in food, or as a supplement - as supplements can get similar effects by
turmeric—or, in some cases ginger, a powder or in capsules. You can take up taking both curcumin and bromelain in
close relative of turmeric can be used to to 6 or 8 teaspoons a day. As a dried capsule form. The recommended dose is
destroy the guilty fungus. Use it for powdered root, the recommend dose is 250 milligrams of bromelain and 250 to 500
bunions, those painfully inflamed 1.5 to 3 grams a day. milligrams of curcumin taken three times a
deformities that occur on the side of the day between meals. This is probably
foot or big toe. Its anti-inflammatory To get rid of the burning and itching of effective, but it is always recommend
action helps reduce the swelling that athlete’s foot, use oil of turmeric (Cover using whole foods whenever possible.
makes bunions so painful. grated root with oil and soak for a few
days). Dilute one part turmeric oil to two Caution: contraindications,
Summary of 20 reasons to parts of water and apply it directly to the interactions, and side
add turmeric to your diet affected area, using a cotton ball or clean effects
1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacte- Gastrointestinal problems. There are
rial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and An excellent way to relieve the pain of some suggestions in medical literature
burns. bunions is to apply a teaspoon of fresh, that people with gastrointestinal prob-
2. When combined with cauliflower, it has grated turmeric to the bunion twice a day. lems such as gallstones, stomach ulcers,
shown to prevent prostate cancer and The poultice acts directly on nerve hyperacidity, or bile duct obstructions
stop the growth of existing prostate endings at the site of trouble. It reduces shouldn’t eat large amounts of turmeric,
cancer. the amount of substance P, a pain- although it is suspected these cautions
3. Prevented breast cancer from spread- transmitting chemical, that’s produced by may have been overstated. The German E
ing to the lungs in mice. the nerves. turmeric, ginger, and hot Commission (a panel of experts roughly
4. May prevent melanoma and cause peppers all seem to have an effect on this equivalent to the U.S. Food and Drug
existing melanoma cells to commit substance. Administration) has advised against
suicide. turmeric only for those people with
5. Reduces the risk of childhood leuke- Useful combinations biliary obstruction.
6. Is a natural liver detoxifier. As useful as turmeric is for so many Apart from this, there’s some evidence
7. May prevent and slow the progression conditions, it’s a little tricky to get that having too much turmeric may cause
of Alzheimer’s disease by removing enough of it where the body needs it stomach irritation in people who are
amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain. most. This is because the body tends to sensitive to it. The irritation may be
8. May prevent metastases from occur- metabolize turmeric quickly, meaning it merely annoying, or it could lead to
ring in many different forms of cancer. uses it all up. Herbalists and pharmacolo- ulcers in supersensitive people.
9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory gists have found a few ways around this. Eating very large amounts of turmeric
that works as well as many anti-inflamma- could potentially damage white and red
tory drugs but without the side effects. Isoflavonoids. For preventing cancer, blood cells. As a practical matter, how-
10. Has shown promise in slowing the you can’t do better than mixing turmeric ever, there is little likelihood that anyone
progression of multiple sclerosis in mice. with foods that contain large amounts of would ever ingest enough to make this
11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 isoflavonoids, some of which have happen. Turmeric can be taken in powder
inhibitor. powerful anti-cancer effects. In fact, or pill form. It is available in pill form in
12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in some breast cancer researchers believe a most health food stores, usually in 250-
weight management. combination of curcumin and 500mg capsules. You can also order
13. Has long been used in Chinese isoflavonoids might be the most potent Turmeric powder directly from Kaye at
medicine as a treatment for depression. inhibitor of human breast tumor cells. Back to Eden
14. Because of its anti-inflammatory You can get a lot of isoflavonoids in
properties, it is a natural treatment for dried beans and peas, soy, kudzu, lentils Contraindications: Turmeric should not
arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. and licorice. Combine turmeric with these be used by people with gallstones or bile
15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug in recipes. obstruction. Though turmeric is often
paclitaxel and reduces its side effects. used by pregnant women, it is important
16. Promising studies are underway on Pineapple. This fragrant tropical fruit is to consult with a doctor before doing so
the effects of turmeric on pancreatic rich in a compound called bromelain. as turmeric can be a uterine stimulant.
cancer. Some experts believe that turmeric and
17. Studies are ongoing in the positive bromelain mixed together have a singu-
Products for Sale
Licorice Root Powder 200g........................$12
Licorice root is used to rebuild Adrenal Glands. Suggested maximum daily dose is 1½ tspns

Maca Root Powder 200g........................$15

A GREAT PRICE for this superfood. Great for a diverse range of conditions. Especially good
HRT alternative, menopause, PMS, Anemia, Thyroid deficiency, osteoporosis, fertility and POTATO SOUP
increased energy. Organically grown.
1 chopped onion
Blood Cleansing Herbal Tea 200g.......................$12 2 crushed cloves of garlic
Contains Buckthorn, Licorice Root, Burdock, Chaparral, Red Clover, Cascara Sagrada, 2 chopped celery stalks
Dandelion, Cat’s Claw. Use it long term to help cleanse bowel, liver and blood.
6 c water (approx)
3-4 potatoes, raw and cubed
Barley Leaf Powder 200g......................$12
2 T nutritional yeast flakes
Loose powder, organic 450g......................$27
1½ t Celtic sea salt
1 t celery salt powder
A powerful way to get needed nutrients including beta-carotene, anti-oxidants, proteins,
½ c raw cashews
carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and chlorophyll. Has 3 year shelf life.
3 T flour
Hawthorn Berry Powder 200g.......................$14 ¼ c freshly chopped parsley
A great tonic for the heart and related circulatory problems. Just add powder to water or juice.
Sauté onions garlic and celery in a
Comfrey Root Powder 200g......................$14 little water. Add potatoes, season-
Powdered ready to use as a poultice. Use on bruises, swellings sprains, fractures, chest ings and enough water to cover.
complaints plus many more uses. Simmer until soft. In a blender,
process raw cashews with 1 c hot
Cayenne Pepper NEW 200g ........................$8 water until smooth and creamy. Add
Can be taken internally to stimulate circulation, stop bleeding and used as a poultice potatoes and flour and blend.
on the skin to stimulate healing. Heat rating: 60,000 Scoville Heat Units Return to stove and cook soup until
thickened. Garnish with chopped
Turmeric Powder NEW 200g.......................$8 parsley.
Is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, blood detoxifier and has many anti-cancer properties
plus many more uses
Sourdough Bread Culture $20 (express postage included)
Mailed to anywhere in Australia. Recipes included
1½ c rolled oats
1½ c wholemeal flour, or any other
Activated Charcoal Powder 2000g..................$80
Activated Charcoal Powder 1000g..................$45
½ t Celtic sea salt
Activated Charcoal Powder 500g....................$30
Activated Charcoal Powder 150g....................$14 2 t dried onion
AgriLush Charcoal for the garden 4.5 litres.............$65 2 t sweet basil
Charcoal can be taken internally or used in a poultice. Sold in tubs. ½ c light tahini
6-8 T tomato juice
Hope Beyond Cancer DVD set with Jennifer & Candice Berghan (5 discs) $25
This program was recorded at Albury in August 2010 Combine all dry ingredients. Mix in
tahini. Add just enough tomato juice
Order by phoning Kaye on 02 6025 5018. Products are in bags (except charcoal). to form a soft dough. Roll out on a
Calculate postage: up to 500g costs $5 postage; up to 3kg costs $10 postage baking sheet and sprinkle with salt,
rolling in gently. Score into squares.
Bake at 180° for 12-15 minutes.
Back to Eden Vegetarian Recipe Book You can sprinkle with more herbs of
your choice before baking.
Over 350 delicious Vegan Vegetarian recipes that use
whole foods, nuts, seeds, grains fruits and vegetables. CAROB CANDY CLUSTERS
Recipes avoid many ingredients that are harmful to your
health. 1 c soy carob buds
2 T honey
2 T almond or peanut butter or tahini
Pick up: at 496 Hague Street Lavington.
1 t vanilla
For postal orders: send $25 for each book
plus postage, to Kaye Sehm 496 Hague Street Melt together on a stove. Mix in
Lavington NSW 2641 some chopped nuts. Drop on
Phone orders: phone Kaye on 0260 255018 to greaseproof paper and freeze. You
get account details for a direct debit. can add popcorn, dried fruit or
Postage: add $3 for 1 book, $6 for 2 books, anything you wish. May serve partly
$25 $9 for 3 books, $10 for 4 - 7 books frozen.

Hope Beyond Cancer
Fever Bath & Cold Sheet Treatment
The series of meetings recently held in
Albury by Back to Eden with speakers Jennifer and Candice spoke about hydrotherapy used as a treatment for cancer.
Jennifer and Candice Berghan were Water therapy can produce cures that are not possible with herbs or other natural
recorded and we are now selling these treatments. Cold water stimulates and hot water relaxes. Together they are like a
DVDs. A set of 5 discs will cost $25, add universal pump that makes blood flow faster. Circulation produces cures.
$3 for postage.
A fever bath followed by a cold sheet treatment can stimulate the immune system
These meetings were enjoyed by those in a marvellous way. The activity and motion of the white blood cells increase in
who attended. I received a letter from a response to heat. As the body heat is increased, the speed at which your white
woman who attended these meetings and blood cells are moving are doubled, tripled or quadrupled.
I want to share this letter with you.
The best way to increase blood flow throughout your body is to use hot and cold
“Last weekend I was priviledged to water. In fact, they have shown tests where doing this detoxifies the blood. The
attend the most amazing seminar run by blood is flushed because it goes through the liver more, goes through the
the Back to Eden team in Albury. I have kidneys more. When this is kept up, tissues and organs are healed.
been involved in Alternative Medicine
and Natural Health for 30 years, and A famous teacher in hydrotherapy Dr Richard Schultze says this treatment is one
during these years have attended many of the most powerful natural treatments and has the same effect on the body as a
lectures and heard many great speakers 30 day fast - and it only takes about an hour.
and stories.
“I have to say that Jennifer and Candice I have decided to have a class and demonstrate how to do this fever bath. It is
were probably the most passionate, quite easy once you have been shown what to do and how to do it. You will need
enthusiastic, articluate and knowledg- a partner to help you as you cannot do this to yourself.
able speakers I have ever heard. For the
entire meetings they had everyones Call now and book your place. Numbers will be kept small as I want to actually
attention. They were so easy to listen to demonstrate this treatment in my bathroom on a patient. Hurry and book so you
and learn from. Their strong faith in God will not miss out.
was obvious. God has given us a won-
derful body that is capable of healing A class will be held at Kaye’s house, 496 Hague Street,
itself provided it is given the right Lavington on Monday October 18th at 10 am. Cost will be
conditions. When we add prayer to that,
$12. Call Kaye to reserve your place on 0260255018.
miracles can be achieved.
“While our local community badgers the
(or phone Beat if I’m not answering on 0260253584)
government for a cancer treatment
facility in our city, a seminar such as this
goes almost unnoticed. This is a tragedy.
With the knowledge Jennifer and Natural Remedies Seminar
Candice have given us and our faith in
God, we have all that we need.
“God bless Jennifer and Candice and An ever increasing interest is being awakened in finding out how to treat
the Back to Eden team. Well done.” physical problems without having to go to a doctor, using simple old
Janette K fashioned remedies. For example, many people are not aware of the
power of using different poultices to draw out toxins.
Back to Eden have invited Jennifer and
Candice back to speak in Albury next year, Learn how to give many simple home treatments with ingredients that are
probably shortly after Easter. The date will found in your garden or kitchen cupboard. Some of the topics include:
be confirmed in the Summer or Autumn
newsletter next year. Plan now to attend. burns
During the seminar a young boy Cory (8 gastric complaints
chest congestion
Where: Kaye’s house
years old) ate some nuts and had an 496 Hague Street
anaphylactic reaction. His breathing was insect bites
sprains and bruises Lavington
laboured. Jennifer (a trained nurse)
muscular aches and pains When: Wednesday 17th Nov
calmly stirred 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric in
a little water, gave it to him to drink and vaginal thrush 10am-12 noon
within one to two seconds he could ear ache Cost: $12
breathe easily again. It was amazing to infections Book: Phone Kaye 60255018
actually see this happen and see the Liver toxicity or Beat 60253584
quick response to the herb turmeric and tinea
how it relaxed his bronchials. I would like ulcers
to ask - could this work for asthma?

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