Kurikulum Montessori Practical Life

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Care of Folding The motion of folding builds muscular control of the Folds cloth napkins along lines.
environment : Basic fingers and the sense of exactness. in addition Using Folding Activity
Skills subconscious absorption of the concepts of symmetry
and angles provides for prepararion for geometry. Real
cloth napkins and clothing are provided for folding. A
child tipically begins with napkins folding and concludes
with folding clothes to pack in a suitcase.

Care of Dusting Dusting shelves helps build coordination and refine dust a shelf
environment : Basic carefullness in movements. Children are able to
Skills contribute to the tidines of their classroom and feel a
sense of ownership and responsibility towards the
materials and furniture in the classroom.

Care of Dusting Dusting shelves helps build coordination and refine dust an object
environment : Basic carefullness in movements. Children are able to
Skills contribute to the tidines of their classroom and feel a
sense of ownership and responsibility towards the
materials and furniture in the classroom.

Care of Sweeping In a very real sense, the children are responsible for the Sweeps dry beans on tray using
environment : Basic care of their child-size environment. When something small brush and pan.
Skills spills, they help each other carefully clean things up. We
find children cutting raw food and vegetables, sweeping,
dusting, washing windows. They set tables, tie their own
shoes, polish silver, and steadily grow in their
self-confidence and independence.

Care of Sponging Squeezing a sponge to remove excess liquid is a Squeeze a sponge to remove
environment : Basic fundamental practical life skill that is used in a variety of excess liquid
Skills other activities such as washing various surfaces (
tables, chalkboards, windows)

Care of Sponging Squeezing a sponge to remove excess liquid is a Transfers water using sponging
environment : Basic fundamental practical life skill that is used in a variety of activity
Skills other activities such as washing various surfaces (
tables, chalkboards, windows)

Care of Dish Washing In montessori classrom, we normally use real dishes, Helps an adult to wash plates
environment : Basic glasses, and eating utensils rather than paper goods, and cups
Skills plastic forks, knives and spoons. As they are ready, the
children are encouraged to begin to learn how to wash
their dishes and cups.

Care of Clothes Washing Many montessori classroom use small clothes for Sorts classrom cloths for washing
environment : Basic polishing, larger clothes for washing and drying, table
Skills clothes, napkins, and similar materials that need to be
cleaned on regular basis. It is common to teach young
children how to help with this job, both by hand washing
(as was done in the past) and with small washing
machine. both involve eye-hand coordination
development and the ability to follow a series of spesifics
steps. Washing fabrics by hand, in particular, is
enjoyable to most children and beneficial for all.

Care of Baby Washing Children lear how to carefully wash a baby doll. This Washes the baby doll as
environment : Basic activity requires controlled movements and concentration demonstrated, with assistance
Skills as it is necessary for the child to remembering the order
and sequence of the actions invoplved in washing,
rinsing, and drying a baby doll.

Care of Baby Washing Children lear how to carefully wash a baby doll. This Washes the baby doll as
environment : Basic activity requires controlled movements and concentration demonstrated, without assistance
Skills as it is necessary for the child to remembering the order
and sequence of the actions invoplved in washing,
rinsing, and drying a baby doll.

Care of Shells Washing Children lear how to carefully wash a shell. This activity Washes the shell as
environment : Basic requires controlled movements and concentration as it is demonstrated, with assistance
Skills necessary for the child to remembering the order and
sequence of the actions invoplved in washing, rinsing,
and drying a shell.

Care of Shells Washing Children lear how to carefully wash a shell. This activity Washes the shell as
environment : Basic requires controlled movements and concentration as it is demonstrated, without assistance
Skills necessary for the child to remembering the order and
sequence of the actions invoplved in washing, rinsing,
and drying a shell.

Control Of Liquid Pouring Poring is a fundamental exercise to help young children Pours water between two
Movements : Basic develop eye-hand control as well as a skill in a practical identical small pitchers.
Skills everyday living. Children move from dry pouring to liquid.
Often pitcher used in pouring will be glass, which will
break if dropped. The experience in itself is a basic
lesson in the importance of taking great care. Learning
how to safely clean it up with the helps of one of the
adults in the class is another practical life skill. More
importantly, when pitchers are made of clear glass, the
child can see the liquid that is being poured, which is
very helpful in learning process. Pouring exercise are
always placed on a small tray, which is used to carry the
work from the shelf to the table. This provide a dark
background against which any liquid, etc, can easily be
seen. Cleaning up every last drop of water if spilled is a
key aspect of the activity. The goal is to help the child to
develop order, concrentration, coordination, and

Control Of Sieving/Sifting Children learn to use a tool such as a sieve or a sifter to Sifts with a sieve
Movements : Basic separate dry ingredients such as rice and flour. This
Skills activity requires concentration and control of motion in
order to succesfully seperate ingredients.

Control Of Using hands to transfer Transferring is a staple activity in the montessori Uses hands to transfer dry
Movements : Basic classroom. Children develop their fine motor skillsm ingredients from one container to
Skills focus, and concentration while transferring small objects another
from one bowl or small container to another. Children
learn how to transfer materials from left to right. This
actions requires hand-eye coordination as well as careful
pincer grip, all of which are important fundamentals for
future writing.

Control Of Using a spoon to Transferring is a staple activity in the montessori Uses spoon to transfer dry
Movements : Basic transfer classroom. Children develop their fine motor skillsm ingredients from one container to
Skills focus, and concentration while transferring small objects another
from one bowl or small container to another. Children
learn how to use a spoon to transfer materials from left
to right. This actions requires hand-eye coordination as
well as careful wrist rotation, all of which are important
fundamentals for future writing.

Control Of Using a baster to Transferring is a staple activity in the montessori Transfers water using a baster
Movements : Basic transfer classroom. Children develop their fine motor skillsm
Skills focus, and concentration while transferring small objects
or liquid from one bowl or small container to another.
Children learn how to use a baster to transfer liquid from
left to right. This actions requires hand-eye coordination
as well as a strong pincer grip, all of which are important
fundamentals for future writing.

Control Of Using a tong to Transferring is a staple activity in the montessori Uses tong to transfer large item
Movements : Basic transfer classroom. Children develop their fine motor skillsm such as ping-pong from one
Skills focus, and concentration while transferring small objects container to another
from one bowl or small container to another. Children
learn how to use a tong to transfer materials from left to
right. This actions requires hand-eye coordination as well
as a strong pincer grip, all of which are important
fundamentals for future writing.

Control Of Stringing Beads The process of stringing beads requires concentration, Strings beads independently
Movements : Fine fine motor skill and eye-hand coordination. The child
Motor Skills initially strings beads in no particular order.as they
progress with this materials, they may choose to follow a
pre-printed sequence of bead or create their own

Control Of Stringing Beads The process of stringing beads requires concentration, Strings beads according to
Movements : Fine fine motor skill and eye-hand coordination. The child pattern
Motor Skills initially strings beads in no particular order.as they
progress with this materials, they may choose to follow a
pre-printed sequence of bead or create their own

Control Of Lacing Boards The process of lacing a string through a board requires Laces strings through boards
Movements : Fine concentration, fine motor skill and eye-hand independently
Motor Skills coordination.

Control Of Hammering Pegs Hammering requires concentration and carefully Hammers using hammering pegs
Movements : Fine controlled movements. Children learn to hold a small
Motor Skills wooden child-sized hammer and controll their movement
in order to hammer wooden pegs in to a clay surface.

Control Of Bolt Block The bolt block material build hand-eye coordination as Turns the bolt to fasten them to
Movements : Fine well as fine motor and color discrimination skills. in the blocks
Motor Skills addition, this activity reinforces the “right is tight” and “
left is loose” rule. The child turns the wooden bolts to
attach them to the wooden block. the action of twisting
the bolt build the muscles involved in picer grip and wrist
rotation for writing. Once child has mastered the activity
of bolting, they can progress to matching the bolt to their
place on the block according to color.

Control Of Bolt Block The bolt block material build hand-eye coordination as Attaches the bolts to their
Movements : Fine well as fine motor and color discrimination skills. in corresponding color on the block.
Motor Skills addition, this activity reinforces the “right is tight” and “
left is loose” rule. The child turns the wooden bolts to
attach them to the wooden block. the action of twisting
the bolt build the muscles involved in picer grip and wrist
rotation for writing. Once child has mastered the activity
of bolting, they can progress to matching the bolt to their
place on the block according to color.

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