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Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020

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Clinical Practice Keywords Chest/Auscultation/

Practical procedures
Chest auscultation This article has been
double-blind peer reviewed

How to perform chest auscultation

and interpret the findings

lthough the first stethoscope Fig 2. Location of the lung
Authors Jaclyn Proctor is respiratory for auscultation was invented
lobes (anterior chest)
advanced nurse practitioner at in 1816 by René-Théophile-
Warrington and Halton NHS Hyacinthe Laennec, the use of
Right lung Left lung
Foundation Trust; Emma Rickards is auscultation dates back to Hippocrates,
respiratory nurse consultant at who would place his ear to his patient’s
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital chest and listen for sounds. fissure
NHS Foundation Trust and Knowsley Auscultation is an important part of an
Community Respiratory Service. assessment of the respiratory system and Superior
is also used for cardiac and gastrointes- lobe Superior
Abstract Chest auscultation is tinal examination. The procedure should lobe
frequently used in the clinical always form part of an holistic assessment
examination of patients. This article and must be viewed alongside the patient’s Middle
explains the clinical procedure for chest clinical history (Box 1).
auscultation and provides a guide to The Nursing and Midwifery Council lobe Inferior
interpreting findings. (2018) has included chest auscultation and lobe
Oblique fissure
interpretation of findings in the Standards
Citation Proctor J, Rickards E (2020) of Proficiency for Registered Nurses, and stu-
How to perform chest auscultation and dent nurses now learn this skill as under-
interpret the findings. Nursing Times graduates. transmitted to the trachea and bronchi.
[online]; 116: 1, 23-26.. To undertake a thorough assessment of These sounds are audible when ausculta-
the chest, including auscultation, it is tion is performed using a stethoscope.
essential to understand the anatomy and Chest auscultation involves listening to
Box 1. IPPA assessment physiology of the respiratory system. Fig 1 these internal sounds to assess airflow
A commonly used acronym in clinical illustrates the anatomy of the lungs and through the trachea and the bronchial tree
examination of the chest is IPPA: Fig 2 highlights the location of the lung (Sarkar et al, 2015).
Inspection lobes from an anterior chest perspective. Familiarity with the normal vesicular
Palpation Cedar (2018) provides further information breath sounds found at specific locations
Percussion on the physiology of breathing. on the chest enables health professionals
Auscultation to identify abnormal sounds, which are
This is an example of a systemic What is chest auscultation? often referred to as adventitious. It is not
assessment tool but other tools are Vesicular breath sounds occur when the always possible to determine from which
available (Simpson, 2015) vocal cords vibrate during inspiration and lobe of a lung a sound is emanating. Using
expiration, when the vibrations are the four chest X-ray zones can, therefore,
be helpful:
● A pical zone: above the clavicles;
Fig 1. Anatomy of the lungs
● U pper zone: below the clavicles and
Respiratory bronchioles, Large airways: above the cardiac silhouette;
with alveoli and Trachea ● M id zone: level of the hilar structures;
pulmonary circulation
Right bronchus ● L ower zone: bases.
Left bronchus
The bell of the stethoscope is generally
Smaller airways:
used to detect high-pitched sounds – at the
- dichotomous apex of the lungs above the clavicle; its dia-
phragm is used to detect low-pitched
Pleural sounds in the rest of the chest (Dougherty
membranes – and Lister, 2015). Fig 3 illustrates parts of
Outer parietal the stethoscope.
Inner visceral
Infection prevention

Diaphragm The stethoscope is an important tool for

clinical assessment, but can become

Nursing Times [online] January 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 1 23 www.nursingtimes.net

Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice
Practical procedures

Fig 3. Parts of the stethoscope Fig 4a. Anterior chest auscultation




Starting at the top of the chest (first intercostal space),
Diaphragm use a ‘stepladder’ approach to listen to breath sounds on
the anterior chest finishing at the seventh intercostal space

contaminated by micro-organisms Positioning the patient 6. Position the patient comfortably so you
(Longtin et al, 2014). Adherence to local The optimal position for chest ausculta- can access their chest.
infection prevention and control policies, tion is sitting in a chair, or on the side of
including the cleaning of equipment the bed. However, the patient’s clinical 7. Remove or rearrange the patient’s
between every patient contact, is essential. condition and comfort needs to be consid- clothing as necessary to enable you to see
Nurses are advised to have a stethoscope ered during the examination and some the chest.
for their own use, as sharing equipment patients may only tolerate lying at a 45°
may increase infection risk and main- angle. Both these positions will facilitate 8. See whether the stethoscope feels cold.
taining clean ear tips can be difficult. the assessment (Ferns and West, 2008). Warm it between your hands if necessary
Non-sterile gloves are not required rou- You may need help to support the patient before applying it to the chest to avoid dis-
tinely for this procedure. Nurses need to in a comfortable position during the comfort for the patient.
assess individual patients for the risk of examination.
exposure to blood and body fluids (Royal 9. Position the ear tips in your ears so they
College of Nursing, 2018) and to be aware The procedure point slightly forward towards the nose;
of local policies for glove use. 1. Ensure your stethoscope has been this will help to create a seal and will
cleaned following local infection preven- reduce external noise.
Preparing the environment tion and control guidance.
and patient 10. Holding it between the index and
Listening to a patient’s chest to establish 2. Discuss the procedure with the patient middle finger of your dominant hand,
breath and any other sounds requires a quiet and gain informed consent. place the chest piece of the stethoscope
area, so that health professionals can fully flat on the patient’s chest using gentle
appreciate what they hear and interpret 3. Check that the patient is kept warm and pressure.
their clinical relevance (Sarkar et al, 2015). the area is free from drafts.
Chest auscultation requires the chest 11. Using a ‘stepladder’ approach (Fig 4a)
and back to be exposed, so measures should 4. Screen the bed to maintain patient pri- listen to breath sounds on the anterior
be taken to ensure the patient’s privacy and vacy and dignity. chest. This technique allows you to com-
dignity is maintained at all times. A chap- pare one side of the chest with the other

erone should be offered for the assessment 5. Decontaminate your hands according to in a systematic manner and detect any
if this is considered appropriate. local policy. asymmetry. The stethoscope should be in

Nursing Times [online] January 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 1 24 www.nursingtimes.net

Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice
Practical procedures

Fig 4b. Posterior chest auscultation Fig 4c. Right lateral chest auscultation

Start at the first intercostal space of the posterior chest Move from the peak of the axilla to between the seventh
moving downwards, avoiding the scapula, to the seventh or eight rib on the right and left.
intercostal space

contact with the chest for a full cycle of 19. Record findings in the patient’s notes often louder than usual breath sounds and
inspiration and expiration at each point on (Box 2). in some patients it is audible from some
the stepladder (Ferns and West, 2008). distance or when the patient breathes
Interpreting findings through the mouth. With a stethoscope
12. Use the step ladder approach for the There are several adventitious sounds but you may also be able to hear a wheeze over
posterior chest (Fig 4b); avoid the scapula the main ones to be aware of are crackles, the patient’s trachea (Sarkar et al, 2015).
as lung sounds cannot be heard through wheeze and absent breath sounds. Wheeze is often referred to as a musical
bone (Ferns and West, 2008). sound and is sometimes considered to be a
Crackle precondition for conditions such as air-
13. Ask the patient to move their right arm Crackles are generated within the small flow obstruction (Simpson, 2015).
to the side so the right lateral chest can be airways; they predominantly occur during Clinical conditions such as asthma are
assessed (Fig 4c). Starting with the upper the inspiratory phase but can happen on associated with a high-pitched musical
lobe move to the middle lobe, and finally expiration. Clinical conditions where wheeze that may be more evident on expi-
the lower lobe at the bottom (Ferns and crackles maybe present include pneu- ration. An inspiratory wheeze (stridor)
West, 2008). monia, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic usually results from an upper airway
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), obstruction such as laryngeal oedema or
14. Repeat on the left side where the lung is lung infection and heart failure. the presence of a foreign body. A wheeze
made up of an upper lobe and lower lobe. Crackles can be categorised as coarse or on both inspiration and expiration could
fine; distinguishing between these can be be due to secretions in the airways (Welch
15. Replace the patient’s clothing and make significant – coarse crackles may indicate and Black, 2017) and the patient may need
them comfortable. pneumonia, while fine crackles may sug- to be advised how to clear their chest
gest pulmonary oedema. of secretions.
16. Explain your findings to the patient It takes practice to learn to differentiate
and check whether they have any ques- between coarse and fine crackles and inter- Absent breath sounds
tions. pretation remains subjective. This describes a lack of audible breath
sounds on auscultation. It could be caused
17. Decontaminate your stethoscope. Wheeze by lung disorders that inhibit the trans-

Wheeze often occurs on expiration, but mission of sounds, for example, a pneu-
18. Decontaminate your hands. can also occur on inspiration. Wheezing is mothorax, pleural effusion or areas of lung

Nursing Times [online] January 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 1 25 www.nursingtimes.net

Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice For more articles

on respiratory nursing, go to
Practical procedures nursingtimes.net/respiratory

Table 1. Quality of normal breath sounds

Breath sound Intensity and Inspiratory: Positions to hear sounds
pitch expiratory ratio
Tracheal Very loud, high Inspiratory and Over the trachea (above the
pitch expiratory sounds subclavicular notch)

Bronchial Loud, relatively Inspiratory sound Over the manubrium

high pitch shorter than (just above the clavicles)

Bronchovesticular Medium Inspiratory and First and second intercostal

loudness, expiratory sounds spaces next to the sternum
intermediate equal and between the scapula

Vesticular Soft, relatively Inspiratory sound Most of the lung field

low pitch longer than

Box 2. Recording the findings exercise tolerance and increased breath- References
lessness. She reported pain on right lower Cedar SH (2018) Every breath you take: the
of chest auscultation process of breathing explained. Nursing Times; 114:
aspect of the posterior chest. On assess-
1, 47-50.
Accurate recording is essential to ment, Ms Green reported no underlying Dougherty L, Lister S (2015) The Royal Marsden
enable clinical comparison to be made respiratory disease. Chest auscultation Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. Chischester:
when the patient is reassessed (Table 1). identified reduced air entry on the right Wiley.
Ferns T, West S (2008) The art of auscultation
It is important to record: lower lobe and additional coarse crackles evaluating a patient’s respiratory pathology.
● Location of auscultation – for on inspiration in the right mid zone. British Journal of Nursing; 1: 6, 772-777.
example, “anterior, posterior and In this case the auscultation findings Longtin Y et al (2014) Contamination of
stethoscopes and physician’s hands after a
lateral chest assessed” and clinical history suggest a diagnosis of
physical examination. Mayo Clinic Proceedings; 89:
● Q uality – description of quality or pneumonia. 291-299.
timbre can be used to differentiate Raphael Garbet*, aged 45, was admitted Nursing and Midwifery Council (2018) Future
between two sounds that have the via his GP with increased breathlessness Nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered
Nurses. Bit.ly/NMCFuture
same pitch and loudness – for and an audible wheeze. He had recently Royal College of Nursing (2018) Tools of the Trade:
example, harsh, rustling, tubular, started treatment for asthma. His symp- Guidance for Health Professionals on Glove Use
snoring (Sarkar et al, 2015) toms had been present for 24 hours and he and the Prevention of Contact Dermatitis. London:
● Location of sounds: if there are had been using his salbutamol inhaler but Sarkar M (2015) Auscultation of the respiratory
abnormal sounds, where did you remained symptomatic. His personalised system. Annals of Thoracic Medicine; 10: 3, 158-168.
hear them? asthma action plan suggested he should Simpson H (2015) Respiratory assessment. British
visit his GP. On assessment, Mr Garbet was Journal of Nursing; 15: 9, 484-488.
Welch J, Black C (2017) Respiratory problems. In:
using accessory muscles to breathe and Adam S et al (eds) Critical Care Nursing Science
consolidation. All these conditions pre- was pale. He was only able to complete and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
vent airflow reaching parts of the lung due short sentences and was breathless at rest.
to a pathological change in the function of Chest auscultation revealed inspiratory/ NMC proficiency
the lung. expiratory wheeze in all lung fields on the This practical procedure will help you to
left and right side. meet the NMC (2018) proficiency
standard (nursing procedures: 2.8) to:
Case studies In this case, the auscultation findings
Use evidence-based, best practice
Emma Green*, aged 65, attended the emer- along the clinical history suggest a diag-
approaches to undertake chest

gency department with history of a pro- nosis of acute exacerbation of asthma. auscultation and interpret findings.
ductive cough for five days, reduced * The patients’ names have been changed

Nursing Times [online] January 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 1 26 www.nursingtimes.net


Read the article on “How to perform chest auscultation and interpret the findings”.
Put “T”, if the statement is true, and “F”, if the statement is false.

1. ( F ) Vesicular breath sounds occur when the vocal cords vibrate only during inspiration.
2. ( T ) Chest auscultation involves listening to these external sounds to assess airflow through the
trachea and the bronchial tree.
3. ( T ) The bell of the stethoscope is generally used to detect high-pitched sounds – at the apex of the
lungs above the clavicle.
4. ( T ) The diaphragm of the stethoscope is used to detect low-pitched sounds in the rest of the chest.
5. ( F ) The stethoscope is an important tool for clinical assessment, but can not become contaminatedby
6. ( T ) Nurses are advised to have a stethoscope for their own use, as sharing equipment may increase
infection risk and maintaining clean ear tips can be difficult.
7. ( F ) Nurses do not need to assess individual patients for the risk of exposure to blood and body
8. ( T ) Chest auscultation requires the chest and back to be closed, so measures should be taken to
ensure the patient’s privacy and dignity is maintained at all times.
9. ( T ) The optimal position for chest auscultation is sitting in a chair, or on the side of the bed
10. ( T ) The patient’s clinical condition and comfort needs to be considered during the examination and
some patients may only tolerate lying at a 45° angle.

Read the article on “How to perform chest auscultation and interpret the findings”.
Match the sentences in column A with the expressions in column B to give correct keyword

1. May indicate pneumonia ( E ) A Asthma

2. May suggest pulmonary oedema ( C ) B Stridor
3. A high-pitched musical wheeze on expiration ( A ) C Fine crackles
4. An upper airway obstruction, such as a laryngeal oedema ( B ) D Wheeze
5. A musical sound and is sometimes considered to be a precondition E Coarse crackles
for conditions such as airflow obstruction ( D )

Read the case study below and organize the assessment using IPPA (inspection, palpation, percussion
and auscultation).

Emma Green*, aged 65, attended the emergency department with history of a productive cough for five
days, reduced exercise tolerance and increased breathlessness. She reported pain on right lower aspect of
the posterior chest. On assessment, Ms Green reported no underlying respiratory disease. Chest
auscultation identified reduced air entry on the right lower lobe and additional coarse crackles on
inspiration in the right mid zone. In this case the auscultation findings and clinical history suggest a
diagnosis of pneumonia.
Clinical examination Clinical findings
Inspection increased breathlessness

Palpation Pain on right lower aspect of the posterior chest.

Percussion Dullness

Auscultation Identified reduced air entry on the right lower lobe and additional coarse crackles on
inspiration in the right mid zone

Read the case study below and organize the assessment using IPPA (inspection, palpation, percussion
and auscultation).

Raphael Garbet*, aged 45, was admitted via his GP with increased breathlessness and an audible wheeze.
He had recently started treatment for asthma. His symptoms had been present for 24 hours and he had
been using his salbutamol inhaler but remained symptomatic. His personalized asthma action plan
suggested he should visit his GP. On assessment, Mr Garbet was using accessory muscles to breathe and
was pale. He was only able to complete short sentences and was breathless at rest. Chest auscultation
revealed inspiratory/ expiratory wheeze in all lung fields on the left and right side. In this case, the
auscultation findings along the clinical history suggest a diagnosis of acute exacerbation of asthma
Clinical examination Clinical findings
Inspection Using accessory muscles to breathe and was pale, was breathless at rest,

Palpation Was only able to complete short sentences,

Percussion Sonor

Auscultation Audible wheeze, Chest auscultation revealed inspiratory/ expiratory wheeze in all lung
fields on the left and right side

Match the sentences in column A with the expressions in column B to give correct keyword

1. A normal neural response triggered by touching the soft palate A Respiration

or posterior pharynx ( D )
2. A state of diminished carbon dioxide in the blood ( C ) B Tidal volume
3. A state of decreased oxygen content of arterial blood ( J ) C Hypocapnia
4. A state of decreased oxygen content at the tissue level ( H ) D Gag reflex
5. The pressure of the gas in the alveoli ( G ) E Intrathoracic
6. The pressure in the pleural space, also known as intrapleural F Minute volume
pressure ( E )
7. The amount of gas inhaled or exhaled in one minute ( F ) G Intrapulmonic
8. The movement of air in and out of the lungs. This process brings H Hypoxia
oxygen into lungs and removes carbon dioxide ( A )
9. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an I Pulmonary
organism and the environment ( I ) ventilation
10. The volume of air inspired or expired in a single, resting breath J Hypercarbia

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