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Revision Test 1.

(February 2022)
Grade 7
Total 20 marks
Q1. Read the following passage: (5 marks)

The extinction of species, that is, our flora and fauna is nothing new for the planet, but the rate of
extinction has increased at an alarming pace. Sadly, we have played a major role in the process. It
has been estimated that some 50,000 plants and animal species will become extinct every year in
the coming decades. The loss of insects and microorganisms, cannot be calculated. The
destruction of our eco-system is so alarming that as many as 60,000 plant species are expected to
be lost by the year 2025.

2. However, according to the Centre for Biological Diversity, ‘Unlike past mass extinctions caused
by events like asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions and natural climate shifts, the current crisis is
almost entirely caused by us–humans. Ninety-nine per cent of currently threatened species are at
risk from human activities, primarily those driving habitat loss, introduction of exotic species and
global warming.’

On the basis of your reading the passage, answer the questions:

Q1) What is alarming about the destruction of eco-system? 1

1. The destruction of our eco-system is so alarming that as many as 60,000 plant species are
expected to be lost by the year 2025.
Q2) What caused the past mass extinctions? 1
2. The past mass extinctions was caused by events like asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions and
natural, climate shifts.
Q3) The cause of current crisis are ......HUMANS................. . 1
Q 4) What are the threats to the environment caused by human activities? 2
4. The various threats by human activities include extinction of flora and fauna, the animals’
habitat loss, introduction of exotic species and global warming.
Do as directed: 2
1. Change into indirect speech.
a. Joe said, “I like to eat chocolate ice-cream.”
a. Joe said that he liked to eat ice cream.

b. Elizabeth asked her brother, “Have you finished your homework?”

b. Elizabeth asked her brother, if he had finished his homework.

3. Change the sentences into passive voice:

a. She wrote a letter to her mother.
a. A letter was written by her to her mother.

b. Ravi bought the most expensive watch in the shop.

b. The most expensive watch of the shop was bought by Ravi.

4. Describe your school in 100-150 words, using the give hints.

Which city is it located?
Area of the city
Size, number of classrooms
Playground, sports fields (names), swimming pool
Science labs, language labs, computer labs
Music room, dance room, art room
Houses, teachers .


Answer the following questions: (10 marks)

1. Who was Rob Roy and what happened to him? 1

1. Rob Roy was a good horse, whom the horse mother knew very well for years. His leg broke
during the hunt, and was groaning with pain. When Mr. Bond , the farrier found him
seriously injured, they shot him down with the gun.

2. List the name of four places Khoka scribbled on the globe? 1

2. The places were Salvadore, Jacobina, Campo Belo, and Itabuna.

3. What is the panther weary of? How does he react to it? 1

3. The panther is weary of looking across the bars with a hope of freedom and then finding his
hopes broken every time.

4. What makes the Sorcerer's Stone special? 1

4. The Sorcerer Stone is special because there is only one in existence, it can turn any metal
into gold, and it can be used to create the elixir of life, which will make whoever drinks it

5. What was the name of the impresario who visited Shonku? What proposal did he make? 1
5. The impresario who visited Shonku, his name was Sameeran Choudhury. He wanted Khoka
to do a show at the theatre where he could answer the questions from the audience, do
complex mathematical sums, rattle off a few Latin names, sing and recite poetry. According to
him Khoka would not just become famous, but would also get an income, and he could even
be sent abroad one day.

6. What is the magic of the Mirror of Erised? What does Harry see when he looks into the Mirror
of Erised? 2
6. The magic of the Mirror of Erised is that it shows whoever is looking into it , their heart’s
greatest desire(what they want most in the whole world). When Harry looks into the Mirror of
Erised, he is surrounded by not just his parents, but his entire family.

7. Write a character sketch of ‘Professor Dumbledore’ in 80- 100 words. 3

7. Professor Dumbledore
He was the Headmaster at Hogwarts. Dumbledore is an old wizard with a long white beard and
half-moon-shaped glasses. Throughout the book, Dumbledore serves as a parental figure and a
guide for Harry, making the crucial early decision to send him to live
with Vernon and Petunia so that he wouldn’t grow up surrounded by fame, which would most
certainly inflate his ego. When Harry arrives at school, Dumbledore helps him learn crucial
lessons about the Mirror of Erised . He passed him down James’s Invisibility Cloak to him.
Dumbledore gives Harry enough information to help him figure out how to get to the Sorcerer’s
Stone and to face Voldemort, rather than simply stopping him. In this way, Dumbledore
encourages Harry to do what is right and to put others above himself.

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